Much more likely are local labor disruptions. The ongoing pandemic has been stressful and overwhelming, especially for those that are ill with COVID-19 or losing their jobs. Date: Friday, July 22, 2022 While a new labor agreement between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) has yet to be reached, the organizations said in a joint statement issued late last week are ongoing. That's less than $0.36 per day for access to information that you can use year-round to better manage your entire global supply chain. Print subscriptions will still be extended in consideration of the temporary suspension of printing and the currently more limited print schedule. Kamps, Inc. acquires Minnesota-based Twin City Pallet, Inc. Manufacturing activity inches up in February, getting closer to growth, reports ISM, Markus Schmidt named CEO of BEUMER Corporation, Empower Your Automation Journey at ProMat 2023, Gain Greater Visibility With ERP & TMS Integration, Additive manufacturing: Shaping and disrupting business models, This year, focus on supply chain staffing, Infographic: Meet customer expectations through last-mile logistics, Why accurate, real-time location data is a must for efficient supply chain operations, Subscribe to Supply Chain Management Review Magazine, 4 Supply Chain Lessons from the 2022 Peak Season. Union and management leaders understand the importance of achieving a contract [and] not impeding the flow of goods for Americans, Lyons said. Resolutions for the contract revolved around safety, wages, benefits, jurisdiction, and technology. That's not normally how it works. The. Port and Supply Chain Envoy Gen. Stephen Lyons appears during the Port of Los Angeles monthly briefing. LWU Leadership Denounces Alleged Benefit Plan Fraud by Seven Workers as Shameful Abuse of Critical and Hard- Earned Benefits, {2021} ILWU Local 13. The COVID pandemic and the sharp spike in consumer demand for products manufactured in Asia have exposed weaknesses in the supply chain links outside of U.S. ports, including labor shortages in the trucking, railroad, and warehousing industry, as well as chassis, gondolas, and other equipment shortages. Copyright 2023 Peerless Media LLC. Become a PLUS+ subscriber and youll get full access to all Supply Chain Management Review premium content! As . Negotiations between the ILWU and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) began on May 10th in San Francisco. Initially, the most talked about concern for making ILWU contract negotiations contentious was automation. A year after his antiwar speech, he was assassinated. Importers couldnt get their goods in time to get them on the shelves for the holiday shopping season. Some preview of the likely positions to be taken during contract negotiations between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA), which started May 10 in could be gleaned from two video interviews recently conducted by Gene Seroka, executive director of the Port of Los Angeles. There are many transportation managers that could not go back to their boss for a third straight year and say I got our cargo stuck in the jaws of congestion out in California. Maybe history will say there was some overcorrection here. SAN FRANCISCO, CA (February 23, 2023) The international Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) announced today that they continue to negotiate and remain hopeful of reaching a deal soon. While we know that negotiations are coming, no one knows exactly when disruptions may start, how severe they will be, and who will be impacted the most. Dockworkers internationally can stop this bloody war. The U.S. has been in a state of perpetual warfare since WWII. The first, which aired April 12, was with ILWU International . As of this week, more than 20,000 West Coast dock workers are working without a contract. The PMA said the average wages for ILWU members stands at $194,350. The parties have reached a tentative agreement on certain key issues, including health benefits, and remain committed to resolving remaining issues as expeditiously as possible. I think there's some puts and takes between both parties. negotiations in the media as collective bargaining continues. The June 30 deadline for a new labor deal between the International Longshore & Warehouse Union workers (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) is beginning to come into clearer view and the potential impacts on shippers, carriers and transportation networks could be significant. Any disruption caused by intentional slowdowns or strike threatens to upend cargo flow and cost the U.S. economy billions. Worse still, Black and Brown communities face deadly terror from police and ICE daily. The negotiations take place in the context of the ongoing pandemic during which the ILWU workforce kept the ports open and cargo flowing at record rates, including critical PPE needed by health care workers, in spite of the risks to the health of ILWU dockworkers. On Thursday last week, a tentative contract agreement between the railroads and the two largest rail worker unions relieved the fear of U.S. supply chains shutting down on the following day, allowing focus to turn back to the ILWUs stalled contract talks. As congestion at the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports is finally showing signs of easing, industry experts are looking ahead to next year's contract negotiations between the International Longshore and Warehouse . Ongoing labor negotiations at the forefront of supply chain challenges. Struggle is the very essence of a revolutionary party, Support workers struggles, big and small, to build solidarity. The rank and file that go out there every dayare on the job, moving all of the cargo they can through the port. This disaster has disproportionately affected the most vulnerable people many of We are the ILWU: Local 1000 Home Healthcare Operators, Hawaii, South Seattle intermodal workers win first ILWU contract through strategy, solidarity, Local 4 member Rick Anderson retires, recalls activism and five generations on Vancouvers waterfront, ILWU Statement on the Earthquake in Syria and Turkey, ILWU pensioner reflects on his 51-year career in Locals 13 and 94, ILWU Virtual Book Event: Labor Under Siege &Harry Bridges, Labor Radical, Labor Legend, Always Bargain Collectively: Portland preschool teachers and the ABCs of worker power. While we wont see a government intervention in the port negotiations, labor unions are more empowered to see their demands be met, he said. Terminal automation is expected to be among top issues facing negotiators when the PMA and ILWU begin contract negotiations on May 12. Not only do we need a coastal framework but there are also 29 local agreements up and down the West Coast. "The ILWU and PMA continue to meet regularly and negotiate local . | 2 p.m. According to the maritime research group Drewry, carriers have generated approximately $190 billion of annual profits, roughly triple from the previous year, although some carriers saw much larger gains. It diverges from the many antiwar positions that our union has taken, even when it was unpopular to do so. The International Longshore and Warehouse Union issued only a written statement from Willie Adams, ILWU international president. Ports start contract talks with dockworkers. Topics covered: Supplier relationships, payments & contracts, risk management, sustainability & ethics, trade & tariffs, and more. Good jobs, safe jobs, and ports that work for America; this is what we fight for every day.. Addressing the truck driver shortage, matching capacity with demand are just the beginning, Target invests $100 million in supply chain. The contract covers about 29 ports up and down the U.S. west coast, and these ports represent about 44% of U.S. container freight traffic. Required fields are marked *. This takes actively leading your organization, supply chain team, or small business to think through scenarios, look for risk, and mitigate them. The parties have reached a tentative agreement on certain key issues, including health benefits, and remain committed to resolving remaining issues as expeditiously as possible. spokesperson for the ILWU declined to provide an update on the bargaining but promised to share any additional joint announcements. PLUS+ subscriptions start as low as $129/year*. Subscribe to the Supply Chain Dive free daily newsletter, Subscribe to Supply Chain Dive for top news, trends & analysis, The free newsletter covering the top industry headlines, ProShip to Offer LTL Config App to Simplify LTL Carrier & Services Management, Yellow selects Optyms RouteMax to optimize its pick-up & delivery operations, PorterLogic Raises Funds from TitletownTech To Accelerate Growth, By signing up to receive our newsletter, you agree to our. Talks are continuing on an ongoing basis until an agreement is reached. "The ILWU is working and negotiating, and we've done both successfully for nearly 90 years" said ILWU Coast Committeeman Cameron Williams. Collective bargaining is hard work, he said. LOS ANGELES The White House is monitoring labor negotiations between ILWU dockworkers and the Pacific Maritime Association as closely as they can be watched without being a point of interference, Port and Supply Chain Envoy Gen. Stephen Lyons said last week. And one does not have to go too far back to see how acrimonious negotiations were, as in 2015, in the months prior to the June 30 deadline, it required the U.S. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service to step in tohelp the sides find a way to come to an agreement over stalled labor negotiations. In addition to the dockworkers refusing to work the automated side of Pier 400 in Los Angeles, Tirschwell reports: In Tacoma, a Matson ship recently wasnt worked due to a demand by union locals for mechanics to be trained in CPR, sources said. 2014-2022 PCLCD; Pacific Coast Marine Safety Code; July 1, 2022 2:58 PM PT The union representing about 22,000 West Coast dockworkers and their employers will continue negotiations for a new labor contract past Friday's expiration of their. LOS ANGELES, July 1 (Reuters) - The union and employers negotiating a new labor contract for more than 22,000 U.S. West Coast port workers said high-stakes talks that are being closely watched by. On Sept. 14, authorities alleged that seven dockworkers received sexual services in exchange for allowing providers to bill the unions plan for physical therapy, acupuncture, and chiropractic services that never occurred. |, Railroads & Unions Reach Tentative Agreement Preventing Strike, cargo, Container Shipping & Transport, shipping, Supply Chain. He reported the union cited safety concerns as the reason for this action. I dont think anybody expected that, on the first of July, there would be a contract, right? Lyons said. Union and management leaders understand the importance of achieving a contract [and] not impeding the flow of goods for Americans, Lyons said. With those problems in mind, stakeholders began expressing concerns about the current negotiations in early 2022. Because the volume shift wasnt immediate, and with sailing times increased, other logistics modes have been able to adjust and adapt with more success, which is why we havent heard of major, long-lasting impacts.. The contract covers 22,000 workers represented by the Coast Longshore Division at 29 West Coast ports from Bellingham, WA to San Diego, CA. PMA represents ocean carriers and marine terminal operations, and the master labor contract between these and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) is slated to expire July 1st. Contract negotiations are underway for workers at the Port of . Delegates also elected the main Contract Negotiating Committee and Safety Subcommittee. Its not possible to stop a dockworker from driving equipment at a snails pace, and it can severely disrupt cargo flow. 9/27/2022. Labor contract negotiations between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) . And ILA "is behind you 100%" in solidarity with ILWU as it "engages. Labor negotiations began Tuesday for 15,500 dockworkers at 29 West Coast ports, including San Diego and two busiest ports in the Western Hemisphere -- Los Angeles and Long Beach. And now negotiations are suspended. In 2003, police attacked antiwar demonstrators in the Port of Oakland chanting: Wars are for profit, workers can stop it!. Become a PLUS+ subscriber and you'll get access to all Supply Chain Management Review premium content including: PLUS+ subscriptions start as low as $129/year*. Topics covered: last mile, shipper-carrier relations, and trends in rail, ocean, air, truck, and parcel shipping. Negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement covering more than 22,000 dockworkers at 29 West Coast ports began on Tuesday, May 10, 2022, in San Francisco. The Coast Longshore Divisions Caucus met on January 31-February 11 in Long Beach, CA, where nearly 100 elected delegates met, discussed, and debated proposals originating from Longshore Division locals with ideas and priorities for the new contract. Peter Tirschwell, Vice President, Maritime & Trade, S&P Global Market Intelligence, has not surprisingly been keeping a close eye on the situation at the docks, writing articles about whats going on with the ILWU and their contract negotiations in the Journal of Commerce (JOC) and the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). Pointing back to the 2008, the Union says a quid pro quo was reached where the unions would allow the ports to automate if management would support the ILWU in union jurisdiction matters. By COLIN STAUB More than 20,000 West Coast dock workers may be working without a contract shortly. And the threat of a looming West Coast port labor dispute will make a bad situation even worse. The retired general, who previously led the U.S. Transportation Command, said he has spoken with leaders of both the union and its management, and he stays in regular contact with Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, the administrations lead in monitoring the bargaining. And the administrations obviously watching this very closely, and well continue to do that., During the briefing, Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Gene Seroka praised Bidens commitment to ensuring a fair deal, saying he was,to my knowledge, the first sitting president to visit with leadership from both sides during an active contract negotiation., Seroka confirmed Lyons description of the administrations approach to monitoring the negotiations, which the port director called ongoing and regular, without being intrusive.. No news of an official impasse has been announced, but there has also been no sign of progress either. Start yours now. That was made clear in the February Global Shipping Report, which was recently issued by Waterloo, Ontario-based Descartes, a provider of logistics based on-demand, software-as-a-service offerings. Posted September 20, 2022 In ILWU, ILWU contract, ILWU Contract Negotiation, ILWU contract negotiations, ILWU Negotiations, ILWU Strike, PMA, port congestion, Supply Chain 0 Labor action from West Coast dockworkers is looking more and more likely to disrupt supply chains. Our benefit plan is generations in the making and today ensures that 17,000 active working men and women and their family members can seek medical care without the fear of crippling debt that too many Americans face, said Frank Ponce De Leon, ILWU Coast Committeeman. July 14, 2022, with the start of the early shift until the end of the night shift on Friday, July 15, 2022 (end of the night shift on the morning of July 16, 2022). In opposition to the coup, two Russian-speaking provinces of Eastern Ukraine, Donetsk and Luhansk, seceded. Risk takes many forms in the supply chain: a storm, a sudden change of regulation, an unethical supplier, a cyberattack. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Gulf and East Coast ports have worked to improve efficiency, thru-put, and implemented many enhancements to accommodate additional volumes. Priorities set by the membership The retired general, who previously led the U.S. Transportation Command, said he has spoken with leaders of both the union and its management, and he stays in regular contact with Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, the administrations lead in monitoring the bargaining. While we always hope for the best going into contract negotiations, as someone who has lived through ILWU contract talks and negotiated contracts with unions such as the Teamsters, here are some reasons why we believe contingency planning is essential for your business: ILWU contract negotiations, like earthquakes along the San Andreas fault, are a fact of life for those connected to the West Coast port complexes. Online General Safety Training and Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (GSSHP) Log-In Information, So Cal Tech and Section 1 Arbitration Summaries, Marine Clerk Averages Dayside and Nightside, 07-26-2022-ILWU-Contact-Negotiations-Update. Now, this profit bonanza is the backdrop of upcoming labor negotiations between dockworkers and shipping companies. Featured ILWU pensioner reflects on his 51-year career in Locals 13 and 94 James Gyerman describes Meet the Authors! While officially the ILWU and PMA have agreed to not discuss the negotiations publicly, sources close to them have been reporting that little progress has been made over the last few weeks. The West Coast port workers, represented by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), and the port terminals, represented by the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA), began negotiating a new contract in early 2022 to replace the previous one that expired on June . The contract covers 22,000 workers represented by the Coast Longshore Division at 29 West Coast ports from Bellingham, WA to San Diego, CA. Signed by: Angela Davis (Honorary Member, ILWU Local 10), Brian McWilliams (#13303 past International President, ILWU) Larry Wright (#8534 retired Local 10 and 91), Clarence Thomas (#8718 retired Local 10 ), Dan Coffman (#92556 past President of Longview, Washington, Local 21) Jack Heyman (#8780 retired Local 10 and IBU), David Newton (#101386 Local 10), Michael Vawter (#8145 retired Local 10), Stephen Barlow (#8301 Local 10 and 34), Leith Jasinowski-Kahl (#57956 Local 19), James Curtis (#9639 retired Local 10), Jack Mulcahy (#82013 retired Local 8), Marcus Holder (#101355 retired Local 10), Keith Shanklin (#9146 past President of Local 34), Michael OSullivan (#8985 retired Local 10), Russ Miyashiro (#13474 Local 34), Aaron Wright (#8862 Local 10), Kevin Gibbons (#8939 Local 10 and 34). While a full-fledged ILWU strike is still considered unlikely, a declaration of an impasse that would step us closer to such a crippling strike is becoming increasingly likely. . Thats not normally how it works. I think theres some puts and takes between both parties. The ILWU has been negotiating with the PMA for decades, and we always get an agreement, said Willie Adams, ILWU International President. Yet, there still is trepidation. In 2003, police attacked antiwar demonstrators in the Port of Oakland chanting: Wars are for profit, workers can stop it!. The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) have reached a tentative agreement on terms for health benefits, subject to agreement on the. Photo credit: June 10, 2022 4:41pm. The potential of a rail strike pulled attention away from the International Longshore & Warehouse Unions (ILWU) contract negotiations with the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA). On May Day 2008, ILWU shut down all West Coast ports to oppose the imperialist wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (as the Caucus resolution read). In 1967, during the Vietnam War, Martin Luther King Jr. called the U.S. the greatest purveyor of violence in the world. After that speech ILWU Local 10 invited him to speak at the union meeting, where he was awarded Honorary Member status in our union. While ILWU is confronting the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) over automation and inflation in contract negotiations, people in Jackson, Mississippi, and Flint, Michigan, cant get clean drinking water. In an email Monday, aspokesperson for the ILWU declined to provide an update on the bargaining but promised to share any additional joint announcements. Webinar The Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) released a joint statement regarding labor negotiations that started May 10, 2022, in San Francisco. Topics covered: logistics, freight, operations, procurement, regulation, technology, risk/resilience and more. The International Dockworkers Council (European Section) issued a declaration in February calling for an end to the Ukraine war. Stay up to date with all things TSOR delivered to your inbox. serial contract violator threatening West Coast negotiations SAN FRANCISCO, CA (September 27, 2022) - Stevedoring company SSA is once again using a federal agency to circumvent the assignment of work to International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) dockworkers under the ILWU-PMA collective bargaining agreement. While we know that negotiations are coming, no one knows exactly when disruptions may start, how severe they will be, and who will be impacted the most. Members of the New Jersey-based International Longshoremen's Association, an AFL-CIO member union, handle that added freight. I do think there's some hard work going on right now in San Francisco. "We didn't want them to wait until last minute," explains Jonathan Gold, NRF's vice president of Supply Chain and Customs Policy. Sign up today to receive our FREE, weekly email newsletter! And he commended President Biden for being the first president to visit with both sides and their top negotiators last June on the USS Iowa, encouraging the parties to stay at the bargaining table and work through their issues. No one, not even the Union or the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) leadership, knows the outcome of these negotiations. As the population. We have continued publishing articles on, along with a weekly PDF of what would have been the printed version. Neighborhood Partnerships leadership voluntarily . Explore the tactics supply chain managers use to prepare for disruptions. As I've stated to folks, let's give these guys and ladies the space to work on their negotiation, the collective bargaining, the fair bargaining that they both deserve, Seroka said. Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Seroka said on a recent media conference call that the PMA and ILWU have made it clear they remain committed to getting a deal done and will not go on strike. , workers can stop it! and small, to build solidarity up to. Temporary suspension of printing and the Pacific Maritime Association ( PMA ) began on May 10th in San.! For workers at the forefront of supply chain managers use to prepare for.. Disruption caused by intentional slowdowns or strike threatens to upend cargo flow in opposition to the,. Have worked to improve efficiency, thru-put, and parcel shipping labor negotiations ilwu negotiations 2022. Envoy Gen. Stephen Lyons appears during the Port of Los Angeles monthly briefing shelves for the revolved. Even the union cited safety concerns as the reason for this action Los Angeles briefing! There every dayare on the shelves for the ILWU declined to provide an update on the bargaining but promised share. 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