You can use the /displayorder option to set the order in which the boot manager displays the boot entries on a multi-boot menu. New Boot device add in UEFI BIOS In the Inspiron 22-3265 with AMI BIOS ver 1.40 there is an option under UEFI to add a boot device. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. He is currently employed in the consulting team and thus takes care of all customer-specific inquiries concerning servers, storage, virtualization and networks. Method 1. For help on editing boot entry parameters to enable and disable Windows features, see Using boot parameters. To access the UEFI menu, create a bootable USB media: Format a USB device in FAT32. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Why does Jesus turn to the Father to forgive in Luke 23:34? it will have to be manually edited to be bootable. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Click Troubleshoot. However, "BCDEDIT" in an admin shell actually did work, so thanks for that option! Boot flag is used by parted/gparted to define the ESP using a long GUID that the UEFI uses to find the ESP. Extreme Privilege Escalation UEFI Security Vulnerability, Restoring UEFI Boot Entry after Ubuntu Update, Subscribe to the Thomas-Krenn newsletter now, Restoring UEFI boot entry via motherboard replacement or BIOS update, Set-up Launch Storage opROM policy on UEFI first, Check that the UEFI Boot Entry is available again, Entering the UEFI Boot Entry manually in BIOS. It only takes a minute to sign up. User can go to UEFI menu when prompted "Press ESCAPE for boot options". Step 2. is there a chinese version of ex. To boot to UEFI or BIOS: Boot the PC, and press the manufacturer s key to open the menus. I found out solution is to set windows boot manager inactive: Replace 4 with your number of windows boot manager. Click on Recovery. Step 1. The opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the authors, not of HP. In the Inspiron 22-3265 with AMI BIOS ver 1.40 there is an option under UEFI to add a boot device. From the landing page of UEFI menu, navigate to "Boot Maintenance manager" "Boot Options" "Change Boot Order". I went to the "boot list option" in my bios. Have you tried booting from the new SSD when the original boot HDD is not plugged into the motherboard? Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong? Most times the BIOS just "sees" what is attached to SATA ports and reports them. The Dell Inspiron 22-3265 is an all-in-one desktop computer. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. The default entry is determined by the GRUB_DEFAULT= setting in /etc/default/grub. You must add the new boot entry to the boot menu by using the /displayorder option. So, to cover the directions step by step and take screenshots, I reset the Windows 11 installation. If you have installed multiple Linux distributions on your computer, but one of the Linux distribution doesn't have a UEFI boot entry, you can manually add it. Run EasyUEFI as administrator, then click the 'Manage EFI Boot Option' button. Backed up the slow Seagate HHD in the Dell to the external drive as an image. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Make sure that the USB Boot Priority is enabled. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, How can I install Ubuntu without changing the boot order? Tesla, thanks very much for your response. You can place the boot loader entries in any order. Click on Troubleshoot. See UEFI Adaptation Jetson Linux Developer Guide 34.1 documentation ( ntheath October 19, 2022, 2:21pm #4 I have done the cloning process four different ways attempting to get the cloned SSD drive to work in the system: (1) connecting both HHD and SSD to the two SATA ports and using Acronis to clone HHD to SSD. How do I change RAM speed in ASUS BIOS? GRUB boots that just fine, and I see the GRUB boot menu on start-up where I can select whatever items GRUB knows about. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Note. From within Windows, press and hold the Shift key and click the "Restart" option in the Start menu or on the sign-in screen. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. How do I manually add UEFI boot options? Always include exact PC model and version of Windows in your posts. Browse other questions tagged. This is the menu I want by default. The internets (and this site) suggests that the old way to fix this is to run update-grub (so GRUB recognizes Windows) and then grub-install (to put GRUB back on the device.) Or some other way? It has two SATA ports: one for the hard drive, one for the optical drive. If you do not use the -d and -p parameters it defaults to sda1. RV coach and starter batteries connect negative to chassis; how does energy from either batteries' + terminal know which battery to flow back to? Click Restart now under the Advanced startup header. The open-source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot (Ep. Thanks for contributing an answer to Ask Ubuntu! I tried to move this option up the menu to the primary boot device and it still does not work. update-grub. Was Galileo expecting to see so many stars? . RV coach and starter batteries connect negative to chassis; how does energy from either batteries' + terminal know which battery to flow back to? 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. and that boots fine into Windows 10. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. The Windows Installer creates a standard boot entry when you install an operating system, and you can create additional, customized boot entries for an operating system by editing the boot options. Getting this particular Dell to recognize the SSD after a "successful clone" became a problem adding it into the BIOS permanently. My conclusion is that either the Samsung SSD has some defect or it is incompatible with this particular Dell system. Step 1. Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? Since. The only way to boot Linux now is to use the BIOS boot manager (F11 on my BIOS) and select the GRUB boot loader manually. By using this site, you accept the. 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. The Windows Boot Manager entry also includes the boot menu display order, as the following example shows. You have to specify drive with -d and partition with -p. See the various examples, but be sure which is your ESP - efi system partition. Removed the Seagate from the Dell and replaced it with a new WD Blue SSD 500 GB which was bare metal (never partitioned). My original question stated above requested assistance from someone who understands the entries required to add a disk into the BIOS so that it can be booted from without having to press F12 and select the new drive each time even though to old drive is removed from the system to avoid disk signature collision and booting inhibition. Under Add Boot Option you can specify the name of the UEFI boot entry. How do I manually add UEFI boot options? There is no such setting in UEFI settings. Now I added these 2 partitions and installed Ubuntu 18.04: It's a bad idea to have 2 EFI partitions on the same disk. In Windows, you use BCDEdit to modify your boot options. For information about the /create command parameters, type bcdedit /? Boot into the Linux distro that doesn't have UFEI boot entry. Announcement: AI-generated content is now permanently banned on Ask Ubuntu, Changed the UEFI motherboard on a dell laptop, now it says no OS detected, Completely messed up grub/efi/gpt dual boot, Booting issues after deleted Windows on dual boot system, (Dual Boot) Ubuntu install ignores grub settings. Hello. How do I manually add UEFI boot options? Did you image the HDD and save the image on an external USB drive, then swap in the new SATA SSD and copy your image onto that drive? Your account also allows you to connect with HP support faster, access a personal dashboard to manage all of your devices in one place, view warranty information, case status and more. I used this method to add the Windows 10 installation to the boot menu quickly. user931000 information is not correct. The GUID in the preceding message (which appears between braces ({})) is the identifier of the new boot entry. Note also that some EFIs are buggy and there are other issues that can make it difficult to get GRUB to boot reliably. There is often a problem with Windows not starting in the UEFI mode if the BIOS is updated or if the motherboard has been replaced, because the motherboard will not boot any more UEFI entries. Re-installing GRUB (via Boot Repair or grub-install) should do the trick, for instance. There are other ways to do it that are overkill. To add a new boot entry, open a Command Prompt window with elevated privileges (select and hold (or right-click) Command Prompt and select Run as administrator from the shortcut menu). Did the residents of Aneyoshi survive the 2011 tsunami thanks to the warnings of a stone marker? And then used efibootmgr to update actual entry in UEFI to use correct ESP. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Set Boot Device Control to UEFI Only. How to choose voltage value of capacitors. Windows Boot Manager should always be first and it should automatically recognize the new SATA SSD with the image on it. It looks similar to how you would choose Safe Mode, however it had Windows and Ubuntu listed. Luckily, adding Windows installation back to the boot menu is an easy affair. Now that I only have Partition 1, 2, 4, how to to recreate a boot loader for Ubuntu? Watch for a Press any key to boot from external device message on your display. How do I manually add UEFI boot options? You use the identifier to represent the entry in all subsequent BCDEdit commands. If the boot entry is still not available, you can manually enter it in BIOS. rev2023.3.1.43268. The most likely complicating factor is if there are old or alternative ubuntu boot entries. Is this correct indeed? OEM PC's - Boot Menu Keyboard Function Keys. How do I fix boot manager? Why do you want to boot from the "cloned disk"? The /copy option creates a new GUID for the boot entry. Step 2. I have .efi file in EFI partition for booting Manjaro but it disappeared after booting Linux Mint from USB Flash drive. I know this HAS to do with BCD, I tried EasyBCD, that doesn't work with UEFI Boot, I tried Visual BCD Editor, couldn't for the heck find out how that works, and now I'm just stuck with it only booting straight into Windows. Is quantile regression a maximum likelihood method? Change the boot menu time-out. As I described in the question, the EFI setup utility wouldn't let me pick ubuntu as a default, although it let me do that in manual boot menu. Not the other way around. Click "Add" Button. Click Restart to confirm. The Samsung was cleaned in Diskpart between each operation. These approaches run the risk of damaging a known-working GRUB configuration, though. When the reset operation of Windows 11 was completed, I noticed that the Windows 10 entry was missing from the boot menu. This is FUD. The first "menu entry" has a value of "0". I'll report back the results when done. Choose different configurations & Create EFI Boot Entry. Create UEFI boot entry Delete UEFI boot entry Edit UEFI boot entry Change UEFI Boot Sequence Disable/Enable an UEFI boot entry Configure One-time Boot Entry Use this method if you can boot into one of the Windows 11/10 installations on your computer. Should UEFI boot be enabled? Is there a way to only permit open-source mods for my video game to stop plagiarism or at least enforce proper attribution? Share Improve this answer Follow answered Feb 7, 2020 at 16:07 Krista K 1,011 2 12 21 1 (3) using Acronis to write a backup image of the HHD to an external HD (not an SSD) and then using the external HD with Acronis to write the image back to the SSD installed in the desktop on one of the SATA ports. Thomas-Krenn is a synomnym for servers made in Germany. Then I installed Windows 10 Pro from a recently downloaded ISO. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Click Advanced options. You can also add a boot entry using the /create option. In the bios reset to defaults (F5) Set the AI Overclock Tuner to Manual. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Sadly it seems that the free version of EasyUEFI is no longer available - only trial versions are offered. So, replace the letter c with the drive letter of the Windows installation drive that you want to add to the boot menu. Thus I would clone the contents of the HHD to the SSD. Yes, as I say: "when I'm in the setup menu in the UEFI BIOS, it just lets me choose "UEFI boot my internal drive" in the boot priority selection -- it doesn't let me choose which particular boot loader on that partition to use", I could edit boot order using efibootmgr, but the BIOS ignores it and starts Windows anyway. Attach media with a . The .efi file is still there. Another option would be installation grub-customizer and use its GUI to configure boot priority. How do I get into UEFI BIOS? How to manually add UEFI boot entry? as in example? Step 1: Open the Command Prompt as administrator by typing CMD, right-clicking on the Command Prompt entry, and clicking the Run as administrator option. Restart your PC. Click the "Recommended Repair" option and follow the instructions given. Install the USB device on any USB port on your PC. Press Enter. I was finally successful in getting a SSD drive to boot in this Dell 22-3265 after more hours than I can remember. Press the f2 key to open the Hardware Diagnostics UEFI menu. Step 3. As I said in the post, if I can make the BIOS choose the Grub UEFI boot option, then I get the Grub boot-up menu, which lets me choose Windows or Ubuntu. For more information, see BCDEdit options reference. rev2023.3.1.43268. Press the . As you know, without the entry in the boot menu, we cannot boot into that Windows installation. Easiest now just to reinstall grub2. You will now be able to boot from the chosen device. A boot entry is a set of options that define a load configuration for an operating system or bootable program. Please copy & paste the pastebin link to the Boot-info summary report ( do not post report), do not run the auto fix till reviewed. The /create option creates a new GUID for the boot entry. The Inspiron 22-3265 only has room for a single 2.5" SATA drive. Use Windows Media Creation Tool Windows Media Creation Tool is one of the most common ways to create a bootable USB drive. This method is more difficult because you need to provide additional information about the boot entry type. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. In the above command, replace the letter "d" with the Windows 11/10 installation drive letter that you want to add to the boot menu. Select File System is automatically detected and registered by the BIOS. Go through it carefully and read all the commands before executing. Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint sudo apt install grub-efi Fedora UEFI Boot Order list. /create in a Command Prompt window. Windows should now start properly without any problems after you restart. From the System Utilities screen, select System Configuration > BIOS/Platform Configuration (RBSU) > Boot Options > Advanced UEFI Boot Maintenance > Add Boot Option and press Enter. This is found in the Boot Options menu. Use the Hardware Diagnostics UEFI on the original computer to update the BIOS. To fix Windows 11/10 UEFI boot problem: Insert the Media (DVD/USB) in your PC and restart Boot from the media Select Repair Your Computer Select "Troubleshoot" in "Advanced Options" Choose Command Prompt from the menu and use the dispart command lines: Type and run the command: diskpart. I can use it by going to boot menu and then manually navigating to the .efi file. 2, 4, how to to recreate a boot entry the /create command parameters, BCDEdit... Menu quickly easy to search writing great answers is there a chinese version of Windows was! Operating system or bootable program the Inspiron 22-3265 is an option under UEFI to add the! Number of Windows in your posts include exact PC model and version of ex employed in the great Gatsby is. Entry in the Dell to the primary boot device with references or personal experience /create option creates a GUID... Then used efibootmgr to update actual entry in UEFI to add to the external drive as an.! 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