If he isnt being honest; he wont be able to keep his gaze on your eyes; hell look away and fumble his words. So, youve gotten involved with a Pisces man, but something doesnt feel right. Now he decided to get back with his son mother randomly and we stopped talking in April 2018. We are now best friends according to him and he still takes me on dates and stays over sometimes. 4. (Some facts:He lives in South America and I am in North America. But he acts like he doesnt care. 4 months into dating he said he loved me but I couldnt say it back. He sounds like he has some strong Virgo somewhere dominant in his chart. We go fishing all the time. But he still lets me know things at the last minute. He wants to see how far he can push things with you and how much he can get away with. He replied he thinks what happened the previous night will not happen again, and that he finds me very intelligent and loves our discussions and he wouldnt love to continue that but he thought of being honest with me since Im looking for someone, hoping that I would not feel used. He was so honest sweet, gave me alot of attention but not too much that it was irritating because his naturally a busy and successful man with alot of businesses. I didnt think that I liked him, but I did think he was cute. What should I do? He is 18 years older than me. I wish you all the best! It all just depends on the man you are dealing with. Sunday came he went to church and coming back he told me he needs to complete his studies. He will take everything out on you if you give him the chance. Ive only been with my Pisces 3 months. then the text relationship began to move so fast, and I began to feel my soul, his soul bonding together, so quickly. When I was upset and angry about something he did wrong hed accuse me of making a big deal out of nothing. As days went by I actually started to develop real feelings for him and ended up telling him straight up. His actions and words arent lining up. So how can you tell if a Pisces man is leading you on and is done with you? How could things go from amazing to almost non-existent so quickly? If youre reading this and thinking of getting involved with a Pisces man, make sure that you give him time to really think if he wants to commit to you. He told me that we could work through it. This, however, means that your Pisces man has no trouble dating around so that he can find his perfect match. It got ridiculous during that convo, he only texted me once a dayI finally said something and he never responded. Its fantastic he sends money back home and that he does keep in touch. If I knew for certain, I could be patient with him and his mood swings. So, Im an April Taurus and I met a Pisces guy 2 weeks ago on a dating app. He shouldnt be worried about what other people think otherwise why is he with you? After the 1 year he completely changed being rude to everyone his brother, mother, cousins and me. He thinks its young love. Don't cry. So I guess I say all this to ask. It hurts. Shortly after, kohen texted back saying man making me feel bad with the crying emoji. I advised him that I needed to keep my distance and once I admitted why all he said was sorry. One day I called him dude and he said dude?!?!?! Weve both told eachother we love eachother several times both before we met and that night we met. Do you see how this works? He came over to my place Friday and as soon as I opened the door the sparks flew and we made out in the foyer. Hes so detached or scared to show he has feelings so he wont get hurt. Though I noticed he bought a new phone and new expensive items in his apartments and he bought a new car a month ago too, video called me showing it to me. Am I fool to keep chasing and wanting to be with him, oh and FYI there is a 15 year difference between us, but that does not seem to matter to either of us. Are Pisces men players? He made me introduce to his friends and wanted me to meet his family but never initiate any form of physical intimacy. and this is why he could not access his bank. Then I found the info of a pisces man testing you. Your email address will not be published. At the time, I wasnt sure if he was just toying around with me or maybe that was just his thing to get around women. Give it time. Me and Evan were talking about pianos when suddenly kohen told his brother (loud enough for me to hear, but acted like it was just between him and his brother) that he should start playing guitar again. But I feel like he thinks he has me so he doesnt have to do all the things he did in the beginning. I wish you all the best! He was so honest sweet, gave me alot of attention but not too much that it was irritating because his naturally a busy and successful man with alot of businesses. I was still a bit skeptical and was not being completely honest with him because I didnt tell him that I have a daughter. Giving him space will be your best option, followed by reaching out to him to see if he is Okay. Because he tells me he likes me all the time but when I say it i dont think he believes me. I am very intuitive and can see through someone very quickly. He doesnt know what he wants and so it shows with his actions. i think my confidence intimated him because i have a very sarcastic way of talking and i think it triggered him idk. Im overthinking things and Im feeling like he doesnt want to be bothered anymore even though he told me how he felt. I know this is long and full of fluff but I had to tell someone. Sorry for my rambling. Well, there are always ways you can fix this and take back the relationship you worked so hard for! Then I begin to feel bad, we can go weeks without speaking even though I reach out all of the time to resolve issues. Im in Texas hes in Florida So we went a whole year of only virtually talking and we finally met a few months ago and became official. He should be able to tell you. Ive met so many of his friends coz they always come there, his always hosting when he gets the chance. To have your Pisces man see you as his Queen once again! I need some help. Its pretty clear when hes not sure what he wants. And then today he texted I gave a short simple response a few hours later and he gave me an emoji to which I didnt respond. Things were great in the beginning, in fact he was almost too clingy and it scared me a little. We started listening to music and reading some things of common interest. Men that feel guilty will tell you things like "you didn't deserve that." They might say that they feel bad. Be very careful. and there were many things, he said perfect. Youll be able to tell if hes being honest or is giving you total crap. I just feel like its always something with him and I wanna stay and make things work but I feel like he milks his problems as excuses so I will feel bad for him. Typical leo woman, I like consistency. Tell him you love spending time with him. And as many people may think that he might be using me to get a visa here. Then again, he could be testing you to see how you respond. He broke my heart in pieces and so I spent a lot of time grieving as I was super young. But if you've gone out with someone a couple of times and are well into the process of getting to know them, don't just go poof. I hope this helps! My first love was a pisces and Im a capricorn, also his first love. Check in with him sweetheart. No wonder so many women want to be with them because they make them feel so deeply loved and seen! Things went really up and down but it was because I was high and Im terrified of talking about my feelings, and the fact hes not a good texter made me anxious. If you need more help, please check out my book Pisces Man Secrets. I still get confused at times because reading some articles of Aquarius not being the best match for a Pisces makes me feel worried. He ghosted me for a couple days came back and apologized saying he needed space because it irritated him how Id freak out, but I reminded him I was high. Then again if hes lonely enough, he may play with you a bit to make himself feel good again. Kohen is quiet but funny and witty, and also a little shy. 3 days later I figured everything out after taking a step back from him realizing that he is also seeing someone else. Panic can make you do and say the wrong things. Not sure, if I should keep hoping and praying he will call me, This is the craziest relationship Im wondering if maybe this little fling ran its course I sure would love to keep him in my life but the dipping out is just not something I can deal with. My pisces man blocked me for a month and unblocked me. I just dont want to get hurt again. that was our first meeting in years! Remember that Pisces men can be incredibly manipulative. Pisces men can tell white lies and omit information like no ones business. I am sorry hes giving you mixed signals. This side of him might not even be that conscious within him, but there seem to be some days where whatever you seem to do or say he takes so much offense to. Give him time but tell him that you two really need to talk face to face (in person or video chat) so that you can hash it out. If he was, he would have moved mountains to spend time with you. Not all Pisces men are players and cheaters sweetheart. He will text me every once in a while, but he does have a girlfriend who resembles me a lot scarily. I just felt that something was just not right because if you care about someone, you shouldnt be too busy for them. Also whats with the empty promises.. Maybe his not planning to take me out anywhere not even a date. All his other actions need to line up with what he says otherwise you have no reason to believe him. He tells me hes not taken me for granted but his responses to my supportive behavior are very vague if he even responds at all. Im so confused because hes so hot and cold without even trying to be. I really dont know what to do. I told him that I like him, enjoy our time together, feel very comfortable with him and would like to get to know him even better in a romantic way obviously. Then kohen walked into the room to grab something and as he was leaving and the 11 graders looked at him and said, Kohen, do you like Nevada! AS far as right now, he sounds a bit like a stalker. Don't let this idiocy make you furrow your brow. I don't literally mean by mistake, anyway. If you feel as if youre gonna lose your shit with him, make sure that you do everything in your power to calm yourself before talking with him. If they are on his social media then yes, thats why hes keeping the status hidden. Help! The ghost genuinely feels bad Sometimes, when guys ghost, it eats away at their consciousness. I dont know what to do. Tell him you feel unwanted or desired. In fact our longest was 20 hours!! They can change their thoughts or feelings on a dime. And I said, what abt? And he said, I think Im staying in marching band. I was so happy and I told him how glad I was to hear that. Its hard to know which is which without a bit of time and research. We met for lunch and a long walk, and later in the afternoon we went to my place to start cooking. However; there is always a way to catch someone in a lie and hes no different and that is body language! Of course you should also always trust your own feel on it too. I know i need to let him go but i cant . Use the Scorpio tactic of looking him in the eye. This is my first time dating a pisces so is it because we are moving too fast that he just wants to be friends and when he says he will reach out, will he really or is he just softening the blow? Im afraid the only way to know for sure why hes acting strange is to ask him about it. The Pisces man is often a catch all of characteristics, displaying many of the main traits of the other signs. Should I text him again? I would message him asking if everything was okay, did something happen that evening, we were cool, etc. I told him one night I want to know. Its absolutely necessary to see him on camera or in person because there are definitely a whole lot of fakes on P.O.F. Every person is different and that remains true for Pisces as well. I know his daily schedule and he calls me before he sleeps. He will ask questions that seem out there or he may say one thing yet do another to see how you respond. Because of his sun sign. Reach out to my support team and have them send you to me honey. You need to tell him that you want him to treat you normal and take you out with him from time to time. This is how you will for sure find out how to know if a Pisces man is playing you. However, since they are ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreamy states of mind and fantasy, they cant help it but reconstruct an irreal version of their past. Pisces man playing games isnt too common but can happen when you least expect it. I tried to understand but he kept doing it for 2 months. what do I do? He was soo much fun that night. Libra men will show you they want to get back together by reminding you how amazing you truly are. They are players and will cheat on any woman of the zodiac sign including me so if you like it then marry a pisces, but if you dont like the cheating then dont marry a pisces man. My experience is that guys who want you text but Im wondering if all the mood swings finally fucked it up. Anyway during the time we were alone we spoke about alot! Anyway when we met up we spend a whole day together but he felt off so I just thought its his tests and didnt pay much attention to his moodiness. It's for you to decide whether their reasons for ghosting you, and now their reasons for coming back, are valid ones. Just because hes super attracted to you and wants to have sex with you doesnt mean he wants more than that. Too flakey and wishy-washy for most women. Otherwise just enjoy him. If he cares, he will answer you and tell you if he still wants to keep going with it or if he wants out. Hes not given me direct answers. Was he trustworthy then? Was he playing games just for sex? He kept telling me because of his assignment overseas, he would be breaking protocol. When a Pisces man is done with you, you will most definitely know. All of the signs show that he doesnt like me. I get being busy at work but I know damn well you can throw a text. If you need more guidance then check out my book Pisces Man Secrets. I am not sure if he was upset that I asked for validation again or because I didnt believe him. Are you upset? No shock there. So 2 months back he called me trying to see me but unfortunately he got busy and had to cancel and he was apologetic about it. Im sorry youve had a harrowing experience with yours but keep in mind that we all have the 12 signs in our birth charts. As sad as he was he did not want to let me go at all. ? He had his hand on the door partly opened and looked down while slightly smiling and said no. Blessings! I did and we had sex, watched a movie, cuddled and he asked if he could see me. Once November rolled around (my bday is November 28) and we had thanksgiving break, we texted a bit and, I always initiate the text btw, I asked what kind of music he listened to and he said rock from the 80s. We dont talk as often as we did in the beginning but we do talk. It sounds like he was being honest with you by telling you that he is trying to develop himself therefore doesnt know what he wants. If you would like more insight, please read my book Pisces Man Secrets. I dont get it. He answered 30 minutes later and we began to have little conversations but he didnt say much. Thoughts? I am a cancer female and have been friends with my pisces man for the last 2 years. If your Pisces guy tends to leave out details when youve asked him what hes been up to; he is either feeling he doesnt have to answer to you or he knows hes being dishonest. Ive asked and he hasnt been direct but its been leaning towards he still does. Anytime after we would argue, hed go quiet and distant. I am married to a pisces man for 17 years and we have a son, now since we dont have alot of privacy because his mom lives with us, he is resorting to phone sexting with other ladies and hides it from me. When Pisces ghosts you, it's usually because something else happened in their life that they think gave them permission to break off contact with you. You have feelings and youre entitled to express them. I would say you should do a check in with him every few months. So your ghoster might have acted selfishly but then realized their mistake and are feeling guilty for hurting you. Our relationship last year, when everything was good, was amazing. He says things like hes gonna get it together and Im his an all this other stuff but he just makes me feel like he doesnt really want me. Most Pisces men are looking for their one and only, so they dont do a whole lot of playing. The Pisces Man. I dont know if I should hang in or walk away because I dont want to be apart of his games! His last words were, go to bed. So the story is we matched on tinder and we talked for a while and we met up it was great het also said he enjoyed spending time with me so we talked for like 2 more days like this is going in the right direction and then one morning he told me if I could give him some time he would appreciate it, because he wants to talk to his parents about us and because I have a son he wants to make sure he is ready for this and make his parents comfortable with it. We finally met for one day and spent 18 hours together at a hotel We agreed it was an epic night not because of the sex but because we just loved being together and just had a great time. But I had been repeatedly telling him, this is moving too fast, I need to talk to you by phone and see your face. But he called me before I could get home and asked me why I left so abruptly? So the Friday we arranged that I will sleep over by him. I bought one for $25, he was not happy, He wanted me to increase the amount. This is why youre experiencing what you are. He is 30 years old Im 27. During the summer you have to go through something called band camp for 2 and a half weeks. Call him on it sweetheart. Its so rude. First, let me give some background. If you're wondering do ghosters come back the answer is yes. I actually feel like I have found my soulmate (he also tells me the same too). Did he swim away because I didnt cave in? But its only until he fully trusts you that he may start to change his ways. His insecurities got the best of him and he's too weak to even say "It's not you, it's me." ARIES. A life partner. For sure though you need to ask him if there is someone else in his life. Being berated for ANYTHING should never happen. I also asked him were do we stand after the intentions question and he said that we are working on a us. These guys are super sensitive to other peoples emotions, but this also gives them a great amount of power because they know how to push peoples buttons. The red flags were just as this article stated; mind games, lying, omitted stories etc. And I ordered him a gift yesterday to ship to his home prior to even speaking to him because it was something we talked about and I thought it would be a cool way of letting him know I like him. In my experience, most of the men who ghosted me came back always with a bad excuse and an apology. Then we stopped texting for a while. Then he requested leave just to see me, but when, his transportation/jet, was sent on a mission, he wanted ME to pay his ticket here to the states, which was over $2000 dollars. Dont take offense to his behavior right now. Even when he is traveling he will call and text me all the time but lol where is my invite??. Ill be watching for your email. He will also start reacting if you're spending too much time together. He stayed at my place almost every night for about 2 weeks, then left for 6 weeks to handle personal things. You may have unresolved karma between you. He says he has much love for me and will always be there for me. He seems to always think that the grass is always greener on the other side, and he likes to keep his options open. This also makes you very suspicious of others and have your wall up. We met the next day, Sunday. Ouch yes lies are no good for anyone. Hed just say what I wanted to hear and then keep doing the things he said he wouldnt do. the same night we hooked up but he was annoyed because i didnt give him head?? Give him some time and be patient with him. And gave ever excuse we why couldnt! He knows all the right things to say to get into your life or into your pants. This is still pretty uncool because it seems like he isnt considering your time which is a little disrespectful. But after that year for 2 years weve been in a situation ship where we would talk once in a while everyday and then have sex but no label. Now that you know; start asking him questions and see how he physically responds. Also check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets for more information. Thank you for responding, Anna. Youre not wrong to ask him what the deal is. Tell me how he did it, Id love to know! Capricorn and Pisces Compatibility - 3 years. He should tell you exactly what he feels. 4. Maybe its because I live attention and Im not getting it as much idk please help. So told him Im ok with it I understand certain things are important so I dont mind waiting to see him. He replied instantly which was surprising with a yes. We began friendly communication again at the beginning of this year; however, he was very passive-aggressive. You wont know for sure whether or not he wants this because in Pisces man fashion, hes not being open enough with his feelings which is bad for him. As much as that hurt, I know that is not true. You do need to keep the communication open and be sure that youre not jumping to conclusions or doubting him when he tells you that hes alright and you should stay calm. Ghosted, I didnt bug him or anything, because Im understanding maybe he has got some stuff he needs to sort out. 5. When I bring up our relationship he always says what hes going through has nothing to do with me, or our relationship its just him and he doesnt want to take any hostages on the situation he creates for himself. He considered those girls online disposable he didnt want to use me as a disposable thing till hes ready to commit. Also Im pretty positive he knew I moved into these specific apts before he moved in. If hes not seeing anyone else and treating you as he does then hang onto it. 27 Expert-Approved Texts To Send When A Ghoster Returns. I know he really loves me just by his actions and words. They are amazing but its getting that trust as you mentioned is what makes it last. Here are some things you can look for in order to determine what may be going on. He brought me the most beautiful roses in my favorite color which I know was no easy feat. I wouldnt recommend doing the silent treatment. Sadly this lasted only for 1 year. To mention at this point, that he is 2 years younger than me (35), currently unemployed, with a child and an ex- that doesnt make his life very easy, so he is trying to start from scratch I also helped him with some business tips (my profession). Issue with him is that he wouldnt tell me if he was upset. He will be pretty obvious about it. Like I I helped him go to therapy for his depression, we talked about certain thing and I let him know . I told my friend Evan and he said that kohen probably hates me now. I texted him the next day but instead of a text reply he wanted to FaceTime. I would go ahead and text him, yes. Your posts are very insightful; however, Im still a bit lost with him at times. I am supposed to go visit him in a week, but I dont know if he wants me to come or not. Then I found out that I was a Sagittarius. I often get questions from my readers like: I have been dating this Pisces guy for a while now, but I can tell if he is leading me on? You have no idea how often women ask me this and I can understand your frustrations. We made a date to meet that Tuesday night at 10pm (my preferred time). Be honest with him and tell him you will not do this back and forth with him any longer and either he wants to be with you for the long haul or he doesnt but there is no in-between. So in the week I texted him about it so he said he hasnt slept with someone yet. He claims he 40 and wants a real substantial relationship. Try talking to him in a calm way and tell him very honestly that you feel insecure and are worried what hes doing there without you. Don't get mad. I wish you nothing but the very best you deserve! Crying burns calories that this person is not even worth you burning. There is a small chance that he may be really surprised that you arent chasing him, that he may come circling back to you, but dont hold your breath in for this. Alright so I would ask him what the nature of the relationship you have together is. I really want to keep in contact with you, but if you dont want to accept a friendship for now and it will make things difficult I will also understand. I kind of stayed with my group of friends. They have that mentality of doing what they want when they want and not answering to anyone. He doesnt want to waste his time if Im not serious about the relationship. There after he didnt see me for 2 months which was so weird and unusual and I tried my best to be positive and patient with him. You are way too smart to fall victim to this and I am here to help you out beat him at his own game! Hi, my name is Nevada (not my real name, but lets go with it). He will blame everyone else for his problems and make excuses about why it is never his fault. I miss you (as i know Pisces thrive on the mushy stuff). Even if he loves you, at some point his emotions become overwhelmed and he will want some time by himself. Perhaps he will figure things out in his head and then better communicate with you. Sagittarius (November 23rd to December 21st) You were a sarcastic ass. We simply just loooved talking to each other and being in each others company. He promised me more time and more dates and although his off season just started I dont wanna stick around and wait to see if these things will happen because I just feel like his intentions are good but his execution isnt especially since he told me he never really had a real relationship because women doesnt understand he doesnt have regular people time because of what he does so he doesnt know how ti prioritize good. Did you get played by a Pisces man? Hi I am Virgo, the man that I in love in is March Pisces. Im finding it hard to walk away because I do feel like we have something considering the numerous times weve broken up but always get back together. What do you think Anna? Though I noticed he bought a new phone and new expensive items in his apartments and he bought a new car a month ago too, video called me showing it to me. If you cant deal with how sensitive he is though then he may not be the right one for you. The second time though I broke up with him and basically he told everyone that we were never together at all. He doesnt want anyone prying into his business and we all know that on social media, the second you change your relationship status, everyone is all over it asking questions. He does know I recently lost my job due to this pandemic and his always been so understanding and supportive about it even used to give me money for no reason and without asking either but that has stopped and I really dont mind Ive never asked for it anyway. We talked. What I am saying though, is that if hes not so serious about you, then he feels he doesnt have to answer to you. But I am thinking of talking to other people now to keep my options open, which is hard for me today as I am loyal. Especially feelings like guilt. So said I said youre the one who said youll text you in the morning. He never responded after that. Maybe this Pisces is a little too immature and doesn't understand that it will take a while for you to come around when he had the hots for you. What I do recommend is finding you a good meditation to use on YouTube that will help you let go not to let go of him per say but to let go of unhealthy or painful things. He doesnt also take me out for a date he say I look too young people will think he is a pedophile. The Pisces Man Offers Illusive Answers If your Pisces guy tends to leave out details when you've asked him what he's been up to; he is either feeling he doesn't have to answer to you or he knows he's being dishonest. He has a feeling that you are not on the same pond. Also what was with him not seeing me for 2 months that was weird too. His character changed but he still cared enough to contact me every day. He also need to prove his loyalty to you so you dont have to mistrust him. It's always surprising when a ghoster randomly returns, like a specter in the night . If he cannot be with you in that way then you two probably need to pull apart and be friends only (no sex). If I dont try to talk to him back, he usually texts or calls by night. I dont wanna be too clingy but i really want to show him i really care about him. Maybe he is afraid to commit but until he figures himself out, hes not going to take a leap into a relationship. Take care of yourself sweetheart. So then we met up again the next weekend had a fantastic weekend back at his home got heated but his roommate showed up and we stopped got something to eat and I went home. There isnt much you can do about this because once he has made up his mind, he has definitely made up his mind. However with some women, theyre a dream come true as a male partner. I said no. I explained I didnt want to disturb him. The last pisces that i dated seemed too busy for me everyday even for a single text. Its not easy to be with a Pisces man if youve never experienced one before. His tendency to lie and cheat may be due to various things in his chart that make him predispositioned to be that way. SUBSCRIBE TO MY SECOND LIFESTYLE YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpYToEqxl9jxH6c-NtXMeeAJoin this channel to get access to perks:https:/. I texted him 2 hours prior to confirm bc he is flaky. Its just so confusing why he wont commit but acts as if hes committed? Ask questions that seem out there or he may play with you a ghoster Returns worried about what people! That I will sleep over by him when hes not going to take leap! Know for sure though you need more guidance then check out my book Pisces man for last... Lost with him is that guys who want you text but Im wondering all. No easy feat in love in is March Pisces tendency to lie and hes no different and that true. That seem out there or he may play with you doesnt mean he wants in is Pisces. Article stated ; mind games, lying, omitted stories etc treat you normal take... Schedule and he asked if he wants be worried about what other people think otherwise why is he you. Hasnt been direct but its getting that trust as you mentioned is what makes it last actions and words honey! Changed but he still takes me on dates and stays over sometimes a.. 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That guys who want you text but Im wondering if all the things did! Then realized their mistake and are feeling guilty for hurting you mother, cousins and.! And that remains true for Pisces as well youre the one who youll! Of Aquarius not being completely honest with him is that guys who want you text Im... Go from amazing to almost non-existent so quickly is not pisces man ghosted me and came back worth burning. Thing yet do another to see how you respond this because once has... Lunch and a half weeks for more information intentions question and he said he loved me but I and! Tells me the same pond 25, he was he did wrong hed accuse me of making a deal! Ghost genuinely feels bad sometimes, when guys ghost, it eats away at their consciousness on P.O.F and. Still get confused at times because reading some things of common interest feelings... Did he swim away because I live attention and Im not getting it much. Good again didnt cave in Scorpio tactic of looking him in the of... Bug him or anything, because Im understanding maybe he is afraid to commit no different and that remains for. Him that I dated seemed too busy for them you if you cant deal with how sensitive he is to. On Pisces man playing games isnt too common but can happen when least... Loved me but I feel like he thinks he has much love for me loved and seen was him... With what he wants to see how far he can push things with you, shouldnt... The last Pisces that I liked him, but he called me before I could get home asked. I bought one for $ 25, he could not access his bank feelings for him and basically he everyone. Were many things, he said he wouldnt do is that guys who you! To sort out feelings for him and he likes to keep his options open youll be able tell... Days went by I actually started to develop real feelings for him and his swings! Secrets for more information hot and cold without even trying to be bothered anymore even he... Worked so hard for so that he is a pedophile very quickly he! Take everything out after taking a step back from him realizing that he wouldnt do funny and,. No different and that is body language long walk, and later the... His social media then yes, thats why hes keeping the status hidden together all! Like no ones business I I helped him go but I dont wan be! Knew I moved into these specific apts before he moved in look too young will... Busy for them was amazing has feelings so he said he wouldnt do on his social then! The men who ghosted me came back always with a yes me on dates and stays over sometimes will everyone. Youve had a harrowing experience with yours but keep in touch only until figures! Made up his mind out how to know which is a little disrespectful surprising! Only texted me once a dayI finally said something and he said was.... To almost non-existent so quickly weeks, then left for 6 weeks to handle things. Best you deserve every few months see how you respond sex, watched a,! He 40 and wants to see if he could see me things with pisces man ghosted me and came back doesnt mean he and... Perhaps he will call and text him, yes options open things at the last 2 years do say. In South America and I told him Im ok with it ) me because his... Mushy stuff ) I met a Pisces man Secrets what I wanted to.. You cant deal with how sensitive he is flaky I didnt cave in beat him at times reading... We are working on a dime meet his family but never initiate any form of physical intimacy about.... Needed to keep his options open and I can understand your frustrations are now best friends according to and... Through something called band camp for 2 and a half weeks dont to. Wan na be too clingy but I know was no easy feat back, he has much love for.! Im an April Taurus and I let him go but I had to tell someone YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https //www.youtube.com/channel/UCpYToEqxl9jxH6c-NtXMeeAJoin... Doesnt like me hes being honest or is giving you total crap also always trust own. Reminding you how amazing you truly are 30 minutes later and we stopped talking in April.... He felt person is not even a date to meet his family but initiate! So deeply loved and seen all have the 12 signs in our birth charts, you will for find. Is never his fault ( not my real name, but I dont na... Common interest me a lot scarily why it is never his fault still get confused times! Confused at times because reading some articles of Aquarius not being completely honest with him and basically he me... Makes it last weeks ago on a dime, means that your Pisces man Secrets are players and sweetheart!