Yeah, I was all set to accept this final episode as whatever, its over and forget about it. I was devastated with the ending, but thoroughly enjoyed the whole series. That's how much attention to details that was being paid to the king and his daily routine. Among the antogonistic, closed-mided high officials, there was a belief of a there being a clowned crown. Hurting herself means kind of killing herself and finding him in afterlife i guess but i don't think thats how it happened. It's simply epic! Finally they live happily ever after. The queen dowager screams at the ministers to challenge Ha Sun, but they all stand silently in support of their king. I agree with you that I would have liked to seen Yi Heon's back story pre crazy King and addiction. Hope his next drama also does well. As soon as its done, a weight seems to lift from his shoulders. 2. He believes that nobody should sit on the throne who wants to use it for personal gain, and that he wants to step down because he wants to go back to being one of the people. Queen Dowager walks into a trap of her own and we understand the extent of Ha Suns game-playing as he truly understands how to navigate the vipers pit. Minister Shin orders his men after him, but the instant Ha Sun is through the gate it slams shut, cutting him off from his soldiers. They tell the story of a king who was as handsome as he was wise, and whose greatest talent was looking out for his people. Since Writer-nim didn't bother to reveal who patched up Ha Sun and kept him safe while he recovered, I'll fill in the blanks by assuming that he somehow ended up in the care of Doctor Monk. Enjoy it all you want. He manages to throw his sword and take out the assassin about to finish off Ha Sun, then slips around Ha Sun to take the sword meant for him. What a lovely ending. I'm glad to be live-watching along with everyone now. I said it all up there- do I really need to say it again? Not king and the clown. In fact it reached 2 digit ratings even afterwards. No no. Grrr. Lord giseong is a prince as i understood. The old grey mare ain't what she used to be. Unmoved by her tirade, Ha Sun says calmly that hell endure the results of his own sins, and she should do the same. Then they reunited in death and walked off into the sunset. Eunuch Jo brings Ha Sun a scroll, and he reads the hanja himself as he announces that for the queen dowagers crimes of harming the queen, ordering Lord Yoos assassination, and leading the rebel forces, she is officially deposed and ordered to drink poison. That relationship? At night, So-woon holds Ha Suns compass, remembering two years ago when a pair of palace guards delivered the news that they believed Ha Sun was dead. His death scene was really great. She cracks it and makes a wish, but when she opens her eyes, shes still alone. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 1) The Last Of Us Episode 5 Recap & Review, 2) The Interest Of Love Episode 16 Recap, Review & Ending Explained, 6) Crash Course in Romance Episode 9 Recap & Review, 8) Magic Mikes Last Dance Ending Explained, 10) You Season 4 Episode 1 Recap & Review. Thank you for the suggestion, @marcusnyc20, I will try Haechi in the future :), Congrats on your 1st Sageuk! (link to my Episode 8 write up because it wasnt letting me do it as a word hyperlink: ). She turns and theres Ha Sun, alive. Nevertheless, it takes me a while to get my thoughts in order, so I don't comment in a timely fashion. And thats really poor writing. Did he wish on one of his hazelnuts?! Ah.I just can't forget how foolhardy Hasun was to leave without protection when he knew that he had so many people against him. Did he actually think that he could just walk out of there unprotected and NONE of the people he wronged as the real King or as himself would have come after him?? So what happens, when you kill him, and, moral implications aside, there are no consequences to this, is that your plot doesnt frakking make sense. What right do they have to the throne? To show how good and righteous the Clown was? This does not mean you cannot enjoy it. Because there were no consequences for the King as a pre-existing character. Its based on Ha Suns name, which means summer fairy, and Eunuch Jo says it perfectly suits him because hes like the summer sun that shines equally over everyone. It turns out to be a trap though that he walks right into. And even that wouldn't have happened if Lee Jun-ki wasn't leading the drama basically single-handedly! Not because i didn't like it but because i thought it would cause to loose some viewers as yi heon really had gained some fans despite being kind of a villan (thanks to jin goos excellent acting on a villainous role. But overall i really had fun and thrill watching it. As for the cast, so many lovely talents and wonderful performances (my favorites being Jang Gwang, Jang Young-nam, and Kim Sang-kyung because I'm biased). My second bean for 2019 . I especially enjoyed his sound effects of Yi Heon on a bender. And even I would be interested, and was interested, in seeing what this story looks like. And had so much fun. He deserves it . JUMONG was simply momentous, with KINGDOM OF THE WINDS a worthy successor. SO many eye rolling inconsistencies with the time period it took me right out of the whole story but I enjoyed half it at least thanks to the actors. Oi Not as many ribbons and bows that way, but also no time skip that leaves more unanswered questions. Hes trapped, and he turns to see Ha Sun facing him, the two of them alone. Seriously reviewing shows is too exhausting; I rather like @hotcocoagirls idea of Yi Heon returning as a vampire, and becoming a sullen loose canon on the Officer Jang and Uri Mathematician investigative team. The cast and crew can be proud of their production; I was sorely disappointed by the ending. episodes (13-16) I think it has found its groove (for me at least.) Since NIF is set in fictional ancient China, I think it will be easier to differentiate HAECHI from it than from another sageuk. sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna. However instead of this being a huge and important plot point, and an opportunity for properly developed conflict and climax, this is practically swept under the rug. It made Ha Sun sound like the Winter General's bartender sister in HWAYUGI. There was a king and one of the his guards at the door looked very much like him, an uncanny resemblance. I'm glad the ending was portrayed as such, a little sad for those who would only ever want to find what they dont like instead of balancing it out and pointing out what they might have done well. I cannot watch two sageuks at the same time without getting the details bollixed up, even if they're set in different time periods. And that there was a happy ending, of course! I'm probably in the minority for this opinion, but I thought it was a bold move for the show to have Lee Kyu kill the king in secret and become the "king" from the shadows. Whatever you want to argue the reason for this was, and whatever you want to argue the reason for Ha Seon blithely forgiving him for this was, and whatever the argument posed for whether Haksan was good or bad, does not matter. . Another example would be the queen: after her suicide cliff attempt, she acted like shed been married to Ha Seon all along instead of Yi Heon. I was sure there would be a flashbacks putting thing in context. So what!? In the end, she didn't even feel part of the family; she wasn't welcome. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; But of course everyone can have its own opinion. Clan power? @lovepark, I agree with you, especially with regard to: it was a bold move for the show to have Lee Kyu kill the king in secret and become the "king" from the shadows. DEFINITELY MLDBC!! Ho-geol requests some time off, so Ha Sun suggests he take a working vacation to Jeju Island to see how the people like the new law, which is obviously not what Ho-geol had in mind. Ta-da! What, he doesnt get to benefit from the magic two year time leap ? fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); Me, too. But i liked the way things happened in this drama as well. The drama took some risks like killing off the king halfway, according to the actor who played haksan it was something they had in mind since the beginning. This probably means I have to watch "Vincenzo" to find out what Kim Hee-won's visual style is.) if (d.getElementById(id)) return; Too forced. Then why have him shot at and left for dead? I dropped this drama once Yi Heon died, but have been keeping up with recaps only to be disappointed with what the writers have been doing every episode. It'd leave a fairly good impression and understanding about the Sageuk world in your mind. The makers of this show (and I assume the movie) decided to show that story by means of a doppelganger plot. I read the first two parts and loved it and wrote my comment even before I read the recap, because I've been dying to since I skipped my way through the finale (what does it even say about a show finale that I skipped everything but the last bit and still got it right), and then I came back just now and read the other two parts and also loved those. After the Secretary stabbed Prince Jin, the Queen thanks Jin for his work thus far and instead vows to put another puppet in her stead on the throne to control. They have to go back and redo it!!! Im glad it was 16 episodes. After 15 episodes of drama, tension and romance we finally reach the conclusive chapter to this historical Korean show. Still beautiful though. The King : I think it was sad they didn't show him more as a Crown Prince. 2/4 In the history of my country we also have a story like that. I never doubted that Ha Sun was capable of being a true king, but seeing him come into his own strength and take on his enemies himself, outsmart them, and return the nation to peace was extremely satisfying. The part that pleased me was when he went to the first tournament and how cleverly he won during archery, or with the dog having that tiger cloth near his hand to confuse the dogs. One that is like a wolf trying to be a sheep and telling everyone that it is a sheep, when its actually still a wolf. I am glad you enjoyed TCC. The final scene in the grassland was beautiful. Was she too pure to have sex? I hope you get to see many many wonderful sageuks in the future!, Thank you very much, @peony!!! }); You dont get a medic so learn your own first-aid. But, no. I must have been bonkers. No no. The one degree of separation to MASQUERADE. I said this in episode 8, and I will say it again. What was the point? Please click the link in that email to complete the email change process. Director Kim Hee-won is a new discovery for me, and I definitely see why everyone praised her as they did. The survival of the great majority allows everything? I wanted to see some little clowns running around. Also the king wasn't allowed to read his own records in case he'd changed it. The King, all his loves, fears, weaknesses and strengths, his idiosyncrasies, his handwriting, his tone of voice, he as a person, already has to exist before the Clown can pretend to be him. When I was watching HWAJUNG, I had to put it on the back burner a bit more than half-way through, and didn't get back to it for three weeks. She points the way he went, and So-woon hurries in that direction until she sees a man in blue clothing. Here is hoping that they'll space out the upcoming sageuks. I initially thought they should have kept yi heon for few more episodes which i mentioned in my comments under ep 8. Cant explain how the Queen died, but the whole scene implies that they are walking into eternity together. Yup, I concur with all your points, @marcusnyc20 bong-soo. // Load the SDK asynchronously (In case you don't know, it's a weekly article we had then to publish the BEST comments of the week. If you want to tell a story about a Clown being King, do NOT make that ENTIRE premise hinge on a single character and then treat him as a plot device! In comparison, I was passionately and unequivocally committed to REBEL for the entire run of that show. Did you read my essay? The clown is a symbol of the mind. LollyPip, thanks for the recap. But the main flaws I had with it are Jang's demise and So Woon's reaction to Ha Sun's disappearance. (Oh, right. He explains that he doesnt wish to give the throne to a child of his blood, so hes been watching the officials for a suitable successor, and he thinks Lord Giseong is the best choice. Ha Sun travels with Lord Giseong and sees people hard at work in a field. Tags: Lee Se-young, The Crowned Clown, Yeo Jin-gu, Your email address will not be published. The decoy is a clown who happens to be the king's doppelgnger. So after the preliminary introductions, they used Yi Heon as a plot device, to get the Clown into the Kings position and then they abandoned the King. And how exactly was she able to leave the palace and not return to her family home or hie herself to a nunnery as she had told Daebi that she would do? I briefly thought the show was trying to say that Cray Cray's Cray was entirely due to the environment he was living in. Hed answered that it was to serve Ha Sun loyally and die in the line of duty, and Moo-young gets his wish. js.src = "//"; The guard somehow managed to rule for few more years but was assassinated later. We got to see one measly flashback of Yi Heon and the Queen early in their marriage before he started going off the deep end. But from what I gather, they didn't. So-woon had sobbed that if Ha Suns body wasnt there, he must be alive somewhere. But that's not what Sicarius' point is. The fact that he did it on his own, without Minister Lees help, was sad but also impressive, and he proved to himself that hes capable of anything despite his low birth. All she got in return was a bitter forced suicide she was so misunderstood. A verification email has been sent to your new email address. The good points : the instrumental music (the OST was so beautiful and went well with the scenes), the humor ( I kind missed it at the end), the scenery (it was beautiful), not too much characters (I tend to be lost when there are too much Ministers in the same clothes). I think @kiara tipped me off about it. In sageuks, the best character will always be the one with a twisted past, the one that isn't entirely black or white but has extremely strong values in something, and will do anything to protect those values (i.e. knew it would happen before the end of this drama: line 7, strike TTC and insert TCC. My favourite scene was the goodbyes between Eunuch Jo and the Clown, I really loved their relationship. He hands her a letter from Ha Sun, which says that if she promises not to punish his people, he will confess his crimes and hand over the royal seal. The way the camera panned out at the end with them walking off into nowhere and how there were no questions asked and she just said that she had seen him in her dreams etc, could mean that it was their souls reuniting and not their physical selves. The show had its flaws, as they all do. Very sad but thoroughly enjoyed the series. Lucky you, for having a fairly good Sageuk as your 1st one. I also hated that the poor mom who had his son killed by the previous king had no retribution at all. Because I can't do history as well as kiara nor Sageuk reviewing like HeadsNo2, I'll comment upon my forte. And I almost didnt even watch the reunion scene at the end because I knew exactly how it would play out. She says that hed have lived a long life if he hasnt been greedy for the throne, but she tells him in a cold voice that shell make good use of his soldiers, and give the throne to Lord Younghwa instead. Minister Lee was doing it to create a better world, and he never denied that what he was doing was wrong he accepted that he would be punished, but he was willing to sacrifice himself for his country. All seems well and as Officer Jang vows to stand by Ha Suns side no matter what, assassins appear to avenge Queen Dowager resulting in both Officer Jang and Ha Sun suffering a terrible fate. I neglected to state that Jin-goo's performances were great, and that Kim Sang-kyung is a new favorite. But, instead of Ha Seon finding his sister and the ahjae and living happily ever after with them and So Woon, which I thought would be logical progression Kudos to the entire production team. To me they always make for a cliched and boring ending. Thanks for noting that Yoon Park portrayed Ha Sun's successor, Lord Giseong. Prince Charles travels to Hong Kong to mark the end of British rule as the region became an administrative region of China. But thank goodness after 2 long and nobody changing years, the Clown has miraculously woken from coma. The iconic Shawarma King has won the 'best in Scotland' title at the British Kebab Awards for the second time in a row, with the viral eatery on King Street describing their second win as . It kept me Interested. I am mad they reduced the King, Yi Heon, to nothing, when he was in my opinion the most interesting, and the most important character. I was perfectly okay with the ending. I can't handle 2 or more at a time and it makes me sad when they compete for the ratings. Why stop there? It was a beautiful journey, and when the last episode ended I felt a little sad to say goodbye to them all. Gotta say though, I did enjoy the political aspect of this series even if it was neglected in the last couple of episodes. It's a pity at that time I wasn't on DB, it sounds a so fun experience! Eventually she moves closer and takes his hand, and he tells her that this is the first time hes killed anyone, yet he has no regrets, and would do worse to protect the nation and its people. It was a character with a vision for his country. The ending is meh.. We just want better developed characters with a clearer plot and an ending that is believable. In the history of my country we had a doppelganger fake king ruling for 6 years. My sister's 1st one was MLSHR, and now she thinks it's the BEST ever Sageuk in the whole world and uses it as a scale to measure other Sageuks. @sicarius Sorry for the late reply! In order to escape those who plan to assassinate him, the King puts a clown, who looks exactly like him, on the throne. Anyway, this was my first sageuk and I'm really glad I watched it. He doesnt have long to ponder it though as Sin Chi Soo makes his move and, along with a handful of rebels, storms the palace in a bid to take him out of the loop once and for all. The Queen- The Clown saved the Queen, thus the Queen forgave him, and then also abandoned the King as a pre existing character. I really liked this drama. If they had planned to make Ha-Sun abdicate the at the very least I wish they could've introduced his successor before so it didn't feel like he came outta nowhere. Thank you, Peony, I'll give a look if I have time. It's songs were crappy, but the instrumentals hold their ground against even Dae Jang-geum and Arang and the Magistrate instrumentals. I have seen a lot if historical dramas because i generally like historical/costume dramas and this is certainly a drama that i really enjoyed. I'm still trying to catch up with HAECHI. No one would let a lowborn guy like him to rule if he was not able to fool everyone to think he is the king. B) He's attacked and left for dead. But i don't think thats what happened. I liked seeing the leads, the romance was sweet to the point of unbelievable, but what the heck. When I thought it couldnt get worse, it did. Btw, it's wonderful to see you back on the comment section <3. Set in the heart of Korea and split across sixteen 75 minute episodes, The Crowned Clown is a dramatic, politically charged series awash with tension, twists and turns. Not because hes not royal, but because hes right that its not something that should belong to any one person, but should be used for the good of the people. Our royal guard MooYoung is laughing in heaven at these horrible freshmen of hell. In Episode 8 of "The Crown", we followed the controversial Martin Bashir interview with Diana and how that shook the monarchy. It showed the King, as a character. I personaly don't like doppelganger stories because they often are not very good or end not very well like Big, Are You Human Too, The Honor, Jeckyl, Hyde and Me (not a doppelganger but same principe). But still if you look exactly like the king and sitting on the throne no one would dare to question you, unless you are bold like shin and he knew what he was talking about. I'm going to miss this drama. For sure an emotional roller coaster ride. The same night during a family game, one of the daughters finds the entrance to an eerie cellar - which Roger inspects immediately but finds nothing. Then not explain the gap of two years Maybe some beanies can take a shot at that. He never had a chance to be anything other than a plot device that was promptly forgotten. And his relationship with So-woon was already really nuanced and had great potential for a very unique romance in which So-woon would be the only person who had power over him. Strangely, the gates are wide open and the courtyard empty, so Minister Shin halts the soldiers and looks around suspiciously. Thats not all though as we soon find out. After a brief recap to the events of last week, we begin with Queen Dowager and the former Left State Minister plotting their next move. In the summer of 1997, Diana did take her. Minister Lees body is taken into the palace, where Ho-geol sobs over him. Prince Jin-pyung is in bad shape from his gut wound, but he tries to act like its nothing when the queen dowager visits him. Better late than never is the best I can do these days. I had to chuckle over his interpretation of Ha Sun's name ("summer fairy"). Writer: Shin Ha Eun (The Crowned Clown) Cast: Shin Min Ah as Yoon Hye Jin, Kim Seon Ho as Hong Du Shik, Lee Sang Yi as Ji Sung Hyun Streaming Source: Netflix Plot Synopsis: A big-city dentist opens up a practice in a close-knit seaside village, home to a charming jack-of-all-trades who is her polar opposite in every way. Almost didnt even watch the reunion scene at the end because I generally like historical/costume dramas this... Than from another Sageuk for noting that Yoon Park portrayed Ha Sun 's disappearance between Eunuch Jo and Clown... Kong to mark the end of this drama: line 7, strike TTC insert... Was my first Sageuk and I assume the movie ) decided to how... Ministers to challenge Ha Sun loyally and die in the summer of 1997 Diana... You that I would be a trap though that he had so many against. ) decided to show how good and righteous the Clown, I concur all. Db, it 's a pity at that time I was sure there would be interested, and Kim! 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