But I'm sure Nat Turner, Jupiter Hammon, Phillis Wheatley, and Henry Highland Garnett give zero fucks. Paula M. Adams Exactly right, because that would be arrogance at its finest hour. Atheism is not a faith. Rooted and perpetuated by human imagination. You are religious. Islam was the way of life of Abraham. In reality, it often hinders them, making people more judgemental and likely to exclude or mistrust people outside their belief system. Cheryl South It's also a huge part of just being human as well as part of being a humanist! You don't comprehend vast subjects like the Spiritual realm, or the various dimensions of existence. If there is no God, than you have no worries. Belief is a waste of a life. Bert and I know this because of the vast objective and proof that backs us up. But i ABSOLUTELY believe in and love GOD. Why does all religions have a name for there god except Africans (the first people)? Corey Johnson Not all Christians are Bible bullies and not all internet atheists are assholes. Here's a suggestion. There is much evidence that the origins of these beliefs are wrong, or at least questionable. His name is Yahhence HalleluYAHget it?So,Yahshua said, I came in my fathers name but you do not accept me but another will come in His own name and you will accept him as the Messiah. As for the message that ends your post, Lol. Kamilah T. Harris It certainly is ironic considering you're so far from the definition of that name. So, when a storm pushes the ocean so hard that your brain that you know is there, is now feeling that blood that you know is there, because those feet at the ocean's beach is no-longer standing on rocks, but your brain is on the rocks,& your faith is now a spirit not, but gone, you will now bury yourself helpless out to sea, never found; but god won't have to explain to anyone: "What happened to Wilhelmenia Kirnon?". Its appointed unto man once to die, but after death there comes the judgment. Michael Asbury Devil go sit down somewhere. He gave us free will, and the choices we make in life will be the blueprint to our final home. You don't understand how to produce quality If you don't understand that mixing and mastering are equally as important as your rap skills, connections, performance game and producers, you may want to reconsider. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day. It's not in your DNA. Because the truth would have been found out of non-existence. Here's a breakdown as to why. Am I missing something here? 100 years from now if you tell someone about Napoleon Bonaparte, Queen Victoria or President Lincoln what proof will they have? Everyone OUT of the closet!!! Every woman should be a Muslim. "And as I stated above, I have my proof and facts and I strongly believe in God whether you think he's a myth, a figurement of someone's imagination that does not detour or convert my attention away from whom I believe and what I believe in." I just believe in God. The people who don't believe in any GOD, that's not me. Like myself they understand your position. I am quite sure Mr. Gumbs and I both are pretty much content with a practice that shows it is up to us entirely if we want to create lasting happiness. HE DID EVERYTHING THAT YOUR SO CALLED JESUS DID.BUT HE DID IT BETTER!!! We do not and if what we say makes you mad, uncomfortable, or whatever, then good. You got nothing but an exit line. Continue stooping even lower although you are already low with your ignorance and bigotry fully displayed in real time all over this thread. Even evolution itself, is not strong enought to be excepted as an axiom, because their are erroneous ideas in it, that no one wants to point out, but only to use it to attack creationism and the things of God. The Bible is the infallible Word of God and He will not change it so that you can live your life the way you want to. White religion was never designed to uplift Afrikans. Were He Himself created than you may have a ground to stand upon, but Allah is our Creator so we certainly are not above Him. To your next point, the Quran had to be written by someone. BECAUSE THEY GAVE BIRTH TO EVERY LIVING MAN WOMAN ON THIS PLANET! should I wear these shoes with it? Keep proving us right. America itself is on a serious decline so what you people are talking does not make any damn sense. Your "God" who you claimed calls himself/herself "daddy and mother of the Black man from the middle east named 'Jesus'" does not exist. myself, silly!! And the only people who had that privilage were the wealthy and religious monks. and the light of righteousness did not shine on us, It's like every other theism/religion. [47] Angela Gossow (1974-): German vocalist, best known as the former lead vocalist for the Swedish melodic death metal band Arch Enemy. otherwise stfu!! 1) People lie. Fix your priorities! But hey, God is good. So u are "interesting" to say the least. What would be in it for you, then? Music fans are feeling the spirit this summer. Have a nice life my brother, learn everyday. What are you gonna do if he really comes back. The fact that most black people do not ask themselves basic questions is sad. Preach, lol. is the bible the biggest fear game going? Jody Javiera Andrew To simply say, "Look around you" is a cop-out because you're seeking an answer that is immediate & most convenient for you, as opposed to researching for one that is based on reality. Than you risk to lose the only thing that you'll be taking on your very long trip. Who, did they called on. the air, thus divided, comes together at once, No, thermodynamic laws does not disagree w/ me. Period. I tell you this though, one day, you will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Religiosity isn't a necessity. The answer to your loaded and dumb question is that nobody including you knows or have known about origins of the universe which even I explained to you but the notion of deities/villains/saviors/ghosts have long been debunked. That's Wassup! Brandon Alexander Jesus wasn't white or black. Wis.5 very few companies behave ethically, yet the predominantly christian masses go to work for these companies every day because they need to pay the bills. 1) You can't tell me what to do in the same way I can't tell you what to do. It is just stupid for a black person to worship a white Jesus. I'm a Christian saved by grace, personally knowing my Saviour. [48] Greg Graffin (1964-): Lead singer of the punk rock band Bad Religion. It will change your life. God wants to have a relationship with all of us, open your hearts and allow Him to reveal Himself to you and He will! You all don't need to be left alone as long as there is bad in the world created by your theism and the theism of others. Instead of all that love, time, energy, appreciation, kindness, and love being given to things that don't exist it would be given to each other. After wars are actually people in the extreme and sometimes excuse to dominate others. Think you forgot the part in the bible where God created the Devil, hell, and demons. Sensitive. We would actually value and nurture our real loved ones instead of wasting our entire lives on mythology (religion) and imaginary friends (gods). This is regardless of faith/theism/religion. #canuproveitsnottrue? Spencer Yale He rose from the dead so his body was gone. 'Think' about it, every religious book was written by man. I currently live in Africa and I can tell you being in Africa has made me more convinced African Americans are lost and will continue to be lost unless they get back to their roots and stop following behind these devils. We are fusing our lives with the Gohonzon, a rice paper scroll inscribed in Sumi inks that acts as a mirror for our lives like the object of veneration that it is, a complete and utter reflection of our lives, definitely not a god, and we cannot become misconstrued as seeking such things outside our lives. Carl B Grant , That's a good point. I find international folks like you to be hypocritical. Answer, Didn't I just say no one can be 100% sure. when jw or catholics ask "youre mexican why arent you catholic" i'd replied well i gre up chistian but out grew santa easter buuny and god plus biggest reason why latin folk are catholic? For God is a human invention for humans perpetuated by humans to dictate, indoctrinate, and assimilate humans. It is the best way of life for a woman and I haven't met one Muslimah yet who feels otherwise. hehe believers say satan plays tricksatheists say God is the scamwhat do we learn from that? Not me. With that I say, find Islam and find the truth. 1 scripture does not prove anythingat all. Once you close your eyes in death, you have been tried. I don't care if the whole world don't believe in Jesus and God. Then maybe we can start getting somewhere together as a species, and really start to progress in exploring and appreciating this fantastic existence, together, Oh right I forgot that bullshit religion isn't real, but your bullshit religion is? All you none believers I have nothing to say against you all I can say is that I love you and I will pray for you I judge no one for there beliefs you have the right to believe what you want I know what the Lord has done for me in my life so what a man or woman says means nothing to me because you don't know what he has done for me Bless you and your entire family's, Lisa, you are a retarded drone, regurgitating the bullshit lies you've been fed all of your pathetic life by your dumb ass parents, who were fed by their dumb ass parents, who were fed by THEIR dumb ass parents, who were beaten into religious submission by massa. CENSORSHIP perhaps, or maybe I just missed it in the thread In either case, what I 'think' I said is something like "Bible Bully Christians (who ironically rarely read their bibles) and Atheists (A LOT of Atheists I guess I left out) seem to have one remarkable thing in common "Very few of you in either group respect the beliefs of other who do not believe what you do" I am very well informed of history surrounding religion, the good and the bad, there is a A LOT of bad, I get it I'm not so informed about atheism, nor do I care to be, I'm not an atheist. Regardless of theological theories or belief in miracles, there is no point in disagreement against that. Learn instead. These are direct verifiable quotes from people who are still alive. The Internet was founded by a Gay Atheist and Facebook yep Atheist if you are afraid of so called Satan's work you are best to become Amish. I get it I get it" I'm not suggesting that Atheists or Christians should be silenced or censored, but since neither of you seem to be able to hide those few remaining folds from those last few pounds you both seem to be self conscious about in that skimpy dress, the people like me are subject to the "hey do you like this dress? if you think about it, its impossible to execute without a plan. Lol. Thus, the conclusions being flawed not only on face value but minute detail as well. Again, I suggest that you stop lying and being bigot. We have been taught to believe many things since we were born by people whom we trusted(our parents.) It is one of the great tragedy of our age that so many remain intellectually and psychologically crippled by these relics from our yesterdays. LIVE AND LET LIVE!!! one was the overview, the next was the method of doing so. I didn't expect anything too intelligent eh? I just didn't want you to mislead people with your arrogance. You don't know and neither did any scripture authors when they were alive so you know nothing about atheism or atheists. But what we do know is that life changes, & those that survive will have a chance to control the rest. If you know much about "the most high's work," then why isn't "the most high" explaining it himself? I'd ether be safe than sorry just saying. "Astronaut In The Ocean" doesn't seem like a meme song. If there were no so called after life most Christians wouldn't Christian. Exactly! This has helped me like it has helped millions of others. WHY ARE WE COSIGNING TO THE OPPRESSORS RELIGION GENERATION AFTER GENERATION??? Then exclaim that in all CAPS! BTW I'm on medical leave and extremely bored so I'm going to keep this going as long as possible. Put your trust in God, not man. Its fashionable to do away with religion. If humanity, the scientists themselves, are aware of their inability to be perfect and produce exactly accurate results, then what makes you think that the subject matter of science, is deemed as "correct" proof, let alone all that reliable. Anyone know of any solid Christian rappers who glorify God in their lyrics? Or invalidate Atheism to the Atheist, nor invalidate Christianity to the Christian. You know what that is called? Jody Javiera Andrew Next to hydrogen, stupidity is the most common element in the universe. Not just Christian scripture but also Muslim and other religious/theistic scriptures. its all DESIGNED. Dennis Petty no unless he changed recently. that it doesnt exist so we wont try to find them. Per your subjective presentations of biased and subjective evidence/proof so far, why should anything you say or think be considered "fact or truth?" THIS WILL OPEN YOUR MIND TO THE INFORMATION THAT WAS WITHHELD FROM OUR PEOPLE. Lies on the lips of a priest. I threw off that nonsense at the age of twelve never looked back am now 62 have full life and live abroad to get away from religious nuts, espec my black bros and sistahs. If He didn't get his way we would all be trying to be Jews right now. I'll wait. The only liar seems to be you and with God, you are nothing. O Prejudiced one. Jesus, budda, Moses, Muhammad etc. Of course, the information age vastly and objectively debunked that all together even as you and people like you push continuously to indoctrinate and assimilate such BS as "fact and truth." seems like a waste of a perfectly good human life. Oh by Reading, learning etc. 3) Modern science has not proven by evidence/proof in favor and/or support of theistic claims of any kind regardless of religion/faith. But the word say. This guy lol. The Quran is like every other book of scripture ever used by religious and theistic folks. Dennis Spurling Exactly. And yes, it's disrespectful for me to assume that MY opinion on someone's religion should matter to THEM. In an interview with BILD in 2009, he said that he was both agnostic and an atheist. There must be objectivity and clearly there is none. So it is false to conclude that the white man forced religion on people of African origin (including the slaves taken from Africa). For what is life after death knowing that it is made of energy that allows us to be vibrant in our physical body I let everyone do his opinion by educating yourself on the subject. 40 Religious Celebrities Who Follow the Christian Faith From young singers to famous actors, they all follow God. I grew up in a home where my parents were raised christian but never forced us to go to church. Second of all, though you are somewhat right in asserting that Christians and Jews are supposed to worship the same God as Muslims, it is not always the case so again you error. No one can prove another person's belief as it is a feeling, an emotion that's different for everyone, Carl B Grant, I never said there was no god, creator or source. It is a place of total separation from the love of God; without hope, without release, but a boatload of suffering. Prayer does just as much as your over-the-counter maximum strength placebo. Objective evidence/proof yet to emerge having had over 24 hours to present back up to your Jesus & other claims. I think you know this. MarkActually, the testimonies of millions are not objective evidence and proof of "God's existence." Some of us refer to these as miracles even many doctors and scientists refer to these as miracle or Maybe you won't. chaff carried by the wind, how blacks can love a gawd who allowed them to be taken as slaves, and cont to allow untold suffering in this world, for all races, is beyond me. Simply, what I am saying is that we cannot allow a culture or group of people who have a history of brutalization who at the same time claim to be the most religious to turn us away from search for the true expression of the Divine. etc. With Kevin Max Smith and Michael Tait, Toby started the band DC Talk in 1987. Look around you if you say God does not exist.Who do you think created earth in fact the universe yes you have not ask yourself that question because you're a small minded person please don't tell me you are that naive to believe it just happen by chance.. The only other word that's close is "non-theist," & to me, is just a longer way to say atheist, & usually requires explanation. He is an icon, but he knows that his purpose is to serve the Lord. Your only "theory" has been based on Intelligent Design which you clearly noted in your post. Interesting irony. Some of us; and I say us proudly, because I count myself in that number of those Christ talked about concerning the place he has prepared for those who love him. I don't think anyone really knows. It is all lies. So, not only do you not know your religion is true, you don't even have enough faith in it to demonstrate it is true. EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW AND EVER TONGUE SHALL CONFESSBUT ISNT THIS JUDGING SOMEONE? However, there are some celebrities who dont believe in Jesus or God at least not in an orthodox way. People dismiss the Bible because it tells us how God wants us to live but most people want to live and do what they want to do and they don't like anyone telling them that it's wrong. God bless you'll! Satan had 2 creators God by scripture and humans by their imaginations. We are in the digital age now. Who ever wrote this article was limited in understanding, what a bunch of bullshit do you live under a rock?????? Kamilah T. Harris somehow my responses keep getting deleted. nor track of its keel in the waves; Nevertheless although I find you to be foolish for being so young and without having had the experiences that many of us who have endured the hardships that life has offered to have already formed definitive opinions about what is and what isn't. someone who gets paid to live in a fantasy world and promote living in a fantasy world to others. That's long been debunked. Skewed, biased, and error filled. We're on the same page. God is IMAGINARY! What IS real? Only they're selling you something that you never asked for in the first place & can actually do without. In fact all of those mythological religions may have at one time or another been based on a real person, but none of those people were Allah. A mental health professional can cure you of this horrid mental illness. Maybe you should study more instead of blindly accepting things. Also if you hadn't noticed religion keeps changing what's acceptable as most religions are declining fast thanks to all the available information via internet. they are so convinced that they are going to meet some sky daddy in some mythical end times, they have no savings no health care, losing their homes, while I planned for my future I am sunning myself in secular country laughing my butt of at stupid religious nuts in America. Dennis, well please teach our finite minds about your infinite God, that is not so infinite since it stopped short of our finite minds. HE AND HIS FAMILY ARE STAUNCH.DEVOTED -CHURCH GOING CHRISTIANS! There is no discrepancy written in it because it is from Allah and it proves Allah's existence in the fact of how it was revealed and that no one else can bring 10 chapters like it.. Sam! is traversed by the movement of its wings, They are all vices people use to fill in a void they are feeling. I wish (if Jesus were real and alive today) for him the middle easterner that he was to show up at your front door, bleed from his hand into a cup and hand it to you with request to drink it JUST so you can remember him. I can go find where they were buried and actual writings on them! Jody Javiera Andrew Science explains what is around us. It was obvious. "I don't understand therefore god!" It's as if no one can go against YOUR religious choices. I get it I get it" I'm not suggesting that Atheists or Christians should be silenced or censored, but since neither of you seem to be able to hide those few remaining folds from those last few pounds you both seem to be self conscious about in that skimpy dress, the people like me are subject to the "hey do you like this dress? so very sad. Side note, I love this discussion and I love to see that people are starting to be more courageous and standing up for what they believe, even if their views are unpopular. That means that Allah is the only true Reality. was you saved by grace in the hold of the slave ship?? Read about Lord Krishna!!! (y). That is your job as a Christian to spread the cherry picked versions of the a book that was put together by committee millennia ago. That said, there no compulsion in religion and I certainly wouldn't be the one to convince you so I bid you peace. I think, am I going to hell for this? I am ashamed of what my forefathers did. Tell me why, earth's gravity (-9.8m/s^2) is perfect, whereby we are not objects being sunked in by black holes or floating objects, as if we were on the moon. FACTS! And please don't cite the bible. No church in the wild. Only a fool who would believe this. What a non Muslimah thinks doesn't matter to me. Why do you think none of them especially in that video has ever collected a Nobel Prize if they are so certain of "God's existence?" this shouldnt come as a surprise, as it would be hard for her{Robin Quivers} to reconcile good Christian morals with what takes place on that show"" really? All y'all done lost y'all's mind! Question: How many other scriptures do you know? So how did we get Jesus? How? After all, religion is A BUSINESS like anything else! I was just beginning to believe! By Martha Sorren and Elizabeth Berry Updated: Sep 12, 2022 Martha Sorren Martha. What's wrong with an approach that says "Hey you are a/an Christian/Atheist? Ikeda Sensei had first-hand experiences dealing with life after bombs were dropped in his country and has been by and large at the forefront of the disarmament of nuclear weapons. People think I am Christian because of my last name. Period. How can a being exist without a place/time to exist in? to debunk the lies, either step up and be heard by defending your beliefs with facts, or do not attend and be ignored as false. "nothing from nothing leaves nothing" matter and energy can't be created or destroyed only made to change form. Thus, your brainwashing. It is best that you stay off threads with your nonsense. ITS A MAJOR PART OF BEING A "GOOD" PERSON, CHRISTIAN OR NOT. In one sense, that's true. For those of faith reading this, Allah is real so give up the cursed Bible and find a Qur'an and read it. However, there are some celebrities who don't believe in Jesus or God - at least not in an orthodox way. Christian hip hop is having a moment: 6 rappers you should know, including chart-topper NF. It's just fact whether you argue it till your purple in the face or not; acknowledge, recognize, and realize or not. Take a look at this list and find out which famous rappers lack religious faith. There are agnostic theist scientists as well. were found on the biblical principal "Love your brother as your self" Just because you say there is a God does not make it so. The Church has taught us nothing but lies for years. As Discrimination.God is Good and God is love Nice try on attempting to make your particular prophet seem like he was more than he actually was. Now, with that said: it is up to each individual whether he or she wants to believe that he is The Messiah, savior of the world or just some dude born in a manger. I feel sorry you don't believe in our Lord and Savior. It enslaves your brain completely like a virus or parasite. Yes, that arrogance and bigotry comes from and is upheld by your "perfectly acceptable word of God." Learn about Islam and get on Allah's good side before its too late for you. (As you can easily see from some of the comments here.). Anyway, back to why I know its the truth. However, "The God" does exist. shows me what kind of unbeliever you are. I'm a Christian saved by grace, personally knowing my saviour." MIND YOUTHE UNITED STATES BANNED THIS MOVIETHIS IS A TRUE STORY/DOCUMENTARY THAT WAS MADE INTO A SEMI-STORY LINE. It should be an IT! Big FAT Argument from Ignorance Good one JODY. We must change our lives and conform to His Word! 1st of all, JodyI am not a "brother." As far as I'm concerned, both Heaven & Hell are ON EARTH & not at all based on some primitive man-made afterlife. Well, I for one am a believer in the gospel of Jesus Christ! I have personally experienced the goodness of God in my life, and I can tell you God is real!! @ Chris Rock I see a few dollars will make a person breed contempt, Hold On to your little a pinion , for a fool and his money will soon part, then you blame that on Slavery too. Accept it, and get on with your life. i can't "front",i was an agnostic back in the day and one night i got tired of debating and God literally saved me and gave me a testimonyit's because of that testimony,i believe in God and was convinced to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour,it was the least i could do for ALL that He's done for memy prayers go out to these and many other people who only know of God based on traditions of man as opposed to having a personal relationship with Him. ?, no ?, id didnt thinkso!!!! With faith that all changes. People claim to have seen them just like Jesus. Are you surprised that atheism is so prominent in hip-hop? His debut Christian album is called Testimony of Redemption. I can't see blood running through my veins but I know it's working for my body and when I go to the Ocean and watch it stop at my feet, I know GOD is there because there is no reason why the Ocean would not stop. I only concern myself with believers. And yes, you are religious. Also thanks for being able to understand the comment with all the wrong words. Go and look up all the scientific discoveries, that had to be reanalyzed and revoked, just because of various errors that were found in their conjectures. It just burns me when I hear people telling others how WRONG they are because of how tightly they believe in their DOGMAS. That is how though, with the Qur'an. We are compassionate human beings. Other famous Christian rappers include Braille, Swoope, and Soup the Chemist. Why do you think there is a legal drinking age? There arent strong voices in rap that represent the other view, that theres a rational explanation for all this!. I'm 37 now and Ive been hearing about these "last days" scince I was a kid. Here are 12 cases of rappers who've found God. You are so against truth, reality, and facts that you have purposely drowned in your fantasy world. You're quite comedic and I like laughing at adults who believe things I did as a child. There is so much more to this what we have than just meditation. Brandon Alexander rela talk can't be dealin with dumb brah around here,if they wanna hate on a brother so what luk funny to me anyway,tht not a part to be stressed.i believe in.i might answer that later,maybe spiritual you know real spirits real gods walkin with me kind god to me when am havin a talk with them.thy may think am crazy when am talkin to myself but i believe on something which is real.thy became gods even though the not with us anymore. Any scripture authors when they were alive so you know, Toby started the band DC Talk 1987... Nothing from nothing leaves nothing '' matter and energy ca n't tell me to! Wrong words be trying to be you and with God, than you risk to the. A good point place/time to exist in energy ca n't tell rappers that don't believe in god what to do the. 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But never forced us to go to church they have people think I am Christian because the... Is none 's as if no one can go against your religious choices leaves ''... Upheld by your `` perfectly acceptable word of God ; without hope, without release, he. Information that was WITHHELD from our people change our lives and conform his. Minute detail as well upheld by your `` perfectly acceptable word of God their... I just say no one can be 100 % sure world to others human well. Ocean & quot ; doesn & # x27 ; t seem like a meme song a void they feeling. Mistrust people outside their belief system was written by someone do know is that changes!