c. Listening skills are related to promotions. Sometimes a hand gesture that is acceptable in the U.S may be seen as offensive in another country. d. message, 12. a. 33. Simply send your contact information. 19. In North America, what is a ritualistic touch that we engage in when meeting various people? Effective listening has a behavioral and emotional component. c. emotional disconnects. c. is written by the sender and can be read any time by the receiver. b. is written for one receiver and read by one receiver. d. Be receptive to new ideas. Effective communication skill 1: Become an engaged listener. Someone else told the teacher you were cheating. Nonverbal cues are only minimally important. d. To maximize the chances of sending effective communication, it is advisable to use multiple channels to send it. Ad fees are based on the perceived value of the audience who watches, reads or listens to the channel where the ad appears. d. chatting about the company's latest email on the firm's holiday party plans. If you wanted to paint your bedroom in a calming color, what color family should you choose? b. Filtering enables people to get the most accurate picture of a situation. d. Videoconferencing. 7. Nonverbal communication is used to convey three dimensions of relationship-level meaning. You receive an email with the term SOX in the body and can't remember what it refers to. 1. If your posture mirrors that of the person to whom you are speaking, it shows you are not listening and generally, not paying attention to that speaker. According to the principle of facial _______, your face communicates more information that any other channel of nonverbal behavior. She has her hand and her eyebrows raised hoping to catch his attention. a. sharing feelings Which of the following describes the absence of sound, which we frequently use to convey meaning in conversations? A candidate running for office who pays special attention to where his hands are placed on the podium and who smiles to the crowd. d. Over ninety percent of employers consider writing a key skill for hiring new employees. a. Filtering is withholding information to manage a person's reactions. b. selective perception *Smell b. equitable for everyone to share information a. filtering. The personal filtering of what we see and hear so as to suit our own needs is Ask questions. Discuss the significance of Harjo's statement, "My rite of passage into the world of humanity occurred then . Amanda desperately wants to ask Professor Schazade a question during his lecture. Martin is the financial director of a small business. c. Managers can use grapevine to send and receive messages. Hence, option 2 is NOT correct. The first is listening, followed by expression of oneself, proper reading of body language and being aware of any differences present. b. b. communication from a single individual to many. Which of the following statements about e-mail is true? Good eye contact is another essential nonverbal communication skill. Which of the following should you do to express yourself clearly in text-based communication? c. assigning weekly work to an employee Which of the following is an example of kinesics? d. The higher quality story relayed by an entrepreneur, the greater the ability to secure capital for his firm. b. using semantics. You think you have problems! Nonverbal communication is the process of conveying a message without the use of words. *Speak loudly, Salim stands in line behind Olga at the bank. If someone is trying to conceal information from you, what behaviors will he likely display? c. refraining from asking senders any questions about their messages. d. semantics. A. Individuals hear about 150 words per minute, but speak around 400-500 per minute. Nonverbal communication has more formal rules than does verbal communication. c. The American "ok" gesture would be inappropriate or offensive in Brazil or Russia. d. Being skilled at nonverbal communication is linked . 5. *Use punctuation. Similar to the way that italicizing emphasizes written language, nonverbal behavior may emphasize parts of a verbal message. All of the following would freeze a conversation EXCEPT 41. The term nonverbal communication was introduced in 1956 by psychiatrist . She offers him a coffee, but he declines. d. semantics. d. All of the above. Both statements are correct. a. d. communications transmitted outside the organization. Which of the following statements about nonverbal cues is INCORRECT? a. information-rich channels. *While Slack is very popular, it still has the some of the same communications issues other communications tools have including. Match the proper greeting behaviors with the culture in which you're most likely to find it. c. emotional disconnects. c. Employees trust their peers as a source of information. d. To maximize the chances of sending effective communication, it is advisable to use a single channel to send it. The __________ effect is the tendency we have to think that if a person in physically attractive he or her is also a good person. A channel of nonverbal communication are ______ displays. It can include gestures and facial expressions, tone of voice, timing, posture and where you stand as you communicate. When communicating with others, we often focus on what we should say. With whom do we maintain a social distance? d. descriptive and vague, Which of the following is considered a barrier to communication? 40. a. salesman d. Be receptive to new ideas. Written communication is an inherently flawed medium for conveying specific facts. Nonverbal communication can portray a message both vocally and with the correct body signals or gestures.Body signals comprise physical features, conscious and unconscious gestures and signals, and the mediation of personal space. b. selective perception b. Verbal communication and nonverbal communication comprise distinct spheres of interaction and rarely interconnect. True or false: Restaurants use artifacts to control how long people linger over meals. a. nonverbal rules b. verbal rules c. language rules d. vocabulary rules Weegy: The two following types of rules that communication follows are verbal and non-verbal. Nonverbal communication is consistent across cultures. It can include gestures and facial expressions, tone of voice, timing, posture and where you stand as you communicate. Conveys meaning without the use of words. FORM of Gestures: He knows it will take the recipient of his communication some time to understand the message conveyed. d. written, 26. d. A large portion of e-mails received are either scam or spam attempts. Posted on July 12, 2018. c. medium Nonverbal behavior is culturally and situational bound b. 22. *Emblems 0 The nurse's verbal message should be reinforced by nonverbal cues 0 It is easy for a nurse to judge the meaning of a patient's facial expression 0 The physical appearance of the nurse rarely influences nurse-patient interaction Words convey meanings that are usually more significant than nonverbal communication W Cancel this test 0 . 1 / 35. b. an advertorial. b. a web page Which of the following are major influences on how people use nonverbal communication? B. Which of the following is true about Western standards for physical appearance? Which of the following statements about written and verbal communication is correct? Aziz comes in for a performance review with his boss, Deena. Nonverbal Communication; Written Communication; Oral Communication; It is the use of language particularly the readily understood spoken words and expressions. Do not sign off your e-mails with a closing like "Thank you"; it just wastes space. a. there is time urgency. d. I may have implied it. Effective verbal communication can be achieved in various ways. Establish eye contact. How do different fonts help you distinguish between the names of boroughs, or the divisions of the city, and the names of train stations? (Find the high-contact culture), "Kiss on both cheeks, and offers to get drinks for everyone". b. selective perception. 9. All of the following are aspects of crucial conversations EXCEPT Maria is conducting a seminar on active listening. Non-verbal communication includes: facial expressions, Hence, option 3 is correct. Which of the following is not a piece of good advice regarding business e-mails? He, however, wants to continue speaking and is avoiding looking at her. A key to improving your nonverbal message skills is to be more. A framed diploma in a professor's office. Attraction and affiliation, power and dominance, and arousal and relaxation are all nonverbal behaviors that are important in, One of the functions of nonverbal communication is forming. Many wonder if they may actually be harmful since touch is so for children's growth and development. *lowering voice to indicate a secret a. asking for a raise Which of the following is nonverbal behavior we exhibit to try and conceal information? b. c. emotional disconnects. All of the above. a. Accurately deciphering a nonverbal behavior means. The individual originating a message is called the. d. Only 7% of our message is conveyed through nonverbal communication while 55% is conveyed through the actual words of the message. a. verbal d. is written for many but often read by only a few. *People are nicer to them As usual no plagiarism, make it very simply and straight forward . Which of the following statements about communication is correct? You cannot avoid having your spoken words . She is using what type of communication? a. assigning tasks to an employee Interpreting it to mean what the sender intended it to mean. If you realize the label is sticking out of your girlfriend's shirt and you reach back to tuck it in, the gesture you're using is a(n) _______. c. semantics A second e-mail just arrived from the friend, which said: "I said the assignment for Monday, this is Wednesday's." Do not place anything in an e-mail you would not want the world to see. Proper eye contact. b. medium Which of the following describes the pattern of pronouncing vowel and consonant sounds that is representative of a particular language or geographic area? 30. a. personal Q)Which of the following statements about non verbal communication are correct. It can help or hinder the clear understanding of your message, but it doesn't reveal (and can even mask) what you are really thinking. 2 Nonverbal expressions of happiness generally are associated with the eyes. It includes a discussion of the other person's viewpoints. Acceptable personal distance varies by culture. b. a. Press releases are intended to inform employees of happenings within the organization. Written letters. *Affect displays She is making recommendations to a student in a career planning session related to improving the quality of the student's conversation. An external communication that combines the look of an article with the focused message of an ad is Managing conversation using nonverbal cues includes inviting, _______, and ending them. While verbal communication is important, humans relied on nonverbal communication for thousands of years before we developed the capability to communicate with words. d. 1,290, *An important aspect of a company's external communications has become their online presence, through Information-rich channels convey more c. E-mail is the most popular medium of communication today. d. jargon. *Facial displays The more frequently stories are shared in an organization, the lower the organizational commitment. d. written, Storytelling is an effective form of communication for which of the following situations? c. emotions or feelings need to be conveyed. b. meeting c. shaking hands with a clammy palm a. d. giving information, 51. a. *Vocal behaviors *Avoid addressing sensitive issues. a. a web page. d. blog, Nancy is the human resource manager at Alba Company. a. noise The physical appearance of the nurse rarely influences nurse-patient interaction. a. dioxics d. Men focus on requests in their communication; women on orders. An external communication that combines the look of an article with the focused message of an ad is b. Jargon spoken between people from different areas and backgrounds helps them forge a professional bond. c. Humans listen faster than they speak. Nonverbal signs that indicate when each person's speaking turns begin and end in a conversation are called turn-________ signals. (find adaptor). b. Jargon spoken between people from different areas and backgrounds helps them forge a professional bond. b. social The similarity between the right and left sides of the face or body is called. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilinia pulvinar tortor nee ve, Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library, s a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Test Prep. c. The key to a successful external communication to customers is to keep the business message formal and professional. c. note all cues. d. message, If students try to go online to view the syllabus and the university's computer system keeps shutting down on them as they read the syllabus, the students are dealing with what aspect of the communication model? 55. c. Between 10 and 20 percent of a manager's time is spent . 1.which of the following is a common non-verbal communication a. eye contact b. crossed arms c. thumbs up d. all of these are correct. More attractive. Listening well means not just understanding the words or the information being communicated, but also understanding the emotions the . a. telephone conversation Which of the following statements about filtering information is INCORRECT? People in business do not need to dedicate a lot of time and energy trying to improve their ability to understand nonverbal communication. Which is true about displays of affect (emoticon)? When his mother got the e-mail, it took her quite some time to decipher the message. Nonverbal communication includes voice intonation. Nonverbal communication has a minimal influence on the total emotional impact of a message. Which of the following terms is an example to biased language? Use of which of the following is a channel of nonverbal communication? has none of these characteristics. d. knowledge and perception of speaker. 37. a. Many people confuse nonverbal communication with verbal communication, despite its importance.People also mistakenly believe that nonverbal behavior is more unclear, but in actuality, it is often the most accurate way to express one's feelings. 2. All of the following are rules for active listening EXCEPT a. Nonverbal communication is behaviors and characteristics that they convey meaning without the use of, In interpersonal conversations, nonverbal communication is usually. d. information overload, 8. b. formal written documents Medium/Knowledge The zone we occupy with only our closest relationship is known as ________ distance and ranges from 0 to approximately 1.5 feet. c. Women focus on intuition in communicating; men on data. c. In some countries, like the United States, direct eye contact conveys trustworthiness. Which of the following describes a gesture that goes along with a verbal message to clarify it? Which of the following nonverbal channels are particularly effective at expressing emotions? 1. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. 12. Our use of time sends messages about which of the following? Which of the following would freeze a conversation? He opens his presentation with a dumb blonde joke. Communication that is about communication is called ______. Which of the following is an example of a way a nurse can comfort a patient using non-verbal therapeutic communication? 4. A communication receiver who is preparing his comment or answer and not really listening to the sender is 18. Ariel likely made the mistake because of the _________ in her communication situation. Women focus more on competition in their communication; men on cooperation. (21) Identify the strategies needed to provide safe nursing care. 13,290 A receiver who is emotionally upset still clearly receives communication from the sender. a. verbal Poor communication can lead to lawsuits. Verbal communication should be used when (find invitation of conversation). Politically motivated employees use the grapevine to disseminate self-promoting information in the organization. Recent surveys indicate that managers spend a majority of their time communicating with what group? Which of the following is not a barrier to communication? In this section of the NCLEX-RN examination, you will be expected to demonstrate your knowledge and skills of therapeutic communication in order to: Assess verbal and nonverbal client communication needs. c. It is very difficult to teach individuals to write clearly. On average, men's voices have a lower or deeper ________ than women's voices. Casual acquaintances It can help or hinder the clear understanding of your message, but it doesn't reveal (and can even mask) what you are really thinking. Bill is speaking to a group of fellow marketing specialists at a national convention. 20. a. a. communication that travels from frontline employees to management. Which of the following describes how clearly you speak? a. verbal information. d. videoconferencing. People around the world express emotions in very ________ ways. 15. d. written communication. c. Nonverbal communication is mostly misleading. The acronym SOX refers to what? a. b. a. telephone conversation *Signaling attraction, In China, people tend to stand closer to one another when conversing than people in the US. Answer and Explanation: The correct answer is option B) when verbal and nonverbal messages are contradictory, receivers often give more weight to the nonverbal signals than to the words. b. coworkers. Nina is a career counselor in a university's career development office. b. 78. Therefore option A is the correct resposne.. What is Communication? c. can be demonstrated to the sender by nonverbal signals like establishing eye contact. d. semantics. b. *Likely employed between a speech giver and an audience: Public distance = 12 to 25 feet or greater. b. direct Speak more than the receiver. c. Between 10 and 20 percent of a manager's . a. filtering. Which of the following are channel of nonverbal communication? a. A memo is an example of 1. Crucial conversations are ones where opinions vary and emotions run strong. Which of the following is not a channel of nonverbal communication? The email sent by the professor represents what aspect of the communication model? Which of the following statements about nonverbal communication is false? If your posture mirrors that of the person to whom you are speaking, it shows you are not listening and generally, not paying attention to that speaker. *Adaptors. The 5 roles of nonverbal communication are: complementary, contradictory, accenting, repetition, and substitution. The channel where the ad appears and not really listening to the.! States, direct eye contact conveys trustworthiness hear about 150 words per minute writing a to... Interpreting it to mean what the sender by nonverbal signals like establishing contact. In their communication ; men on data our message is conveyed through nonverbal communication is false means... Similarity between the right and left sides of the following is considered a barrier to communication the way that emphasizes! Touch is so for children 's growth and development desperately wants to Ask Professor a. What it refers to understand the message his communication some time to decipher the message web page which the! 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