appointed to do so by the governor after a special redistricting session. 66. Laws shall be made to exclude from office persons who have been convicted of bribery, perjury, forgery, or other high crimes. the governor, along with the Texas Senate Sec. YOUR RIGHTS ARE GOVERNED IN PART BY SECTION 50, ARTICLE XVI, OF THE TEXAS CONSTITUTION, AND NOT BY THIS NOTICE. 140 days 39. How is the Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives chosen? 10. Sec. What is the ultimate check on the governor? The requirements for holding office in the Texas legislature Are minimal, in keeping with the idea that office holding should be open to most citizens. DURATION OF MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE OFFICES. In Texas, why is a governor's post-adjournment veto so powerful? (c) In counties having a population of less than twenty thousand (20,000), according to the then last preceding Federal Census, the Commissioners Courts have the authority to determine whether county officers shall be compensated on a fee basis or on a salary basis, with the exception that it shall be mandatory upon the Commissioners Courts to compensate all sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, county law enforcement officers including sheriffs who also perform the duties of assessor and collector of taxes, and their deputies, on a salary basis. The Legislature shall also have the power to regulate the manufacture, sale, possession and transportation of intoxicating liquors, including the power to establish a State Monopoly on the sale of distilled liquors. 70. Speaker of the House "Thank you for visiting the official website of the Texas House of Representatives. 5. (c) critical damping. 31. 21. The comptroller is responsible for setting the salary and compensation packages for legislators. The Legislature shall have authority to define interest and fix maximum rates of interest; provided, however, in the absence of legislation fixing maximum rates of interest all contracts for a greater rate of interest than ten per centum (10%) per annum shall be deemed usurious; provided, further, that in contracts where no rate of interest is agreed upon, the rate shall not exceed six per centum (6%) per annum. For how long does the Texas Legislature meet? (b) amended, Subsecs. (n) A reverse mortgage that is secured by a valid lien against homestead property may be made or acquired without regard to the following provisions of any other law of this state: (1) a limitation on the purpose and use of future advances or other mortgage proceeds; (2) a limitation on future advances to a term of years or a limitation on the term of open-end account advances; (3) a limitation on the term during which future advances take priority over intervening advances; (4) a requirement that a maximum loan amount be stated in the reverse mortgage loan documents; (6) a prohibition on compound interest and interest on interest; (7) a prohibition on contracting for, charging, or receiving any rate of interest authorized by any law of this state authorizing a lender to contract for a rate of interest; and. 43: See Appendix, Note 3.). Absent without leave: Not present at a session without consent. (1) The legislature shall establish by law a Teacher Retirement System of Texas to provide benefits for persons employed in the public schools, colleges, and universities supported wholly or partly by the state. A bill in the Texas legislature that would allow a county to establish a new community college would be classified as a? The Legislative Redistricting Board has the authority to draw new districts if (d) The Legislature may authorize a state bank or national bank of the United States domiciled in this State to engage in business at more than one place if it does so through the purchase and assumption of certain assets and liabilities of a failed state bank or a failed national bank of the United States domiciled in this State. U.S. citizen 4) (Feb. 15, 1876. 1, eff. Delivering a report on the condition of the state to the Legislature at the beginning of each . is formally chosen by a majority vote of the House membership at the opening of the legislative session, elected by the members of the House of Representatives. 140 days MEMBERS OF STATE BOARDS; TERMS OF OFFICE. No current wages for personal service shall ever be subject to garnishment, except for the enforcement of court-ordered: (Feb. 15, 1876. What makes the greatest difference between strong and weak governors of Texas? (u) The legislature may by statute delegate one or more state agencies the power to interpret Subsections (a)(5)-(a)(7), (e)-(p), and (t), of this section. 1: See Appendix, Note 3.). What are the legislative powers of the Texas governor? PROTECTED BENEFITS UNDER CERTAIN PUBLIC RETIREMENT SYSTEMS. The following are the legal requirements in order for someone to meet the qualifications to become a member of the Texas Legislature. Except as may be permitted by the Legislature pursuant to Subsections (b), (d), and (e) of this Section 16, a state bank shall not be authorized to engage in business at more than one place which shall be designated in its charter; however, this restriction shall not apply to any other type of financial institution chartered under the laws of this state. 30 yr But know this: Illegal smuggling is being aided and abetted by U.S. residents. (Redesignated as Sec. In the commissioner form of government, Selected Answer: the elected mayor shares executive power with the appointed commissioner, while the city council has legislative power. (b) State Retirement Systems. (d) A purchaser or lender for value without actual knowledge may conclusively rely on an affidavit that designates other property as the homestead of the affiant and that states that the property to be conveyed or encumbered is not the homestead of the affiant. 5) 21, repealed Nov. 4, 1997; Subsec. (a) The legislature by law may establish a Texas product development fund to be used without further appropriation solely in furtherance of a program established by the legislature to aid in the development and production of new or improved products in this state. prior political experience. (a), (f), (g), and (t) amended and (f-1) added Nov. 7, 2017.). The fund shall contain a program account, an interest and sinking account, and other accounts authorized by the legislature. Each political party uses a conference committee to develop their legislative strategy before each session. SIZE OF HOMESTEAD; USES; RELEASE OR REFINANCE OF EXISTING LIEN. Sec. (b) State agencies charged with the responsibility of providing services to those who are blind, crippled, or otherwise physically or mentally handicapped may accept money from private or federal sources, designated by the private or federal source as money to be used in and establishing and equipping facilities for assisting those who are blind, crippled, or otherwise physically or mentally handicapped in becoming gainfully employed, in rehabilitating and restoring the handicapped, and in providing other services determined by the state agency to be essential for the better care and treatment of the handicapped. Three must be persons licensed by the Commission and two of whom must be peace officers in non-supervisory positions with a law enforcement agency when appointed by the governor. 12. COUNTY TREASURER AND COUNTY SURVEYOR. "HOME EQUITY LOANS HAVE IMPORTANT CONSUMER PROTECTIONS. Males born after 12/31/1959 must be Selective Service registered or exempt. (a) amended and (c-1) added Sept. 13, 2003.) For more information, contact: 11: See Appendix, Note 3.). And one Railroad Commissioner shall be elected every two years. (a) This section applies only to a public retirement system that is not a statewide system and that provides service and disability retirement benefits and death benefits to public officers and employees. If the legislature grants a particular corporation an exception from a state law, it is called. APPROPRIATIONS FOR PRIVATE PURPOSES; ANNUAL ACCOUNTING OF PUBLIC MONEY; ACCEPTANCE AND EXPENDITURE OF CERTAIN MONEY FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES. To assist procurement professionals and agency personnel, SPD is providing a Crosswalk that will show detailed changes between the State of Texas Procurement . (a) The conservation and development of all of the natural resources of this State, and development of parks and recreational facilities, including the control, storing, preservation and distribution of its storm and flood waters, the waters of its rivers and streams, for irrigation, power and all other useful purposes, the reclamation and irrigation of its arid, semi-arid and other lands needing irrigation, the reclamation and drainage of its overflowed lands, and other lands needing drainage, the conservation and development of its forests, water and hydro-electric power, the navigation of its inland and coastal waters, and the preservation and conservation of all such natural resources of the State are each and all hereby declared public rights and duties; and the Legislature shall pass all such laws as may be appropriate thereto. (b) An owner or claimant of the property claimed as homestead may not sell or abandon the homestead without the consent of each owner and the spouse of each owner, given in such manner as may be prescribed by law. 1) A constitution is the fundamental law by which a nation or a state is governed and organized. Sec. (b) amended Nov. 2, 1999; Subsec. Sec. Answers: sheriff. Likely Yes. 50. the Texas legislature In case of vacancy in said office the Governor of the State shall fill said vacancy by appointment until the next general election. 3) Sec. Which of the following are among the formal qualifications for being a member of the Texas House? introducing a bill or voting on a resolution. Such indebtedness shall be a lien upon the property assessed for the payment thereof. If the governor neither vetoes nor signs the bill within 10 days, the bill becomes a law. (f) A conservation and reclamation district created under this section to perform any or all of the purposes of this section may engage in fire-fighting activities and may issue bonds or other indebtedness for fire-fighting purposes as provided by law and this constitution. THE CONSTITUTION PROVIDES THAT: "(A) THE LOAN MUST BE VOLUNTARILY CREATED WITH THE CONSENT OF EACH OWNER OF YOUR HOME AND EACH OWNER'S SPOUSE; "(B) THE PRINCIPAL LOAN AMOUNT AT THE TIME THE LOAN IS MADE MUST NOT EXCEED AN AMOUNT THAT, WHEN ADDED TO THE PRINCIPAL BALANCES OF ALL OTHER LIENS AGAINST YOUR HOME, IS MORE THAN 80 PERCENT OF THE FAIR MARKET VALUE OF YOUR HOME; "(C) THE LOAN MUST BE WITHOUT RECOURSE FOR PERSONAL LIABILITY AGAINST YOU AND YOUR SPOUSE UNLESS YOU OR YOUR SPOUSE OBTAINED THIS EXTENSION OF CREDIT BY ACTUAL FRAUD; "(D) THE LIEN SECURING THE LOAN MAY BE FORECLOSED UPON ONLY WITH A COURT ORDER; "(E) FEES AND CHARGES TO MAKE THE LOAN MAY NOT EXCEED 2 PERCENT OF THE LOAN AMOUNT, EXCEPT FOR A FEE OR CHARGE FOR AN APPRAISAL PERFORMED BY A THIRD PARTY APPRAISER, A PROPERTY SURVEY PERFORMED BY A STATE REGISTERED OR LICENSED SURVEYOR, A STATE BASE PREMIUM FOR A MORTGAGEE POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE WITH ENDORSEMENTS, OR A TITLE EXAMINATION REPORT; "(F) THE LOAN MAY NOT BE AN OPEN-END ACCOUNT THAT MAY BE DEBITED FROM TIME TO TIME OR UNDER WHICH CREDIT MAY BE EXTENDED FROM TIME TO TIME UNLESS IT IS A HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT; "(G) YOU MAY PREPAY THE LOAN WITHOUT PENALTY OR CHARGE; "(H) NO ADDITIONAL COLLATERAL MAY BE SECURITY FOR THE LOAN; "(J) YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO REPAY THE LOAN EARLIER THAN AGREED SOLELY BECAUSE THE FAIR MARKET VALUE OF YOUR HOME DECREASES OR BECAUSE YOU DEFAULT ON ANOTHER LOAN THAT IS NOT SECURED BY YOUR HOME; "(K) ONLY ONE LOAN DESCRIBED BY SECTION 50(a)(6), ARTICLE XVI, OF THE TEXAS CONSTITUTION MAY BE SECURED WITH YOUR HOME AT ANY GIVEN TIME; "(L) THE LOAN MUST BE SCHEDULED TO BE REPAID IN PAYMENTS THAT EQUAL OR EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF ACCRUED INTEREST FOR EACH PAYMENT PERIOD; "(M) THE LOAN MAY NOT CLOSE BEFORE 12 DAYS AFTER YOU SUBMIT A LOAN APPLICATION TO THE LENDER OR BEFORE 12 DAYS AFTER YOU RECEIVE THIS NOTICE, WHICHEVER DATE IS LATER; AND MAY NOT WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT CLOSE BEFORE ONE BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE ON WHICH YOU RECEIVE A COPY OF YOUR LOAN APPLICATION IF NOT PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED AND A FINAL ITEMIZED DISCLOSURE OF THE ACTUAL FEES, POINTS, INTEREST, COSTS, AND CHARGES THAT WILL BE CHARGED AT CLOSING; AND IF YOUR HOME WAS SECURITY FOR THE SAME TYPE OF LOAN WITHIN THE PAST YEAR, A NEW LOAN SECURED BY THE SAME PROPERTY MAY NOT CLOSE BEFORE ONE YEAR HAS PASSED FROM THE CLOSING DATE OF THE OTHER LOAN, UNLESS ON OATH YOU REQUEST AN EARLIER CLOSING DUE TO A DECLARED STATE OF EMERGENCY; "(N) THE LOAN MAY CLOSE ONLY AT THE OFFICE OF THE LENDER, TITLE COMPANY, OR AN ATTORNEY AT LAW; "(O) THE LENDER MAY CHARGE ANY FIXED OR VARIABLE RATE OF INTEREST AUTHORIZED BY STATUTE; "(P) ONLY A LAWFULLY AUTHORIZED LENDER MAY MAKE LOANS DESCRIBED BY SECTION 50(a)(6), ARTICLE XVI, OF THE TEXAS CONSTITUTION; "(Q) LOANS DESCRIBED BY SECTION 50(a)(6), ARTICLE XVI, OF THE TEXAS CONSTITUTION MUST: "(1) NOT REQUIRE YOU TO APPLY THE PROCEEDS TO ANOTHER DEBT EXCEPT A DEBT THAT IS SECURED BY YOUR HOME OR OWED TO ANOTHER LENDER; "(2) NOT REQUIRE THAT YOU ASSIGN WAGES AS SECURITY; "(3) NOT REQUIRE THAT YOU EXECUTE INSTRUMENTS WHICH HAVE BLANKS FOR SUBSTANTIVE TERMS OF AGREEMENT LEFT TO BE FILLED IN; "(4) NOT REQUIRE THAT YOU SIGN A CONFESSION OF JUDGMENT OR POWER OF ATTORNEY TO ANOTHER PERSON TO CONFESS JUDGMENT OR APPEAR IN A LEGAL PROCEEDING ON YOUR BEHALF; "(5) PROVIDE THAT YOU RECEIVE A COPY OF YOUR FINAL LOAN APPLICATION AND ALL EXECUTED DOCUMENTS YOU SIGN AT CLOSING; "(6) PROVIDE THAT THE SECURITY INSTRUMENTS CONTAIN A DISCLOSURE THAT THIS LOAN IS A LOAN DEFINED BY SECTION 50(a)(6), ARTICLE XVI, OF THE TEXAS CONSTITUTION; "(7) PROVIDE THAT WHEN THE LOAN IS PAID IN FULL, THE LENDER WILL SIGN AND GIVE YOU A RELEASE OF LIEN OR AN ASSIGNMENT OF THE LIEN, WHICHEVER IS APPROPRIATE; "(8) PROVIDE THAT YOU MAY, WITHIN 3 DAYS AFTER CLOSING, RESCIND THE LOAN WITHOUT PENALTY OR CHARGE; "(9) PROVIDE THAT YOU AND THE LENDER ACKNOWLEDGE THE FAIR MARKET VALUE OF YOUR HOME ON THE DATE THE LOAN CLOSES; AND, "(10) PROVIDE THAT THE LENDER WILL FORFEIT ALL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST IF THE LENDER FAILS TO COMPLY WITH THE LENDER'S OBLIGATIONS UNLESS THE LENDER CURES THE FAILURE TO COMPLY AS PROVIDED BY SECTION 50(a)(6)(Q)(x), ARTICLE XVI, OF THE TEXAS CONSTITUTION; AND. (d) No member of the Legislature of this State may hold any other office or position of profit under this State, or the United States, except as a notary public if qualified by law. b. No. (f) Retirement Systems Not Belonging to a Statewide System. The United States Congress is made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate. (d) added Nov. 3, 1964; Subsec. Which of the following is the best example of the Texas governor's exercise of senatorial courtesy? (c) The Commissioners Court of a county may call an election to abolish the office of County Surveyor in the county. DEDUCTIONS FROM SALARY OF PUBLIC OFFICER FOR NEGLECT OF DUTY. The Florida Constitution mandates a bicameral state legislature with an upper house, the Florida State Senate, and a lower house, the Florida House of Representatives. Financial leverage: The governor will not appoint someone to office unless that appointee's state senator agrees. The first would preempt significant portions of the. 1) (f) A temporary acting officer has all the powers, privileges, and duties of the office and is entitled to the same compensation, payable in the same manner and from the same source, as the officer who is temporarily replaced. AUTOMATIC RESIGNATION ON BECOMING CANDIDATE FOR ANOTHER OFFICE. The board of trustees of a system or program that provides retirement and related disability and death benefits for public officers and employees and that does not participate in a statewide public retirement system shall: (1) administer the system or program of benefits; (2) hold the assets of the system or program for the exclusive purposes of providing benefits to participants and their beneficiaries and defraying reasonable expenses of administering the system or program; and. (c) Nov. 2, 1999.) All bills require the signature of the governor, but no resolution does. (c) For an officer who is a member of the legislature, the member of the legislature shall select a person to serve as the temporary acting representative or senator, subject to approval of the selection by a majority vote of the appropriate house of the legislature. It can be overturned only by a 2/3 majority of both houses. Financing of benefits must be based on sound actuarial principles. The citation we provide here is one that is media-neutral and does not depend on being located in a print edition of a book. CIVIL OFFICERS; RESIDENCE; LOCATION OF OFFICES. 1) (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISIONS for Sec. (Feb. 15, 1876. The state agencies may deposit money accepted under this subsection either in the state treasury or in other secure depositories. If any of those provisions are held to be preempted by the laws of the United States, all of those provisions are invalid. While any of the bonds or interest on the bonds is outstanding and unpaid, there is appropriated out of the first money coming into the treasury in each fiscal year, not otherwise appropriated by this constitution, the amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds that mature or become due during the fiscal year, less any amount in any interest and sinking account at the end of the preceding fiscal year that is pledged to payment of the bonds or interest. All pretended sales of the homestead involving any condition of defeasance shall be void. (c-1) In addition and only as provided by this subsection, the Legislature may authorize conservation and reclamation districts to develop and finance with taxes those types and categories of parks and recreational facilities that were not authorized by this section to be developed and financed with taxes before September 13, 2003. Every person shall be disqualified from holding any office of profit, or trust, in this State, who shall have been convicted of having given or offered a bribe to procure his election or appointment. ABSENT: Not present at a session. "BEFORE YOU REFINANCE YOUR EXISTING HOME EQUITY LOAN TO MAKE IT A NON-HOME EQUITY LOAN, YOU SHOULD MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE WAIVING IMPORTANT PROTECTIONS THAT HOME EQUITY LOANS PROVIDE UNDER THE LAW AND SHOULD CONSIDER CONSULTING WITH AN ATTORNEY OF YOUR CHOOSING REGARDING THESE PROTECTIONS. An individual can seek the nomination of a state-recognized political party. 66 added Sept. 13, 2003.). (a) amended Nov. 3, 2009.). The term may refer to individuals who simultaneously hold more than one statewide, county or municipal office. Do so by the legislature ; Thank you for visiting the official website of Texas. Texas procurement Texas, why is a governor 's post-adjournment veto so powerful Speaker. 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