Sidebar: Challenging Advanced and Monstrous Races. With the exception of the human heritage modifier quality, when you choose a races ability score modifiers, you are choosing what ability scores are modified for every member of that race. | 5th Edition SRD Benefit: Choose one feat with no prerequisites. Standard races can only select traits from the standard section of each category, advanced races can select traits from the standard or advanced sections, and monstrous races can select from any section. The next step is to pick the races language quality. A member of this race can only have one creature attached to its tongue at a time. Benefit: Members of this race gain the following supernatural ability: Once per day, a member of this race can change its appearance to look as if it were little more than a 4-foot-tall area of shadow. Benefit: Choose a 3rd-level or lower spell that does not attack a creature or deal damage. Half-undead races are strange or unholy fusions of the living and the undead. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 bonus on Appraise checks to determine the price of non-magical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones. Benefit: Whenever a member of this race has concealment or total concealment, the miss chance of attacks against her increases by 5%. Presented below are the seven core races built with the race builder rules. Benefit: Members of this race receive a +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. Other creatures can move through those squares without provoking attacks of opportunity. Calculate the partys adjusted average party level, and use that number, rather than the actual APL, when creating encounters and adventures for the group. This is important so that a race can take advantage of all the various magic item slots available to characters and can utilize the standard weapon and armor options. This is a poison effect. Benefit: Members of this race are surrounded by swirling winds, gaining a +2 racial bonus to AC against non-magical ranged attacks. Members of this race can heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function. If your race is native to the underground, you can replace Common with Undercommon. Each time it is taken, select an additional energy type that corresponds to another elemental plane the race has ties to. | GumshoeSRD | Here Be Monsters Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on skill checks made with this skill. Hunters and raiders of the wasteland, the clannish, four-armed kasatha guard their territories by way of lightning-fast raids and terrifying assaults. Benefit: Members of this race have wings that do not provide the lift required for actual flight, but do have enough power to aid flight attained by some other method, and grant a +4 racial bonus on Fly checks. Benefit: In campaigns that use the optional hero point system, each time a member of this race gains a level, it gains 2 hero points instead of 1. Prerequisites: Shadow resistance racial trait. Benefit: This is the benefit the racial trait grants the members of the race you are creating. | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) Once per day, they can deflect a single ray attack targeted at them as if they were using the Deflect Arrows feat. Benefit: Members of this race are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws made against enchantment spells and effects. Whenever a member of this race charges, it deals twice the number of damage dice with the selected natural attack plus 1-1/2 times its Strength bonus. Written by Adam Daigle, Dave Gross, Mark Moreland, David N. Ross, Todd Stewart, Jerome Virnich. Members of this race with high Intelligence scores can choose from any of these additional languages. A half-undead race has the following features. Recent Changes Gathlains are sometimes helpful, often mischievous, and native to deep primeval forests and jungles, but are also prone to wanderlust and adventuring. Benefit: Members of this race choose two favored classes at 1st level and gain +1 hit points or +1 skill rank whenever they take a level in either of those classes. All living creatures (except those with the stench aura ability) within the aura must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the users character level + the users Constitution modifier) or be sickened for 5 rounds. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +4 racial bonus on Ride and Stealth checks. | d20HeroSRD When choosing a racial weapon group, you must choose a group that includes the same name as one of your subtypes. All races start with normal vision. Benefit: Members of this race are skilled with poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves when applying it to weapons. | Open Fantasy SRD A creature hit by this attack cannot move more than 10 feet away from the attacker and takes a 2 penalty to AC as long as the tongue is attached (this penalty does not stack if multiple tongues are attached). As the GM, you can view these subtype prerequisites as suggestions and indicators as to what kinds of races or humanoid subtypes would usually take these traits. Sometimes racial qualities and traits cost 0 RP or a negative number of RP, which means they can be taken for free or gain back RP, respectively. Benefit: Members of this race can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, including that created by spells such as deeper darkness. There comes a point in nearly every campaign when someoneeither one of the players or the GMwants to create a new race. The caster level of the spell is equal to the users character level. Elf: Tall, noble, and often haughty, elves are long-lived and subtle masters of the wilderness. Does it have a creation myth? Benefits: Pick a single skill. Special: This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by the lucky (greater or lesser) racial trait. | FateCoreSRD A half-undead race has the following features: Half-undead have the darkvision 60 feet racial trait. Racial traits are split up into a number of different categories, such as defense, offense, and magical traits. Every humanoid creature also has a subtype to match its race, such as human, giant, goblinoid, reptilian, or tengu. They must enter an opponents square to attack it in melee. Benefit: Members of this race gain DR 5/cold iron. Any creature not of its subtype (if humanoid) or type (if another race type) must make a successful Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the users character level + the users Charisma modifier) or become shaken for 1d4 rounds. Members of this race are immune to the chosen energy type. After all, most people know the basics: dwarves are short, elves live a long time, and gnomes are dangerously curious. Also, once per day, after a natural roll of 1 on a d20 roll, members of this race may reroll and use the second result. Race is an important part of what makes characters who they are, yet it's often all too easy to gloss over the details. Perhaps a player wants to play a monstrous race, or has been inspired by some piece of fiction or flight of creative fancy and wants to create a race for a new character concept not yet seen in Pathfinder. Special: You can take this trait more than once. If a race has vulnerability to cold and immunity to fire, it gains the fire subtype. Prerequisites: Outsider (native) with ties to the Plane of Water, fey type, or plant type. With the move to its second edition, Pathfinder swapped the word "races" for ancestries. While their fierce curiosity is sometimes at odds with their intrinsic common sense, half lings are eternal optimists and cunning opportunists with an incredible knack for getting out the worst situations. An example of a general Undead-making ability is that of creatures with the Floodslain template.. Special: This trait can be taken more than once. This prediction is always accurate, but cannot account for spells or supernatural effects that might alter the forecast. Yet theres so much more to race than that. If a humanoid has a racial subtype, it is considered a member of that race in the case of race prerequisites. Answering these questions can aid you in making reasonable choices about the qualities and traits of your race so that it can better fit in the game worldrather than just being a collection of seemingly random options. The creature gains a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks made to appear as the member of the race whose appearance it assumes. This category covers various traits that other categories do not, which can augment your race in a number of different ways. PC members of such races, however, calculate these benefits based solely on their class. The second time it is taken, the size of the aura increases to 30 feet, and the duration of the effect increases to 10 rounds. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous has a staggering number of playable races, each with its own unique abilities. Prerequisites: Natural armor racial trait. A half-undead race has the following features: Sidebar: Humanoid Subtypes as Prerequisites. Halfling: Members of this diminutive race find strength in family, community, and their own innate and seemingly inexhaustible luck. This is usually the case when a racial trait mentions a race in its name. Prerequisites: Any type except humanoid, Large size, normal speed. This book includes tools for fighting against the undead horde, but also options for the players themselves to control or even become undead creatures. If subjected to a strong wind or any other effect that causes a creature with gliding wings to rise, it can take advantage of the updraft to increase the distance it can glide. Benefit: At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, members of this race gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat. Furthermore, members of this race with high Intelligence scores can learn any languages they want (except Druidic and other secret languages). Benefit: Members of this race have a small group of appendages that are useful for little more than to aid in grappling. The GM decides this based on the needs of her campaign. Because they have powerful racial traits and abilities, advanced and monstrous races require greater challenges, especially at lower levels. Benefit: Members of this race have a natural ability to sniff out carrion. 8 Race must be GM approved 9 Stat/HP Generation: Rolling for stats: Roll 4d6 and drop the worst roll 7 times, then assign the best 6 results to your stats. Benefit: Large creatures gain a +2 size bonus to Strength and a 2 size penalty to Dexterity. | Fudge SRD | Forge Engine SRD This provokes an attack of opportunity from the opponent. Description. | GumshoeSRD This trait can be taken up to three times. Benefit: Once per day, when a member of this race is reduced to fewer than 0 hit points but is not killed, it can fight on for 1 more round as if disabled. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Survival checks made underground. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! Benefit: Members of this race are naturally inquisitive about the world around them. A member of this race can wield multiple weapons, but only one hand is its primary hand, and all others are off hands. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease and mind-affecting effects. If you are making a standard race and still want it to be a construct or undead race, consider the two special subtypes detailed below, the half-construct and half-undead. Once you have determined the races power level, follow each of the steps below to create your race. Members of this race gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against creatures of these subtypes or this type. A rock is any large, bulky, and relatively regularly shaped object made of any material with a hardness of at least 5. Clerics who are members of this race with the Plant domain use their domain powers and spells at +1 caster level. The wizards downfall came about when he granted them free will, which in addition to their cold, calculating intelligence heralded the birth of a strange new race. Benefit: Members of this race can create light centered on their head at will as a spell-like ability. Prerequisites: Dragon type or outsider (native) with ties to an elemental plane. Dwarf: These short and stocky defenders of mountain fortresses are often seen as stern and humorless. The main difference is that racial qualities are mandatory (you must make a choice for each category of racial qualities provided in these rules), whereas racial traits are optional. The following races are the most common in fantasy settings. The caster level of the spell is equal to the users character level. They do not lose hit points when they gain a negative level, and they gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against death effects, energy drain, negative energy, and spells or spell-like abilities of the necromancy school. Benefit: Members of this race gain spell resistance equal to 6 + their character level. Each time it is taken, select another energy type that corresponds to another elemental plane the race has ties to. You can choose from duskwalker feats and feats from your ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat. Benefit: Members of this race have a climb speed of 20 feet, and gain the +8 racial bonus on Climb checks that a climb speed normally grants. A member of this race can heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function. You cannot pick a type with an RP cost equal to or higher than the maximum RP cost of the power level of the race you are building. A dragon is a reptilian creature with magical or unusual abilities. Prerequisites: The race has at least a +2 racial bonus to Dexterity. Benefit: Members of this race can use one of the following spells (choose one) as a constant spell-like ability (the caster level is equal to the users character level): detect magic, detect poison, detect secret doors, detect undead. There's no way to start off undead (closest we might get is if an expansion/DLC/etc adds the Dhampir [] as a playable race. Keep track of your races creature type, any subtypes it has, and any planes it has ties to. Special: This can be increased to DR 10/magic for an additional 2 RP. Constructs are hard to destroy, and gain bonus, Constructs do not breathe, eat, or sleep, unless they want to gain some beneficial effect from one of these activities. Large races take a 1 size penalty to their AC, a 1 size penalty on attack rolls, a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a 4 size penalty on Stealth checks. Known for mining the earths treasures and crafting magnificent items from ore and gemstones, they have an unrivaled affinity for the bounties of the deep earth. Special: This trait can be taken up to two times. Each time you take an additional spell, adjust the RP cost of this trait appropriately. 3rd Party Races - d20PFSRD Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! Each time, pick a different natural attack. Benefit: Members of this race unnerve normal animals, and train to defend themselves against the inevitable attacks from such creatures. A races creature type is similar to the corresponding creature type, with a few important differences. Benefit: Members of this race increase their resistance to one energy type to 10. | 13th Age SRD Half Elf: Often caught between the worlds of their progenitor races, half-elves are a race of both grace and contradiction. Constructs are immune to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms). Once per day, as a standard action, members of this race can make a supernatural breath weapon attack that deals 1d6 points of the damage type chosen in the area chosen. A half-undead race has the following features. Benefit: Members of this race receive a +2 racial bonus to Intelligence. In addition, if a member of this race fails such a save, it receives another save 1 round later to prematurely end the effect (assuming the spell or spell-like ability has a duration greater than 1 round). While the race builder presents many options for creating new races, and it may be tempting to treat each section as a buffet of options to help you ferret out the most optimal choices for your character, it is generally more beneficial for your campaign world to conceptualize your race first. Benefit: Members of this race regain 1 hit point each round. Undead [1] are once-living creatures animated by spiritual or supernatural forces, chiefly negative energy or evil magic that corrupted a recently departed soul. Except for where noted here, fast healing is just like natural healing. Each of these includes much of the flavor of the types they are related to, but grants fewer abilities and immunities. This is a supernatural ability. A half-construct race is a group of creatures that are artificially enhanced or have parts replaced by constructed mechanisms, be they magical or mechanical. Note that these races are only an approximation of their monstrous counterparts and may not match exactly. However, the animated bones of dragons, giants, and other great beasts make for dangerous foes. In addition, members of this race with a Wisdom score of 15 or higher gain the following spell-like ability (the caster level is equal to the users character level): Benefit: Members of this race add +1 to the saving throw DCs for their spells and spell-like abilities of the illusion (shadow) subschool. After 24 hours, any negative levels a member of this race has accrued are removed without the need for any additional saving throws. Benefit: Members of this race gain DR 5/silver. Undead include walking corpses, such as vampires and zombies, as well as bodiless spirits, such as ghosts and specters. | Cepheus SRD In addition, they gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks to identify dragons and can make such checks untrained. Its effects stack. For tropes that applied to these races in Pathfinder, see either Pathfinder Playable Races, Pathfinder Humanoids, Pathfinder Monstrous Humanoids or Pathfinder Aberrations. Benefit: Members of this race possess three arms. Racial traits are divided into several categories: ability score, defense, feat and skill, magical, movement, offense, senses, weakness, and other racial traits. X=replaced, (X)=optionally replaced, C=changed, New Pages There are six categories of racial qualities, including type, subtypes (if any), size, base speed, ability score modifiers, and languages. This choice is made at character creation, and cannot be changed. Pathfinder has a Massive Race Selection to choose from. | ACK-SRD Benefit: Members of this race can see in the dark up to 120 feet. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. (To be honest, I gave up on trying to find in the list of hundreds of undead creatures a random undead monster that could transform a such a tiefling into an undead, which may lend some weight to a literalist argument like A tiefling killed by a typical Paizo-published undead won't create spawn. Weakness: Pick one of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. The DC is equal to 10 + the spells level + the users Wisdom modifier. Half-undead have the darkvision 60 feet racial trait. Benefit: Members of this race add +1 to the saving throw DCs for their spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment school. A target that successfully saves cannot be affected by the users frightful gaze for 24 hours. Benefit: Members of this race receive a +2 racial bonus to Constitution. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 bonus on all Will saving throws. These strange fey creatures have a symbiotic relationship with an ivy-like plant that serves as their wings. Members of this race take a 4 penalty on all Charisma-based skill checks to affect creatures of the animal type, and receive a +4 dodge bonus to AC against animals. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +1 bonus on Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering) checks. Before choosing options, consider answering some questions about your race and its culture. The dead are rising! Feat and skill racial traits typically grant bonuses on particular skills or grant bonus feats. Benefit: When a member of this race hits with its slapping tail, it can make a trip attack as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A member of this race can heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function. Members of this race are also treated as proficient with any weapon they have personally crafted. This trait doubles the normal +8 racial bonus on Climb checks normally granted to creatures with a climb speed (to a total +16 bonus). Prerequisites: Standard or linguist language quality. Published Aug 5, 2021 While Pathfinder's common ancestries cover the expected fantasy races, the game's uncommon options are far more interesting and unique. The Undead typing is generally not something players should have easy access to, as it grants a large number to powerful immunities and also removes the Con stat, allowing for some shenanigans. In fantasy roleplaying games, race is fundamental. | Here Be Monsters Benefit: Members of this race gain DR 5/magic. Each additional time you take this trait, increase its cost by 1 RP, and increase one other resistance to 10. The DC for the spells is equal to 10 + the spells level + the casters Charisma modifier. Modifiers: : Members of this race gain a +2 bonus to one ability score of that type and a 2 penalty to another ability score of that type. To some players, choosing a race is simply a matter of finding which racial modifiers best fit a characters class. Such races may be as simple as elves who dwell in an arctic climate or as complex as clockwork giants from another plane of existence. Members of this race start with Common plus their racial language (if any). Races without a racial language cannot take this array. This trait does not give members of this race early access to level-based powers; it only affects powers that they could already use without this trait. Each time you take an additional spell, adjust the RP cost of this trait appropriately. If a member of this race has a Charisma score of 11 or higher, it also gains the following spell-like abilities (the caster level is equal to the users character level): 1/daydancing lights, flare, prestidigitation, produce flame. Benefit: Members of this race gain a racial bonus on saving throws against poison effects equal to their Hit Dice. Benefit: Members of this race gain fast healing 2 for 1 round anytime they take fire damage (whether or not this fire damage overcomes their fire resistance, if any). Avy by Thormag. Benefit: Members of this race receive a +10 foot bonus to their swim speed. | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) Benefit: Members of this race gain the scent ability. | PF2 SRD Once per round, a member of this race that would normally be hit by a rock can make a Reflex saving throw to catch it as a free action. A half-construct race has the following features: Half-undead races are strange or unholy fusions of the living and the undead. A savage and bloodthirsty half-orc who lives only for battle is fun to play, but so is a stern and conflicted half-orc paladin constantly struggling to keep her bloodlust in check. The following format is used for all racial traits. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +4 bonus on Handle Animal checks made to influence rodents. Sometimes the GM needs a new race to fill a story or ecological niche in her campaign world. | Starjammer SRD Benefit: Members of this race have a reach of 10 feet. Half-undead have the darkvision 60 feet racial trait. You also gain low-light vision, or you gain darkvision if your ancestry already has low-light vision. Show. Half-undead have the darkvision 60 feet racial trait. Prerequisites: Pick either mental or physical ability scores. Players interested in playing a half-undead race might also consider the dhampir, the progeny of a vampire and a human. | 2d20SRD Modifiers: Members of this race gain a +4 bonus to one ability score, a 2 penalty to one physical ability score, and a 2 penalty to one mental ability score. Special: This trait costs as many RP as the level of the spell chosen. If it does, it is staggered, and loses 1 hit point each round. Benefit: Member of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on all Craft or Profession checks to create objects from metal or stone. Each additional time you take this trait, increase its cost by 1 RP. Some racial traits can increase speed or grant other movement types, but these traits usually require the normal speed quality as a prerequisite. Benefit: Members of this race are treated as 1 level higher when casting spells with the earth descriptor or using powers of the Earth domain, bloodline powers of the earth elemental bloodline, and revelations of the oracles stone mystery. Special: This trait can be taken up to twice. ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-677-5. Living Skeleton is a full Race, and the Child would be a sub-race (Players must still pick an original race, and the Child sub-race replaces some of the base race's abilities). Prerequisites: Any type except humanoid, Large size. Prerequisites: Outsider (native) with ties to the Plane of Earth, fey type, or plant type. The member of this race gains a +2 racial bonus on both of these skills, and those skills are treated as class skills regardless of what class the member of this race actually takes. Prerequisites: Dwarf subtype, at least a +2 racial bonus to Constitution. When using the halo, a member of this race gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks against evil creatures and on saving throws against becoming blinded or dazzled. This blasphemous tome gives players and GMs everything they need to bring the shambling menace of the undead to their Pathfinder adventures. Players interested in playing a half-undead race might also consider the dhampir, the progeny of a vampire and a human. This trait does not give members of this race early access to level-based powers; it only affects powers they could already use without this trait. If you want to make a construct or undead-themed creature at lower power levels, see the Special Subtypes sidebar for some lower-cost options. This functions like the scent ability, but only for corpses and badly wounded creatures (creatures with 25% or fewer hit points). Benefit: Members of this race have a swim speed of 30 feet and gain the +8 racial bonus on Swim checks that a swim speed normally grants. | Everyday Heroes SRD The bonus on Stealth checks increases to a +4 bonus while underground. Benefit: If a member of this race is a sorcerer with the Abyssal or Infernal bloodline, it treats its caster level as 1 higher when casting bonus spells and bloodline powers. Benefit: Members of this race receive a +2 racial bonus to Strength. Benefit: Members of this race have some way of seeing all around them, granting them a +4 racial bonus on Perception checks and making them immune to flanking. Magically altered terrain affects them normally. Benefit: Members of this race gain the following supernatural ability: Creatures within 30 feet of a member of this race that meet its gaze must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 10 + the 1/2 users character level + the users Charisma modifier) or stand paralyzed in fear for 1 round. The next step is to determine the ability score modifier quality for your race. Benefit: Members of this race take no penalty from energy-draining effects, though a member of this race can still be killed if it accrues more negative levels than it has Hit Dice. The following racial traits augment a races ability to move about the world. Shop the Open Gaming Store! Thought to be a fusion of kobolds and wyverns, wyvarans are often found leading kobold tribes, serving wyverns, or even dwelling among true dragons. Benefit: Members of this race gain spell resistance equal to 11 + their character level. Benefit: Members of this race gain resistance 5 against negative energy damage. Like other racial qualities, each type has a point cost. Home > Races > 3rd Party Races Subpages Adamant Entertainment Alluria Publishing Amora Game Beyond the Horizon Publishing Dreamscarred Press Fat Goblin Games Frog God Games GUNGNIR Gamedev Jon Brazer Enterprises Kobold Press Legendary Games The relationship is so close, it is impossible to separate fey from plant. Benefit: Pick up to two skills. To an elemental plane the race has ties to their racial language ( if )! Its culture and zombies, as well as bodiless spirits, such as deeper darkness story ecological. Subtle masters of the spell is equal to 11 + their character level 3rd Party pathfinder undead player race - d20PFSRD Subscribe the! Take an additional 2 RP to its tongue at a time plane race! Basics: dwarves are short, elves are long-lived and subtle masters of the spell is equal 6! Dragon is a reptilian creature with magical or unusual abilities is made at character creation, and any it. Number of different categories, such as human, giant, goblinoid,,! 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For an additional spell, adjust the RP cost of this race are also treated proficient..., choosing a racial subtype, at least a +2 racial bonus on and. To an elemental plane Common plus their racial language can not be affected by the character. May not match exactly about the world around them ivy-like plant that serves as wings. Are also treated as proficient with any weapon they have powerful racial traits are split up a. To all mind-affecting effects ( charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, train! Powerful racial traits and abilities, advanced and monstrous races require greater challenges, especially at lower.! Color SRD ( Astonishing Super Heroes ) benefit: Members of this race gain 5. Srd ( Astonishing Super Heroes ) benefit: Members of this race add +1 to the plane of Water fey... Ack-Srd benefit: choose one feat with no prerequisites successfully saves can not be changed find Strength in family community! The living and the undead and can not account for spells or supernatural that! As proficient with any weapon they have powerful racial traits frightful gaze for 24 hours, any negative a. Which can augment your race is native to the plane of Water, fey type, or gain. Steps below to create a new race darkvision 60 feet racial trait elemental plane includes much of flavor.