Best Stroller for NYC in 2022

best stroller for nyc

With so much to explore in New York City, do you fret this might not be possible with a baby? If you’d have the best stroller for NYC, you can travel as much as you want. A stroller is a primary need when you step out in this city to walk over large distances.

How do you know what stroller is best for you and your baby to maintain the pace? We’ve got your back. Listed below are strollers that will help you discover the city that never sleeps, even with a baby.

Let’s not wait and start this review.

Bugaboo Bee 6 – Best Stroller for NYCBugaboo Bee 6

If you are planning to walk a lot in the NYC, Bugaboo Bee 6 can be a great partner to have. The stroller has a small footprint and a lightweight design due to the aluminum frame. Compared to Bugaboo Bee 5, it is almost a pound heavier at 20.7 pounds.

Made for the babies till they hit 50 pounds, it is a good option to make your toddler sit in. There is a belly bar and a padded and reclining seat for higher levels of comfort. So, when your baby wants, he can sleep for hours.

Calling it a newborn-friendly stroller would be no wrong. It comes with a car seat adaptor and attaches Maxi Cosi, Clek, Cybex, Chicco, and Nuna, besides Bugaboo car seats. Since it’s a reversible stroller, you can face your baby towards you to relax him.

Shading your baby from head to toe, it makes sure to keep your baby’s skin fresh and young for long years to come. And the updated version also consists of a peek-a-boo so you can speak to your baby and help him identify things around.

Enhance your steering experience with this stroller. 7 inches wheels with four-wheel suspension keep you from bumps when your stroller comes across cracked sidewalks, grass, or gravel driveways.

Ascended 36.02 inches from the ground, short parents would love strolling it. In fact, the grip on the handlebar would be tight enough that you can stroll employing one hand.

One of the downsides of the stroller is its collapsing mechanism. While it’s not the easiest and simplest you’d want to have, learning it with time will solve this matter. Did we mention it self-stands, which is a very rare feature in lightweight strollers?

Bugaboo Bee 6 is a nice premium stroller, but this luxury comes at a good cost. Want to know how much it cost? Check out through the button below.

  • Premium fabric and seat
  • Belly bar and car seat adaptor included
  • Easy to steer
  • All-wheel suspension
  • Long canopy and peek-a-boo window
  • Available in 3 more colors
  • Tricky to fold and unfold
  • Low handlebar height

Also Read: Best Double Stroller for City Living

GB Pockit+ All City StrollerGB Pockit+ All City Stroller

If you want a stroller that’s easy on the pocket and still worth it in New York City, pick the GB Pockit+ All-City stroller. It is a budget-friendly stroller with decent plush on its seats, and at 13.2 pounds, a couple of pounds heavier than its family strollers.

Use the stroller all year round. It has a large canopy, better than multiple travel strollers out there. As a UV rays-proof design, it keeps the harmful elements from harming your baby’s skin.

Coming with a car seat adopter, it’s a travel system-ready stroller. All you need is a Cybex car seat to snug fit in. Without the car seat, you might not be able to use it for a newborn as it doesn’t recline flat.

The spacious seat and sturdy build make it a good toddler or big kids stroller. It has a weight limit of 55 pounds, which is remarkable.

Although it doesn’t come with cup holders or a stroller organizer, it does provide you with a large storage basket. Make sure you don’t overload it since the weight limit of the basket is 11 pounds. Stow your diaper bag and toys, and get going.

One of the reasons parents love having it is the compact build. It folds so small with a dimension of 12.6 x 7.9 x 18.9 inches and easily fits inside the airplane’s overhead compartment. Also, there’s a stroller travel bag available to protect it from dirt and wear and tear.

Folding the stroller is a breeze. It collapses in a couple of seconds, making it a perfect option to keep pace with the fast-moving city life. To look at other budget-friendly city stroller options from GB Pockit, press the button below.

  • Budget-friendly
  • Lightweight and compact
  • Breeze to steer and fold
  • Fold small and fit in airplane overhead bin
  • Comes with a car seat adaptor
  • Doesn’t recline flat
  • Lacks cup holder and snack tray

Thule Sleek New York City StrollerThule Sleek New York City Stroller

We all know about Thule’s jogging stroller’s excellent performance, and Thule’s Sleek City stroller is no exception. It’s a super versatile stroller and best for walking in the neighborhood, long days at theme parks, or making groceries for the week.

Note here that the stroller is a single stroller but adding a second seat will transition into a double version. Not only this, attach a glider board, and it turns out 3 kids stroller.

Having 15+ seat configurations and a reversible stroller, it allows your baby to face towards and against you. It is also a newborn-friendly design as it adopts car seats with adaptors and a Thule bassinet for your newborn baby.

Both the parents can stroll this beast no matter the height difference. It has a nicely padded and adjustable handlebar. However, it can prove a little heavier at 28 pounds and even bulky after the fold.

Credits for its smooth maneuver go to the air-filled tires. Measuring 11 inches and bigger than other city strollers, it allows you to steer the stroller easily and dodge the crowds of New York City. It consists of four wheel suspension that minimizes the effects of bumps and jolts.

A separate peek-a-boo mesh channel and ventilation window prove it a smart design. Besides, the large canopy keeps the UV rays from reaching your child.

‎What’s more, is the large cargo basket installed under the seat of the stroller. This basket also extends to the feet and has a zippered top. So, your contents remain safe and out of everyone’s sight.

After folding, this stroller auto-locks so you can transport it easily and stay carefree. More colors to this stroller give you the freedom to choose what you like. Check out other colors and prices of this exclusive stroller.

  • Converts to a double or triple stroller
  • Reclines flat
  • Separate mesh and peek-a-boo
  • Smooth rides
  • Extendable and zippered storage basket
  • Falls on the expensive side
  • Bulky and heavy


These were the best stroller for NYC. While choosing them, we pondered over the city lifestyle and its pace. That’s how we ended up with easy to steer, lightweight, compact, and quick folding strollers mentioned above.

We believe Bugaboo Bee 6 is an unbeatable stroller for its plush and reclining seat, large canopy, reversible seat, car seat adaptability, large basket, all-wheel suspension, and lightweight. Check out more details and the price of this stroller.

About Author

I've done bachelor and landed straight in this writing field. Every day, I'm trying to explore more and provide my readers more. Besides being a writer, I've also worked as an Editor and Proofreader.