The heir to the throne Alfonso, commander of the Neapolitan army, was sent to war in Tuscany, where he managed to be proclaimed lord of Siena. The Skanderbeg, having known this, told him that the next day he would engage him in battle and Skanderbeg, having arrived in Bari, joined Ferrante who had set up his camp in Orsara, in Apulia. He then went to Capitanata where he found the Barons and the Peoples on his side: Lucera immediately opened the doors to him and Luigi Minutolo gave him back the Castle, so did Troia, Foggia, San Severo, Manfredonia and all the Castles of Mount Gargano. Ferrante went to meet Skanderbeg, welcomed him in celebration and for several days gave him a grateful rest in Bari. Furthermore, the magnificence of his court and the wealth of means at his disposal created him the reputation of a very rich sovereign; and finally his flashy diplomatic and war triumphs, his wise financial and administrative reforms, and the considerable aids given to writers and artists were able to give good hopes to the subjects who were favorable to his house. Seeing the kingdom in disorder, he took advantage of it to become master of the city, even starting to extort the inhabitants of the neighboring villages. Ferdinand II (Aragonese: Ferrando; Catalan: Ferran; Basque: Errando; Spanish: Fernando; 10 March 1452 - 23 January 1516) was the king of Aragon from 1479 until his death in 1516. When Mohammed II died, a discord began between Bayezid and Zizim over who was to ascend the throne and the latter, through a safe conduct, gave himself into the hands of the Grand Master of Rhodes. As the husband of Queen Isabella I of Castile, he was also the king of Castile from 1475 to 1504 (as Ferdinand V).He reigned jointly with Isabella over a dynastically unified Spain; together they are known as the . Welcomed at Porta Nolana, he was received with great honor and courtesy by the King, who had him lodged in the Royal Palace of Castel Nuovo, in a small room that still exists. [12][57] Moving, however, was the speech and farewell that the Count of Sarno pronounced to his children from the top of the gallows. [80][81], His diplomacy was very expensive and to strengthen the finances, already proven by the patronage of Alfonso I, Ferrante introduced an austerity regime in the court and in the state apparatus,[5] to facilitate commercial traffic for his vassals, he opened it no less in east that in the west,[13] encouraged businesses and traders by launching a series of initiatives aimed at increasing trade exchanges with Venice, Pisa and Spain; it favored the migration from the countryside to the city and allowed the immigration of numerous Jews expelled from Spain through thedecree of the Alhambra issued by the Catholic kings. [12][52], He then gathered another army, of which he gave the command to Ferrandino, prince of Capua, his nephew and eldest son of the Duke of Calabria. France and the Duchy of Milan unsuccessfully tried to thwart the alliance, potentially very dangerous for their Mediterranean interests. Answer: Alfonso is the son of King Ferrante of Naples. His father, Alfonso I of Naples, was once the King of Aragon and the King of Sicily, and was the King of Naples until his death in 1458. Then the Florentines (whose governor was Cosimo de' Medici) raised the flags of King Charles VII, King of France and urged that King Ren restart the enterprise for the reconquest of the Kingdom of Naples. The Pope then urged Charles VIII to invade the kingdom, however Ferrante with a new treaty averted the threat. [79] The new fortification was to include seven towers, four of which joined to form a quadrilateral, and the remaining three aligned along the moat to the Mar Piccolo. [12][30], On November 16, the death of Giovanni Antonio Orsini Del Balzo, Prince of Taranto, deprived the Angevin front of its most influential boss and financier. [70] The little Maria Balsa, daughter of the despot of Serbia or more probably of the lord of Misia, had also found refuge at his court, who together with her aunt Andronica Cominata fled from Greece invaded by the Turks. He claimed that payment was excessive even for the Kingdom encompassing both Naples and Sicily, and that since Sicily was ruled by his uncle, King John of Aragon, Ferrante and Naples should not pay the entire amount. The Skanderbeg then had his soldiers gathered and raised their spirits by inspiring him with gratitude for the Aragonese and rekindling in them the love of glory. The King on 29 June 1485 (the day set for payment) had sent Antonio d'Alessandro as his orator to Rome to present to the Pope the white horse in effect for the investiture, but the Pope did not want to receive it, so much so that Antonio he was forced to make a public protest. [12][39] When Riessinger returned to Rome in 1478, Francesco Del Tuppo took over as director of the printing house and was the most prolific of the printer in 15th-century Naples. Thus was born the superb Aragonese castle of Brindisi. After the King's death, the Duke of Ferrara bought it, who, seeing it by the Emperor Charles V in Reggio, in the Palazzo di Alfonso d'Este, was very amazed. In this moment of peace the Turkish danger reappeared with the conquest of the Venetian island of Negroponte by Mohammed II. ", "His descent from Ferdinand IV of Castile", Jacopo Piccinino, who commanded the allied army, observing the discomfort of her, demanded and obtained a truce and because foresaw an unhappy end, he decided not to maintain the truce. The Angevin army deployed on the right bank of the stream faces King Ferrante and his troops, while in the background the Aragonese can be seen crossing a bridge in pursuit of the Angevins, now en route to Troy. [64] The death of this sovereign was preceded by huge earthquakes, which caused many buildings to collapse in Naples, Capua, Gaeta and Aversa and it is said that on the day he was buried, the Mint of Naples had largely collapsed. The following day he sent ambassadors to the Pope to confirm the investiture of the kingdom, through the following letter. All this took place with the complicity of Pope Sixtus IV, who did not look favorably on Venetian expansionism in the Aegean.[34]. When they had to be signed, since the prince of Salerno and many barons resided in Salerno , the prince of Bisignano asked the king to send Don Frederick to Salerno for greater safety.and sign them in his name. On the other hand, King Ferrante, having understood the intention of the barons, immediately sent Turco Cicinello and Antonio d'Alessandro to Spain.To pray John not to lack love for his nephew the king, since he could say that the Kingdom of Naples was more his than the kingdoms of the Crown of Aragon. [12][24], John managed to reach the walls of Naples and would have even entered if the prudence of Queen Isabella, who had the whole city armed in the absence of her husband, had not prevented him from entering.[25][26]. All these celebrations were interrupted by mourning for the death of Queen Isabella, woman of numerous virtues. The Convent was built with next to it, a church dedicated to San Luigi, called the church of San Luigi di Palazzo, for a chapel that existed at the time and dedicated to this saint. He reigned for one of the longest periods in history, if we date the reign from 1759 (66 years). While trying to suppress the first revolts in Apulia and Abruzzo, Ferrante received the notice that the Duke John with twenty-two galleys and four large ships had appeared in the marina di Sessa, between the mouth of the Garigliano and the Volturno. State-owned cities gained increasing importance as it imposed greater controls on baronial power. A theological-dogmatic pamphlet is attributed to him: This page was last edited on 5 February 2023, at 00:56. He became King of Naples on his father's death in 1458, and he faced a long revolt by the barons in 1459. All this was confirmed by the bull of Pius II, on November 2, 1458. Pathol. The one therefore tried with simulation to deceive the other, the barons proposed to the king very impertinent conditions; but they were all agreed. ), wife of Leonardo Della Rovere, Duke of Arce and Sora; Ilaria, wife of Giovanni del Tevere, prefect of Rome and nephew of Sixtus IV; Enrico ( - 1478), eldest son and Marquis of Gerace. [12], As established by his father, Ferrante succeeded him on the throne of Naples in 1458, at the age of 35. Ferrante seeing his kingdom in danger, asked for help from all the princes of Europe and immediately sent a messenger to call Alfonso his son in Tuscany, to leave the war against Florence and come to help the kingdom. These united barons decided to urge King John of Aragon to come and conquer the kingdom that belonged to him by legitimate succession after the death of his brother Alfonso V; but King John refused. Lorenzo de' Medici had realized that he could not afford the enmity of a sovereign so powerful and so close: he therefore set off for Naples to deal directly with Ferrante. Ferrante managed to reach an agreement with the Turkish sultan, who unleashed his army against Venice which, forced to defend itself, was unable to rush to Florence to help. Calixtus offered amnesty to all those who had sworn loyalty to Ferrante, but he ordered all the clergy, barons, cities and peoples of the kingdom, under pain of excommunication, not to obey Ferrante or continue to swear loyalty to him. The Prince of Taranto who was in Bari went as far as Bitonto to meet the duke and took him to Bari, where he was received with a royal apparatus. At this time the plague began to spread in the camp of the army of the Duke of Calabria at Tumulo (a place conforming to the name for malaria), for which the Duke of Urbino and many other captains fell ill; therefore it was necessary for the Duke of Calabria to change camp and lead the army to Pitigliano. At the top is depicted King Ferrante who witnesses the entrance of his vanguard into the city, which stands out in the background with its mighty fortifications. In order to increase their power, the princes of Taranto and Marino Marzano, prince of Rossano, asked the King to return Antonio Centelles, Marquis of Crotone, Giosia Acquaviva, Duke of Atri and Giulio Antonio Acquaviva, Count of Conversano, their relatives, to his state; Despite some initial refusals, the King wanted to please them. [12][47], The barons who conspired were Antonello Sanseverino, Prince of Salerno, Pirro Del Balzo, Prince of Altamura, the Prince of Bisignano, the Marquis del Vasto, the Duke of Atri, the Duke of Melfi, the Duke of Nard, the Count of Lauria, the Count of Mileto, the Count of Nola and many other knights. On April 9, peace was declared between Doge Francesco Foscari for the Venetian and Duke Francesco Sforza. King Ferrante after long years of widowhood in 1477 married his cousin Joanna, daughter of his uncle King John II of Aragon.[12][32]. He was very fond of books, so much so that his library, called Aragonese, was celebrated as one of the main ones of those times. On 4 June 1492 he sent a bull at his request in which he declared that after the death of Ferrante the successor of the kingdom would be his eldest son Alfonso Duke of Calabria, in compliance with the bulls of Pope Eugene IV and Pius II, his predecessors; and in the absence of the Duke of Calabria, Ferrandino should have succeeded. Ferdinand I (also known as Ferrante) was the illegitimate son of Alfonso V of Aragon and was the king of Naples from 1458 to 1494. By order of Ferrante, as a lasting warning, the splendid bronze door of the Castel Nuovo, called La Vittoriosa, was cast in bronze, through the artillery removed by the enemies, with the representation of the king's triumph in the conspiracy of the barons, the work of Guglielmo Dello Monaco, a Parisian who had served Alfonso as a manufacturer of cannons, clocks and bells. Recognized as one of the most powerful political minds of the time,[10] Ferrante was gifted with great courage and remarkable political skills. His youthful passion for the more mundane aspects of cavalry, tournaments and horseback riding lasted well beyond maturity, helping him to maintain physical strength.[62]. more need, given that the Duke of Anjou was exhausted by the war, but that they had been sent only because the Pope demanded that the Duchy of Sora, the county of Arpino and that of Celano having once been the territory of the Church, they were returned to him. A discord was generated from this claim that stopped when the Pope asked for help from Ferrante to lower the power of the sons of the counts of Anguillara, who sent him troops. [12][67] [12][20], Ferrante, relieved of the Pope's death, immediately sent Francesco II Del Balzo, Duke of Andria , and Antonio d'Alessandro, famous Jurisconsult, to ask for the investiture of the new Pope and to render him obedience. The death of the Duke of Milan Francesco Sforza in 1466, followed later by that of Gjergj Kastrioti, Lord of Albania, deprived Ferrante of his closest friends. King John claimed that the money should be taken from the treasury that Alfonso had left to the kingdom of Naples and the ambassadors agreed to give it to him in ten years. Neapolitan painting of the early seventeenth century is characterized by dramatic expression, emphatic naturalism, and intense chiaroscuro derived from the profound influence of Caravaggio (1571-1610), who spent a number of his later years in the port city. These barons oppressed the population, which occupied the lowest social level, so Ferrante tried to hinder their power. The cardinal blessed the new sovereign with a pontifical blessing and proclaimed him King of Naples. The Prince of Taranto seeing the situation degenerate because of the king, who was reaching him to conquer it, asked him for peace. He ordered the latter to strike coins not different from those of the Neapolitan mint.[13]. The Pope on the other hand emphasized the help that Ferrante had received from his predecessor. [12][31], After having triumphed against his enemies and subdued the whole kingdom, Ferrante thought of restoring it from the damage of the seven years of war that had upset him; but first of all through political marriages he tried to keep the kingdom safe and therefore decided to marry his eldest son Alfonso with Ippolita, daughter of the Duke of Milan, the eldest daughter Eleanor with the Duke of Ferrara Ercole d'Este and the younger Beatrice with King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary. Ferrante, always distrustful of the barons, pushed his subjects to greater economic vigor with the introduction of new measures that effectively allowed the entire population of the kingdom to enjoy greater freedom in daily life. Meanwhile, Alfonso Duke of Calabria, having discovered the conspiracy, suddenly took possession of the County of Nola and conquered Nola, incarcerating the two children and the Count's wife, then leading them to the prisons of Castel Nuovo in Naples. The Royal House of Naples in these times did not have to envy any court of the major princes of Europe, because one day in a feast celebrated in Naples more than fifty people of this royal family appeared, so much so that it was believed that they could never to finish.[12][37]. Other disputes arose between them for the defense of the Lords of Tolfa , given that the Popepretending that the city was his, the siege, but the army of the King arrived and the army of the Pope, seeing that of Ferrante, fled immediately, leaving the siege. Maria Cecilia, wife of Gian Giordano Orsini, Lord of Bracciano; Lucrezia (according to other sources daughter of Diana Guardato. The Aragonese wall of Naples, in fact, was begun under his reign, in June 1484. The Prince of Bisignano , in order to give the other barons time to arm themselves, began to make a peace treaty with Ferrante who apparently seemed very willing to accept, but in reality he had no intention of giving him anything. On 15 June 1488 he placed the first stone of them behind the Carmelo monastery, where a tower was built, called Torre Spinelli, which took its name from the architect who had erected it, Francesco Spinelli. Ferrante did not refuse it and sent Antonello Petruccio, his secretary, with Cardinal Roverella, the Pope's legate to negotiate the conditions of the armistice with the Prince's ambassadors. Alfonso's purpose was to prepare his only son, albeit illegitimate, for the role of heir to the kingdom he was conquering. Ferdinando I re di Napoli: Directed by Gianni Franciolini. The Prince retired to Altamura where he died shortly after, not without the king's suspicion of poisoning. After this, the people continued to shout: "Long live the King Don Ferrando". After he and Isabella conquered the Moorish kingdom of . In these years Naples had a flourishing golden age similar to the one it was in the reign of Charles II of Anjou for the promotion of art and for the many royals who adorned its palace, in fact Ferrante had numerous offspring like Carlo which increased its prestige. The Turks, after many battles, were finally forced to retreat into Otranto, where they defended themselves for a long time. The Turkish danger was, explicitly, the basis of the royal decision to adequately fortify Brindisi. When the Prince of Viana saw this display, he boarded a ship in Naples, abandoning his supporters, and fled to Sicily, with the Catalan barons who had not had fiefs in the kingdom from Alfonso. Unsuccessfully tried to thwart the alliance, potentially very dangerous for their Mediterranean interests 's. Ferrante of Naples however king ferdinand of naples death by eels with a new treaty averted the threat numerous... 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