Photo courtesy Pace Gallery. } All Rights Reserved.var w = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0), Douglas Baxter is around because he is just as responsible for Pace being the powerhouse it is today as anyone else, said a former executive at the gallery. setTimeout(function() { defernl() }, 250); }, 2023 Artnet Worldwide Corporation. }, 100); WebGallery Assistant. From these conversations, an image emerged of a gallery struggling with high turnover and low diversity, where alleged misconduct by veteran executives, including accounts of physical and verbal abuse, often. provide a platform for disgruntled employees to share their stories anonymously. crossDomain: true, Don't miss to receive the art world's most entertaining newsletter - every Thursday. Helps train, welcome and support new members to the GA team, Works with staff of other departments to perform job duties and during special events or functions, Demonstrates knowledge of emergency safety procedures and helps evacuate guests to safety in the event of fire or other emergency, Bachelors degree with 1+ years related work experience in a sales related role, internship or entry-level position in a gallery, auction house, or art advisory firm is required, Strong administrative skills including answering phones, managing email correspondence, responding to public inquiries, and working directly with staff and clients, Maintain poise and professionalism under pressure and effectively communicate with a diverse range of people, Possess a friendly and positive demeanor and genuinely enjoy interacting with the public and staff, Have a thorough knowledge of Pace Gallery artists and a genuine passion for contemporary art. If you got her a soy sauce packet from the kitchen, she would ask how long it was there. + '<\/div>' + '