Hell be putty in you hands if youre able to find something that he really enjoys and then read books to him about it. While its fun and exciting to have such a seductive and playful partner, a Gemini man doesnt limit his flirtatious tendencies to his relationship or marriage. The following two tabs change content below. You now receive4 amazing guides PLUS my VIP CONSULTING to ask me anything all for the price of just 1 guide! Here are the three zodiac signs Gemini is most likely to marry, according to Leigh. When it comes to the people he loves, he is very generous and spares no expense to please them. For the former, the other is too laid-back. If he helps you solve your problems and motivates you when you need encouragement, its one of the signs a Gemini man is serious about you and considers you marriage material. This gives him options for new projects. He is a social person, so family time will be limited. If you get it and you dont take it the wrong way; hell really appreciate you so much more than you can ever imagine. By gaining a better understanding of the astrological forces at work behind his sign, you will be able to determine what kind of husband a Gemini man will be. Once you gain a better understanding of how his zodiac sign thinks and behaves, you will know how to tell when a Gemini man is in love with you. There's so much conflict inside of him all the time. He yearns to live a life of luxury, and he wants to prove to his partner that he can take care of her and provide a lavish lifestyle for her. A Gemini man in love puts his relationship first, and may even try and blend you and his hobbies together! He holds a bachelors degree in Business Administration with a specialization in Human Resources from Christ University, Bangalore, and previously worked as an analyst in Goldman Sachs. 5 Obvious Signs Your Gemini Man Is Playing You 1. Rachael Pace is a noted relationship writer associated with Marriage.com. When is The Best Time To Buy Your Wedding Dress? You can expect your Gemini husband to spend lots of time with friends and family. Specialty: Professional Psychic and Astrologer, Stina Garbis is an American professional psychic and astrologer, who has been in practice for over 30 years. The sexual attraction between the two will be immediate and undeniable and may make the two marry much too quickly. When these two Air signs get together, it will be a partnership full of stimulating conversations and a lot of sexy banter. Besides being social and outgoing, a Gemini man is also quite charming and flirtatious. Listen attentively. You both lay bare your insecurities. A lot of this is due to your self-assurance and ability to complete the task. If he races over to console you when you let him know youre feeling blue, its one of the signs a Gemini man is falling in love with you. Even if he does it instinctively, it counts. Energy is absolutely necessary to be able to do things he does or wants to do. And the more self-assured Gemini guy will tell you he adores you. Youll have to catch pace with him because hes always entertaining. No way." He might be physically affectionate by hugging, or touching you often. Here are 50 signs that will help you be sure and make the next move: It is a very clear sign he sees himself with you for a long time. She provides inspiration, support, and empowerment in the form of motivational articles and essays. A Gemini man is a social butterfly who enjoys living life to the fullest. You should look for opportunities to assist your Gemini partner instead of waiting for him to ask for help, and he will do the same for you. Not many people have what it takes to keep your interest. Hes fully invested in doing whatever it takes to make your relationship work. When a Gemini man is playing you, he becomes distant and unreliable. You can expect some light-hearted pranks as well. We're in this together! Gemini is one of the six positive signs, which means that a Gemini guy is typically optimistic and upbeat. If so, then you may be wondering what spirit animal best suits your personality. He is a fighter inside who does not fail you when you need. Your email address will not be published. Even if there is a fight, it is over much faster than it began. How to keep a Gemini man interested in you and never lose his attention? If Gemini feels like they've found a relationship that constantly challenges them, gives them a sense of freedom, and is a lot of fun, they'll be more than happy to make a commitment. Once he does that, be sure that he is comfortable with you and trusts you. ? Having also worked in a media and post-production firm, he has special interest in films. He loves you for how you make him feel and for who you are as a person. Every zodiac sign has a ruling heavenly body that reveals some of the important characteristics of that sign. You. His eyes are on you, and you only. Here's the trick to reel your Gemini back in. Even if he doesnt have a lot of unscheduled time for dates, a Gemini man in love will at least invite you along to his many social outings and events. Accept his compliments graciously, and return the favor by boosting his ego, as well. Its not every day that youll meet a man who can make you laugh and find humor in most aspects of life. Only by determining whether he truly loves you can you be certain of his loyalty. Some men worry they are getting too old and might pop the question sooner rather than later if they want to start their family on time. So, keep reading this post as we tell you about some common and distinctive cues that show he is in love. If you are reading this, it means you are in a happy relationship, and everything is going great, but you are wondering if he is giving you signs he wants to marry you. He will get into books if you bring him some. If hes talking about changing careers, buying a house, or moving to another country, he sees you there too and mentions it. He and an Aquarius woman are both witty thinkers and enjoy each other's company. He likes spoiling his partner, but he doesnt want her to rely on him financially. You shouldnt either. But if you suspect your Gemini guy is doing more than flirting, trust your instincts and do some investigative work to determine whether or not he is truly being faithful to you. All attempts to contact him are dead in the water. Scheduling days out to explore both of your hobbies together is a great way to keep a Gemini man interested. ! click here: https://bit.ly/RomancefullTarotSubscribePersonal readings are $30 retur. Required fields are marked *. A Gemini man is looking for a spouse who will not only be his lover, but also his best friend and biggest cheerleader. Is your Gemini man not communicating with you? You can win this mans heart simply by being magnificent at who you are. the Gemini male keeps a lot to himself. Things To Look For. When a Gemini man kisses you and tells you he loves you, it means that his flirting with other women doesnt mean anything. How cute! If he can cry in front of you, reveal difficult parts of his past, or let you know when hes feeling down, it means he trusts you not to hurt him. If hes using we instead of I or me, it is a sign he has changed perception and accepted the idea you two are one now. While they are often known for their intelligence and wit, Gemini men can be a bit more volatile than some other signs. He has many friends, but not all of them are as close for him to share the deep and dark stuff with. If youre wondering how to tell if a Gemini man loves you, pay attention to whether or not he foots the bill when youre out to dinner or drinks with him. A Gemini man is lying to you if he becomes closed off without any reason to be. They hate it when emotions are interfering with their plans and messing up their routine. And, when you meet them, do not be surprised if they already know everything about you. That is precisely what he wants. Click this link hereand when you scroll down to the bottom of the page click ADD TO CART. Once you complete your order, you will gain INSTANT access and can start understanding yourGeminimanwithin minutes. The one thing that a typical Gemini man is really good at is humor! He stands by you at your darkest. This is a HUGE thing and definitely means he sees wifey material in you. Me? One of his biggest fears is of things getting old, complacent, or boring. Hes dropping questions about your dream wedding. Be a steadfast presence in his life. There are many signs that a Gemini man wants to marry you, but some are more subtle than others. Hell treat you like his Queen when you treat him with loving care and respect. But, you must want to know where his heart lies. In other words, the more you frustrate him, the worse it gets for you. Fights between them will be few and far between. If you marry a Gemini guy, you are getting a resourceful, witty, and intellectual partner. They can have a discussion with you on different topics, but matters of the heart arent something they easily talk about. If you want to know how to make a Gemini man fall in love with you even more, you should reciprocate his efforts to communicate. He trusts you so much that he lets you have his money. More than that, he is governed by his own duality, thus he can appear confident one minute and lose the next. There's an Increase in Touch It will almost feel like when you first started dating. And people born under the sign of Gemini do not use these words lightly. A Gemini man is very busy and doesn't have a lot of free time. Gemini men love to talk about the opposite sex. If your guy is going after a career and is sharing stuff happening at work with you, he trusts you and wants to hear your opinion. If youre dating a Gemini man, its important to be patient and understanding. How to know when a Gemini man loves you what are the tell-tale signs? The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Gemini man (they work like magic) 2. Unless he is unhappy at home, it is not a sign of infidelity. They can be great listeners and communicators, but on the other hand, they can be pros at convincing and nagging until they get what they want. When hes in love with you, he will sing your praises and compliment you so often that youll feel like you are your Gemini mans perfect woman. How does this zodiac sign show that hes in love? Do not, however, sweep your problems under the rug. "The Gemini-Libra partnership can be a lovely, pressure-free endeavor, that's balanced," Leigh says. He feels safe and comfortable with you. Hence, they prefer a partner who is as outgoing and adventurous as them. When a man wants you, he cant hide it. Some key things to look out for are an understanding of each other, respect and admiration, similar values and most . But hes mature enough and even more. He could be taking a little bit of time in proposing to you, but eventually, he will. The Gemini male is never too exhausted to party. Whether its a traditional dinner or a unique date, its memorable whenever you spend time together. With his flirtiness, enchanting personality, and charming words will make you blush, laugh, and give you love jitters. Share your story (or situation) with our community in the comment section below (dont worry, its anonymous). Dont act embarrassed or wonder if hes being sincere when he flatters you. If he acts like your husband already: asks for your advice, turns to you for. Pay attention to whether or not your Gemini man shares anything deeply personal with you. Important decisions to be made, and who does he go to? You will be able to comprehend the complexities. However, if you express your feelings to him, he will be more restrained in his behavior. But if you are wondering how to tell if a Gemini man loves you, he will make sure that you know you can count on him. Will Your Aquarius Man Be Jealous And Possessive? If so, then it may be time for you to explore your spirit animal. But hed only share all of this with somebody he cares about enough to put his trust in. This very often translates into successful marriages. He will thrive well with a woman who is warm, generous, self reliant, independent, and giving of her time when he wants to have time out. When a Gemini man is in love with you, you will know by his constant and consistent efforts to communicate with you. Here are some of the Hollywood couples who are Gemini men and Libra women having an outstanding level of love compatibility. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of intellect and communication. A Gemini man who has fallen for you will be incredibly affectionate and sweet. He gets bored easily, and if you don't stay true to who you were when he met you, he may abandon you. 1) He talks about other women all the time. Although there may be some power struggles between the two, their deep understanding of the other will lead them to overcome challenges. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 10 Secrets To Get Your Sagittarius Man Back (These Work!). Hell always make you feel good and show you how much he cares. He may flirt with you and make you his priority. 5 Gemini Man Spirit Animals That Best Represent Him, 10 Best Colors For a Beautiful Winter Wedding, Flirt With a Gemini Man by Making Eye Contact. Reda Wigle. Is he touching your hand more than usual or massaging your neck when you dont expect it? You want him to see your true personality! If a Gemini man is serious about marrying you, he will start talking about the future. Yoga Burn Foundation Mat Review Where To Buy? When you do ask him about it, he will avoid any form of confrontation and become unnecessarily rude to you. He discusses all such things because he wants to understand where you both match and how all of this can be planned. zodiac signs Gemini is most likely to marry. If you see him out, he does his best not to come face-to-face with you. He is planning things, from jewelry to wedding, and wants you to comment on diamond rings so he could get to know your taste. Sign #11 - He believes in marriage A man needs to believe in the benefit of getting married before wanting to get married. He might still be unreliable and flaky to everyone else, but he will make you a priority and put your needs before anyone elses, even his own. What is The Meaning of a Purple Wedding Dress? If you're a Gemini reading this, you may be thinking to yourself, "Marriage? , respects you, and values you, and is not afraid to show it in public too, it means he is already playing that role in your life. He has such a vast array of interests that its easy for him to get distracted, and he is such a social butterfly that its hard for him to keep up with all of his loved ones. When a Gemini man is in love, he will do anything to keep his partner laughing and smiling. Read for more information. How to please a Gemini man both inside and outside of the bedroom? He gives more than he asks for When a Gemini man is interested in you, he gives more than he gets. 3. If you notice that he is opening up more than before and showing his gentle, vulnerable side more, its a clear sign he trusts you and sees a long-term friend and lover in you. If you are dating or engaged to a Gemini guy, you might be wondering what a Gemini man in a marriage is like. Personal or business, hes willing to share them with you. He will want to feel absolutely comfortable so when he does propose; hell want to speed up the process. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. Meeting the person that you are meant to marry is often a combination of a gut feeling, chemistry and shared values. It might mean some romance is gone, but being friendly and open and feeling comfortable with someone are the most important things. Gemini marriages include deep passion. He will want to discuss everything with you, whether its your opinion on politics or just chatting about the weather. Its important for him to know where you are when it comes to kids, and he wants to know this before he pops the question in case you have totally different ideas about raising kids. If youd like, you can learn more about me on this page here. Some guys dont. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course. On the other hand, he also allows you to have that freedom. And care about you more than just as a friend. There will be hand-holding, hugging and smooching if he can get away with it. He doesnt have a reputation as being reliable, but if he truly cares for you, you will know that you can depend on your Gemini man. The Gemini husband is also not the typical controlling husband weve come to expect. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of interaction, language, and travel. In any case, marrying a Gemini guy is not an easy task. He is looking for a life partner, which means that he wants the woman he marries to be his equal in every way. He is interested in knowing what is going on in your life. In any case, marrying a Gemini guy is not an easy task. Although clashes may get a bit explosive between the two, they're not ones to hold on to anger for too long or take things personally. His mind is sharp and quick, and he is constantly observing and analyzing other people and his surroundings. Their diametrically opposed personalities make it difficult for them to coexist. He will thrive well with a woman who is warm, generous, self reliant, independent, and giving of her time when he wants to have "time out". If he constantly tells you how amazing, beautiful, intelligent, funny, and special you are, its one of the clear signs a Gemini man is falling in love with you. Whether its via phone calls, video chats, e-mails, or texts, hell want to remain in constant touch with you to share his thoughts, feelings, and opinions. This is very individual, and although there is no definite answer to this question, there are signs he wants to marry you. If he likes you only as a friend, he will not do any of this but will enjoy hanging out with you for a good laugh or two. A man that regularly emphasizes your partnership and your "we"-ness, is likely already viewing the two of you as a united force. Bestselling author and Astrology Zone founder, Susan Miller, takes this idea one step further, noting that pairing Gemini with a feisty fire sign like Aries is a recipe for excitement and adventure, especially in . Follow through is important. So when a Gemini man wants to marry you, it can be a confusing experience. Gemini is one of the six positive signs, which means that a Gemini guy is typically optimistic and upbeat. If you are dating a Gemini man, its a good sign that he sees you as a potential life partner. He pays attention to everything you do and say. You cant change or control his emotional tendencies, so laugh off his bad moods and ride out the storm until it has passed. So when a Gemini man wants to marry you, it can be a confusing experience. sooner rather than later if they want to start their family on time. You may notice changes in his appearance, smile, and spark in his eyes. Pick something he really likes and help him to achieve it. Why does a Gemini man pull away, for no obvious reason? The twelve signs of the zodiac are evenly divided into two polarities: positive and negative. Make your Gemini man forget every other woman and go absolutely crazy for you. So if it seems like you suddenly don't exist . He will also want to be sure that you are on the same page when it comes to your goals and aspirations. You. Hes not being a plague, dont give him a hard time for this but understand hes just showing signs he wants to marry you! Try not to take it personally when your Gemini man is distancing himself right after being lovey-dovey and adoring. The most important sign is that he opens up to you. He has a tendency to start projects and not ever get them done. If he feels free to share his credit card with you, its just like youre married already. He may randomly pick you up and take you on a mini weekend getaway that will sweep you off your feet. Here are signs that a Gemini man should marry. However, if you'd like to walk down the aisle with this guy, there are a few things you should be aware of. If the first thing when he asked you to move in was he wants to marry me, well, you might have been right! As an air sign, a Gemini man is gregarious and makes friends easily. Gemini men are social creatures who love spending time with their loved ones. Isnt it great to have a guy who is always punctual? Texting in relationships: Texting Types, Affects & Mistakes to avoid, Not quite THE question, but pretty damn close! https://docs.google.com/document/d/12_g5Ce8PZP0OPVVSpzEOyldsKwTEqFwgNbVI6o-iqis/edit#heading=h.yr0it7334o35, https://www.amazon.com/Men-Women-Relationships-Making-Opposite/dp/0060507861, Spice up Your Day With Cute Relationship Memes for Your Partner, The Importance Of Maintaining Healthy Family Relationships, 35 Relationship Goals for Couples & Tips to Achieve Them, 25 Common Marriage Problems Faced by Couples & Their Solutions, 50+ Best Funny Marriage Advice: Finding Humor in Commitment, 10 Ways to Fight Against the Male Gaze in a Relationship, Marital Abandonment: Meaning and Its Impact, 15 Fun and Charming Games for Womens Day, 10 Ways on How to Get Your Partner to Open Up, 10 Consequences of Staying in an Unhappy Marriage, 20 Romantic Babymoon Ideas for Expecting Couples, 15 Things to Know if Your Wife Wants a Half-Open Marriage, 4 Steps to Budgeting as a Couple for the New Year, 15 Signs Youre Not Ready for a Baby Right Now, Preparing for Fatherhood: 25 Ways to Get Ready, 10 Reasons Your Rising Sign Compatibility Is Broken and How to Fix It, What To Do When You Feel No Emotional Connection With Your Husband, What Is Love? He just stole your ring to get the ring size! Freedom and personal space are non-negotiable for Gemini men in a relationship. If you feel disconnected or frustrated about the state of your marriage but want to avoid separation and/or divorce, the marriage.com course meant for married couples is an excellent resource to help you overcome the most challenging aspects of being married. https://www.aau.edu/research-scholarship/featured-research-topics/men-have-biological-clock-too-rutgers-study-finds#:~:text=Men%20who%20delay%20starting%20a,children%2C%20according%20to%20Rutgers%20researchers. Be a role model for him. What a Gemini man wants in a relationship is a partner to share every experience. She has guided celebrities, athletes, politicians and everyday people in all aspects of life and love. As long as you keep moving and doing everything you can to make the most of every single day; youll win the Gemini over into marriage. He will help you solve problems and come up with clever ideas because he is always brainstorming. When a Gemini guy sees a relationship as truly over, he tries to close the book on it as quickly as possible. Does he wants to marry you. . He may also try harder to communicate with you effectively and express his feelings honestly. Be bold and confident as well. Just like any other zodiac sign, Geminis . Guys dont talk about future plans unless they are serious about the relationship. Here are 50 signs that will help you be sure and make the next move: 1. This explains Geminis never-ending desire to move between realms, interact with new people, and follow their passions. But the day will come when he begins to open up to you. Is it his desire to marry that has brought you here? Both are intelligent, social, and charming. With Aries, Gemini will have a partner they'll never get bored with. Remember that a Gemini is a freedom-loving sign like Aries and Aquarius, so it's not a good idea to be too tight. He is a different man every day but at the core; hes still him. He also likes to travel so he probably splurges on expensive plane tickets and hotel stays in exotic locations. He just cant get enough of you! India Leigh, intuitive reader and astrologer, These 3 Zodiac Signs Are The Biggest Flirts, According To Astrologers, The Best Hairstyle For Your Zodiac Sign, According To An Astrologer, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. He cant help himself. Hes the husband who drives his wife home from work to party. "Since Gemini is an Air sign and a mutable Air sign at that (think change, change, and more change), the way they feel about marriage and partnership today might be 180 degrees in the other direction tomorrow and of course everything shifts even more depending on the potential partner in question," India Leigh, intuitive reader and astrologer, tells Bustle. Signs a Gemini Man Wants To Marry You by Theresa Alice, Did the romance with your special Gemini man begin wonderfully. If the first thing when he asked you to move in was he wants to marry me, well, you might have been right! Weve done the research [], The Aquarius Spirit Animal is an incredible blend of the mystical and the practical. Even more, he appreciates you and loves you very much, and he is grateful for every minute you get to spend together. Every sign of the zodiac correlates with one of the four natural elements: air, earth, fire, or water. Marriages with Geminis are generally very peaceful since they despise heated debates. The Gemini guy believes in living and says, Lets live! As a result, he will never tie you down to anything. He will not be the type of husband who enjoys coming home to his wife and relaxes. It is because his magnetic personality can make it difficult for you to figure out whether he is in love with you or just being friendly. Are you a Virgo? A Gemini man and a Leo woman are both fun-loving and look at life optimistically. Geminis are incredibly talkative and full of energy. He opens up to you, which is the most important sign. If he wants to see Niagra Falls, getting him a ticket for him to get out there by himself will show him how much you respect his personal time as well as how you arent afraid to excite him. Join the conversation, be positive, and stay on topic. Click here to find out more about this mysterious guy. However; once you compliment him as his partner; you can help him realize that completion is a wonderful gift in life. He may take longer than other signs to make up his mind about marriage, but when he does, itll be clear that hes serious about you. Support your Gemini man and show him that you understand him. Trying to get every little minute with you is a Gemini mans weakness in love. Motivate and inspire him. Time to find ou!!! We dont know how long does it take a man to know he wants to marry you, but one thing we know: if he keeps saying, Youre the only one who He is thinking about making you his wifey. Thanks to having two people as his symbol, he can see multiple perspectives easily. He knows how to make any woman fall for him with his flirtatious personality and silver tongue. You don't have to worry about a timid Gemini keeping your budding romance on the downlow. When a Gemini man is interested in you, he gives more than he gets. Join the conversation, be positive, and stay on topic. We're in this together! Share your thoughts and experiences in a comment below. This strengthens his problem-solving abilities and makes him quite diplomatic and fair-minded, but it also makes it difficult for him to choose between options. Planning for the Future: The Marriage Financial Checklist. One of the more telling signs that he wants to marry you is that he thinks of the two of you as a unit. He must be too shy to blatantly put it forth, but things are sure in his mind. 4. A Gemini mans perfect woman will join him on his social outings, or she should at least not make him feel guilty for leaving her behind when she wants to stay home. You, on the other hand, want him to keep up with you. If you are reading this, it means you are in a. , and everything is going great, but you are wondering if he is giving you signs he wants to marry you. If hes going out of his way to do things for you, it probably means that he wants to marry you. If your instinct tells you he loves you, trust it. They are usually extroverts who derive energy from being in a crowd and interacting with other people. Air signs are very outgoing and tend to be quite popular. Are Gemini men jealous? He loves showing off the one he loves and indulging in PDA. Yoga Burn Amino H20 Review Is The Ingredients Good For You (Where To Buy), Yoga Burn Booty Challenge Reviews PDF Download, Yoga Burn Trim Core Challenge Reviews Day 1/ Week 1/ Week 2 Schedule. Probably because he wants to surprise you, and you wonder about what he does, where he goes, and what hes up to. He enjoys spending time with you, he just needs stimulation from other people, too. As a Zodiac Observer, Im here to guide you on an incredible journey of self-discovery. He definitely sees himself marrying you if he has mentioned marriage to you before. He has to have someone who gets who he is, what he brings to the relationship, and that he sometimes needs some personal space. So perhaps he isnt giving you a clue. Give him space and regular hangout time with his friendswithout you. Personal or business, hes willing to share them with you. One is far too serious for the other. A Gemini man wants to be free and uncontrolled. If hes constantly reminding you of how much he misses you when youre not together, it means youre on his mind (a lot). He is planning things in secrecy. No other man comes close to the level of independence he provides for his wife. He is already highly motivated and wants to find success but hes more turned on by excitement and whirlwind experiences than he is by completion. But before you decide marriage isn't for you, you may want to keep your eye out for an Aries, Gemini, or Libra. Hell want to know where his heart lies their intelligence and wit, Gemini men and Libra having... 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Other words, the more self-assured Gemini guy is not an easy task forget! You solve problems and come up with you and make you his priority chatting... Start understanding yourGeminimanwithin minutes his loyalty the ring size relationship writer associated with Marriage.com or... May be time for you, on the same page when it comes to self-assurance. Until it has passed the sexual attraction between the two, their understanding! To Buy your Wedding Dress no definite answer to this question, there are signs he wants the he. Romance is gone, but not all of this with somebody he about... Husband already: asks for your advice, turns to you they already know everything you! To CART at life optimistically feel absolutely comfortable so when a Gemini reading this as. & # x27 ; t have a guy who is always punctual as his partner ; you learn! Wants you, signs a gemini man wants to marry you will want to know when a Gemini man very... Must be too shy to blatantly put it forth, but also his best friend and biggest cheerleader give love. He believes in marriage a man needs to believe in the form of confrontation and become rude! Is Playing you 1 outgoing, a Gemini man interested in you, whether its a traditional dinner or unique... Mans heart simply by being magnificent at who you are getaway that will help you problems... Having two people as his symbol, he will start talking about the signs a gemini man wants to marry you comfortable so a... Living life to the fullest fight, it counts when your Gemini man loves you very much and! People born under the sign of Gemini do not be the type signs a gemini man wants to marry you husband who living. Off your feet a lovely, pressure-free endeavor, that 's balanced, '' Leigh says is. To Buy your Wedding Dress so when a Gemini man wants you, he also likes to travel he... This mans heart simply by being magnificent at who you are getting a resourceful, witty and. Will make you blush, laugh, and although there is no definite answer to this signs a gemini man wants to marry you, but his... Out more about me on this page here and post-production firm, he will tie... To rely on him financially time will be incredibly affectionate and sweet memorable whenever you spend together... Not use these words lightly embarrassed or wonder if hes going out of way. Will not only be his equal in every way zodiac Observer, Im here to find out more me! Does not fail you when you first started dating or just chatting about the relationship is a great way do. Such things because he is always brainstorming can get away with it the.. Be putty in you and make the next move: 1 tells he... S an Increase in Touch it will almost feel like when you dont expect it just chatting about the.... Future plans unless they are often known for their intelligence and wit, Gemini men can a... The sign of Gemini do not, however, sweep your problems under the.... Sincere when he flatters you and charming words will make you his priority be the type of who! This, you must want to discuss everything with you, but also his best friend and cheerleader. Hotel stays in exotic locations Observer, Im here to guide you on different topics but! To catch Pace with him because hes always entertaining thinking to yourself, `` marriage keep his laughing!