Are you a selfish, immature bitch? Now he tells me hes not having his dog fixed and I need to neuter Caesar. Humans cannot birth dogs. They are the one who do not give the training.Dogs are great animals . But they always had strict boundaries, training and manners. Hi. Monitor the relationship without being openly antagonistic to her boyfriend, who may try to control and ultimately eliminate your daughter's access to you: To add insult to injury, my bf recently got ANOTHER goldendoodle to keep this one company. I bought one of those First Alert Bark Genies (sits on a table) and it seems to be workingyou might try that to get some peace. Were up to 6 medium to large holes in the carpet. Provide the necessary amount of exercise on a daily basis. We wanted to provide links to some resources that may be relevant to you here. These people dont change and will turn against you for their dog. After all she is one. Sorry for the monologue! The dog is old and likely wont live another year. So she peed all night in front of my daughters door. And when my dog nips the other dog to warn it off from the kitchen (my dog knows they are not allowed to scavenge for food in the kitchen), guess who gets punished? But, I highly recommend you consult a dog behaviorist prior to meeting a relationship advisor. I was so upset I started crying and had to call my mom to get it out of my system. I find I get up in the morning and I am happy. Its all good in theory and they always say Well take care of them Well pick up the poop ya right, been there done that not doing it anymore. I think instead of writing bad things about dogs you have to think about your loved ones not the dogs. I have family member with dogs, and non of their dogs are behaving in a way that these 2 do. She has issues with my family already now this also. Ofcourse I knew he had 2 dogs, but I didnt know how stressful it could be to have dogs and how much trouble it could cause in a relationship until I was actually living in the house with them. After a huge fight among many, I laid awake all night thinking I cant do this anymore. My husband and I have always had dogs, three of them due to the three children, you know how that goes. We argue for 15 mins about the dog and I ask him to leave. A child deserves to be more important to his mother than a dog. Its to the point I have to watch him with everything he does. Dog doesnt know a kennel. Get with the program, girl and do the right thing. Even though you may not understand it, you need to respect other people and their love for them. Because she is his mothers dog, his guilt overrides things like discipline. The shelters are full of them. He sleeps in his bed not ours but still. It was wearing diapers for at least six months, walking into walls, it forgot who we were, forgot its name, and forgot any commands. The good majority of comments from women are posted out of emotion rather than from a rational point of view. He has absolutely no discipline. Hes admitted he should have told me and was wrong to keep me under the misapprehension it would be fine to eventually have a dog, and he has tried to apologise but I can barely look at him or talk to him. I love animals and I feel bad about my resentment towards my husbands dogs. Shes hard working, handles the house, the kids, the works. WOW!!!!! Perhaps, there is an entitlement issue with people that own chihuahuas? Once we moved in together, it didnt take long for me to see that Im second next to that dog and always will be. My girlfriend forgot she didnt have eggs, and we were short on time because we had to go to her cousins house for a party. We moved into a house at the beginning of last year and he brought his old dog with him. Its got to the point that he even argues with me about it and starts to yell. Hes quit jobs because he couldnt have the dog with him. I am so sorry to hear about your situation. I want no accidents in my household and hold my soon to be newborn children as my first concern. He has boundaries and is well excerised. He was used to being indoors quite a bit when we lived in our old apartment. Husband/boyfriend has an extravagant amount of responsibility for the canine. The dogs get more hugs and attention and conversation than I do. Hire a dog walker: Hiring a dog walker to lessen his workload is a good idea. My partner got a dog, we have been together awhile and I knew he wanted one, one day he came home with a puppy. Its hard living with so much spite towards my little ones. Oh and when we go to bed she sleeps on her own bed on the floor and he would go over to her and pet her continuously as well as kiss her telling her she was a good girl over and overand I would always get mad. According to her he also gets, cold all the time, so he wants to go under the covers. I said screw it at one point and kicked him out of the room and shut the door on him. When I asked about gating off areas I was met with anger and resentment. It is absolutely impossible to explain love and general care for an animal to someone that utterly hates them with a bloody passion. He got defensive and started crying and said what do you want me to do?! My dog DOES sleep on my bed. I can totally tolerate a child more than this dog. Oh, and I am laughing at the person being angry about your dogs I do feel for you being unable to have children. My yorkie Rocky being one of them. this puppy is scared and looks at me for comfort. Its absolutely disgusting. No, you dont have to see your boyfriends dog as a human. She is a nervous wreck, greedy, drools when we are eating, steals puggles food, bullies puggle her bed is in the hallway and often puggle stops and cries as is nervous to walk past her, also she sometimes growls at him when we are not in same room (my partner says the puggle cries because he is a whimp and she growls at him because she is jealous of puggle as he gets more attention from me) also she often runs away and pretends not to hear us calling when we take her for walks, sheds so much hair everyday,smells awful even after showering, she rolls herself in other animals mess in the park, jumps into bed or sofa when we are not at home knowing she is no allowed on due tomorrow o weight, smell, and shedding (my partner says he lets her in bed when Im not in, supposedly because he feels sorry for her, why the hell would he tell me such thing knowing I cant stand it ?) I have pretty much put my foot down and the dog has to stay in her bed all the time. Finally I was able to get a good night sleep without those dogs jumping on and off the bed, and dirty smell everywhere. Its so embarrassing to know these things. People lie when they want to bad enough and think they can just change you after the relationship gets serious. If he doesnt get his way? If your vets saids they can live up to 20 years..that gives me a headache. Hes 8 yrs old (blue) and the other one is 7 (Bobbi) aka pig swine and has ADHD. The second cat is his moms and the cat is the most annoying cat ever, the cats been in diapers his whole life.. but he is perfectly capable of going to the litter box he even trys to go while hes wearing his diaper my boyfriends mom changes that cats diaper on the same counter she prepares food with out disinfecting it.. when i addressed my boyfriend he claimed she does.. The constant cleaning continues but thats all we can do. You are certainly in a bad position financially. I just kept telling myself to play the game, be patient and that I knew my goal would take time to achieve. Some of you people are obsessive over your dogs and just plain silly if your willing to throw a relationship away because of dogs. I have an African Grey and my sinned deceased husband had 2 blue & gold macaws. Lucy, Im glad I offered something relatable. People get dogs for their own selfish reasons, treat them like humans, and it ends up being so detrimental to the poor dog. I also have serious allergies. it was a very ill mannered badly behaved dog and I was determined to train her. Hes 8 years old now. Two weeks ago the bomb dropped. Get another dog and let them play on their own. We have hair and slobber everywhere in our home that I wind up cleaning on a daily basis and I still absolutely adore this dog. and gave her one of her chewies, and never again, shes very smary and loyal, she stays close off leash enough to whete I can see her but she can still run after things and be a dog. We often see this problem between newlyweds and boyfriend and girlfriend couples. If the dog is unmannerly and untrained, that is what dog trainers are for. I dont understand it at all! Pet ownership is supposed to be fun but this dog is causing unnecessary stress for both of you. Because those relationships arent real relationships. We get to the room where we meet the dog. So much for making dinners, etc so I hide out for much of the day which is ludicrous. Its feral. Lets not forget the constant pictures of the dog taken with her phonesmh, I dont think its cool that she disregarded your feelings about dog on bed after you told her how you felt. The dog, 2. If a dog is never bathed, you are going to really have the dog smell and even worse when they are bigger dogs! My SO has had this dog many years before me and my oldest came into the picture which I can understand but I can not understand this lack of control of this dog. I am at the stage now where I am sick of hearing that I am a slave to my dog that my dog runs my life and that he is sick of hair on his pants I have a non shedding breed. Weve kept him in a kennel before, but hes chewed on it and rammed into it with his head enough that its broken and he can break out. Any tips for either training my cat to stay indoors or to tell us she wants outside without being so vocal? I have always been much more of a cat person though and have only ever lived with small dogs until now. I finally told her a few weeks ago that the animal needs to find a new home. Stay out of the kitchen when we are eating (would also want when we are cooking), stay off the couch and out of the bedroom. I am and have always been a very clean individual. He still pees in the house, not from lack of training but because she is too lazy to take him out. Dogs do not have the capacity to act maliciously based on personal dislike. and I feel second to that dog. Having a dog on your bed in my opinion is very uncleanly. Its a warped relationship Watch for pictures of the animal everywhere and how he or she speaks about their pet. In the end, it didnt work and we broke up recently. I believe my spouse has an unhealthy relationship with her dog. Before then we lived in separate homes I had my beautiful and tidy high rise apartment and had no clue whatsoever what could possibly lie ahead. its just not healthy, and far from normal. At first I said, the dog. I keep joking saying I want to get rid of her and he hows back hell get rid of me but Im partially not joking. A cute basset hound mut with penty of issues, now requiring attention, food and time that I never signed up for or agreed to. She just knows my girlfriend will spaz on her too if she admits it. Her loss and my gain. He raised her like a human child, she is ruined for life. :\ I would tell him wheres my kiss and hug? Run! Im out of ideas. Not all people are equal. :(. I have also asked him to politely not allow the dog on the couch for the same reason no one wants to be sitting on dog fur when they come over to visit or to smell like a hound. Its not that I dont like animals, but I have no desire of them to be in my house and definitely not in my bed. They are spoiled though. The wife claims its not fair I came with 2 and she only has one. The idea is to allow the dog to sleep in bed, but under your feet. Puppies are like silly putty and if you put the time in then it is YOU that creates the dogs disposition. Jack Russells are not apartment dogs they were bred to be rodent catchers/farm animals ect. When I went to Sandpoint, ID, all I saw were BIG I see tons of Chihuahuas. I dont think keeping an animal out of a bedroom isnt a massive lifestyle change. That being said, you are being selfish and cannot say live your life to keep him happy. Im not a dog person, but the dog is loving and sweet and listens well and I have no problems with this dog. I may sound angry right now because i am. His dog is so naughty and bratty its driving me insane. i wanted to embark on a new relationship, and instead of prevented from doing so, because of the current interference from the cat. We both want a life together as a family. Your dignity as a woman is being stripped away and the relationship he has with his dog is unnatural and borderline wrong. If your husband/boyfriend needs to get rid of the dog by considering the damage to material items in the home, for example, carpet, you can come up with an alternative to the Floor coverings, especially when you are moving to a new house and husband refuse to take the dog to a new house right away. Sometimes you cant have it all. I am through! Shes aggressive when its about food and the bed so she might attack him without him even doing a thing. I pay half the house payment too, so I should have the right to let my dog out of his area and pet on him when I want.let the negative comments begin. They seem to outnumber the sane/rational ones! For starters we agreed no dogs on the couch as it is my couch from the start, we also agreed that she will sleep in a kennel. This is why women ends up lonely with a dog for the rest of the life. Yes animals can feel! That dog needs to go, and if your S/O refuses to get it in check, then perhaps you need to go as well. Are you in CA? So furious! I feel like the interloper. But if this situation doesnt improve, I cannot be with someone like this. That wont change Kelly. But I am miserable. Suddenly he didnt want the dog sleeping with us. Putting her in the kennel with a very dark blanket covering the kennel so she cant see as well as putting a radio on beside her has seemed to help. The reality of relationships is, you really need two fairly like-minded people for them to be a success, at least certainly when it comes to day-to-day lifestyle. We cant agree on where the dog can sleep, how much the dog can stay inside or even how much food to give the dog. Our carpets smelled fresh and the general filth level in our home dramatically decreased. I dont know you but I do know that nobody deserves to be treated like this: its time to move on. Oops, I forgot! He wants him to be an outside dog when we get a house but I cant stand the idea. Clothes included. The kids are starting to resent her and the fact is that this is taking a huge toll on our marriage. For more information, please see our To give you an idea, I thought if the dog and I were drowning, who would he save. I recently moved in with my girlfriend. Today dogs come to me for affection, not him, and I pet them and enjoy them. Sally, you should hear some of the comments I get from dog nutters when I tell them that our dog is not allowed in our bed. When cooking, the dogs are right there in the kitchen in the way, so you constantly have to make sure you dont step on them. In one day the house is covered in long and short wiry pubey looking black hairs and its absolutely everywhere. List could go on forever I cut dog out completely once to unbearable. He was even nice to my cat and the cat loved being on his lap. She literally reduces the home value, all so she can run around and beg for food. It is ridiculous. She can be a pain in the butt eating loans of bread she sneaks out of our pantry or gets in the yeah if a kid left the garage door open. I have no problem allocating time for fetch and play but there is little opportunity to just decompress after work or talk one on one with my girlfriend. Dogs are animals. And if we just walk to the kitchen its constant begging. She had a seizure and yelped and again wouldnt let me pick her up and I was about to give up and take her to the pound. They would constantly try to seek attention when we cuddle together, follow us everywhere and constantly be in the way. Best of luck !!! To be honest, we cannot complete the obedience train on a specific day because it is a consistent and ongoing process where you can teach the dog new tricks and commands every day. This brings me to the current day. He leaves existing holes alone now but chews another one. i really dont know what to do. So we decided to take action and ask our landlord to have her live with us, the landlord said yes. When they have the world revolving around a dog, eventually they put you to the back of the line! I have had a dog for quite some time now, and grew up having multiple animals at the same time. I dont think this is healthy for the dogs and its definitely not healthy for our relationship. That causes me much sorrow. Sometimes we do everything right. hes paying more attention to his phone and getting angry. However, If the dog continues to do so without any improvement in behavior, that can be the reason why your husband/boyfriend wanna get rid of the dog. Every command is met with the resistance of a spoiled child. I worked years at an animal shelter and do want to go into a career with animals. Shes the alpha over him. I was sleeping with a girlfriend (as in literally sleeping) and the dog was in bed. Many people just dont like that. When we were dating the cat lived at home with him. A human relationship is more important because it requires another person to make you stretch and grow in ways that you couldnt on your own. I dont mind my dog on my couch or bed. I HATE having fur on my clothes. She did not consult me about her dog until she was leaving, like walking out the door. Dogs are supposed to bring pleasure; these four-legged gods bring fights, stress, and anxiety. Neither dog has any health problems, though they make frequent trips to a very expensive vet who sells them expensive dry-food to mix in with the custom cooked meat dishes. See the brighter side like the dogs if possible, I take it youre still going through this jetaime? Oh hell no. She has this dog that is very poorly trained, basically not trained at all. I know what you mean about having people out there that understand. If she didnt get her way, shed start washing her private area for a very, very, long time. I worry about if I ever left my baby playing on the floor for a minute and his dog were to want her attention would he bite her or scratch her? I know I must sound like a nag sometimes but communication is key. I have never felt so belittled and so not in control of my own dog. Surely there are healthy ways to develop tolerance of some kind. And I grew up in the wilderness and was surrounded by animals and love them. Incorrect. Im hoping for some tips to get them to bond. She was removed. My husband got bored with him long ago and while he does the minimum walking and feeding, he shows him absolutely no affection whatsoever. So 4 years in we have 1 dog so neurotic i wimpers and is stuck to her heel the whole time shes home, it has to sleep under the bed she would have it on the bed if i didnt make a stand, it sits on her whenever she sits. I dont want to ruin our relationship over this. I have tried to tell my boyfriend how upset I feel that he doesnt respect how I feel, but he just said that I need to stop causing problems. I really dont like all the shedding and constant licking but I compromised (foot of the bed at least, dog bed on floor at best) and I also wear earplugs. My current girlfriend is pushing for us to live together, she has a parrot and two dogs. Thats over the line.but he refuses to act on it . Hes attached himself to this dog to the point were now separated. Im tired of being told wait till you have kids. Your husband is fighting you on getting a dog because of a deeper issue. Really though, what you are saying is exactly what happened to me! My goal would take time to move on dog person, but the.... Have children to see your boyfriends dog as a human child, she is his mothers,. Holes alone now but chews another one girl and do the right thing are bigger dogs consult about. Bed, and grew up having multiple animals at the beginning of last and... From lack of training but because she is ruined for life you may not understand it, are! House at the beginning of last year and he brought his old dog with.... Dog when we cuddle together, she is his mothers dog, his guilt overrides like... 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