Handling your little companion is also a great way to bond and interact with it. The average lifespan for a teddy bear hamster is two to three years. Prices of a hamster and all of its necessary supplies will vary depending on where you go. They reach about 5-7 inches in length as adults and weigh around 4 ounces (about 1/4th of a pound). These tiny mammals are herbivores eating grains, vegetables, and fruit. Those cute little hamsters melt the heart when gazing through a pet store window at you. For the first time, it has been shown to extend animals average and maximum lifespans in a reproducible way. Just make sure not to choose somewhere they can escape from. Syrian hamster mothers are known to sometimes eat their own young if they perceive themselves to be in danger. It makes sense, too, because their original homeland, Syria, is quite hot during the day and much cooler at night. In the wild, they burrow and create tunnel systems beneath the ground. Initial research on hamsters determined that the mammalian circadian rhythm is modulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the brain. There is a world record for the longest living hamster. Unlike what many may think, there is no dwarf teddy bear hamster. I had the seat belt over the carrier to keep him safe. 20. Every time I get close to the cage, he squeaks up a storm. The hamster in the Guiness World Record book lived to an impressive 4.5 years old! Teddy bear hamsters are incredibly cute and make great pets, the common name for whats known as the Syrian hamster. These cost around $5-$10 depending on the type of material they are made from. You can watch them running around in their exercise wheels or hamster balls. The Arabic name for hamsters roughly translates to Mister Saddlebags. So, how can this little creature be anything but cute! Depending on care and health however, it is possible for teddy bear hamsters to live as long as five years although this is unusual. Hamster fact file. You might also wonder what you can do to prolong your hamsters life. Syrian hamsters typically have short round bodies, stocky legs and feet, and have short silky golden brown fur. Your hamster can get accustomed to your scent and feel comfortable around you. Neurobiology of Aging published a study that examined ways to prolong mammals lives. Syrian Hamsters are small rodents about the size of an adult human hand - The adult size ranges from 5 - 7 inches in length. Domestic/pet hamsters will either be Syrian (also known as Golden or Teddy Bear,) Dwarf (Winter White, Campbell Russian, or Robovoski,) or Chinese. Yes, they are aware they are extremely cute. You may also use treats to allow your hamster to gain trust. However, there have been instances where these little furballs make it past the average estimates. In the wild, hamsters would need to run to escape predators. In addition to a running wheel, you can get your hamster out from the cage during its active time of day. You dont ever want to replace all bedding because it will cause unnecessary stress on your hamster. Although in books you are much more likely to come across cute mice or nasty rats, hamsters are by far one of the most popular childrens pets with the teddy bear hamster topping the must have wish list. To gain their trust and tame them, cupping your hands to hold them is the best way to handle one. Is it getting any better? Make sure you teach your children how to properly look after and handle a hamster, and supervise their petting sessions. We will talk about the differences between these hamsters and their lifespans. And while they are generally quiet pets, their nighttime activity might keep you awake if you have their enclosure in your bedroom. The average life expectancy of Syrian hamsters is 2 to 2.5 years, although some can live up to 3 years. READY FOR NEW HOMES GEORGOUS HANDTAME HAMSTER PUPS. And now you know that theyre quite fascinating in terms of history, behavior, and personality, too! Large cheek pouches allow the rodent to store extra food. Make sure your hamster gets proper nutrition, and they are not fed too many unbalanced snacks. Tubes satisfy the burrowing behavior in hamsters. 2022 Science Trends LLC. If its your first pet, just having one can make things a lot easier, and less intense. The taller the cage, the more opportunity of providing your hamster deep bedding to burrow in. A normal teddy bear hamster size can range from 4 to 6 inches. However, there have been instances where these little furballs make it past the average estimates. and the commercial hamster industry was started in Mobile, Alabama. Syrian hamsters are expected to live 2-3 years on average while in captivity. Who is breeding hampsters in San Diego County? They are actually sleep walking/talking, and you want to wake them so they dont hurt themselves. Therefore tunnels, tubes and bridges are great for them to run around in and on. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How to tell if a teddy bear hamster is pregnant. If the female is not introduced when she is in season, potentially fatal fighting will ensue. We started this website to share our experiences with owning and looking after hamsters. The sharp teeth also help the hamster chew through tough nuts, seeds, and roots. As much as you try to control for genes, there is not enough info available to make a controlled choice. After two weeks, the hamster will begin to be able to see, can walk on its own, and has a fully formed coat. Have some feedback for us? Instead scoop them gently into your hands using a cupping motion whilst remembering to support their weight in the process. Avoid interacting with your hamster during sleep hours because this causes stress and disrupts its sleep. Bigger cages allow you to add more fun things for your hamster to burrow in, climb over, and chew on, keeping your hamster happy. Hamsters are also of interest to researchers studying circadian rhythms in mammals as they have very well-defined daily routines. There are other genetic predispositions that you will not know when you buy your hamster. Hamsters came from Syria to America in 1936. They have a greater risk of stillbirth. This native aggression makes mating Syrian hamsters sometimes difficult. Below we have come up with a list of 15 most commonly asked questions and facts, which we hope will inform and delight you. These larger hamsters make cute and cuddly pets, and are the most popular hamster breed around. Moreover, are long haired hamsters friendly? The potential hamster parent will be required to handle it to tame it until it feels comfortable and develops a bond. In order to tame your pet hamster, you should use the same technique as you would for all hamsters. They even will create specialized rooms meant for sleeping, raising their young, using the bathroom, and hoarding food. How Long Do Syrian (Teddy Bear) Hamsters Live? So, try not to surprise your hamster when you want to handle him. Also called Teddy-bear hamsters (hence my little Teddy's name). Syrian hamsters are the most common pet hamster. Wild hamsters rely on sand baths to clean themselves. What Can Be Controlled? When you use a well balanced store-bought food, that should make up 90 percent of your pets diet. The Syrian hamster was first discovered in 1839 in the city of Aleppo, Syria (hence its namesake), but the breed was not fully domesticated until 1939. For more details, click. Teddy Bear (Syrian) hamsters are large, and because of this, theyll need a roomy cage. Syrians are also known as Golden or Teddy Bear and are the largest hamster species. They can crawl inside of them and chew on them. Although they are often referred to as nocturnal, most teddy bear hamsters are crepuscular, which means they are more likely to be active at dawn or dusk which fits in perfectly with the school day. There is no foolproof method for extending a hamsters life. How long do Syrian hamsters live? Department of Animal Science at Cornell University, Florida International Universitys Director of Laboratory Animal Research. You cannot prevent getting a hamster with predispositions, but you can be more careful to prevent your pet from getting a life-threatening illness. However, hamsters are delicate and will bite when stressed or in pain. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the oldest hamster lived to be 7 years of age. Males seem to outlive females on average, which is unusual in the animal world. Syrians coat (fur) will either be shiny, which is known as satin, or have a dull, matte look which is known as non-satin. Again, if you are looking to save money, then you could get your kids to make their own versions using toilet roll holders and empty boxes. They're the same thing. Hamsters are one of the cutest rodents that many of us are happy to keep as a pet. Hamster Mites Demodex, Sarcoptic Mange & Acariasis Skin. Black Bear Hamster: Is This The Ultimate Pet Your Household Needs? You will, however, need to put in extra effort and care when you first bring home your teddy bear hamster as you will need to tame it and train it not to bite. As far as pets go, Syrian hamsters are among the easiest hamsters to tame. You can expect to pay a little bit more for quality hamsters from a breeder compared to those in pet stores. Teddy bear hamsters come in a host of colors, patterns and with different coat types. There are several different breeds and varieties of hamster, varying in size and temperament. I used to squeeze his cheeks and smother him with kisses and he loved it ! Since it is pretty gentle and enjoys being held, it is sometimes called teddy bear. Ensure your pet has a comfortable temperature, ideally between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Whereas the Chinese Dwarf has the shortest lifespan, living a little under 2 years. In the wild Syrian hamster numbers are declining due to a loss of habitat and the effects of climate change. There are two different breeds one are called dwarf golden hamsters and the other is called the biggest hamster breed. You may, however, take certain precautions to ensure that you are providing your hamster with the best possible life. I just adopted Mr. Bodhi Lucas P. today. The item breakdown for a new hamster and necessary items dont come cheap. Its hard to resist the uber cuteness of a Syrian (Teddy Bear) hamster. Learn more about us & read our affiliate disclosure. Thank you for reading! This does not mean that your pet hamster cant live longer because Syrian hamsters can live so long as 4 years and possibly more. It is important, however, that we clean their cage regularly and provide them with plenty of chews and toys to stimulate them mentally and physically. Once your hamster feels happy enough to come towards you on their own accord, try to coerce them into a container so that you can take them someone safe and enclosed to hold them. I feel a soul. A.D. Williams. I recommend you wait about a week before attempting to handle your hamster and you should start slowly. Sexing your teddy bear hamster can be difficult, especially if they are young or have yet to be tamed. Our final reason that youll want to get a teddy bear hamster is simple theyre adorable! The hamsters incisor teeth never stop growing as they age, so they must be regularly worn down by chewing on things. When a Syrian hamster reaches the age of 12 weeks (3 months old), it is considered fully mature. How Long Do Teddy Bear Hamsters Live? Hamsters usually live for up to two years, although some may live for longer. At first you could just put your hand in the cage and see what he does you could also put a treat such as a sunflower seed on your palm and see if he comes to take it. Like any animal, teddy bear hamsters can be unpredictable and should always be handled with care. This species of hamster is the most common in the world. They are solitary animals with an average lifespan of 2-3 years. Although they are the same species, they have been given these elaborate names by hamster breeders in order to match the hamsters coloration and patterns. At two weeks, hamster babies may be weaned, and this is an excellent time to begin handling puppies destined for a life as a companion. If you try to put two teddy bear hamsters together, they may attack one another. Most teddy bear hamsters are pregnant for around 16 days, which is short in comparison to a Roborovski, whose gestation period on average is 22-30 days.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'hamsterguru_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',140,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hamsterguru_com-medrectangle-4-0'); It is important during their pregnancy that that you start to provide your hamster with some additional care. I have a hamster. A Syrian hamsters gestation period is 15 to 18 days. They typically weigh around 120 to 125 grams when fully grown. Furthermore, the article states that the lineage of all captive domesticated hamsters originated from a wild female and her 12 pups captured in Syria back in 1930. Female hamsters are thought to be more territorial, but male teddy bear hamsters are also very territorial. Well, the answer varies quite a lot! Likewise, the tail can be stubbed and nearly non-existent, while others may be tiny in size. How long can a hamster go without eating or drinking? "Try to be a hamster to pursue nook and corner, In order to snuff out your paucity." Arthu Long-haired are known as Teddy Bears, while short-hair are known as Goldens or Fancy Bears. It is important to never lunge or grab at them, as this is how predators attack their prey in the wild. Cleaning the cage will prevent stress for the hamster while also protecting against diseases like wet tail. Although a hamster carrier may not be essential straight away, it is good to have something that you can carry your hamster in if you ever need to take it out of the house for example to the vets. Can you think of any great reasons to get a Syrian hamster that weve missed? Discover (and save!) Their coat patterns are diverse and can range from no pattern to a hamster with a calico/tortoiseshell look. There are different kinds of dwarf hamsters, and the longest living is the Robovoski that provides an expected lifespan of up to 4 many years. This is notably more than they can survive in the wild, which is about 1-2 years on average. A basic hamster carrier costs around $10-$12 (although you can make your own versions with boxes you already have around the house). ISSN: 2639-1538 (online), teddy bear hamster lifespan and characteristics, Teddy Bear Hamster: Lifespan And Characteristics. Mine hasnt bitten me yet but he squeaks every time I get close to his cage. Social: While Syrian hamsters are sociable with humans, they are solitary animals and should live alone. Golden hamsters are a great choice as a pet because they are quite tame pets! "So my hamster ate my other hamster, and I'm 8 years old. It is an inherent instinct the hamster still has. How long do hamsters live? Fancy bear hamster sizes generally range between 4 to 6 inches long, though they can grow larger. Female hamsters can reproduce between the ages of 8 and 10 weeks when they weigh an average of 90 to 100 grams. If we told you that a little hamster has the features of a miniature black bear, would you, Is it a hamster or a mouse? Yes, Teddy Bear hamsters have a playful, amicable demeanor and a ton of otherwise wonderful attributes! Long-haired hamsters also called Teddy bear hamsters; or Golden hamsters or Angora hamsters, are Syrian hamsters, usually male hamsters because the females have shorter coats. This can mean that a bedroom isnt the best place for their cage, though! For example, a teddy hamster is long-haired . Hes no longer with us and will be VERRRRY MISSED. Before giving in to a weak moment of buying one, do your homework. All hamsters like to retreat to a safe place and depending on the type of material hamster hideouts are made from they can priced anywhere between $5-$12. Citrus (oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, etc. With all of this incredible knowledge about the Syrian hamster lifespan, lets get a better idea of how they develop from tiny babies to fully grown adults. Lifespan: 2 to 4 years Syrian Hamster Behavior and Temperament Syrian hamsters sleep during the day and are active at night. If you still have outstanding questions or require further information on caring for your hamster, please refer to the blogs on our website. Its hilarious, he scrunches up his little face and sometimes screams at me. But before you succumb to a moment of weakness, youll want to find out what goes into Teddy Bear hamster care. Teddy bear hamsters can live anywhere from 2-5 years, but they most commonly live between . Hamster Age: 4 weeks Mixed. Syrian, Teddy Bear, and Golden are all interchangeably used to describe this type of hamster breed. You may, however, take certain precautions to ensure that you are providing your hamster with the best possible life. A teddy bear hamster that does not have access to a regular water supply, is unlikely to survive for longer than a week. 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