Ultimately, Freud theorized that an individuals psychosomatic distress (physical symptoms that occur due to psychological distress) was a manifestation of internal conflicts. What we have learned is that, truthfully, things are complicated and other hormones and chemicals are at play. We will then take a very detailed look at various factors that impact gender socialization while also uncovering two common social theories social learning theory and social cognitive theory. In the social cognitive theory of gender, children's gender develops through the rewards and punishments from their parents for gender-appropriate behavior. As children watch and observe, they learn what behaviours are associated with the gender they identify with. Sex-based explanations explain that gendered behaviors have occurred as a way to adapt and increase the chances of reproduction. Superordinate schemas guide information for gender groups whereas own-sex schemas guide information about ones own behaviors as it relates to their own gender group (Dinella, 2017). what is one concept that children learn as they mature through kohlberg's stages? This theory is most obvious when individuals are predisposed to a gender that does not align with biological sex, also referred to as transgender. Biological sex: genetialia and genes (XX or XY); gender that a person is assigned based on biological traits at birth; male or female biological traits Gender: physical, social, and behavioral characteristics tied to being male or female Gender identity: the gender a person identifies as; male, female, nonbinary 2. Heck, you do not even have to read the question options. He viewed this stage as the time in which boys become men. Will you pass the quiz? Although this may seem logical at the surface level, it does not account for what we see in more egalitarian homes and cultures. However, they described the baby as angry or irritable when told the infant was a boy. Testosterone levels have been linked to sex-typed toy play and activity levels in young children. Consider this. Describe how legal and ethical considerations for group and family therapy differ from those for individual therapy, and explain how these differences might impact your therapeutic approaches for . is called basic evil. The biological changes are discussed in Chapter 5. This insecurity then would lead to either (1) withdrawal from competing or (2) becoming more competitive (Harris, 2016). Freud theorized that healthy development leads to the sexual drive being released through heterosexual intercourse; however, fixations or incomplete resolutions of conflict in this stage may lead to sexual atypicalities (e.g., preference for oral sex rather than intercourse, homosexual relations, etc. What is the difference in the cognitive development of boys and girls? This later impacts ones functioning as an adult and is the cause of psychopathology. holistic nature of development. This approach is based on cases where there is a discrepancy between biological sex and gender identity. The more a child plays with same-gender peers, the more their behavior becomes gender-stereotyped. By age 2, children use words like boy and girl correctly (Leinbach & Fagot, 1986) and can accurately point to a male or female when hearing a gender label given. 64 terms. Roles of biological, social and cognitive influences on gender During the past years, sex and gender have been used interchangeably, but these uses are becoming increasingly different. Marie-Christine Jamet. It is present at birth, completely unconscious, and operates on the pleasure principle, resulting in selfishly seeking immediate gratification of our needs no matter what the cost. Biological, social, and cognitive influences on gender development under mentioned : Explanation: 1. Theories of gender role development fall into two major categories, namely, biological and social-cognitive. All of these societal factors intersect and interact to influence a child's development, so much so that a child from a middle-class white family has many more opportunities than a child from a lower-income family of color. In this module, we will focus on various theories that have attempted to explain gender development. Ultimately, to really develop fully, one must have a penis according to Freuds theory. The most likely strategy, if there is no trainer/employee around to ask, is to watch what someone does on the machine. Are there psychodynamic explanations for gender development. Freuds psychoanalysis was unique in the history of psychology because it did not arise within universities as most major schools of thought did; rather, it emerged from medicine and psychiatry to address psychopathology and examine the unconscious. The first approach is biological, whereby two theories will be examined: sociobiological theory and biosocial theory. Although we are focusing on the negative, think about what could happen if we saw a shift in that focus! Gender roles in development consist of biological, psychosexual, social learning and cognitive. Psychologists have identified several theories of gender development that can help answer this question. Critics suggest that, although biology may play some role in gender identity development, the environmental and social factors are perhaps more powerful in most developmental areas, and gender identity development is no different. Theories that suggest that gender identity development is universal across cultures (e.g., Eastern versus Western cultures, etc.) In terms of gender, Martin and Halverston suggested children develop their gender identity by creating schemas about different genders and determining their in-group and out-group based on this. John Money's (1972) theory was that once a biological male or female is born, social labeling and differential treatment of boys and girls interact with biological factors to steer development. These stages relate to their age and understanding of gender. Third is nondeclarative motor learning, which heavily involves the cerebellum. We pick out boy and girl names, choose particular colors for nurseries, types of clothing, and decor, all based on a childs gender, often before they are ever born (Bussey, 2014). In the Phallic stage, the penis (or absence thereof) is the focus of the libido, and thus, will be the focus of the conflict that must be resolved in that stage. Free and expert-verified textbook solutions. Students also viewed. In general, media tends to portray males as more direct, assertive, muscular, in authority roles, and employed, whereas women tend to be portrayed as dependent, emotional, low in status, in the home rather than employed, and their appearance is often a focus. Prior to birth, a mother's diet and health play a key role. So, what does this have to do with Freuds stages and theory? Chapter 12 MC. So, as we very briefly review this, our focus will be on the different brain structures that impact specific aspects of learning. To resolve this tension, the girl adopts her mother's feminine traits and replaces her desire for a penis with a desire for a baby. Its 100% free. The influence of nutrition on child development can be seen in areas such as physical and cognitive health. This was less based on sex and more on qualities of an individual, essentially using peoples strengths to the groups advantage. First, the id is the impulsive part that expresses our sexual and aggressive instincts. Freud and other psychoanalysts believed this was the only way to resolve the internal conflict in the subconscious, and to then alleviate the physical and psychological maladjustment that was presenting in the individual. True or false? There are two different factors at play: our genetics and our hormones. We begin to learn rules of how we are to act, what behavior is accepted and desired by others, what is not, etc. have been scrutinized. Morgan1023. What are the two cognitive theories of gender development? In contrast, Thanatos, our death instinct, is either directed inward as in the case of suicide and masochism or outward via hatred and aggression. In other words, gender identity takes place in our minds and is not biologically determined or strictly behavioural. Psychologist Lev Vygotsky believed that parents, caregivers, peers, and the . A lot of the research that is used to support the theory is conducted using interviews on young children, which makes demand characteristics more likely. StudySmarter is commited to creating, free, high quality explainations, opening education to all. 2 Genderfluidity is a concept that is becoming known in today's society. In males, testosterone levels rise sharply, developing secondary sexual characteristics such as facial hair and a deeper voice. 4.1.1. Psychopathology is defined as the study of mental illness. We then jumped into social-based theories of social learning theory and social-cognitive theory. Social cognitive theory. Ultimately, she accepts that she cannot have a penis, nor have her father, and she transfers this desire onto other men and later transfers her desire for a penis to a desire for a baby (and maybe even more so, a baby boy; Sammons, n.d.). If a child's diet is insufficient or contains too many "empty calories," this may affect the child's growth and development processes. When a child's self-identity is at odds with the social environment due to cultural differences, it can hinder . van Schalkwyk et al. All focus on early childhood, that is, up until about seven years of age. If a child has created a schema that says boys play with trucks, when the boy is handed a truck, he will quickly choose to play with it. Please note that a person may become fixated at any stage, meaning they become stuck, thereby affecting later development and possibly leading to abnormal functioning, or psychopathology. Since the brain makes up . The following link provides a nice summary of how the two genders move through the Phallic Stage: https://www.simplypsychology.org/Psychosexual%20Development.pdf . First, children start recognizing their own gender groups and begin to build schemas. Boys, however, are encouraged to be more active, and there is certainly more of a focus on academic achievements (Torino, 2017). This theory also accounts for the entire lifespan when considering development, which is drastically different than earlier theories, such as psychodynamic theories, which focused on childhood and adolescence. Thus, the conflict is resolved (McLeod, 2008; Sammons, n.d.). More about Cognitive Explanations of Gender Development, Institutional Aggression in The Context of Prisons, Neural and Hormonal Mechanisms in Aggression, Social Psychological Explanation of Aggression, The Hydraulic Model of Instinctive Behaviour, The Self Congruence and Conditions of Worth, Classic and Contemporary Research into Memory, Classic and Contemporary Research into Obedience, Contemporary Research - Language of Psychopaths, Developmental Psychology in Obedience/Prejudice, Individual Differences in Ideological Attitudes and Prejudice, Issues and Debates in the Context of Obedience/Prejudice, Reconstruction From Memory in Naturalistic Environments, Circadian, Infradian and Ultradian Rhythms, Electroencephalogram (EEGs) and Event-Related Potentials (ERPs), Fight-or-Flight Response and The Role of Adrenaline, Plasticity and Functional Recovery of the Brain After Trauma, The Function of the Endocrine System - Glands and hormones, Psychological Perspectives and Etiology of Disorders, Psychological Perspectives in the Treatment of Disorders, The Rosenhan Study - The Influence of Labels, Bruner and Minturn Study of Perceptual Set, Gregory's Constructivist Theory of Perception, Issues and Debates in Developmental Psychology, The Gilchrist and Nesberg study of motivation, Baillargeon Explanation of Early Infant Abilities, Vygotskys theory of cognitive development, Analysis and Interpretation of Correlation, Erikson's Psychosocial Stages of Development, Anger Management and Restorative Justice Programmes, Genetic Explanations of Offending Behaviour, Level of Moral Reasoning and Cognitive Distortions, Psychodynamic Theories and The Moral Component, The Role of Chromosomes And Hormones In Gender, Duck's Phase Model of Relationship Breakdown, Ethical Issues and Ways of Dealing with Them, Peer Review and Economic Applications of Research, Biological Explanations for Schizophrenia, Diagnosis and Classification of Schizophrenia, Psychological Explanations for Schizophrenia, Psychological Therapies for Schizophrenia, Reliability and Validity in Diagnosis and Classification of Schizophrenia, Treatment and Therapies for Schizophrenia, Structuralism and Functionalism in Psychology, Ethical Issues in Social Influence Research, Penfield's Study of The Interpretive Cortex. Everything you need for your studies in one place. This is specifically true for girls as young as 18-24 months; however, boys do not show this quite as early (Serbin,Poulin-Dubois, Colburne, Sen, & Eichstedt, 2001). (Servin, Bhlin, & Berlin, 1999). -emphasizes that children's and adolescents' gender development is influenced by their observation and imitation of others' gender behavior and the rewards/punishments they experience for gender-appropriate and inappropriate behavior compliance following rules, and being neat and orderly are valued and reinforced in many classrooms boys Certain hormones contribute to our physical sex characteristics. A weakness of this theory is that it is descriptive rather than explanatory. A female can never fully resolve penis envy, and if taken Freuds theory is to be taken literally, a female can never fully resolve the core conflict of the Phallic Stage and will always have some fixation and thus, some maladaptive development. Following the Phallic stage is the Latency stage, in which Freud indicated that no real psychosexual development occurs; rather impulses are repressed. Which of these groups of people do children tend to consider more favourable than the other? Biological influences include. For example, Most girls dont like trucks. Essentially, parents provided extra commentary in the story, and that commentary tended to include vast generalizations about gender. Genetic gender predisposition theorists further reference case studies in which males with damaged genitalia undergo plastic surgery as infants to modify their genitalia to be more female aligned. Both describe how specific cognitive skills and thought processes can affect how our gender identity develops. Carol Martin and Charles Halverson developed the gender schema theory in 1981. Carl Jung proposes that the female gender identity develops through the Electra complex. Upload unlimited documents and save them online. This is learning essentially done through motor practice. When observing a parent reading a book to their child, Gelman, Taylor, & Nguyen (2004) noted that parents used generic expressions that generalized one outcome/trait to all individuals of a gender, during the story. The contents of the unconscious could move from the unconscious to preconscious, but to do so, it had to pass a Gate Keeper. However, the different in- and out-groups, which are cognitive concepts that boys and girls identify with during their early years, can significantly impact their gender expression. By stating this, it had to be understood that a boy and girls develop differently. you get the point. Clarify how Freud theorized gender and how his theory applies to gender in psychology. In this module, we created a foundational knowledge of several theories of gender development. Clarify how biology may impact gender development through evolution, genetics, epigenetics, and learning. Kohlberg's theory of gender development. Fig. Nature vs nurture: the debate in psychology suggests that our differences are due to natural (or genetic) predispositions or nurture (or environmental) influences. . Earn points, unlock badges and level up while studying. Once a child can label their own gender, they begin to apply schemas to themselves. Then, a rigid phase occurs in which things are very black or white, (or, girl or boy, if you will). Bertha (Anna O.) who suggested that gender identities develop through the use of cognitive representations of concepts known as schemas? She relapsed and was admitted to Bellevue Sanatorium on July 1, eventually being released in October of the same year. According to Kohlberg's theory of gender development, this is when children develop the ability to label their gender and the gender of others. View PSY_Gender from PSYCH MISC at Central Piedmont Community College. He theorized that children actively seek out information about their environment. The center of Horneys theory is that individuals need a safe and nurturing environment. Things can only be one or the other, and there is very little flexibility in schemas. Specifically, twin studies have shown that nonconforming gender traits, or transgender, is linked to genetic gender predispositions. True or false? The three parts of personality generally work together well and compromise, leading to a healthy personality, but if the conflict is not resolved, intrapsychic conflicts can arise and lead to mental disorders. Clarify whether these influences are independent of each other, or whether they interact with each other. When were cognitive approaches to psychology first introduced? Thus, a gender schema is an outline about genders a template to follow regarding gender. The development of personality. Regarding biological theories, there tends to be four areas of focus. gender roles) through observation and imitation and reward and punishment. The motivating force in this theory is the maintenance of cognitive consistency and the need for self-definition. Teenagers experience biological, cognitive, and social changes during adolescence that can affect their gender role attitudes (Eagly & Wood, 2012 ). The better we can understand why a . Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman (2010) state that cognition involves the ability to take in information, process it, store it, and finally retrieve and use it (pg. Moreover, parents tend to reinforce independence in boys, but dependence in girls. Research has also revealed that prosocial behaviors are encouraged more in girls, than boys (Garcia & Guzman, 2017). Martin, Eisenbud, and Rose (1995) conducted a study in which they had groups of boy toys, girl toys, and neutral toys. In women, estrogen levels rise sharply, developing secondary sexual characteristics such as breasts and beginning their menstrual cycle. By identifying with their in-group, usually consisting of people with similar gender identities, children take on gender characteristics and develop their gender expression and their idea of belonging to their in-group. For example, in adolescence, boys tend to be more career focused whereas girls are focused on relationships (again, this aligns with the emphasis we see placed by educators on children based on their gender). Moreover, an individual must recognize that gender remains constant over time, which is gender stability and across settings, which is gender consistency. To explain this, social cognitive theory posits that one has enactive experiences (this is essentially when a person receives reactions to gendered behavior), direct instruction (this is when someone is taught knowledge of expected gendered behavior), and modeling (this is when others show someone gendered behavior and expectations). Finally, we will end by taking a brief, but important, glance at various biologically based theories of gender development. He theorized that constancy happens first, which then allows for modeling to occur later (although the opposite is considered true in social cognitive theory). The next step is learning that there are shared qualities and behaviors for each gender (Bussey, 2014). Gender constancy includes multiple parts. The Biological Contributions to Gender Identity and Gender Diversity: Bringing Data to the Table The Biological Contributions to Gender Identity and Gender Diversity: Bringing Data to the Table Authors They include hunger, thirst, self-preservation, and sex. Children get physical and psychological characteristics from their parents which becomes a part of their personalities. Although Kohlbergs theory captures important aspects, it fails to recognize things such as how gender identity regulates gender conduct and how much one adheres to gender roles through their life (Bussey, 2014). The book establishes a new cognitive theory of style and creativity in design and Cognition is the basic ability to . When considering psychological theories of gender development, the age-old question is central to the conversation -- does gender identity develop due to nature or nurture? Sigmund Freuds Psychosexual Theory. became involved in the German Feminist movement, and in 1904 founded the League of Jewish Women. Have all your study materials in one place. Although interpretations and adherence to gender stereotypes is very rigid initially, as children get enter middle childhood, they learn more about stereotypes and that gender stereotypes are flexible and varied (Bussey, 2014). Kohlberg described three stages: The biological approach to gender suggests that our gender identities are based on biology. Computer models are a cognitive approach to understanding mental processes. An environment that is unsafe and results in abuse, neglect, stressful family dynamics, etc. Clarify Breuers wife, Mathilde, became jealous of her husbands relationship with the young girl, leading Breuer to terminate treatment in June of 1882 before Anna had fully recovered. It was theorized that ones psyche is impacted significantly by major and minor events, even in infancy. Theoretically as well as empirically, the approaches and results are quite contradictory. Parents label gender even when not required. Identify your study strength and weaknesses. Lastly, a phase in which children begin to recognize that schemas are flexible and allow for a bit more of a gray area occurs (Dinella, 2017). We have seen a slight shift in this in many media forms beginning in the mid to late 1980s and 1990s (Stever, 2017; Torino, 2017). Gender and Aggression Genetic Origins of Aggression Genetic Research on Serotonin Genetical Research on Testosterone Genetics of Aggression Innate Releasing Mechanisms Institutional Aggression in The Context of Prisons Limbic System Media Influences on Aggression Neural and Hormonal Mechanisms in Aggression Serotonin Research Peers or adults directly instructing another person on what a girl or boy is or is not to do is a very influential socializing factor. In two studies, children had difficulty remembering nontraditional and opposite-sex stimuli even when given additional interpretations (e.g. In that case, we must base our theories on the assumption that gender identity is a cognitive concept. For example, people with a genetic condition known as Klinefelter's syndrome have the chromosomal pattern XXY, which results in different physical characteristics than typical males with an XY chromosome. Fourth is declarative procedural learning. After an infant has been shown a gendered item (doll versus a truck) they will then stare at a photograph of the matching gender longer. It also suggests that gender is determined by biological factors, such as hormones. Society has built particular images that display what a girl/boy should be like. Cognitive approaches in psychology date back to 1967. Others incorporate modeling into their theory with some caveats. People with Klinefelter's syndrome have the chromosomal pattern XXY, which results in different physical characteristics than typical males with an XY chromosome. Full-text available. We took a detailed look into various socializing factors that children encounter. According to cognitive developmental theory, gender socialization occurs when children recognize that gender is constant and does not change which is referred to this as gender constancy. Kohlberg indicated that children choose various behaviors that align with their gender and match cultural stereotypes and expectations. As mentioned, these types of experiences (basic evil) lead to maladaptive development which was theorized to occur because the individual begins to believe that, if their parent did not love them then no one could love them. As they grow, children add (through observation) to their gender schemas. Horney developed a Neo-Freudian theory of personality development that recognized some points of Freuds theory as acceptable, but also criticized his theory as being overly biased toward the male. So why did Freud describe the conflict in the Phallic stage as the Oedipus complex? To use the cognitive approach to explain gender and its development, we must first base our theories on the assumption that gender identity is a cognitive concept, that it is something within our minds and not something biologically determined or strictly behavioural. The model, formulated by Kohlberg, asserts that children recognize their gender identity around age three but do not see it as relatively fixed until the ages of five to seven. If a female was disappointed by males in her family (such as her father or brother, etc. Describe socialization theories regarding gender. These theories can be generally divided into three families: biological, socialization, and cognitive. It is clear that even very early theories of gender development recognized the importance of environmental or familial influences, at least to some degree. Cognitive Explanations of Gender Development. The pain that was produced from basic evil then led to basic hostility. They are more likely to avoid STEM-focused classes, whereas boys seek out STEM classes (more frequently than girls). Module 4 - Gender Through a Developmental Psychology Lens, Other Books in the Discovering Psychology Series, Module 1: Foundations of A Psychology of Gender, Module 2 - Studying Gender Using the Scientific Method, Module 3 - Gender Through a Social Psychological Lens, Module 5 - Gender Through a Human Sexuality Lens, Module 6 - Gender Through a Cognitive Psychology Lens, Module 7 - Gender Through a Physiological Psychology Lens, Module 8 - Gender Through a Health Psychology Lens, Module 9- Gender Through a Clinical Psychology Lens, Module 10 - Gender Through an Educational Lens, Module 11 - Gender Through an Industrial-Organizational Lens, https://www.simplypsychology.org/little-hans.html, https://www.simplypsychology.org/Psychosexual%20Development.pdf, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfeGf4Ei7F0, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vz_7EQWZjmM, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. 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