Rebecca Nurse was born on Feb. 21, 1621 (some sources give this as her baptism date), in Yarmouth, England, to William Towne and Joanna Blessing. . Nurse was the subject of Lectures on Witchcraft by Charles W. Upham. Eventually the Nurse family homestead was sold to Phineas Putnam, a cousin of Rebecca's great-great grandson Benjamin, in 1784. One signer was General Israel Putnam's father. This dispute and another between the Putnams and several Topsfield landowners likely influenced the charges against Rebecca and her sisters Mary Esty and Sarah Cloyce, for their brother, Ensign Jacob Towne, was one of the Topsfield men (Baker 152.). Rebecca Nurse was blamed for the death of all of Ann Putnam's children, except for one. I am an innocent person.. If not, at least good will eventually triumph over evil 30,000 descendants is quite a legacy ; ). In response to their outbursts Nurse stated, "I have got nobody to look to but God. Will be merging children etc. Gagnon, Daniel A., A Salem Witch: The Trial, Execution, and Exoneration of Rebecca Nurse. ", The Nurse family accepted Ann's apology and were reconciled with her:[10] by contrast, they never forgave Samuel Parris, the village minister, whom they held personally to blame for their bereavement "none can know what we suffered by the loss of such a mother" and they did not rest until Parris was removed from office in 1697. This place has a very earthy smell too it and seemed to always have a hazy cloud hovering above it. Jone Johnson Lewis is a women's history writer who has been involved with the women's movement since the late 1960s. She was the wife of Francis Nurse, with several children and grandchildren, and a well-respected member of the community. Fiske waited briefly, then returned to the jury, and soon came back with a verdict of guilty. Geo A. Kimball, 1892.Mays, Dorothy A. The Salem Witch Trails were something I read about in school, but never knew I would have such close ties to them. Born in Yarmouth, England in 1621 to William Towne and Joanna Blessing, her entire family immigrated to the Massachusetts Bay Colony sometime between the years 1638 and 1640. By 1909 the farm was saved by volunteers and turned into a historic house museum that includes the original house and cemetery, on 27 of the original 300 acres (1.2km2) of land. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA. Please try again. In doing my family tree I have found that I am a descendent of Rebecca Nurse. During October, tourists flock to the North Shore city from around the world to celebrate the contemporary idea of witchcraft tied to Halloween. It looks like he is alive today making him well over 300 years old if he does indeed have firsthand knowledge of this woman. [5] At age 71, she was one of the oldest accused. Sarah Towne Cloyse (1642-1703) - (daughter) accused of witchcraft, but released from custody. My maiden name is Tracy. Mary Towne Eastey (1634-1692) - (daughter) Executed by hanging on 22 Sept 1692 at Salem witch trials. "Biography of Rebecca Nurse, Victim of the Salem Witch Trials." Again, nine women signed the document. Salem has had historical amnesia. I dont remember for sure) great granddaughter of Rebecca Towne Nurse, a witch. (should I say he was laughing at me expression). I want to visit the house at night or dark hours. Rebecca Towne Nurse of Salem Village, Massachusetts was probably the most famous of the "witches" of the Salem Witchcraft Hysteria.. Rebecca was one of three sisters accused and imprisoned for witchcraft. Greenwood Press, 2008. ThoughtCo, Aug. 26, 2020, In 1706, her accuser, Ann Putnam, Jr., gave a public church confession upon entering the Salem Village congregation. Gallows Hill is a place of unspeakable sorrow. "[3], A public outcry greeted the accusations made against her, as she was considered to be a woman of very pious character, who lived in amity with her neighbours, and had a reputation for benevolence as well as piety: even her neighbor Sarah Holton, who had accused Rebecca of acting quite unreasonably in a quarrel over some trespassing pigs, later changed her mind and spoke in Rebecca's defence. Enter a grandparent's name. Mom is Mary Ellen, a very fair shinned, blue eyed redhead (copper) and an extremely pretty lady, mom is an artist. Whether this dispute resulted in the Putnam family accusing Rebecca Nurse of witchcraft is debatable, but some historians speculate that it did. Great Yarmouth, Great Yarmouth Borough, Norfolk, England. In accordance with the procedures at the time, Mrs. Nurse, like others accused of witchcraft, represented herself since she was not allowed to have a lawyer. [citation needed]. Ck out: Salem Witch Trials in History and Literature. She expressed great remorse for her role against Rebecca and her two sisters, Mary Eastey and Sarah Cloyce, in particular: "I desire to be humbled before God for that sad and humbling providence that befell my father's family in the year about '92; that I, then being in my childhood, should, by such a providence of God, be made an instrument for the accusing of several persons of a grievous crime, whereby their lives were taken away from them, whom now I have just grounds and good reason to believe they were innocent persons. Lewis, Jone Johnson. Username and password are case sensitive. This is very, very interesting! [1][2], She and her five siblings migrated with their parents to Salem in New England by 1639. Mary Eastey was born Mary Towne to William Towne and Joanna Towne ( ne Blessing) in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. On July 3, just days after Nurse was convicted, she was taken to the church and publicly excommunicated, according to the book Salem-Village Witchcraft: 1692, July 3 After sacrament, the elders propounded to the church, and it was, by unanimous vote, consented to, that our sister Nurse, being a convicted witch by the court, and condemned to die, should be excommunicated; which was accordingly done in the afternoon, she being present.. The Topsfield controversy Nevins mentions was a dispute that began in 1658 when a portion of disputed land in Topsfield that a number of Topsfield residents had already settled on was made a part of Ipswich by the General Court. On May 25, judges John Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin ordered the Boston jail to take custody of Nurse, Corey, Dorcas Good (Sarah's daughter, age 4), Cloyce, and John and Elizabeth Parker for acts of witchcraft committed against Williams, Hubbard, Ann Putnam Jr., and others. Rebecca Nurse is a famous Victim of the Salem Witch Trials who has a net worth of $1-5 million. Ancestor charts showing the family relationships of Rebecca (Towne) Nurse (1621-1692) to other famous people. Today I learned that my boyfriend is the 10 Great Grandson of Rebecca Nurses brother Edmund. I thought Thomas was the son of ROGER and Martha Preston. Salem, Mass., 1692. Yes, I know it is an artifact. Have you taken a DNA test? She was fully exonerated fewer than twenty years later. [citation needed]. In 1957, Massachusettsformally apologized for the trials, but It wasn't until 2001 that the last 11 of those convicted were fully exonerated. I am a direct descendant of Rebecca Towne Nourse and Francis Nourse. Her family emigrated to the Massachusetts Bay Colony, settling in Salem, although most of the Towne family would eventually move inland to Topsfield. Samuel, born February 3, 1649; died July 3, 1715; married Mary Smith, daughter of John on April 5, 1677. d. after 1733. Thomas Fisk. Rebecca Nurse was the daughter of William Towne, of Yarmouth, Norfolk County, England where she was baptized Feb. 21, 1621. Rebecca's main appearances and dialogue can be found during the scenes of the sentencing and execution of those accused of witchcraft. The Putnams of Salem Village embodied this battle in their quarrels with the Nurse family, Mary Easty's brother-in-law. Four or more generations of descendants of Rebecca Towne (1621-1692) if they are properly linked: 1. In 2017, the Proctors Ledge Memorial was built in Salem, Mass and a marker was established for Rebecca Nurse. So many of us are descendants of Rebecca Nurse. They are my 5th great grandparents. Cummings : Descendants of Isaac Cummings (1601-1677) of Topsfield/Ipswich, his son Isaac Cummings Sr. (1633-1721) and grandson Isaac Cummings Jr. (1664-1746) and his wife Alice Howlett accused Elizabeth (Jackson) Howe (1637-1692) of witchcraft. The controversy was a long one, going finally to the General Court for settlement. W. Elliot Woodward, 1864.Kimball, Henrietta D. Witchcraft Illustrated. Rebecca Nurse was my 8th great grandmother. In the first and much acclaimed television adaption by the BBC in 1980 she was played by Ann Dyson. Yet, historian Winfield S. Nevins doesnt agree and believes it was a different dispute that earned Rebecca Nurse the wrath of the Putnams, as he discussed in an article in New England Magazine in 1891: The first trouble appears to have come to this family after the purchase of the Bishop farm. LOL nice to meet you all cousins! Rather it reads as if the state somehow incorrectly decided she was a witch. So over 300 years and half a country away, these two families have shared an almost 20 year friendship that turned into a loving and respectful relationship. Salem Witchcraft. Rebecca Towne Nurse (or Nourse) (February 21, 1621 - July 19, 1692) was executed for witchcraft by the government of the Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England in 1692, during the Salem Witch Trials. [16], Rebecca Nurse is the ancestor of several notable people, including Mitt Romney, Zach Braff, and Lucille Ball.[17]. How very terrified she and her sisters must of been. Some of the most recently added connections of famous kin for Rebecca (Towne) Nurse William Towne (c1598/9 - c1673) Great Migration Immigrant 1639 Father Francis Emroy Warren 1st Governor of Wyoming 5th great-grandson Mary (Towne) Eastey Executed for Witchcraft, Salem 1692 Sibling via William Towne Grace (Goodhue) Coolidge Lewis, Jone Johnson. Several spectators adopted head motions indicating that they were in Nurse's thrall. She and the Putnam family had fought in court several times over land. View all posts by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks. It is always preferable to locate primary records where possible. This fact, along with the lack of reports of any gallows being built for the witch trial executions, and no debris being found at the site led researchers to conclude the convicted witches were hanged from trees. According to the book Women in Early America, Nurses conviction and execution marked the beginning of the end of the Salem Witch Trials. The name Rebecca literally means to tie up, a noose, or frequently translated secured. However the jury had changed their verdict and sentenced Nurse to death on July 19, 1692. She was the wife of Francis Nurse, and had several children. Visitors walk by the Salem Witch Memorial. Some writers allege that Nurse thus incurred his hostility, and that this was one of the incentives to the subsequent prosecution of Rebecca Nurse. He was soon called upon to defend it against the claims of Zerubabel Endicott, who claimed a boundary line to the Endicott possessions that pushed back the eastern bounds of the Bishop farm. The trees are majestic and you could almost go back in time just stand under one. He admits to being influenced by his connection to Rebecca Nurse. Three Sisters all accused of witchcraft. As with any good genealogical research, if you discover a link to your own family tree, consider it a starting point for further research. Genealogy charts for Rebecca (Towne) Nurse may include up to 30 generations of ancestors with source citations. 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. 1857.Roach, Marilynne K. The Salem Witch Trials: A Day-By-Day Chronicle of a Community Under Siege. William Phips issued a reprieve, which was also met with protests and rescinded. Lewis, Jone Johnson. In 1992, the Salem Witch Trials Memorial was built in Salem, Mass and a marker was established for Rebecca Nurse. "The majority of the people that come in day. Thank you for adding the Notables tag to her! The citizens of Salem doubted that such a pious woman could be guilty of witchcraft. She was my 9th great grandmother, through Bathsheba Nurse Newton, daughter of Joseph Nurse who fought in the Revolution. I am a descendant of Rebecca (Towne) Nurse who was unfortunately hanged during the Salem Witch Trials. Benjamins grandmother was Sarah Nourse, great great grandaughter of Rebecca. Story of a young woman who marries a fascinating widower only to find out that she must live in the shadow of his former wife, Rebecca, who died mysteriously several years earlier. Upham, Charles (1980). Welcome to the Towne Family Association, Inc. site, dedicated to the descendants of William Towne and Joanna Blessing, who were married 401 years ago at St. Nicholas Church on April 25, 1620. Rebecca Nurse. Christopher Child, senior genealogist at New England Historic Genealogy Society in Boston also traces his family to Rebecca Nurse through her brother. My husband is a descendant of Rebecca Nourse. Im an 8th grader currently working on my project focused on the Salem Witch trials and your article helped me so much! I was wondering if one of the managers could add a few quick words to the effect that Rebecca Nurse was FALSELY accused of witchcraft by some of her neighbors. The Internet has built communities of people with witch trial lineage and there are gatherings where they share their history and connections. My great grand father 9th removed, William Russell b.1647, England, d.22 Dec 1733, Essex Co. Mass. One particular point was emphasized, and the jury requested a second chance of deliberation (a legal practice used in those days). All but one of their children were married by 1692. Nurse's trial was featured in an episode of the CBS radio program "CBS Is There," which aired on July 28, 1947. Today with the focus on tourism, there is much more interest in being a descendant.. There is certainly a headstone for her in the family cemetery today, though it was erected long after the execution, in July 1885. On October 17, 1711, the Massachusetts legislature passed a bill restoring some of the names of the Salem Witch Trials victims, including Rebecca Nurse. Both women were church members and respected, prominent members of the community. 5671, 111, 136, 268, 27089, 290, 292, 480, 483. She was the wife of Francis Nurse, had several children and grandchildren, and was a well-respected member of the community. The Rebecca Nurse Homestead is a historic house museum in Danvers, Massachusetts.The home once belonged to Rebecca Nurse, who was accused of witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trials, and it is the only home of a person executed during the trials that is open to the public.. Rebecca Nurse Homestead in the 17 th Century:. Looking at old maps to discover where family farms were once located and where that property is today will give descendants at least a general idea of the resting places of their witch trial victim ancestors. , Hey Cuz! [2] and gives the couple the following children (sources added where found so far; these children are also detailed in Ames' "Nurse FamilyFive Generations" but again without primary sources usually listed[7]): [NOTE: Mary and Tamesin Smith were sisters that married Samuel and Benjamin Nurse, Mary & Tamesin were daughters of John and Margaret (Thompson?Buffum) Smith of Salem.}. Are we never to point out errors which common sense should have prevented in the first place? In 1672, Francis Nurse served as Salem's Constable. John Keenan, a descendant of Rebecca Nurse, at the Salem Witch Memorial, where a stone bears the witchs name. We cannot imagine the cause of the alleged complaint of witchcraft. We hear lots of family legends about connections to important historical events. The jury found Nurse not guilty but returned guilty verdicts for Good, Elizabeth How, Martin, and Sarah Wildes. The list of descendants of Nurse includes former presidential candidate Mitt Romney, "Scrubs" actor Zach Braff and "I Love Lucy" star Lucille Ball. The next day, a grand jury indicted Nurse and John Willard for witchcraft. A B Rebecca was portrayed by actress Shirley MacLaine in the 2002 CBS miniseries, Salem Witch Trials. On June 2, Nurse, Bridget Bishop, Proctor, Alice Parker, Susannah Martin, and Sarah Good were forced to undergo physical examinations by a doctor with a number of women present. Rebecca Towne Nourse is my ninth great grandmother on my mothers side. O Christian Martyr who for Truth could die. She was the wife of Francis Nurse, with several children and grandchildren, and a well-respected member . The following day, at the request of the Nurse family, Fiske gave a statement explaining why the jury changed their verdict to guilty: July 4, 1692. All five were hanged on July 19 on Gallows Hill. This also makes sense, as the soil on the ledge is too thin to make a shallow grave for even one person, much less a pit for nineteen convicted witches] not deserving of a Christian burial due to the charge of witchcraft. Rebecca and Francis frequented the Salem Village meeting house and Francis was quite active in the community becoming well respected in Salem Village; he was often asked to serve as mediator to help settle matters. Executed for witchcraft in the Salem witch trials, Born on February 21, 1621 Douglas Grundy / Three Lions / Getty Images. She knows its just for laughs, wow really idk what number she is to me but she is my great grandmother as well!!!! Nurse, to be sure, was only indirectly interested in the suit. She was accused by townspeople Mary Walcott, Mercy Lewis, and Elizabeth Hubbard as well as by Ann Putnam Sr., who "cried out" during the proceedings to accuse Nurse of trying to get her to "tempt God and dye." [1] Rebecca had three sisters, Susan (baptized October 26, 1625; died July 29, 1630), Mary (baptized August 24, 1634; executed 1692) and Sarah. Anderson in the "Great Migration Directory" lists a William Towne of unknown origin who immigrated to Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1635 and a William Towne of Great Yarmouth who immigrated to Salem in 1639 making it seem most likely that this family, known to have lived in Salem, were the 1639 immigrants. The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived. "The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane", Hyperion, 1401340903. Rebecca Nurse (February 13, 1621 July 19, 1692) was a woman who was accused of witchcraft and executed by hanging in New England during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. After emigrating to Salem MA, two additional children, Joseph and Sarah were born. Thank you! History Lesson Plans History Class Us History Family History American Literature, Discover the family tree of Rebecca Nurse for free, and learn about their family history and their ancestry. On December 17, 1711, the General Court awarded the Nurse family 25 in restitution for Rebeccas wrongful conviction and death. In May 1693, Phips pardoned the remaining defendants accused of witchcraft. However, Rebecca and her sister Mary Towne Easty were hanged. As with all family trees on this website, the sources for each ancestor are listed on the family group pages so that you can personally judge the reliability of the information. , at the Salem Witch: the Trial, execution, and a well-respected member of Salem... You could almost go back in time just stand under one, 290, 292,,., Francis Nurse, a cousin of Rebecca Towne Nurse, to be sure, was indirectly. 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