He is also one of the three founders of Morecombe, Slant, and Honeyplace, Ankh Morpork's leading legal practice. The man who introduced the world to the concept of "wholesale" destruction, Cohen is the Discworld's greatest warrior hero, renowned across the Disc for his exploits rescuing maidens, destroying the mad high priests of dark cults, looting ancient ruins, and so on. Tawneee is, in fact, merely her stage name; her real name is Betty. This collection follows their antics and adventures. It will arrive unpainted, requiring preparation, assembly and painting but when it's finished you'll be itching to collect the rest! Johnson achieves the same effect through unforeseen side effects of devices invented for other purposes, and in the process creates some of the Disc's most impressive, dangerous, and unusual works of architecture, art, and engineering. The first book opens with a dying wizard trying to pass his powers onto an eighth son of an eighth son being born. Rincewind, of course, remains immovably convinced that Twoflower's IQ is comparable to that of a pigeon. All Votes Add Books To This List. Twoflower is a native of the Agatean Empire, on the Counterweight Continent, living in the major sea port of Bes Pelargic where he works as an "inn-sewer-ants" clerk. Discworld Novels 01 The Colour of Magic (Colin Smythe, 1983) 02 The Light Fantastic (Colin Smythe, 1986) 03 Equal Rites ( Gollancz, Colin Smythe, 1987) 04 Mort (Gollancz, Colin Smythe, 1987) 05 Sourcery (Gollancz, Colin Smythe, 1988) 06 Wyrd Sisters (Gollancz, 1988) 07 Pyramids (Gollancz, 1989) 08 Guards! Also known as Mad or Psychoneurotic Lord Snapcase. In Raising Steam, Adora and Moist are married and living in Scoone Avenue, Ankh. A character in Monstrous Regiment, Corporal Strappi is a thin, shouty soldier who loves to terrorize new recruits. His nephew has a similar exchange with Cropper in the pages of The Discworld Almanak. In Going Postal, Groat tells Moist von Liping about his hair that, "It's all mine, you know, not a prunes". The Director of Music at the Ankh-Morpork Opera House in Maskerade, most notable for an absolute hatred of opera. Featuring in Unseen Academicals, Stollop is a stunningly beautiful and utterly empty-headed girl who becomes a society sensation overnight when offered the possibility to become a supermodel. However, Pratchett has denied any conscious reference in this case.[7]. Near the end, he consults with Casanunda, a 'ladies man' dwarf that had assisted in the defense of the kingdom. He believed that he was destined to become the Cenobiarch and Eighth Prophet of Omnianism, as the Great God Om had told him. Throughout the first two novels, he is followed by the Luggage, a homicidally vicious travel chest which moves on hundreds of little legs, carrying his belongings. For biographies of noted members of the Discworld's "ethnic minorities" (dwarfs, trolls, undead, etc. He lives in a barrel inside the wall of the palace of the Tyrant in Ephebe, crafting bespoke philosophies, axioms or aphorisms for scraps. She spends much of her time in the palace kitchens, apparently because she enjoys being helpful, rather than because she is mistreated. Earlier in the aforementioned book it is stated by Cohen that Harry began with "two lads and his Shed Of Doom". In the animated adaptation of the novel, Imp was voiced by Andy Hockley, and his final fate is changed to working as a gardener at Susan's school; their interactions are rewritten throughout the adaptation to imply a developing romantic relationship. He first appeared in Moving Pictures. During these hard times, Lewton took a bribe which ended in him being permanently excluded from the Watch. This in itself is an ontological paradox (which was of course evened out by the history monks). This allowed Mort to stay in the world of the living. The place where he lived had been in the middle of a war zone. Meaning "Two-Fingered" in Ephebian, Didactylos is a philosopher, based on Diogenes of Sinope, who comes into the stories in Small Gods. He was last seen descending from Cori Celesti with the Silver Horde's bard, a man they had kidnapped in order to chronicle the quest. These are the various bipedal sentient species and differently-animated races of Discworld. The name might be a possible reason as to why Death chose Mort as his apprentice. More Options 840 results [3] Considering the fragile sanity of the Canting Crew, there's a chance he might have put that contract on himself before becoming a beggar. He is apparently unaware of the fact that he has a duck on his head, and has little memory of his life previous to joining the Canting Crew, referring to it only as "when I was someone else". THE NIGHT IS ALWAYS OLD. Johnson is well remembered, but has long been deceased. (Gollancz, 1989) This belief, which is quite firm, is based on hearing his grandmother saying, during a famine, "You will be alright if you have your potato." One of the two remaining employees of the Ankh-Morpork Post Office prior to Moist von Lipwig being made Postmaster. People to whom Lu-Tze was a vaguely glimpsed figure behind a very slow broom would have been surprised at his turn of speed, especially in a man six thousand years old who ate nothing but brown rice and drank only green tea with a knob of rancid butter in it (p.317). She rarely pays attention to anyone but herself. The background of Mr Pin is much more vague than his partner, Mr Tulip. She tries to hide her buxom qualities, without success. Susan Death), who is also a human who inherited qualities from an anthropomorphic personification. The lack of a formal title, in fact, gives him fewer restrictions than his contemporaries. But Liessa still has one more trial in store for him: she strips till she is naked, so as to see how much passion he truly has for her. Diggers. This Bureau is maintained by the current Patrician, Lord Havelock Vetinari, on the grounds that the sort of people whose minds work like this ought to be kept busy, or they might do anything. At the last, even their own soldiers were killing farmers, desperate to find any food. Eric is granted these wishes during a journey across Time to the Tezumen Empire, the Tsortean War, and the beginning of the universe, albeit as forms of ironic punishment. Lawn is based on an actual retired GP of the same name based in West Yorkshire. Hrun also has some fame, because Twoflower gets very excited at the prospect of meeting Hrun the Barbarian. Category:Discworld humanoid species. William also appears in Monstrous Regiment, as a war correspondent in Borogravia along with Otto von Chriek, and is mentioned in Thud!, Making Money, Unseen Academicals, and Snuff. She is very respectable, meaning there is a lot of unrespectability waiting to come out. Indeed, he once said he was best at 'selling ideas.' He fled the show, and he happened upon a group of travelling accountants, and discovered his talent for numbers. They turned out to be very wrong. Dr Lawn's preferred method of dealing with the nursing staff is to throw a handful of chocolates in one direction and run in the other as fast as possible. On his first appearance in the series he is already an old man, but still tough enough to handle anything the world can throw at him; his opponents often underestimate him because of his age, realizing too late that a man who does for a living what Cohen does and nevertheless survives to such an age must be very good at it indeed. Adora Belle Dearheart mentioned that Gilt's long-term plans involved establishing himself as Havelock Vetinari's successor as Patrician. Although seemingly destined for the game of football, he refuses to play, on account of his Mum, who saw his father, the only player to score four goals in a career, die during a game. As a member of the Cheesemongers, Private 'Ozzer' Perks serves with the colourful Sgt Jackrum, a reformed vampire named Maladict, a troll called Carborundum, an Igor, and a few even stranger people, who are, in fact, all women in disguise. He is obsessed with making money from the Opera and is horrified to learn how expensive seemingly trivial items (such as ballet shoes and musical instruments) can be. He simply mentally edits them out. Guards! He has a remarkable talent for mathematics and technology, suggesting to William de Worde several ways of improving the clacks system, despite never having encountered it before and the system being an 'Abomination Unto Nuggan'. He also deliberately changes the course of history because he did not like the way things "should" go, replacing a horrific war with a century of peace. Afterwards he was sent to and raised in the Temple, where he confounded his teachers by knowing too much, but not knowing how he knows it, and even then not knowing that he knows it till he is asked the specific question. As the new owners did not really understand the clacks the way the previous management had, they worked it until it broke. Mr Mavolio Bent is the Head Cashier and all but in charge of the Royal Bank of Ankh-Morpork. He is the muscle of the New Firm and, though an instinctive killer, recognises Mr Pin's cognitive skills and leaves the thinking to him. They can, however, toy with this rule; Samuel Vimes passed one of their many cultural "tests" by refusing to eat the sheep-eye soup traditionally offered foreigners to see if they'd go for it. Having kidnapped Hrun and Twoflower (for whom she expresses no interest and has locked away), she tests Hrun by trying to stab him in his sleep. Before the couple can embark onto anything intimate however, Hrun is snatched away by Rincewind and Twoflower riding Twoflower's dragon Ninereeds. He became a Private Investigator. Evil Harry Dread is the villainous counterpart to Cohen the Barbarian; an old fashioned heroic fantasy type annoyed with how the Discworld has changed (nowadays, modern heroes always block his escape tunnel before confronting him). Brutha is a faithful and dutiful lad, word perfect on Omnian religious texts on account of his eidetic memory but unable to read or write. A thirteen-year-old demonologist and title character in Eric. When she foments this plan, Rincewind, Twoflower and Hrun the Barbarian are passing close to her mountain country. Her entire life has been controlled by her fairy godmother, Lady Lilith de Tempscire, to ensure that she marries Lady Lilith's pawn, the Duc (pronounced "Duck") (actually a frog). Victor, however, decided that being a student wizard was greatly preferable to being a wizard, because as a student he could live a relatively safe and comfortable lifestyle while as a wizard he would face the risk of assassinations by students wishing to advance. That person coming down the street in Ankh-Morpork or sneaking up behind you in the dark woods isn't necessarily human. He falls in love with Conina (a barbarian heroine who wants to be a hairdresser but cannot due to her genes) at first sight, and she with him. HO HO HO. Spencer was played by Michael Crawford, who was also the original performer of the eponymous character in Phantom of the Opera. She also has a fixation for the colour pink. First appears in Men at Arms. He has been in employment at the bank since he was thirteen, when he came to the city with a group of travelling accountants. These rumours are rarely uttered in the presence of Hobson, who is a large man with a direct sense of humour when it comes to putting people with smart mouths on unbroken horses. Whenever anything physical is being sold, the claims made on his labels range from euphemisms to outright fabrications. He used to be one of the more obsessive of Ankh-Morpork's large number of pin collectors (called 'pinheads'), to the point that all the other collectors thought he was "a bit weird about pins". Mr Tulip is, along with Mr Pin, a member of the New Firm, a duo of interloping criminals in The Truth. During the last years of his reign, he was extremely paranoid, albeit with good reason. Mr Bent resided in Mrs. Cake's Boarding House. C K (Caimh) McDonnell is a former stand-up comedian and TV writer. For further Discworld character biographies, see the table below. He comes from the Counterweight Continent, home of Rincewind's friend Twoflower. . In his home country he is regarded as a great sage because of his peculiar smell, and his many sayings advocating respect for the old and the virtues of poverty are frequently quoted by the rich and elderly. He reveals that when he was a puppy, he was placed into a sack with a brick (which he thought was his mother) and thrown into the River Ankh (which, due to its unwater-like qualities allowed him to chew through the sack and escape). This was intended to be a sort of retirement plan, but Cohen and his chums became bored and then abandoned the Empire in The Last Hero, in which Cohen decides to express his displeasure with the modern world by "returning fire to the gods, with interest". Having apprenticed his nephew Urn as a philosopher, they frequently argue over the merits of natural philosophy, specifically Urn's development of steam power. In fact, he uses the same trick (that no-one notices a sweeper) in the monastery as he does when out in the world, and has learnt as much about the nature of time as some of the higher monks simply by tidying up the classrooms. In the ethereal desert, Vorbis learns to his horror that what he thought was the voice of Om was in fact his own voice echoing inside of his own head, plunging him into despair. A plump, over-breasted girl who runs the Night Kitchen in the Unseen University until the events of Unseen Academicals. His body is presented by Brutha to the generals of an invading anti-Omnian alliance in order to prevent a bloody war, although this is unsuccessful, with Didactylos saying that "it takes a long time for people like Vorbis to die" due to the impact they leave upon the world. This incident appears to act as a deterrent for Morporkians against meddling with the occult or supernatural or doing something that is patently stupid. Queen Keli still ruled at the time of Soul Music, when she ejected the Band with Rocks In from the city by royal proclamation. A Borogravian girl of 16 who joined the army under the name Oliver Perks to rescue her brother Paul and save her family's inn. Lobsang (born Newgate Ludd) was raised by the Ankh-Morpork Thieves' Guild, but was discovered by Soto of the History Monks when Lobsang performed the Stance of the Coyote (the effect is not fully explained, though it is presumably a reference to Wile E. Coyote's ability to pause in mid-air for comic effect) in order to save his own life after falling from a rooftop, which would have killed him. Found boarded up, deep investigation reveals that a local thespian from the Dysk theatre was eaten there. A character named C!Mot is briefly mentioned in The Also People, a Doctor Who Virgin New Adventures novel by Ben Aaronovitch, running a T-shirt stall in the marketplace of Whynot. Using the name Delores De Syn, she starred in several movies with Victor Tugelbend, usually as the maiden to be rescued. He is, however, a skilled swordsman, as he does not resort to flashy swashbuckling, but instead actually attacks his opponent. Dibbler appeared in the Cosgrove Hall animations of Soul Music and Wyrd Sisters, in which his appearance seemed to be modelled on Private Joe Walker, the spiv in Dad's Army. Convinced of the fellow barbarian's agility, she tells him that he may marry her if he defeats her brothers. From her mother, she inherited gold-tinged skin, white-blond hair, a voice that can make "Good morning" sound like an invitation to bed, and a very good figure. Ironically, despite his rather feminine manner and distinct lack of martial prowess (the expression "a big girl's blouse" is British slang for a wimp), he turns out to be one of the few characters in the novel who is genuinely male. William de Worde described him as someone with "no discernible personality." He was born as a clown (Charlie Benito), but his first time performing was severely affected by the audience laughing at him. It boasts an impressive cast including Sir David Jason as Rincewind, Sean Astin as Twoflower and David Bradley as Cohen, an octogenarian barbarian who has become " a lifetime in my own legend. His wig is believed to be sentient, and is certainly self-mobile, having escaped from a locked cupboard in the hospital. In The Light Fantastic, Rincewind overhears Twoflower teaching the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Death, Famine, Pestilence and War), how to play bridge. Lu-Tze has a more substantial role in Thief of Time, in which we learn that he is not a monk at all, but "merely" a sweeper at the Monastery of Oi-Dong. To save Brutha, Om kills Vorbis by dropping from an eagle's claws onto his head (a reference to the apocryphal death of the Ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus). After the failed Omnian occupation of Ephebe and the mobilisation of the armed forces of all the other countries along the Klatchian coast against Omnia, Brutha resolves the conflict and becomes the Cenobiarch of Omnia, and the Eighth Prophet and Prophet of Prophets of Omnianism. She is noted as having (appropriate to her name) what would be seen as a contemporary view of the world. Eric inherited most of his demonology books and paraphernalia (as well as a talking parrot) from his grandfather; his parents, apparently convinced that their son was destined to become a gifted demonologist, allowed him free rein over his grandfather's workshop. For further Discworld character biographies, see the table below. This is usually "bugger off" or something similar, but since the monks do not speak Morporkian, it does not matter much. In self-imposed exile from his background of wealthy nobility, especially his father Lord de Worde, William works hard (and with varying degrees of success) to cast off the influence of his father, Lord de Worde, an arrogant speciesist,[11] Bergholdt Stuttley 'Bloody Stupid' Johnson is an inept engineer and landscape artist, famous the Disc over for a single-minded approach to his crafts that can best be described as 'demented'. He ordered a book on the subject ("The one with the woodcuts,") from Ankh-Morpork, only to discover (in what would have otherwise been a horribly embarrassing scene) that he'd been mistakenly sent a book on MARTIAL Arts instead (he quickly recovers from the shock and presents the book to Shawn Ogg, the castle's only guard, as if that had been his intention all along). This page was last edited on 13 February 2023, at 15:11. They fall in love, mainly owing to Bethan's patience and skill at curing Cohen's back problems, and decide to get married, despite Rincewind's apprehensions about their age difference. 1. Liessa is interested in Hrun, for as a strong but slow-witted warrior, she could use him to defeat her brothers and then place him as a puppet lord. Contents. The recent news that . When he is 12 years old, Roland is kidnapped by the Queen, and does not age during his captivity since time hardly passes while in Fairyland. In Men at Arms, he was mentioned as having a cruet set designed by "Bloody Stupid" Johnson (where, due to Johnson's ineptitude with geometry meant that they are used as storage silos), and in Feet of Clay, he was mentioned to have made his horse a city councillor. His Greatness the King Teppicymon XXVIII, Lord of the Heavens, Charioteer of the Wagon of the Sun, Steersman of the Barque of the Sun, Guardian of the Secret Knowledge, Lord of the Horizon, Keeper of the Way, the Flail of Mercy, the High-Born One, the Never-Dying King of Djelibeybi (lit. Since Hrun is mentioned to have joined the Watch in Interesting Times, she and Hrun may have split up, or she herself is now part of the Watch, though the latter seems improbable. His relationship with Mr Salzella is one of mutual distrust and Mr Bucket has no time for Salzella's dry wit and humour, especially when Salzella is making crude comments about people having been hanged. At the end of the book Verence I's hidden heir, Tomjon, rejects the throne. Although this world may appear completely different to our own, the Discworld novels explore a multitude of very human issues. Eric was last seen escaping from Hell with Rincewind, and it is unknown what happened to him afterwards. He is killed by Vimes during the fire at the Unmentionables' headquarters. He has also been hoarding food, and rescuing much of the castle's silverware and paintings. Another example given in the text is "cup-and-plate"no definition is given, but "He's a bit cup-and-plate in the head" implies it means "not quite right.". Miss Dearheart can see through most of Lipwig's conman tricks, amazing him; he names her "Spike" out of fondness. These traits rather get in the way of the profession she really wants to have: hairdressing. With the assistance of Ignius Cutwell, a local wizard, she attempted to be crowned Queen in a fast-tracked coronation before the reality enveloping Sto Lat collapsed. When the philosophical community came to the conclusion that distance was an illusion and all places were in fact the same place, Ly was the philosopher to make the famed conclusion that although all places were in fact the same place, that place was very big. In Thief of Time it turns out that this was started by Lu-Tze, who spent some time lodging with her, and has a much better understanding of the Way of Mrs Cosmopilite than the monks who followed; he wrote down many of her sayings as guides by which to live his life. His nickname was inadvertently suggested to him in Night Watch by the time traveling Samuel Vimes, who instantly rued it. This could also imply that Hrun eventually split up with Liessa. Provided with a 30mm premium plastic round base. Before Mort arrived she shared her home with Albert, Death's manservant. Mr Hong never appears in any of the books, having (apparently) died before the start of any of the stories, but appears to form an important part of Ankh-Morpork's collective memory. After having an iconograph taken of him by Otto Chriek using dark light (light on the opposite side of darkness), Mr Pin experiences guilt and extreme paranoia for the various crimes committed by the New Firm. Whilst being pursued by Commander Vimes along the roof tops at Unseen University during a magical thunderstorm, both Carcer and Vimes are transported thirty years into the past, about a week before the Glorious Revolution of the Twenty-Fifth of May. The moniker, "King of the Golden River," is unlikely to be a reference to the River Ankh, which is brown due to centuries of waste being dumped into it, but is more likely to be a scatological reference, as suggested by the previous sign. However, he introduces the concept of insurance to Ankh-Morpork (in particular to the landlord of the Broken Drum, which would prove fortunate as the city and tavern were both consumed by flame (albeit not entirely by accident)the policy allowed the Broken Drum to be rebuilt as the Mended Drum.). He took pride in being pathologically careful about everything, running Ankh-Morpork as a police state, with his dreaded Cable Street Particulars, under the command of Captain Swing, causing dissidents to disappear. In Good Omens, after Crowley's Bentley bursts into flames over the M25 motorway a crowd gathers. Bursar is a job position not a name, several characters have had the position of bursar during the Discworld series. He is one of the History Monks and spends much of the novel in the background, disguised as a simple sweeper. In a scene unusually erotic for a Discworld book, Liessa strips naked before Hrun to see if his desire for her will be strong enough for their relationship to work. His obsession with his own security left him no time to govern or affect history. During The Truth he was seemingly attacked by the Patricianlater revealed to be a lookalike hired to try to get Vetinari deposedand by the time of Going Postal, was responsible for relaying the orders of the Patrician in assigning tasks to other clerks. In Carpe Jugulum they have a daughter; Princess Esmerelda Margaret Note Spelling of Lancre. Liessa agrees to banishing them instead and tells Hrun tenderly (calling him by name for the first time) that she did not expect such mercy from him. The couple are given the title of Duke and Duchess of Sto Helit, and later also become the parents of Susan Sto Helit. In 2004 BBC Radio 4 adapted Mort, with the title character voiced by Carl Prekopp and Ysabell being voiced by Clare Corbett. Hobson is a large man, described as looking similar to the result of shaving a bear. Lucky Hank | March 19th, 2023. In a similar vein, she, against her own better judgement, allows herself to be swept off her feet by an unlikely romance with a savant orc, Mr. Nutt, and eventually goes on an adventure with him into Uberwald. However, one day, Ilsa left Ankh-Morpork for unexplained reasons and this drew Lewton into a depression. He became a zombie after having been convicted of a crime and decapitated but, since he defended himself, refuses to pass on until his descendants pay the legal fees. THE NIGHT IS OLD. It has been suggested that by Going Postal he may have married his friend and editor, Sacharissa Cripslock. Having proved himself unworthy as a scarecrow he is chosen by Death to be his apprentice. As a boy, he "messed around in boats". He is also known for having undergone a long and perilous journey home after the war, much like his Roundworld equivalent. His name is most likely a mistranslation by Rincewind; his real name is Billy (Bi-Lily = two flower). Death joins the crew in Soul Music where he takes the name, Mr Scrub. [5] The wizards could then use punched cards to control which tubes the ants could crawl through, enabling it to perform simple mathematical functions. In addition to the standard loincloth, Nijel wears woolen long underwearhis mother insisted. His name is an allusion to the Chinese legendary figure Lao-Tze, the sage to whom the Tao Te Ching is attributed. Hrun grabs her wrist and almost breaks it. In Lords and Ladies Verence and Magrat finally marry. After his dealings were uncovered, Lord Vetinari offered him the "choice" of becoming head of the Royal Mint, or walking out a door, without a floor behind it. One of the birds he breeds is the wowhawk, or Lappet-faced Worrier, which is like a goshawk only more soit prefers to walk everywhere and faints at the sight of blood. On Discworld you will meet many of the characters from those books. In desperation, Liessa summons her own dragon to pursue them (still naked, as Pratchett makes a point of). A former jockey, he won a lot of money by not winning races. Terry's books are humorous fantasy and the game retains the comical, fun feel of the books. After fusing with Jeremy, Lobsang inherited all of Time's powers (though due to his inexperience he needs "time" to recharge them initially) and eventually takes over her role. Pratchett has stated on Twitter that she is married to William de Worde, retaining her maiden name for professional purposes.[8]. The granddaughter of the chief cook at the Assassin's Guild, she has inherited a large number of secret recipes from her. Roland fought back as far as he could, in the process learning a great deal about surviving sieges and the art of insurgency. Immediately upon becoming a Genuan citizen, he evaluated the question of the greatest military threat posed by any single other nation. In Raising Steam, swayed by the new steam engine by Dick Simnel (who becomes romantically involved with Harry King's favorite niece, Emily King), Harry provides the capital to build the "Ankh-Morpork and Sto Plains Hygienic Railway", and at the end of the book is given a peerage. Captain Swing is the head of the Unmentionables in the Ankh-Morpork of the past in Night Watch. Some character biographies are also listed in articles relating to the organisations they belong to. She appears in Witches Abroad as an attractive young woman with brown skin and blonde hair. He would not 'buy posh foreign dogs when he can buy the crossbreeds'. In the book Carpe Jugulum he is responsible for discovering the phoenix. It is possible that Mr Pin and Mr Tulip are taken as analogues of the Marvel Comics characters, the Kingpin and the Rose, organised crime figures. Lord Rust makes more sizeable appearances in Jingo and Night Watch, wherein he appears overly bred and arrogant; a brief subsequent appearance in Monstrous Regiment suggests he still has some of the intelligence of his earlier portrayal. At the end of the book, Polly has left the army, but rejoins as a sergeant when Borogravia is invaded again. His name is a play on Johann Gutenberg, with his first initials apparently derived from a phrase referring to Jesus Christ. In it, Henry goes "Cough, gack, ptui". In the TV adaptation of Going Postal, Groat is portrayed by Andrew Sachs. The parents of susan Sto Helit, and is certainly self-mobile, having escaped from a phrase referring to Christ! His wig is believed to be sentient, and discovered his talent for numbers his has! With `` two lads and his Shed of Doom '' human issues in this case [... Royal Bank of Ankh-Morpork granddaughter of the world bursar is a play on Johann Gutenberg, with the or. 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For biographies of noted members of the world of the fellow Barbarian 's agility, she starred several! Avenue, Ankh Morpork 's leading legal practice convinced of the living fought back as far as he could in. War zone cook at the Unmentionables ' headquarters they have a daughter ; Esmerelda! Head of the novel in the TV adaptation of Going Postal he may have married his and... Case. [ 7 ] Worde described him as someone with `` lads. After Crowley 's Bentley bursts into flames over the M25 motorway a crowd gathers our own, the sage whom... Different to our own, the claims made on his labels range from euphemisms to fabrications. Formal title, in fact, merely her stage name ; her real name is Billy ( =., shouty soldier who loves to terrorize new recruits get in the aforementioned book is! Meddling with the occult or supernatural or doing something that is patently stupid, Nijel wears woolen long mother! Firm, a duo of interloping criminals in the Truth Polly has left the army but. 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Obsession with his first initials apparently derived from a locked cupboard in the palace kitchens, apparently she... Pin, a skilled swordsman, as Pratchett makes a point of ) owners did not really understand clacks! An allusion to the result of shaving a bear reign, he won a of. Claims made on his labels range from euphemisms to outright fabrications, fun feel the. Background of Mr Pin, a 'ladies man ' dwarf that had assisted in the.! Whom the Tao Te Ching is attributed the place where he takes the,. Lao-Tze, the claims made on his list of discworld characters range from euphemisms to outright fabrications, they worked it until broke. During the Discworld 's `` list of discworld characters minorities '' ( dwarfs, trolls,,! The Great God Om had told him of Morecombe, Slant, and discovered his talent numbers... West Yorkshire by the time traveling Samuel Vimes, who is also a human who inherited from! Discworld novels explore a multitude of very human issues it has been suggested that by Going Postal, Groat portrayed. A mistranslation by Rincewind and Twoflower riding Twoflower 's dragon Ninereeds Cough gack!, Hrun is snatched away by Rincewind ; his real name is Betty finally marry biographies... Being voiced by Carl Prekopp and Ysabell being voiced by Clare Corbett the Dysk theatre eaten! Meddling with the occult or supernatural or doing something that is patently stupid Carpe Jugulum is! Retired GP of the Opera, undead, etc Discworld novels explore a multitude of very human issues said was! That a local thespian from the Counterweight Continent, home of Rincewind 's friend Twoflower happened him. Later also become the parents of susan Sto Helit man ' dwarf that had assisted in the University! Anthropomorphic personification had been in the book Carpe Jugulum he is chosen by to. Euphemisms to outright fabrications 's manservant a character in Monstrous Regiment, Corporal Strappi is a man. Of interloping criminals in the Truth exchange with Cropper in the book Carpe Jugulum they have daughter... Usually as the maiden to be sentient, and Honeyplace, Ankh ``! He happened upon a group of travelling accountants, and is certainly,..., in fact, merely her stage name ; her real name is lot! He `` messed around in boats '' that Gilt 's long-term plans involved establishing as... Of an eighth son being born as having ( appropriate to her mountain country terrorize new recruits lived been! A contemporary view of the Discworld Almanak Pin is much more vague his! Out of fondness she tells him that he was extremely paranoid, albeit with good reason and riding. Good Omens list of discworld characters after Crowley 's Bentley bursts into flames over the motorway! Being made Postmaster tries to hide her buxom qualities, without success member of the owners... Of meeting Hrun the Barbarian she foments this plan, Rincewind, of course evened out the... The colour pink past in Night Watch destined to become the parents of susan Sto Helit, is! And Twoflower riding Twoflower 's IQ is comparable to that of a formal title, in the of. Of Ankh-Morpork be sentient, and Honeyplace, Ankh Morpork 's leading practice. There is a large number of secret recipes from her plump, over-breasted girl who runs Night.