Carefully, he rubbed his tongue over the injured area. Wow, sounds like some crazy day! Jim smiled. But something wasnt right. Jim, you have to believe me! Jim felt a pang when he saw Claire on life support. Uh World War II ended in 1945, Mr Strickler. Jim said quickly; Hed been brushing up on his history in the past few days. He had managed to push Toby out of the way in time. I wouldnt do that, if I were you. He yelled to Toby, who was only barely blocking Bulars blows. He heard Toby yell something, but couldnt catch exactly what it was. Just a Regular Day This is after season 3 but they found another heart stone in Arcadia in the forest. The sun was just rising, and so he couldnt attack. She opened up the tome and quickly learned within the first few pages that what she had in her hands was a spell book. Daylight is mine to command? Looking Down at the Scars that Remain, a trollhunters fanfic | FanFiction This may have been an excuse to practice writing in first person. The Arianna meets a set if twins names A Jim Lake's sister, Y/n Lake, is the family fighter and protector. This is my fault. Whats up, Tobes?For a moment, it feels like theres an iron grip around his throat.Or maybe a stone one.Did I tell you about how one of those trolls totally had like six eyes?Jim smiles at him.You did. He slides the casserole into the oven, and then leans his hip against the counter, something unreadable in his eyes. A twig snapped in the forest and Jims head snapped to the loud noise. Over history, it has become legendary as the sword of King Arthur of Camelot. Jim relished in the quiet breeze, the birds chirped, and he could hear his mom and Strickler laughing about who knows what inside. Touch-A-Truck-athon Gunmar the Vicious. And I know for a fact many people have crushes on them even the villains! Cora-14 years old-second oldest- female Go on an adventure with Y/n L/n and the TrollHunters! Eli is having a meltdown and Steve helps him ride it out. The Meeting of the ConfigurationPlus Steve James Lake Jr, you are in so much trouble when I get to you! Merlin exclaimed. Steve has a fight with coach Laurence and decides to make it up to him by baking an apple pie. They have helped us so much. All rights reserved. His fingers scrambled against its body, he had it, just a bit more. I failed a person like this once, and I do not intend to do so again. The figure stood up. Then he got out of bed to make breakfast. Revelations Jim didnt wait to see what was happening. Jim holds her too dear, Just like he does his Mom. After the movie?. The gang's back on Arcadia, and now need to prepare for the fight against the Arcane Order! Toby caught the spear and drove it into Bulars gut. This collection is also posted on ao3. "Well you know, I try to keep my promises.." he shrugged then put his left hand on my shoulder looking me in the eyes. Hiccup is tired of living on Berk. Slumber Party Nightmare The Investigation by Mary and Darci They looked incorporeal, but appearances could be deceiving. A figure walked out of the shadows, but it wasnt clear. The odd sense of familiarity and warmth came from the boy. No, no, its fine. But she called in sick the day Jim found the amulet, and has been kept from the truth ever since. He could hear words being spoken all around him, but he couldnt understand them. Jim was still zoned out. The figure straightened, and Jim tensed, ready for an attack. Farwell to Sleep As long as I find Merlin, it will be alright. Neither does the art. He punched Gunmar and the two started to fight. Oh sorry, I was just thinking about- stuff, yeah. Jim said awkwardly. And all will be well. No more death. Asmodeus and his brothers have kids, they get kidnapped by other universe versions of themselves, it's up to the daughter of Belphegor, Bellatrixx, son of Diavalo, Damien, and the Daughter of Asmodeus, Astrella. Im Jim Lake Jr, Jim said, holding his hand out, Blinky tilted his head and grabbed and shook the boys hand. And youll never guess what happened after!, What did you find? He didnt regret going back in time and bearing this heavy burden. Images suddenly danced through Blinkys mind, but they were too fast to make out. Aaarrrgghh the Gumm-Gumm So youre saying I need to let go of everyone I ever had a connection with. Jim confirmed, with a sinking feeling in his stomach. The figure snapped its fingers and vanished. They started slamming their spears on the ground. And what came into sight was something terrible. Jim somehow managed to get through school. Tales Of Arcadia FanFiction. They had to find Merlin as soon as possible. Trollhunters | Fanfiction Fantasy Draal. Geez Jimbo you need to get your priorities in order! Toby exclaimed, Jim, shrugged helplessly. Dealing with the stress of school, life, and training, Jamie finds the true power and determination inside of her. Keris could hardly believe it. Well- its sort of a long story Jim hesitated. Youre not going to scream at the unknown creatures behind your fence? Toby asked. I think that you have ruined this timeline and the chances of the entire world. Merlin whispered, half to himself, Even as we speak, they awaken., The wraiths. Jim turned around, and saw Aaarrrgghh barrelling into him, and Toby standing to the side, a betrayed look on his face. Nevertheless, lets focus on Master Tobiass training before addressing the mystery that is Jim Lake.. I have been getting stronger, but the stronger I get, the more powerful people I have to fight. So this is going to " ." Otto snickered, Did you think of leaving someone to guard your house?. Looks like I shall be leaving this tomb earlier than scheduled, Merlin grumbled, cracking his back. 17. Jim shook his head and smiled. Jim, I told you, trolls do exist! Toby started to say, but Jim cut him off. Jim frowned. Suddenly, a giant blue figure hurtled across the room into Gunmar. This fic takes place after the Rise of The Titans movie end. I plead to you to make the right choice.. Everyone, every single person Jim could see was frozen in place. 7. Watching Their Show/Reveal Fanfic. The Uneeded Training and Nightmares His armored knees scrape heavily on the concrete as he falls to the floor around a dark corner. Y/N L/N the Trollhuntress, the first human Trollhuntress that is. Another weird thing had happened in class. This is never going to work, there are too many of them. Jim said. The following story takes place after Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans, and contains spoilers for the same, so do not read if you haven't watched Rise of the Titans, and you don't want spoilers. Chapter 1: Toby and the Trolls Jim sat on the rock in his backyard, watching as the blue sky turned an orange-pink. I dont think he should be trusted, but I really have no choice. Nancy- she was injured when Varvatos found her. Jim looked at Varvatos, who was getting to his feet. Reader Insert, Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia (Jim x OC), Beyond the Realms of Reason (Trollhunters X Reader), The Gumm-Gumm Prince and the Human Warrior. Jim got out from behind the statue, but he already knew he was too late. How odd. When Evelyn's After the war, everyone is wondering, what happens to Arcadia? Toby had missed class, he was probably off doing some Trollhunter business. The wraiths were humanoid figures, except they were spectres, with transparent bodies. Our world turned upside down in a split second. I wasnt. The rocks fell, and cut them off from the rest of the world. Arianna Nuez is a very shy and lonely girl, and she can defend herself when she needs to. He had scored the part of Romeo and gotten Claire's attention in the process. He looked Mournful, somehow, Jim thought, The museum was where Killahead bridge had been opened, but that is going to happen in a few weeks, not now. What are you- Jim was cut off as the large troll grabbed him. Even if they didn't realize it, both of t Y/n is like a little sister to Jim. H We will identify your interests, skills and schedules to find the best way you can get involved. The hideous creature spoke next, I want to study the boy, the skinny one with blue clothing. Jim dismissed this too, and went down the trapdoor into the caverns underneath. Jim knew he would have to face the fact that his Toby was dead, but he didnt fancy doing that just yet. Your Gumm-gumms are not here to protect you now. Jim said softly. left kudos on this work! He levelled his sword, and blue magical lines extended from it, moving towards Varvatos face. Jim looked up, startled, and scanned the writing on the board. Arent you going to follow them? Jim asked. I wanted to thank you for the Publix gift cards. Gunmar, his biggest nightmare, was going to fight his best friend. He was whispering, like he couldnt believe it. Names Aaarrrgghh, three rs, Aaarrrgghh said, holding up three fingers. Jim Resets the Trollhunters Timeline To Save Toby While the day and the world is saved, this final victory comes at the cost of Toby's life. Ever since the final climactic battle between humanity and the Arcane Order, Arcadia Oaks has been restored to the peaceful, sleepy town it once was; well, as sleepy as one can get with trolls, aliens and wizards living in it. Its just a coincidence that both Toby and Strickler said the same thing- maybe theyre even in this together. I cannot abandon them, Jim realized, I cannot, and I will not, abandon my friends. Becoming: Part Two He knew he could probably take the Gumm-gumm if he wanted to, but he decided the Staff of Avalon was more important. Merlins hand touched cold metal and he picked up the offending item. Even after actually dating Claire in the future- his past, Jim still became a mess around her. 52. Just wasnt so satisfied with the ending of TrollHunters. They go deep into a jungle into a hidden temple which held a troll named 'Angor Rot'. 46. Jim looked on from behind a statue in horror. Who said anything about fighting? It premiered on October 2, 2021, with a 22-minute special. The figure knelt, facing something. The Bridge: Part Two I guess the new Trollhunter will need a human ally.. What would've happened if Strickler, the child of Morgana, was chosen to be Merlin's champion instead of the young Atlas? 33. Hisirdoux Casperan Strickler let out a sigh, and said with an amused smile, That is correct, Young Atlas, but all I asked you to do was open the window. Dont look at those. Blinky said, as Toby went to get a closer look at the murals on the walls, They will not do you any good.. And look where that got me., Save your breath. Toby spat at Jims feet, Nothing you say will change my mind.. I just thought it would sound cool., A well wisher. The figure answered, And I would recommend you stop doing what you are doing., Dont play innocent with me boy. Please consider turning it on! He cut down Gumm-gumms, and they fell like pins in front of Varvatos onslaught. They think Im controlling the staff, and making all this happen. It will not be perfect writing on my part, but I am merely writing this for fun and to write out parts I despised.]. Going back will make our job possible, but as long as you remain here, you will continue to cause problems., You dont believe me? The figure asked, Did the aliens not arrive before schedule? What was even crazier is that it called my name! Im pretty sure its an amulet, Jim noted. Kanjigar dies, a few weeks after [Y/n] met him and [Y/n] fought Bular to keep him aw [Y/n] has been in the Darklands their whole life, and have worn a mask their whole life. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Toby Domzalski & Jim Lake Jr. & Claire Nuez, Barbara Lake/Walter Strickler | Stricklander, Jim Lake Jr. & Walter Strickler | Stricklander. Toby landed on his feet, and leveled Daylight. Aaarrrgghh lumbered over to Jim and sniffed him. I promise Im not lying! Toby blurted, shaking Jims shoulders again. He said the Amulet would come to me- and it did. Mr Strickler had come up to Jim, and started talking. I didnt see her there, if I had, I could have saved her. He gave his mother a pleading look, Whats wrong with her?, Barbara sighed, Shes in a coma and on life support., Theres no point, she wont give any response. Toby did though. Only if you go with me, Toby responded. A Solid Plan They turned around to see Gunmar attacking Toby with his giant sword. What will happen in this littl Sadie Domzalski is a normal girl in a totally normal town until her best friend Jim Lake finds the Amulet of the Trollhunter. Jim wondered, What am I missing? He's scared that Blinky won't accept him as a part-changeling, but Blinky doe Tales of Arcadia Watch The Show, Trollhunters Fanfiction. But I know everything about all this, and you cant kill Gunmar, not without the Triumbric stones., Look, in the future, my Amulet broke and Titans were attacking and Stuart created a new Amulet with Excalibur as Daylight and I was fighting Bellroc but I couldnt beat her but you came with the Akiridion anti-magic tech and helped me beat Bellroc but you lost your life in the process so I came back in time to try and change the future so you dont die!, Bellroc? 28. Never the matter, Master Tobias, we must train you for your upcoming fight with Bular! Blinky ordered. Not that they would remember. Jim scratched at the fallen rocks desperately, trying to get out. find out how the Trollhunters saves ARCADIA from evil. Something was wrong. And this one is pretty famous. Jim smiled, You may have heard of him. She asked Varvatos- she asked me- to do this. She was respected and feared. It was Merlin, but with eyes that glowed bloodred, a sunken figure, and a reddish glow spreading from his body. 26. It's on orginal story but is also on Wattpad. Toby placed the stone in the slot, and the gyre took off, moving at a rapid pace. Looking around his tomb, it was empty, this was not how things should go. Jim and Marinette are half siblings, and are seemingly normal teenagers. He peeked, and saw Zadra and Vex arguing. Mostly from writing prompts or sudden inspiration. But the moment Jim arrived, they lifted their heads, sniffed the air and started attacking. Tobys spear broke at a particularly hard strike from Bulars sword. We thank you for your support and encouragement and we bless your organization so that you can help other families in need. Tobys expression of astonishment mirrored that of Bulars. Jim is now tasked to save his friends and family from the evils the lurk in the shadow Y/n has been alive for more than a thousand years. -Hisirdoux Casperan and Nirvana Ambrosius get stuck in the past with Steve, Claire and Jim. He watched them fall, and trap a friend and an enemy in disguise with the terror of all trolls. This amulet had a past, more than it should right now. They destroyed cars, broke into homes, and generally harassed the people of Arcadia. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The four-armed troll walked into Jims vision, carrying a large sack. I am known as Blinky, a pleasure to make youre acquaintance, Blinky smiled. You are My Sunshine is a Trollhunters fanfic by rockymountainvixen. A few short months after being abandoned by James, Barbara and Jim have finally regained some stability; only to have their lives completely shattered by a single, inexplicable event. The Trollhunter was supposed to awaken him. For the good of all? Akiridion-5 The Staff, once again acting on its own accord, shot a beam of green energy at Aaarrrgghh, throwing him backwards. Whats Bellroc? Toby looked worried, Jim, are you on drugs or something?, No I- Jim noticed Varvatos flying towards them, Toby, look out!. Dungeon Break Jim worried about this for a while, but decided to take it with a pinch of salt. [Y/n] [L/n] has been best friends with Toby and Jim for who knows how long. Master Tobias, you told your skinny friend of our existence? Blinky asked, looking disapprovingly at Toby. 58. The following story takes place after Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans, and contains spoilers for the same, so do not read if you haven't watched Rise of the Titans, and you don't want spoilers. Exclusion of The Full Story He leaped over a few Gumm-gumms and ran, but found his way blocked by Toby, who was held up by Aaarrrgghh. He recalled the words of a certain strange figure who had come to offer Jim his advice. 32. Morgan-16 years old-oldest- male Things seem to explode out of proportion when he brings a strange amulet to the Arcadia Oaks Museum from his latest work site. Patience, Metus. The Vendel spoke in a raspy voice. I will take care of the royals.. im sorry but i was really mad to see that their wasn't any fanfictions of Jim x Draal so i HAD to do it!!!! But now- now that he knew Gunmar was still out there, and about to bring upon the Eternal Night, something had changed. It had said something about a boy- someone they would bring to their creepy area with absolutely nothing all around it. Gunmar the Vicious! Alex comes off as a shy, anti-social Sadie Domzalski is a normal girl in a totally normal town until her best friend Jim Lake finds the Amulet of the Trollhunter. Then, much to his surprise, the staff let out a blast of green energy, vaporizing all the Gumm-gumms near him. I know, I know, Toby, I used to be the Trollhunter but things happened and I got confused and- Ill explain later. Uh- Toby? Oh no, Jim thought, Last time this happened, it didnt go very well. Darci is inclined to agree ambient hesitantly, Mary seems ready to hop on board immediately. It has been a journey for all of us involved. 20. Who are you, boy, and where is my Trollhunter? Merlin interrupted Jim. I hope you all like what I have to offer. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. But she called in sick the day Jim found the amulet, and has been kept from the truth ever since. Sure, seeing the future is vague so who knows how old Jim will really be when it happens. I- will take your word for it. The other voice said. He had said, I wouldnt recommend going to watch that special exhibition theyre putting on today, Young Atlas. Excalibur is the Sword of Ice. 51. SPOILERS for those who haven't seen it yet! The weathers a weird thing, and it all seems to match up with a cold, inviting frost sweeping through the town. Now, the elves seek vengeance. We use cookies to enhance your experience, analyze site traffic, and for marketing purposes. We dont know if she will recover, but we are hoping for the best. She said. Jim looked at the wraiths that were streaming towards the wizard and the Trollhunter. 15. Mia is a first-grade gymnastics super star and was beginning her competition in January when she was diagnosed with ALL. His troll dad Blinky of course. 5. Jaune Arc has seen many strange things, he lives with Nora after all, but when he and Zwei fall into other universes has to take the cake for being the strangest thing on his list! Both Strickler and Toby had told him to not go to the museum that day. Growing more confident, he started trying to slowly edge towards Blinkys body. Merlin.. No child or family should have to suffer alone. Within seconds his player was destroyed, along with all the progress he'd made for the speedrun. You do? Who knows, he could also be in league with the gumm-gumms. Everything is definitely NOT fine, Jim thought, This is very, very bad. Uh, Jim? Claire asked, from beside him, Are you even listening to what I'm saying?. What did you do? Jim asked, Are you trying to intimidate me?, Oh no, I wouldnt dream of doing that, The figure said, This is merely for convenience. But he was never a good liar. Toby looked sheepishly at the others and said, What? Jim nodded, and went out of his ward, walking towards the ICU. He whispered the incantation, and then breathed deeply. They might "Destiny is a gift. Im gonna go to the creepy weird time person and tell him to take me back. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Jim quickly said, Eh, all humans smell the same, you know.. Merlin allowed his magic to swell and soon he found what made everything wrong. What happened after?, Well after school I biked down the canals as you suggested and I found this huge pile of rubble and this! Toby proclaimed, pulling out the amulet of Daylight. Gunmar casually sidestepped Vexs attack, and kicked him in the back. However, their claws seemed to be solid enough to cause damage. Create New. [Not completely canon compliant. 36. 45. 53. Y/N L/N gets a magic neck (Y/n) Kubritz is different from most sixteen year olds. For this Varvatos shall give you a glorious death! Vex roared. Dismissing it as his imagination, Jim walked into the workshop. Toby's injuries are too severe for either magic or alien technology to heal, and with a tearful Jim by his side, Toby dies. He focused on getting the staff as far away from his friends as possible. As you already know, it is a very difficult journey and any help that we get is so greatly needed and appreciated. Hey Toby starts, and then doesnt know how to keep going.Jim turns around.Yeah? He asks and grabs for his he thinks its a casserole. A growing compilation of short stories. Despite her being much older. So, were bringing what we found home. He looked around for Toby, and breathed a sigh of relief. Mr Lake, are you hearing me? A voice cut off Jims wandering thoughts. Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia | Reader | Romance. His Amulet was gone. And the worst part was, he had been defeated by his friends- who now thought he was a bad person. The Amulet was in Killahead Bridge, and the bridge was activating. 10. He said that he would bring about the Eternal Night. He kept forgetting how sharp his teeth were. 8. The Trollhuntress is very similar to the Trollhunte A friend of Toby's moves in with him, his friend is named Alex, a 15 year old girl. 24. Blinky, he sacrificed himself. Jim could only hope that Gunmar didnt somehow survive the fall. Jim was just crossing the bridge over the canal, when a figure in a black cloak stepped out in front of Jim. Aaarrrgghh, throw it! Blinky shouted, throwing the sack towards the bushes. After a while, Varavtos face went blank. Hm. Merlin said. I am changing a lot of what happens, who dies, and how it ends especially. Provided over 2.5 million in financial assistance for families in 49 states and 36 countries to date. When Evelyn 's after the War, everyone is wondering, what happens, who was to. The Meeting of the Titans movie end they think im controlling the staff as far away his. Casually sidestepped Vexs attack, and training, Jamie finds the true power and determination inside of.. On today, Young Atlas time and bearing this heavy burden cut him off the moment Jim,... 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