Over the past century our sacred lands have been defiled, our culture has been dishonored, our people have been restrained from visiting ancestral burial grounds and the tombs of our ancestors, our very waters have been redirected and our soil polluted by those who do not have rights of ownership of our native land. U.N. will utilize a handson approach for us to monitor your misrepresentations. Nothing. All Polynesian languages were once a single language spoken in a single place. Ive been told when the child is adopted the child is removed from the biological line and takes on a new identity removing the child once. How would you ever reallocate fairly? debra kekaualua. Hawaiis future does not lie in archaic and bumbling demagoguery. OHA). And you take the Atooi followers to task by stating On the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi website, it is claimed that Atooi is translated in the native language to mean Light of God but this is not correct because Atooi is not a Hawaiian word You are correct, but is there an alternative point of view? I am all for Hawaii being Sovereign, and I think it is possible. Hawaii is sovereign. Share to Facebook. Dumb ass! Thief!! Yes im very glad that people will take the time to research, a lot of misleading with this self proclaim movement. The assaulted a couple of OHA staff, harassed and intimidated others, announcing that they were there to seize assets. Akua bless all of you, be patient and keep your dignity. News reports did not indicate whether or not Gonzalves was part of the occupying group. Waiting for your answer. is not representative of his statements nor the recognition as an Alii Nui. ( for the lack of Hawaiian swear words). United Nations do not designate any group to a national status nor participated with We respectfully request your kind understanding and assistance to apply the rules of law, in righting the wrong that has been perpetrated on the people of our island nation. I think I need to read a LOT before I comment too much, but: You ask about my evidence on several occasions. 99% of all hoalies (non indigenous caucasians, asians, etc) have ZERO affiliation with the overthrow of Hawaii by the US. Hawaiians have usually stood aside, not supporting but not publicly disclaiming actions by the various pretenders to the throne. what the commercial says in reference to U.S. Public law annual meeting at the U.N.to use their webcast purporting U.N. is aware of his podium, A ole. The Ali`i Nui Aleka Aipoalani currently reins over the Kingdom on the west side of Kauai, which is one of the most sacred and royal areas of the Hawaiian islands. Ad taking over Kauai by Hawaiians today would be the most Hawaiian thing that has been done in Hawaii since it was overthrown. Most of us at one time or another has become associated with one or more of the sovereignty groups. Though I do practice and understand if you believe in something whole heartedly to put everything youve got into it! The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi is led by Dayne Aleka Gonsalves of Kekaha, also known as Alii Nui (king) Aleka Aipoalani. They most definately dont! If he is a placement of the U.S. to confuse and divide our people then just maybe he is guilty of War Crimes. a stand for our Hawaiian Kingdom! Thats that. Combining Hawaiians and Samoans alltogether as Polynesians. have it or they dont. News media initially had trouble reporting the event because they seemed reluctant to characterize the Kingdom of Atooi as a product of Gonzalves imagination. If the H K was never extinguish Are we living in the H K today?? On the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi website, it is claimed that "Atooi" is translated in the native language to mean "Light of God," but this is not correct because "Atooi" is not a Hawaiian word, but rather a British version of a Hawaiian word spelled using British phonics. Eh, give the people back their money! His exchange rate is: watch the coin, listen to me and Ill separate your hard earned cash from you! Learn how your comment data is processed. Why not leave land ownership as is and charge a tax based on value of land or revenue derived from the land, where the money is used to directly benefit Hawaiians much more than today. Apologies. Brother Keanu. shows everyone. The so-called Kingdom of Atooi is controlled by Dayne Gonzalves of Kekaha, a small community on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. He refused. i will surport the hawaiian kingdom with DR. KEANU SAI. This article seems rather nonsensical. Hawaiian activist and advocate Trisha Kehaulani Watson agreed. Just for the record I know Keanu Sai and Donald Lewis from years back, it was I who held onto the Rose n Crown for many years and when I first showed it to them back when both said; Akua bless n direct you now go find the Alii Nui, good luck. Your attention to, and compliance with this important legal matter is greatly appreciated. Kanaka remain subjects of its independent nation state. We should be the first to call out acts that cross lines that should not be crossed, even when our ideas and strategies differ, and especially when they include physical violence.. On the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi website, it is claimed that "Atooi" is translated in the native language to mean "Light of God," but this is not correct because "Atooi" is not a Hawaiian word, but rather a British version of a Hawaiian word spelled using British phonics. We are all controlled by a few powerful people in every country. Oh yeah, he has that one shiny silver coin that he While answering questions by people there witnessing this fiasco, I was totally embarrassed for him. So we puttin this clown on check. The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi was launched last year when it claimed to have formed a new government for French Polynesia. Dont talk about it in any negative way or about anyone involved, for you will be held responsible for what you say as well. Especially that question if there is a treaty of annexation! And Americanization of the language for us now is makou wahi. The purpose for this posting was in no way intended to ridicule but rather to clarify misinformation and to provide historical context. We are left to wonder if the events of last week had occurred at any other government agency, would the response by authorities have been the same.. Its very sad so many of our people were led to believe the opala pertaining to this group and many others! And the uneducated wants us Hawaiians A. He guided us through his kingdom on two islands, explained what his plans were, and how he plans to fight Washington. GOD PLEASE BLESS OUR PEOPLE WITH EYES TO SEE, EARS TO HEAR, HEARTS AND MINDS THAT DISCERN BETWEEN TRUTH AND ERROR. Either they What makes it more remarkable is that Hawaiians could not only read and write the English language they also read and write in Hawaiian. Kind of scary to lose homes. For this copy-right-now-space/copy-claim of the Crown of the Mauri Nation website/documents/authority/performance is with the perpetuity by the creators, authors, claimants, Crown of the Mauri Nation Executive Royal Principals. If you ever heard him speak chances are you heard him say: I no read books (Red flag #1). Misinformation is prevalent in our society today and decisions by persons whether here or abroad should be based upon accurate information that can be falsified, especially in light of the profound legal ramifications that stems from an illegal and prolonged occupation. It is very apparent that those hu ridicule and complain about it, and its practitioners are clearly maa to the U.S.s laws, customs, and propoganda!!! Im sure others have expressed these concerns more articulately than I can. The men were dressed in red or black t-shirts identifying them as federal marshalls, most also displaying badges. He has a road map on his face, probably Time will not allow the U.S. to skip over the Can I use it to purchase bread and milk? His answer oh dis is kala, dis foa da nex an da nex an da nex genaration That was his SAME answer to like 4 or 5 different questions. ), police arrested four men for misdemeanor assault, and one for suspicion of harassment. We already get our answer. Youre against an Independent Hawaiian Kingdom. Video by Cindy Ellen Russell. Nope no money..just Akua!..ATOOI O IOOTA..YOU ALREADY KNOW ..LOL U GUYS FUNNIE. (Including u.s. sanctioned ones i.e. Im sure Bernie Madoff was very good at what he did if not Just like Hawaiians, everyone else will learn to survive. To top things off, this pakalolo prince thinks he can effectively rule a country in his hazy state of mind, double dumb ass!! I mean no disrespect to the Aipolani family but those people have my bloodline. What they are in essence doing, is disgracing and working against the wishes of their Kupuna. On Jan. 17, 1893, the reigning monarch of Hawaii, Queen Liliuokalani, surrendered the nation under duress and written protest, in order to avoid death and unnecessary bloodshed among her people. Knowing these facts would if suffice to say that by 1840 Hawaiians understood the laws and politics in their country? 779 Followers, 86 Following, 187 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from POLYNESIAN KINGDOM OF ATOOI (@atooi_nation) atooi_nation. And, my message to you is Bring it On.. Hawaiian rulers were just as bad as other rulers around the world that oppressed and enslaved their people. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Everybody like HAKA HAKA!! If you noticed the pattern of the U.S. where the CIA was involved with the murder of a boarder agent who in his line of duty was preventing illegal aliens and drugs from entering the U.S. it would indicate that the U.S. government is against drugs in the public eye, but in reality they are really in favor of controlling the general population through substance abuse both by illegal and prescriptive means! The so-called "Kingdom of Atooi" is controlled by Dayne Gonzalves of Kekaha, a small community on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. http://kanaiolowalu.org/news/ Mahalo Keanu for all the information that has been put out by you with verifications. I suppose you are correct! You are going down. Enough of this weak-knee nonsense. Everyone else claiming any rights to any land must have good title. their names on that 1897 Kue Petition! President Cleveland appointed the former Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, James Blount, as a Special Envoy to Hawaii. HISTORY TIMELINE Before 1840s: The Polynesian Kingdom of Hawaii is the ancestrial name of the current state of Hawaii. It simply gives Native Hawaiians the opportunity to have some land and self governance in the meantime, as America appears to be wholly unwilling to cooperate with international laws regarding illegal occupation, annexation and overthrows of independent sovereign nations and peoples. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Then fight for it with a passion! While I agree that the language spoken today may be somewhat different from that of pre-missionary arrival, it should not be looked down upon as being wrong. I know a few Hawaiians whove drained retirements & emptied bank accounts in the name of these make believe kingdoms & unjust organizations and received nothing but a few shirts, stickers & a useless ID card. Color of skin does not define us. Watched a video of this guy (Aipolani) at the United Nations Headquarters. This independent island nation will be called the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi. POLYNESIAN KINGDOM OF ATOOI UN recognized Sovereign Nation . Wouldnt an involuntary participation with either This point is a straightforward, thoroughly documented legal matter with numerous precedents. The Organic Act of 1900 created the Territory of Hawaii and mistakenly referenced our homeland as the Island of Kauai. This correct designation of Atooi confirms the later fraudulent creation of the name of our homeland as Kauai, but this was an ascribed name to our independent island nation. Pilikia NUI!! If youre gonna cause confusion then youre a crab yourself. His report to the President, dated July 17, 1893, claimed the United States had improperly backed the takeover and been responsible for its success. We can hope. I question their integrity, I question their logic and I question their complete lack of leadership and the negative precedent that this sets for the Hawaiian community, she said. it is a very Hawaiian thing. Thank you Anu for providing a place for all of us to share our manao and get information for greater clarity. Please enter the email address associated with your User account. This action is supported by international law and the United States Constitution. President Cleveland decried the Federal Governments involvement in the coup and the creation of a Provisional Government by the wealthy landowners who usurped the Monarchys power. 639 Followers, 3,084 Following, 151 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi/HK (@pkoahk) pkoahk. It is the year 2012 and the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi (PKOA) is finally recognized by the United Nations as an indigenous sovereign nation. Wasnt Dane adopted? Hawaiians are no different that Hoalies or or any other Humans. We respectfully request your prompt response within 10 days of receipt of this letter and declaration. The Queen listened to the people and their distaste for the illegitimate 1887 Bayonet constitution and made plans to write a new Constitution. I dont say just as natives but across the board, Sai explained. him!! people never directly relinquished their claims to their inherent Itll take every last one of us like-minded peoples to educate that same world, spread the truth and engage as many other peoples as possible. thats very obviously the case, which was caused to be so by manipulative entitled white supremacists like Dole and wholly corrupt Manifest Destiny bigots in the US Government who had just finished rounding up and executing most of the Native Americans. As Governor of the State of Hawaii, we expect that you will be directly involved in this matter and we hope to work with you in a cordial and cooperative manner. T in place of K is well documented as being a dialect of Hawaiian in several locations throughout Hawaii at the time of discovery. It all started 100 years earlier when a group of mostly American businessmen led a paramilitary coup to overthrow Queen Liliuokalani. exchange ideas in the forums and caucuses with other NGO groups held at the U.N. annually. Three years ago, another self-styled king in Tahiti, Athanase Teiri, was given a jail sentence for . Although you I dont really have the ability to become an expert on any of this stuff as it is a lot of information. learning about the actual history of Hawaii, screw The Island of Kauai will once again become the free and independent Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi (the Light of God in our native language), as a self-governing entity and sovereign nation. I just want to say that it was the English (or British as you state) who heard it first and placed in on their maps. Personal feelings and beliefs of you and Hawaiians are irrelevant. Ae, lokepa, read through them all a well, and it saddens me to see our people so divided and fighting with each otherfor who is without sin, let him cast the first stone. The 9 Polynesian Islands are Rapa Nui, Fiji, Roratonga, Mangai,a, Tuvalu, Samoa, Rurutu,Tuamotu and Tonga. But so is awapuhi Pake, and other haole laau that we use! I think an issue is how each part of Polynesia had been affected differently by European contact. They were quickly released on $100 bail each. So,lets clarify his info. News reports did not indicate whether or not Gonzalves was part of the occupying group. U,N, accepted a standard application from PKOA. The Kealohas are facing federal, not state prosecution. There are so many groups with I get the bank account, I get the money, the license plate, I get the alii line and numerous other innuendos. I encourage everyone to find their aloha. That is not true. Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for POLYNESIAN KINGDOM OF ATOOI LIMITED of Auckland, AUCKLAND. Now what are you going to do about it besides hurl insults and cry about so and so who conquered it and such and such a time? There are probably other schemes as well. For more information or a membership form, contact: phone: (808) 482-1050 mail: PO Box 50596, Eleele, HI 96705 email: polynesiankingdomofatooi@yahoo.com To learn more about the Kingdom of Atooi, check out the articles below: On the Kingdom of Atooi There are a lot of them I know, before 1992 I was straddling the fence going to all kinds of meetings and trying to learn more. I think that you stated it very well, but I think you should extend your compassion to more than just Kanaka Maoli. Then I met Dr Sai and I saw and know that he only shared with us the facts as they now stand and have been standing for the last 121 years. A verification code will be sent to you. the 4th of July? God damn, stop being a Daneand a crab to our people and become aware. He wants to restore Crown Lands to the monarchy under one king: himself. Yah-mon, got plenty there for the whole family mon! As fo da pakalolo references UFA KEFE!! into believing something to be true of the Hawaiian Kingdom 1915(e)(2) Implies occupation over a nation of people not limited to race. So remember who the thief is and no foget he has no rights here. certain race of people from all over the world to The operative word here is preposterous. However, if you believe that the Hawaiian Kingdom still exists and that Hawaii is not part of the United States, then it follows that federal courts have no jurisdiction. He was not a part of the coup and unlawful occupation, nor did he support it. Or in cowardly appeasement. Maybe something like that? Did my Genealogy and Dane is not of the Nakapaahu line of Waimea Koloa. Gonzalves Atooi is, of course, just one of perhaps a dozen similar groups with self-appointed but charismatic leaders claiming in recent years to represent the long-gone Kingdom of Hawaii, which in practical terms disappeared with the overthrow of the monarchy in 1893. To bad I didnt do my research before getting the ID and giving them $25. We believe the current situation to be restrictive to our people, destructive to our land and culture, which has imposed undue and unjust hardships, constraints, and taxation on the people of Atooi. When the rightful owner is clearly established, it becomes imperative that the stolen property goes back to the offended party, free and clear. Dayne gonsalves is who he says he is!! When Hawaiians assert that white people took their Kingdom, they simply turn people like me off from listening, because 99.999% of white people had nothing to do with taking over Hawaii. Hahahaha he did make mention about the FBI, DEA and all them other groups BUT!!! 103-150, which accurately state: the indigenous Hawaiian (Red flag #4) I think he may be a U.S. plant, assigned to confuse, as he claims the FBI opened an office in Kauai for his protection; from what? Its wonderful to see more people joining in the conversation re: the health and strength of the people of the Hawaiian Kingdom and those Nations who are claiming the right to the Kingdom. All people have have at times oppressed, killed and taken from others including Hawaiians. he wouldnt have gotten so much media attention, but I dont The Alii nui of the Polynesian kingdom of atooi! If he was Pono, I wouldnt blast his ass, but to see Business Insider spent more than a week in Hawaii with Aipoalani, also known as Ali`i Nui Aleka Aipoalani. Your username will be emailed to the email address on file. our nation of people!! Aole u really like one pothead as one leader? Aloha kanaka. 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