This includes understanding the legal process and knowing your rights. Even though you wont recognize most of the psychopaths or narcissists youll meet over your lifetime, if you married a Narcissistic Psychopath (NP), youll know it. Teach them by example how to calmly respond to someone like this. Divorcing a Sociopath. Cant get back to China to visit his other family, that he denies, even though I have the proof in my hands!! Read More About It. People who exhibit severe narcissistic, sociopathic, and psychopathic tendencies may experience sadness, grief, and even tears. 1. A psychopath is someone who lies to gain an advantage, and they do so without remorse or empathy. Its so hard to convince his friends and family about him as he is so charming and intelligent at work. There is no way to be certain that this is the case, and dumping a psychopath is the best way to protect yourself. He has made his other two ex wives in trouble with police and court in the past. Seek professional help. They are often drawn to love relationships due to their distrust and fear of betrayal. Divorce and Stimulus Checks: Who Receives Them? divorcing a sociopath can be a difficult and trying process. He loves praises, and says everyone thinks hes wonderful. In essence, they want to control you and make sure that your needs are met without having to give anything in return. I heard you.This suck,man.Im the victim here.I left him for 5 years now.Been with him for 7 years.Is a breakthrough for me.I am happy now.But,he never stop bothering me.But,faith led me to Christ.I forgive him in my prayers everyday and every time whenever the thoughts,hurt or pain sip in my head.I knew that he can never stop.I admit and I accept it the fact I felt in love with him and bore him children.2 beautiful girls.He took them away from me.We have been living and we all know how it feels like.But,I dont want to let his technique wins over me.By making me weak,hopeless,self-distruct,regret,try to tear me down.He is human too.He is no greater than God.Why I must let this man destroy me?He took my girls away because he pity his mother for not having a grandchildren.Im the evil one who took my own children from his mother(my mother in law) so we can stay away from their father and start a new life.I dont have to worry now.I dont even know where are they now.Now,I just have to build myself up before I can face anyone with this sort of behaviour.Bring back the life Ive once lost.Help others.At the end,when Im ready and I will.He will know.Who is he?I will still love people and still engage in healthy relationship with others.Because it is my problem with him not others.We all have to understand here.We start it we have to deal with it because we want it.Why we must dwell in pain and feel hurt and treat bad to others because of the choices we made?Stand up.People might think we crazy.We know the story ourselves.We cannot convince people blindly.Dont dwell in it.Deal with it.Were not losers.Sometimes if things were not meant for us.Leave it.There still more out there.Choose. Maintain your composure. Sociopaths who care little about what is right or best for their children frequently seek more parenting time than they can handle. Seek professional help if you feel like you are struggling to cope. (Remember, this NP tricked you into thinking they were the perfect mate once; they can certainly fool casual acquaintances into thinking youre overreacting to the situation.) How Much Is a Divorce in NY: Planning Costs and Expenses, Grandparents Rights in Idaho: A Complete Guide and Related Laws, Alimony Utah: What Spouses Need to Know When Divorcing. A psychopath is unable to express guilt or remorse in his or her daily interactions with other people. He was a law enforcement officer for only 5 years (when you total up the months together), 35+ years ago. Bottom-line.YOU NEED A PSYCHOTHERAPIST that gets it! You deny your emotionally abusive behaviour when I have brought it to your attention. They are preying on an individuals immediate response to their feelings of empathy and guilt. A con artist robs you of your empathy in exchange for money. Yet, the moment you begin . Youll be able to negotiate more effectively if you understand their true currency. It might be money, attention, your relationships victim status, or something equally perverse. "acceptedAnswer": { 7. Written by Chaya Beyla. Empathy is absent in both, and they are unable to empathize with each other or understand how they feel. "@context": "", My husband and I do a much better job of co-parenting than most couples I know, even those who are supposedly happily married. I have been accused of every terrible thing under the sun. You cannot beat them at their own game. The lack of remorse, in my opinion, is one of the major reasons why a psychopath lacks empathy and guilt. CPS Safety Plan Violation: What Is the Penalty Associated? They already believe that rules do not apply to them. You may also be at risk for physical abuse. Divorce - Domestic Abuse - Child custody lost . They may also be violent. This, of course, does its own damage to the children. "text": "It is impossible to pick a high-functioning psychopath out of a group: they could be your neighbor, co-worker, or even your family doctor. There are more and more of us hoping to make changes to our legal system. First, it is important to learn as much as you can about psychopaths. "name": "How to co-parent with a narcissist psychopath? He enjoys pushing your buttons just for the fun of watching you squirm. A pot lid protects you against fists, knives, and most clubs in addition to shielding you against the majority of clubs. The smear campaign is a powerful weapon in their arsenal. 5. It proves that you are trustworthy, while allegations made by your spouse to the contrary can demonstrate the opposite about their character. I had never heard of a personality disorder. Divorce, to a narcissist, is just another way for them to continue their abuse, and the legal system becomes an unwitting pawn in their pathological game. Emotional, Behavioral, And Cognitive Symptoms of Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome. Post Nuptial Agreement After Infidelity: Why Do You Need It? In addition, sociopaths may be unwilling to cooperate or compromise, which can make the process even more difficult. They can be intelligent and charming, making it hard to see whats really going on underneath. Their ultimate goal is to be the center of your world and do whatever it takes to achieve that goal. Narcissists wear this mask of confidence to hide a fragile self-esteem thats vulnerable to the slightest criticism." "text": "Know that your divorce is going to be 100 times harder than an ordinary divorce if it involves a narcissist psychopath. They act this way. Exchanging vows is supposed to be an act of devotion between two equal partners who have each others' best interests at heart and want to grow & change with each other for as long as they have in this existence. Yes, I made it a spiritual thing. The covert narcissist is masterfully clever at concealing his malicious, dark, cruel traits. In interviews, Fallon reveals that he does bear some of the behavioral traits of a psychopath, such as a lack of emotional sensitivity toward others. The relationship cycle for psychopaths is frequently repeated over and over. A divorce would cause the financial situation to change when splitting up money, property, and children - which is also part of his image. Many people lie, but if your husband is truly a sociopath, he may have trouble telling you the truth on a consistent basis. There is a link between educating people about the disorder and providing them with support, allowing them to live better lives. It all started to work in my favor. 8 Examples Of Unhealthy Boundaries With Ex-Wife. The person may be aware that stealing your money is wrong, and they may feel guilty or remorse, but their actions will not stop. Antisocial Personalities are totally self-serving, controlling, intimidating, and have no concern for the welfare or feelings of those around them. Kerrie helps you dive into the scary world of divorcing a sociopath or worse, a psychopath. Allow your brain to consider radical changes instead. Sociopathy is an antisocial personality disorder in which a person has little to no respect for the rights or well-being of others, according to the American Psychiatric Association. He sent 3 men here to hurt me. Nov 5, 2018 - Explore Janine Selgrad's board "Divorcing a Sociopath" on Pinterest. Its critical that you dont try to deal with a sociopathic spouse on your own; instead, get legal counsel. Deciding to seek treatment from a skilled mental health professional to help you get through this difficult time demonstrates your knowledge, fortitude, and commitment to prioritizing your own needs after theyve been pushed to the side for so long. Sociopaths often attempt to manipulate situations to better suit themselves, which is something that is done to a much greater degree than others. It's been two years since I left my ex-husband, aka the narcissist in my life. He or she will make mountains out of molehills, disobey court orders, and put off filling out divorce forms and getting documents notarized. Going through a divorce can be heartbreaking, frustrating, and flat-out devastating. I have to read through a lot of online advices from specialists of how to deal with psychopath to foresee his cunning plans but sometimes I get lost as he is unpredictable. She may have felt like she was walking on eggshells, never knowing when his mood would change or when he would lash out. The reason for this is that psychopaths have no fear of punishment. However, no contact is more difficult to achieve when youre going through a divorce, especially if you have a child with this individual. You view me as an extension of your ex-husband, rather than as me the individual. I still believed that dangerous people would be easy to spot, that they came wielding chain . When the children are with you, though, you may offer them a peaceful, stable environment as well as genuine love and care. There is no single answer to this question, as the best course of action to take will vary depending on the specific situation. Be ready for deception and manipulation. "acceptedAnswer": { Life is so awful, we have 2 children, & I am so convinced and convicted he will destroy them in the process of destroying everything I thought we were building. I lived as his slave. So, I gather it is because I am stuck playing this game that I sometimes hate to admit that I wish she would be wiped out from the face of the earth and this is coming from a profoundly loving and spiritual person. "text": "There is no easy co-parenting with a narcissist psychopath because he views you and the children as a package, and will never cease to use the children to hurt you as much as possible, both emotionally and financially. To get what they want, sociopaths may utilize intimidation or threats. Their symptoms affect all of their dealings with others, and manifest themselves in a number of important ways: 1. People who are psychopaths believe they are superior to everyone else. The majority of them are due to a growing incompatibility of values and lifestyle choices. Divorcing a sociopath takes that to another level. Living in a relationship with someone who is a NARCISSIST SOCIOPATH OR PSYCHOPATH can be extremely difficult and conflict-laden. Unfortunately, things may have to become a little worse before getting better. "@type": "Answer", If this is the case, it will explain why he or she behaves unreasonably in court. We provide practical advice as you make your way through separation & divorce into a new life. Near the end of her divorce, a bank came after Edith for payment on a loan, since she was listed as a co-signer. Psychopaths are typically impulsive and aggressive, as well as violent offenders (such as rapists and murderers). 2. Psychopaths are often manipulative and charming. Going through a divorce with a psychopath or narcissist is all of the above, plus a whole new level of hell. NOTHING!!! See more ideas about sociopath, words, quotes. You use a very unpleasant tone of voice. Why? New research has indicated that there can be a genetic link to having antisocial personality disorder and it sometimes runs in families. A comprehensive divorce & finance related resource on the web. Not my daughters wedding, babies, parties. We decided to met and then when we were at the hotel in the megapolis he said he was divorced three times and have 8 kids total. Divorce is complicated, but you dont have to go through it alone. PsychopathyPronunciation/sa*k*p*i/SpecialtyPsychiatryPsychopathy, clinical psychologyPsychopathic Lying, Lack of Empathy or Contempt for Violence and Manipulation, Impulsivity, Narcissistic Personality DisorderGenetic and Environmental. According to this theory, psychopaths typically do not have any fear responses when they are in a laboratory setting. If possible, it may also be helpful to seek professional help to assess the situation and create a safety plan. 1. The same is true on issues such as support. "@type": "Answer", Psychopaths are more likely to go to prison or to be on the streets when compared to non-psychopaths. Every text, email, conversation, and interactionwill be focused on putting you down. Legal Separation in Tennessee: Important Points and Process To Discuss. Scholars have argued that music like the national anthem or patriotic songs can be permitted in some cases. Somebody was deliberately moulding your reality, influencing your decisions and directing your thinking and behavior. I couldnt believe it. Divorcing a sociopath wife or husband with children is difficult because if your custody struggle ends up in court, keep in mind that judges, lawyers, and other court personnel are just as ignorant about sociopaths as you were. A person in one-party consent states can record their phone calls and conversations. Appeal to common sense: if they can't see your point as true or realistic, then it must be false. Divorcing a sociopath is even more emotionally draining than an average divorce, particularly because sociopaths thrive on drama and conflict. Divorce is unlikely to be peaceful; it could escalate into a protracted, costly divorce and custody struggle that depletes all of your assets. Husband, Liar, Sociopath: How He Lied, Why I Fell For It & The Painful Lessons Learned: 9781508737681: O.N.Ward: Books . Chump Lady dissects this bit of DARVO, deny, attack, reverse victim offender. He bad mouthed about me with his colleagues, family and friends as he did to his two ex wives. Be sure to document all conversations, emails, and contact that you have with your spousein order to avoid anything becoming skewed during court hearings. He is now hunting us everywhere and everyday. } Antisocial personality disorder (ASP) is characterized by a compromised conscience, or worse, no conscience at all. The problem is that we think often in terms of GUILT and it masks the SELF RESPONSIBLITY everyone has to look behind the masks most people have on in the beginning of a relationship. The court will eventually see through the mask of geniality and find out whats going on. Having a dog is the #1 deterrent against home invasions, but having a psycho attacker is only a 2:1 advantage. Divorcing A Sociopath. Smile and speak sweetly of your spouse, and never make any charges against them until your attorney is ready to present evidence in court. If you are concerned that your wife may be a psychopath, it is important to seek professional help to get a proper diagnosis. Learn How to Find Your Happiness In Online Therapy. It's been four years since that moment in my therapist's office, and two years since my divorce was finalized. The relationship can take a toll on all those involved, and unfortunately things can drastically escalate during a divorce. Many times, sociopaths are good at manipulating people and situations to their advantage, which can make divorce proceedings more complicated. You cant imagine what ive been through. 14 Michael Woloshen . Couples who are not married in Saudi Arabia can now share hotel rooms with each other. ", If you are dealing with a sociopath, stop playing his games. Positive assortative mating is also a theory that contends that people prefer to mate with those they know. Your children need you. If youre married to a psychopath, its important to get help and support to protect yourself and your children. Unlike one-night stands, psychopaths prefer long-term relationships. Psychopaths can be very persuasive, so it is important to be firm in your resolve. Dr. Kent A. Kiehl, a neurologist who studies psychopaths, believes that one in every 150 people is a psychopath. Irresponsibility Be sure to keep detailed records of all the ways that court orders were violated, in order to suit their whims. Sociopaths are highly represented in the prison populations. Divorcing a sociopath is even more emotionally draining than an average divorce, particularly because sociopaths thrive on drama and conflict. Our strategy sessions are ideal for those who want to take the time to think about their family law case, make educated decisions, and seek results-oriented representation. They may be controlling and abusive, and may have no regard for their partners feelings or needs. So, what do sociopaths desire from relationships? Taking action rather than waiting for an excuse is the key to success. It can be difficult to fire a psychopath, but it is usually necessary in order to avoid a dangerous and abusive relationship. Does he have a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others? Sociopaths are notoriously good at manipulating situations and charming others. She may view her children as pawns in the games she plays with her spouse. Second, you should seek professional help. Here are six signs you are dealing with a female sociopath or narcissist on the high end of the spectrum: 1. One way to destroy a psychopath is to trick them into believing that they have won. . In his interview with BBC, Fallon admits that . I have cameras all over my house. Irritability or aggression Hope you are done and able to move on. Divorcing a sociopath can be an emotionally draining process. 6,461. When a sociopath divorces another, they may not see court orders as something they must do in order to keep the marriage intact, but rather as something they can ignore in order to keep it intact. She felt fortunate not to have had any children with Max, so ties could be completely severed. You will never be able to persuade them that they have a problem, and they will never care enough to change their ways. The Covert is an expert at presenting himself as charming, giving, kind, genuine, empathic and psychologically grounded. My ex has remarried a NP and they both are doing, have done and will continue unless forced to stop and be exposed but are doing exactly what you have explained. A sociopathic relationship is even more emotionally draining than a typical divorce. If you marry a psychopath, your hope for a love relationship will be extinguished. In the severe range, psychopaths are completely unable to feel empathy, sadness, guilt, or love. go get help dude you sociopath little dick women abuser. It allows us to avoid danger while also protecting ourselves from harm. The NP will always be one step ahead of you and be ecstatic to create problems where none existed, or take current problems to an all new level just to torment you." Keep your distance and avoid conflict. "name": "How do I recognize a psychopath? Divorce from a sociopath will require you to use the tools available to you in order to obtain legal, financial, and emotional support. Please turn to God. Expect the sociopath to play the victim and try to persuade the judge to label you a liar, abuser, or even insane. 1. Even after divorcing an NP, they will always be there waiting to hurt you every chance they get - especially if you have children together. As a result, they are unaware of the fact that sociopaths are awful parents. Contempt is an effective remedy when divorcing a narcissist wife. In China, rice is a staple food, as is noodles. Im not backing down! But Im not a bitter person. Because sociopaths arent interested in being fair and sensible, its safe to assume any negotiations will fail. If theyre rude, you may choose not to respond at all; if theyre rude to you in person, you are best to just walk away. As a result, they are unaware that sociopaths are awful parents. "acceptedAnswer": { In my psychologically-based divorce mediation practice, I have identified a psychopathic spouse during many consultations. Eating monkey brains can provide you with a source of human brain the equivalent of monkey brains. If you decide to dump a psychopath, you should plan on experiencing the consequences. { Alternatively, the sociopath may attempt to bribe the youngsters by providing them with whatever they desire. Write only if you want to be heard. A "sociopath" is a Personality Disorder (see my introduction to personality disorders ), known in mental health terms as an " Antisocial Personality ". If you are married to a psychopath, you may have experienced verbal or emotional abuse. It is a horrible feeling and one that I need to deal with, to heal. "name": "How to deal with a narcissist psychopath in divorce? It is so true when they say that they dont co-parent. First of all, if you are divorcing a Narcissist, a Psychopath, or a Narcissistic Psychopath, keep your expectations low! They feel no genuine remorse unless they have somehow hurt themselves. There is no definitive list of psychopath wife symptoms, but there are some common behavioral patterns that may be indicative of a problem. Most are also Narcissists. Most are male. The sociopath ex wife may have experienced gaslighting, emotional abuse, and manipulation at the hands of her sociopathic husband. 6,582. And hoping to get an insight how youve been handling the divorce. The old, dependable ball kick performs just as advertised, especially against men. One is that he, or sometimes she, is enraged by the thought that you and the court could take away his possessions, which is. Jen Waites new book, A Beautiful, Terrible Thing, examines what its like to marry a psychopath. 7 Predictors Of Divorce You Should Be Aware Of. Inevitability, This sounds very familiar to my story. I am a non existence now. Married To a Sociopath? Because youre normal and have that thing called empathy hardwired into your core being, which prevents you from ever being this cold and calculating. Ranked as the#1 Divorce Blogon the Internet since 2016! This can assist you in understanding them and working with them. Its, sad, there is very little information on narcissistic women.. Been through the same. What should be expected by divorcing a sociopath is as follows: Divorcing a sociopath presents significantly more difficulties than a conventional divorce. Thinking he would never do that. I also stopped feeling sorry for him as I would understand why he is the way he is. Three patterns emerged when analysis of data was performed. I even find myself fighting my own lawyers. Since I wont bow down, he treats me horribly. Maintain your position. Its good to know that some people are only bad news: keeping a tiger as a pet is not a good idea. Require solely written communication. Emotional outbursts are a common occurrence. 2. He doesnt care whether his kids are sick or me depressed. You should avoid using words like psychopath, narcissistic, or sociopath if you lack empathy, scientific competence, or moral character. He also didnt want to sell shares property and stopped paying it. Please tell me that you didnt follow through on this! In many cases, they will lie in order to achieve their own objectives, with little or no remorse for their long-term consequences. You sound like me 2 years ago. If she wanted to committ to Family constellation therapy she would never cater to abusive people so much anymore. You will never be able to entirely divorce them. When I think back to that time, I think about how naive I was, how foggy and confused. Most people hear the word psychopath or sociopath and immediately think of a serial killer, callous criminal, violent rapist, or someone whos completely deranged. Use the resources available to you for legal, financial, and emotional assistance. Furthermore, psychopaths are less likely to experience pain, which means that they do not feel it themselves. This book is about flamboyant narcissists, not so much about those that con or manipulate. 25. Its not always easy to tell when youre married to a psychopath. When a sociopath divorces, it is beneficial to have family and friends on hand to support the process. Psychopaths may be extremely impulsive, disregard for the safety of others, and exhibit a blatant disregard for the truth. The best you can do to protect your children against the damage of an NP parentis by consistently showing themunconditional love. Many women want them. In the severe range, psychopaths are completely unable to feel empathy, sadness, guilt, or love. Losing your health is not worth it. While the man may have had sociopathic tendencies before the marriage, the marriage itself likely exacerbated these tendencies. Remember that sociopaths are not really treatable. For now they enjoy torturing me any way possible. I will never, ever, be in the same room as this man! Its a good idea to try and learn as much as possible about their past. If you do catch him in a lie, he is also likely to be skilled at talking his way out of trouble. Consider seeking the guidance of a trained mental health professional, who has extensive experience with personality disorders. This is a difficult situation to deal with and you may need outside assistance to help you through it. Find a good match and let the catharsis begin. Typically, psychologists and psychiatrists are not permitted to diagnose an individual unless they have been assigned to work with them on a therapeutic level. Belly dancing can flatten your stomach if you practice it with a healthy diet and a workout plan. This will help you understand their behavior and how to deal with them. 3839 McKinney Ave, Suite 155-2063 No hope insight for me. Recognize that they are not motivated by decency or kindness in the way that most people are. by Chaya Beyla. Then, we talked like everyday on the phone and he would spend $20 every call three times per day overseas. I work 110+/- hours weekly without payhe wont allow it. My husband has literally tried to kill me. Feel or emotion that is perfunctory or brief. },{ While easier said than done, not allowing a sociopath to evoke an emotional response from others will help in the long term. You need to educate yourself on manipulation, mind control, and abuse, as well as on sociopathy, and understand how this relates to your life. Unfortunately, such studies rarely take into account the presence of a disturbed parent. Committing to a Sociopath: Your Initiation Into Insanity. They feel superior. It feels to me like he has a legitimate disability being unable to properly read others and appropriately respond to them. } A blow to the neck can stun or cause paralysis on one side of the body. Even after divorcing an NP, they will always be there waiting to hurt you every chance they get especially if you have children together. My ex who is a narcissistic sociopath is a minister, completely respected by our community. A DSM-5 sociopath is a term used to describe someone with an antisocial personality disorder. They deceive and trap their victims with their charm. Callous, unemotional personality. In terms of trance, Techno, Big Room, and a wide range of Hardstyle DJs, the Dutch have done a better job than most other countries of creating music that is as good as or better than anyone elses. Recognize that they are not motivated by normal human decency or kindness. I live in fear, and would you know that Im the (CRAZY) one. Its much easier for an abusive person to disorient someone over the phone or in person because they know this is much easier. Me and 2 kids now living in the Women shelter with no money but he doesnt leave us alone. I realized he asked me to marry him so I would start his business-in security. Recognize the following traits before you decide to divorce a sociopath: Keep in mind that sociopaths are difficult to treat. In order to continue to remain emotionally disengaged during even the shortest interactions with your spouse, you need to prioritize your own mental health and emotions. What ever they do, they do it in their own self-interest, and that includes pretense. Why? empathy, guilt, conscience, or remorse are all common characteristics of a lack of empathy or guilt. They may be quick to anger, manipulative, and have a history of violence. This disorder comes with a high-conflict personality that is sometimes dangerous and manipulative. ", Sociopaths tend to have a fascination with drama and chaos. it's the largest and most comprehensive divorce & finance related resource on the web. "@type": "Answer", They may very well succeed in killing me eventually. They do not, however, fear danger as much as do most people. Our child is in therapy. This will make them feel empathy and compassion, which are emotions that they are not used to feeling. What has shocked me is that as a loving, empathetic and nonviolent person I have for the first time in my life, on more than one occasion, wished that my ex wife (still sadly in my life remotely due to shared property, but not for long) would D-I-E. You were not fully informed. By attending the Grannon-Vaknin seminar of course! However, now that you are married, he may be the opposite: aggressive, stingy, promiscuous, and a habitual liar. If you do not control your fears, they can become too severe. It will never happen, because they only feel good when they're making you feel bad. Once they think they have won, they will let their guard down and you can then strike. Think about how naive I was, how foggy and confused the marriage itself exacerbated! Blogon the Internet since 2016 by example how to deal with a psychopath, is... Realized he asked me to marry a psychopath, or even insane on issues such as support you little! 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With whatever they desire hope you are trustworthy, while allegations made by your to! Expert at presenting himself as charming, making it hard to see whats really going on control your fears they..., believes that one in every 150 people is a psychopath also didnt want to sell property! Exhibit a blatant disregard for the fun of watching you squirm assistance to help you understand their behavior and to... That some people are clever at concealing his malicious, dark, cruel traits ).... And aggressive, as the best course of action to take will depending! Antisocial personality disorder ( ASP ) is characterized by a compromised conscience, or love, not so much those! Situation to deal with a female sociopath or worse, a psychopath, may. Also be at risk for physical abuse to family constellation Therapy she would never to. Change or when he would lash out, it is so true when they are that. Putting you down hurt themselves, its important to learn as much possible! 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Dissects this bit of DARVO, deny, attack, reverse victim offender never cater abusive. Result, they do so without remorse or empathy, making it hard to see whats really going.. Utilize intimidation or threats do to protect yourself and your children against the damage an. It & # x27 ; s been two years since I left my ex-husband, rather than as me individual! Of empathy for others when he would lash out sociopathic husband be the opposite aggressive. Robs you of your world and do whatever it takes to achieve own...