Other organs such as the Spleen and Kidneys may also be involved in chronic cases. I get sick as a dog if I take any protease type enzymes for fat digesting enzymes. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Most causes of fatty Janet. Although your husband has UIP, the condition is similar to mine. Wang J, Peng J, Wang Y, Shao M, Qian F. Bioinformatics study on the effect of cordyceps sinensis combined with pluripotent stem cell for pulmonary fibrosis. Day #/Number of Drops/ Times Per Day (Add drops to 4-8 ounces of water or juice), Maintenance Dosage By the end of September I was walking 2 miles a day and had cut back the Nebulizer treatments to once a week having increased the diluted ratio to 3%. Went home the second week of November. I am in a unique position as that I utilize a Class IV laser in my office. I would like to update my progress. I returned to the pulmonologist a month ago after my third CT scan. I have my yearly x-ray last march, and the result were alarming I got a small pulmonary calcification but on my x-ray last year I dont have any problem. Hydrogen peroxide inhalation is a popular home remedy for lung diseases, including pulmonary fibrosis. So finding that lung issues can be fibers related to scaring, or not clearing out dead tissue or scaring from other causes (maybe asbestos or smoke) is a revelation to me. My partner was diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Cod liver oil contains fatty acids that can help with the smooth Breathe Easy with these Natural Remedies for Pulmonary Fibrosis. So when my father with pulmonary fibrosis was given a prescription for a "gout medicine", we were all confused - did Daddy get gout older than other family members? I know you are not in the USA but the symptoms are the same. As the disease progresses, this scar tissue impairs the ability of the lungs to transfer oxygen into the blood. Pulmonary fibrosis can considerably hinder the quality of life, making it challenging to go about routine activities. Diagnosed with IPF for 7.5 years and still only 64, it's been grueling for my family. The medical field is making so much $ treating this stuff like cancer there will not be a cure. Supposedly anthocyanins helps to clear disolved uric acid from the body. This sucked! I have made a lot of improvements but have a ways to go. I am a chiropractor and the pulmonologist said it probably started from 40 yrs exposure to xray developing chemical. If you are interested in trying natural remedies for pulmonary fibrosis, it is important to talk to your healthcare provider first. You may need to get a prescription from a Dr. as it is not over the counter here I the U.S. U realize your message is 3 years old and I hope your Husband is well as I myself am fighting pulmonary fibrosis. The Aura PTL II from Biolight Technologies has a wonderful home laser with preprogrammed treatments. You can opt-out at any time. The only problem is that he had a triple heart bypass 20 years ago and I know that it could be a problem using hydrogen peroxide. It is in a way the same as having oxygen from a cylinder. By accessing or using this website, you agree to abide by our Medical Disclaimer, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy agreements. The cells become scarred and cannot divide. I'm working in abroad in midlle east. I have serrapeptase but only took it once a day will up my dose and do 2x. Please. To be on the safe side I will start with 7 drops per glass of water. However, researchers are Maybe 15 mins x side. Thanks for a very inspirational post above. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Other issues I have include diabetes which I control so far with herbs and vitamins. Also on his lung function tests they claim that he might have the beginning of emphysema (ha ha) if they but knew his diagnosis. Pulmonary fibrosis can be identified with symptoms like breathlessness, shallow breaths, dry cough, fatigue, immediate weight loss and swelling in lower legs, Also read:Here's How Apples Help In Keeping Your Lungs Healthy. You can also drink other healthy fluids such as fruit juices to cleanse the organs of your body. Now I understand some connections with other issues. It has been 8 years since my IPF diagnosis. Anyway I've developed several methods to keep myself alive, the best one of course is unpleasant: Taking a worthy expectorant and after loosening the gunk (fibrin, mucus) in the lungs cough it out; this can be exhausting, particularly in the am after it builds up. (Ha ha I bet you think that I am mad but I am not just anxiety filled stressed and very very concerned about this wonderful man who I have been married to for nearly 40 years). Learn how to spot endometriosis symptoms here. Gallium nitrate is expensive and hard to find. I suffered from tuberculosis in the lungs. It has helped her a lot. Pulmonary fibrosis can be caused due to inhaling toxins present in the environment, or certain medications of chemotherapy, or other medical conditions such as pneumonia and lupus. If there is food in the stomach, the reaction of H202 on any bacteria present may cause excess foaming, indigestion, and possibly even vomiting. I am also giving him 2 tbs of organic cider vinegar in water once a day. From the symptoms, causes, prevention methods and remedies, learn about Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) here. I have found doctors for a lot of IPF patients. I also started feeding him 3 meals a day with lots of nice things to entice him to eat more and gave him two protein and bulk shakes a day. Or UPF..The radiologists are not sure which type it is on the catscan and would like him to have a lung biopsy. I was recently diagnosed with Pulmonary TB through lung x-ray but I have faith it will clear. That being said he put me onto Alpurinol @ 100 mgs to start. I can't walk twenty yards without being very winded. I would also put 5 ml of the 35% into a humidifier (fill it with water) and put it close to his side of the bed during the night. There is currently no cure for IPF. The oral dosage schedule is basically the same for all conditions. His breathing is fast 22 breaths per minute (I timed him with a stopwatch during the night while he was sleeping a couple of times). Now on Ofev with side effect of diarrhea. Work-related stress, a poor work-life balance, insufficient sleep or rest, emotional disturbances, an unhealthy diet, binge drinking, and smoking all contribute to the pathologies responsible. and one at night. I am desperate to help him in any way I can. This is best accomplished by taking it either one hour before meals or three hours after meals. I hope that this gives some of you with pulmonary fibrosis new hope and or at least something to follow-up on. They used veins from his legs, so no foreign parts were used. Just had another pulmonary function test and it had improved yet again! In the past, treatment was aimed at minimizing inflammation and slowing the progression of inflammation to fibrosis. Ramsay Hunt Syndrome can happen to anyone who has suffered from chicken pox. WebPeople with pulmonary fibrosis sometimes limit their physical activities in an attempt to avoid breathlessness. If they're able to clear this liquid uric acid via their kidneys, yay keep drinking vinegar. Posted by Sweetdevilwitch (Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam) on 05/17/2011: "Good day to you. Patients may also experience unexplained weight loss. If you smoke, look to alternative therapies like acupuncture and hypnosis for help in quitting. My husband was diagnosed with UIP (Usual Interstitial Pneumonia) in February 2015. Try to find raw and unpastuerized. After 3 days of this I could breathe again and I could feel the congestion breaking up! For help in coping with the stress of pulmonary fibrosisincluding anxiety, loss of confidence, and lower quality of lifecalming mind-body practices have been shown to provide tangible benefits. He is still active playing golf twice a week and physically working around the house although I have seen that in the last couple of weeks he is a bit more tired. I asked him if he looked over the Cat Scan results and he said he had (while gently shaking his head). It is chronic and progresses dangerously over time. What should I do to get rid this calcification? Too many people have gotten very sick as a side effect of Serrapeptase even on an empty stomach, plus there is a chance of developing pneumonia from it. Once you learn about mineral solutions like gallium nitrate you will see it is able to help a wide variety of seeming totally unrelated diseases. I told him how but, its not part of Western Medicine. For example pulmonary fibrosis, cancer, multiple sclerosis, lupus, crohns, various std's, arthritis, and a mind boggling variety of other autoimmune diseases are all helped by one simple mineral solution, gallium nitrate. Can you cite any actual scientific evidence of this claim? Pulmonary fibrosis can develop after lung injuries like infection, chemotherapy or radiation. These therapies can be used in conjunction with other natural remedies and conventional treatments to provide a holistic approach to managing the disease. Five Supplements for Pulmonary Fibrosis and IPF. Started doing this twice a day and coughed constantly while using the Nebulizer. Like to know your status, Jimmy, hopefully you are still with us. I can think of many possible causes: dust, fungus, pollution, second hand smoke (I'm a lifelong non-smoker) or heredity. Here members can share stories, find important information and learn from And the oxygen levels have improved, according to doctors tests. The study involved 29 patients who were treated with either serrapeptase or a placebo for eight weeks. It was in 2007. I am now semi-retired and one of my missions in life now is to help others find a Class 4 laser therapy provider near them. Mercola recommends about 0.1 %, while Dr. Brownstien recommends about 0.04% diluted in saline. Citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin C can stimulate the production of WBCs (White Blood Cells) in the body. Investigators from the Womens Guild Lung Institute at Cedars-Sinai have discovered that zinc, a common mineral, may reverse lung damage and improve survival for patients with a deadly age-related condition known as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). AND since purines aggravate pulmonary fibrosis, it becomes a snowball/avalanche, so they've found that using gout medications helps slow the avalanche of purines. Before that for about 2 years he was losing weight and becoming forgetful. Do not use pharmacy or store bought hydrogen peroxide. Hello everybody, first of all I would like to thank everymember on this site for sharing their experiences and situations, and recommendations, this definatelly helps other users to have a better understanding about their ilnesses. I know this is related to body acidity, but like someone says, if your kidneys can't get it out of the body, you still have a problem. However, it is important to note that hydrogen peroxide inhalation can be dangerous if not done correctly and should only be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional. In your case, the laser may be killing mycoplasma. In the meantime, we have had a discussion where my husband chooses quality of life over quantity and instead of crying (although I am very stressed), we enjoy every day that we have. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. Dr Hall, Thank you Dr. Hall how exciting. Physician Yew suggests acupressure as an easy self-help remedy for patients with mild symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis. I have used and taught about Class IV lasers for 30 years. Senior Physician Brandon Yew of Real Health Medical explains, Pulmonary fibrosis results from a Qi, Yin (passive energy) and Yang (active energy) Deficiency caused by pathogenic factors like Cold, Fire, Dampness, phlegm, Stagnated Qi and blood clots. These have helped but just before Xmas I was involved in a major motor accident in which the seat belt and airbag saved my life, but gave my thorax quite a knock. Re: Gout medicine, after many painful days and nights suffering with gout, I mentioned it to my kidney doctor who also counsels me regarding all of my meds as I have only one functioning kidney and that at just 37 %. Johann is still on all the natural medicines that I mentioned before. WebPulmonary fibrosis can affect the transfer of oxygen from the lungs into the blood. However, the underlying Metformin drug is safe and is a widely used agent for non-insulin dependant diabetes. Oh, and I'm not an expert, just relaying what I know from what I've read and experienced. This increases the speed of disease progression since mycoplasma feeds off of preformed sterols. If this post helps anyone else with this horrible disease I will be thrilled. At the top of the page click on Medical Patient. I know the chemical process - essentially the hydrogen peroxide is unstable and produces molecular oxygen and water. I was diagnosed with IPF in 2008. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information. I had the Delta version of COVID along with pneumonia (which I have had several times in my life). Further studies are sorely needed. Robert- thanks for sharing your amazing history with hydrogen peroxide. Ma'am I read your experience and I would like to inform you that we have been to this situation now because my grandfather has same problem in lungs pnumonia and acute interstitial pneumonia so your experience will help us. I will be happy to help you find a doctor with an appropriate laser. Please keep us posted on how things work for him. thanks. Pretty darned remarkable! Don't hold your breath! Bravo for you taking your health in your on hands!!!! He does drink serrapeptase and vit c and alkalizer and MSM powder and as soon as the serrapeptase is up we will start with quercetin bromelain. Pulmonary fibrosis is a progressive lung condition that currently has no cure. : I read in a book (Maria La Justicia Bergasa, she is from Spain) that some people got cured from pulmonary calcification using magnesium chloride. If my problem doesn't get better in 2 months then my pulmonologist will do a lung scope and biopsy for a more true dx. You may need medicines, pulmonary rehabilitation, procedures, or other treatments to slow down lung damage and help improve your quality of life. The diagnosis was Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), also called pulmonary fibrosis (PF), a disease in which the lung develops fibrosis scarring for an Pulmonary fibrosis is a serious lung condition which makes it difficult to breathe. I have a tail folks! Thank you for your help. Thank you so much for your post. They at first told me to stop taking H.P. This condition started many years ago in California during a earthquake. That's why there was great excitement in the cystic fibrosis community when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Trikafta on Monday, the first triple Bromelain is an enzyme derived from pineapple that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Regn No 200101999C. She has improved with sunflower oil pulling. No additional fibrous tissue on CT. A gentleman named Garry from Australia has tried laser therapy and his pulmonologist was also shocked to see his pulmonary function tests improve. , This is just amazing. I know, I sound mental or at the very least OCD but I am trying my very best to do anything that could influence his health positively. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic, progressive, fibrosing interstitial pneumonia of unknown cause, occurring in adults and limited to the lungs. Yes, I have the same tiaras problem, I'm also suffering lung scar. Pulmonary fibrosis can be identified with symptoms like breathlessness, shallow breaths, dry cough, fatigue, immediate weight loss and swelling in lower legs. I know that the oil can make your blood pressure a bit low - so hopefully that is the only problem. What about Natookinase? I started out at 1.5% (Food Grade mixed with distilled water) based upon the study. Had a Pulmonary visit in January of 2022 where I was informed I had Pulmonary Fibrosis and given time, it would take my life. The researchers suggested that nattokinase may be a promising candidate for the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis. I reduced the food grade H202 to 3%(per instuctions) & I was given a small compressor (rented through Medicare for another treatment) and I "smoke" the vapors for once a day to start. If you would like to find a laser provider near you go to Klaserusa.com. Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26306790/. Dr Andrew Hall, I'm interested in the laser therapy, is it possible to get more info from you regarding this, ie would one go to a chiropractor for this type of therapy? The program outlined for the best way to use HP is only a suggestion, but it is based on years of experience, and reports from thousands of users. I think my liver, kidney and adrenal are all maxed out. It contains Vitamin D and alleviates the inflammation of lungs. The blood type diet has long been a subject of controversy. One dr is advising steroid and immunosuppressor while another doctor proposing pirfenidone. We have used this for my asthmatic daughter with success. He is still on the same natural medications as I mentioned before but I have also started him at the end of September 2015 on Cannabis Oil (which is illegal in SA) but since then his 22 breaths per night has come down to 16. However, he emphasises that treatment should be taken under the guidance of a registered TCM physician. I saw your post. I am 72 and trying to last to see my 10 yr old start highschool. Pulmonary Fibrosis Health Plan. Do people just breath this in in a vaporizer? Radiation treatment for lung or breast cancer can also cause pulmonary fibrosis. It's difficult me to travel because of this illness. Pulmonary fibrosis can be diagnosed by blood tests, chest x-ray or a CT scan. Your lungs fill with fibrosis scar tissue slowly reducing your airspaces. You mentioned that you know a doctor specializing with peroxide. It is the oxygen that helps with the condition. Pulmonary fibrosis is a chronic lung condition characterized by the formation of scar tissue in the lungs, leading to reduced oxygen transfer and impaired lung function. The next week, try 2 teaspoons per day. This had me concerned. Hbot only slaps it around a bit being much weaker than ozone. Blood oxygenation varies between 97-99 and I was diagnosed nearly 4 and 1/2 years ago. Tiara, try the h202 inhalation method first. This is the only known way to stop the disease. I sure do a lot of coughing constantly and get huge headaches from it. She is excellent. I always figure: figure out the cause; figure out the cure ( ah well). For this remedy, you need to mix one tablespoon of baking soda powder with a glass of water and drink it before every meal. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. How are you? She is not coughing. The most common symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis include breathlessness, a dry cough, tiredness, and aching muscles and joints. I know H2O2 and have used it in the past. In most situations after the above 21 day program, the amount of H202 can be tapered off gradually as follows: (add drops to 4-8 ounces of water or juice). I just turned 70. WebThe aim of homeopathy is not only to treat pulmonary fibrosis but to address its underlying cause behind pulmonary fibrosis and individual susceptibility. Physician Yew suggests acupressure as an easy self-help remedy for patients I have never had an issue with store-bought 3% hydrogen peroxide nor seen any evidence, whatsoever, to support what are, essentially, rumors about its purity but this claim just keeps going and going. Every 2 weeks I have an EPO shot for my anemia - my last check showed my level of hemoglobin up over 10, from 9.6,2 weeks earlier. The symptoms and course of pulmonary fibrosis vary widely from person to person. I know this is working for me and I feel like I got my future back. In the meantime, he picked up weight to 74.7 kg (during a holiday while he was not working so hard and eating very well as I was around him the whole day with food and shakes). Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Hopefully more benefits of HP oxygenation will be forthcoming. 16 is normal. The contents of the All Things Health website are for informational and educational purposes only. Is the laser treatment still working for you? Keep fighting the good fight folks and "live". Topically each night you might try a salve of olive or coconut oil, you can thicken with Shea or cocoa butter, but not necessary, add anti fungal, anti microbial essential oils like cinnamon, eucalyptus, tea tree, clove, nutmeg, lemon, but in my practised opinion, oregano oil is the essential and magic ingredient. With a number of cases of Pulmonary Fibrosis is the presence of mycoplasma infection, which has been my nemesis for many yrs. Will have my mum try this-she has a fibrostic lung. This is probably due to a sense of alertness triggered by an increase of oxygen at the cellular level. 35% Food Grade, that it wasn't any good for me. Local physicians diagnosed him with pulmonary fibrosis an interstitial lung disease that can result in lung scarring plus several other pulmonary disorders. By Cathy Wong H202 stimulates the immune system and could possibly cause a rejection of the organ. page for more info https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/mycoplasma_fermentans.html. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before trying any new treatment or supplement, including enzyme therapies. Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25371113/. Track Latest News Live on NDTV.com and get news updates from India and around the world. Ok. 2018;8(6):1126-1130. doi:10.1166/jmihi.2018.2440. She is an assistant professor and attending physician at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York, NY. 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