A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions or lack of action by Sanctuary, its own staff, or those acting on its behalf, affecting an individual resident or group of residents. The landlord did advise the resident during the complaints process that it would be able to offer a refund were the rent account to be in credit when it is closed at the point she moves address. When this happens, we want to know about it so that we can put things right. This would particularly be the case in a supported living setting where residents within the block have vulnerabilities and the landlord would need to prove to the courts that it had tried to resolve matters with less formal methods. Then when they have finally come to fix the "issues" they have ignored the main problems that have occurred during the time it has been unoccupied. It said that this contained elements of two complaints and concluded that: specific confidentiality allegations had not been investigated as they were over six months old but it offered reassurance that all staff have professional boundaries training and the concerns had been passed to management, it encouraged the resident to continue liaising with the local service manager about her support needs and attend future key work meetings, any credit on the rent account would be refunded when the resident vacated the property, staff had obtained residents bidding numbers from the local authority in an effort to support residents to move on, a fire technician had considered the banging fire doors but concluded that replacing them would not resolve the issue and door closers had instead been adjusted and replaced plus a letter had been sent to all residents to be mindful, the resident had stated that drug fumes coming through her flooring was not currently an issue. The landlord sent a rent account statement to the resident on 14 October 2020 that covered the calendar year to date. Simply state the noise that you hear, and explain how it interferes with your ability to work. WebWhen you make a complaint, we will: Acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days. Good morning, sorry to read about the experience you've had. But you need to work. You have the right to live in peace easier said than done in an apartment building where everyones cooped up for the winter. All Rights Reserved. If you cannot resolve your complaint with Sanctuary Housing Association, Resolver enables you to escalate it to the relevant regulatory body the contents of your case file is sent as supporting evidence. However, landlords tend not to be strong advocates for tenants with noise complaints directed at neighbors. Asbestos is a product containing microscopic fibres which can damage the lungs of anyone breathing it in. Do you agree with Sanctuary's TrustScore? By providing you with all the tools and contact details needed to raise and manage your complaint, we put you firmly in control of your issue. I wouldnt bother to pay the prices for the housing! What am I supposed to do? The landlord replied to the resident on 29 January 2021. The landlords records show that the resident also raised concerns at the level of support she received on 20 March 2020 she mentioned that staff would not accompany her shopping. Registered Society No. Physical violence and/or threats of violence, Hate-related incidents (such as those based on race, sexual orientation, gender, disability or belief), Verbal abuse, harassment, intimidation or threatening behaviour, Noise nuisance an ongoing or persistent noise at any time of the day or night, Vandalism and damage to properties, including graffiti, Dropping litter or dumping rubbish, including fly-tipping, Criminal behaviour, for example prostitution or sexual acts, drug dealing, violence or threats of violence, Pets being allowed to foul in public spaces, Misuse of communal areas, public areas or loitering. If after investigation we are unable to deal with the problem, you may be able to take action under Section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. To complain about the council, go to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. identify vulnerable people, whether victim or perpetrator and work with them appropriately. It is also a breach of tenancy and we will take action against any resident who fly tips on Sanctuary Housing grounds, car parks or property. Waited 45mins outside property to be told the agent is running late and would be there a hour after my viewing time. View Sanctuary Housing Association complaints contact details. If your neighbour is noisy or stops you feeling comfortable, try to discuss it with them if you can. Consumer guides, newsletters, surveys and more! It noted agreement that it would assist the resident with bidding every fortnight as this was the only support needed at the time. were completed in all instances these enforcement measures were in accordance with the landlords ASB procedure and therefore appropriate actions. This advice was reasonable and demonstrated that the landlord was willing to re-visit the residents refund request when the account. ), You may have better luck reasoning with your neighbors directly. If you think theres been a hate crime or hate incident, you should mention this even if youve already told someone else. All Rights Reserved. Some walls are thinner than others. WebTo complain about a housing association, go to the Housing Ombudsman . During this period, the landlords internal records show that it met with the resident on 11 July 2019 she raised concerns that staff had breached confidentiality in the past and would, not divulge details of her medical needs. Liverpool L33 7WQ. Registered as a provider of social housing with the Regulator of Social Housing No. Ifyou are unhappy with our response and we have closed your complaint, you have the right to escalate your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman Service, an independent body that looks into how landlords have handled complaints. 19059R. Chamber Court, Castle Street You can also contact us through any of the ways explained in Contact Us, including by phone to our Customer Service Centre. For example, take a photo of rubbish thats been dumped in your garden. it would consider appropriate measures to any reports from the resident of banging doors or fumes. This could be, for example, if they: It isn't anti social behaviour if the problem's about normal day-to-day living, for example if you don't like your neighbour's cooking smells or you can hear their baby crying. Its quicker to talk face to face - but you can write, text or call if thats easier. Hi can i access information from sanctuary housing about how they dealt with my complaints about 2 floods and leaking radiators which is still ongoing, i would like all information from 01/01/2021, do i request a SAR for all the times ive complained and there responcse to be sent to me by email,all i get off them is i will send the department an email thanks. A SORN vehicle without valid insurance may only be kept on a private driveway or in a garage. It also advised that housing benefit is paid four weeks in arrears but, as the residents tenancy agreement requires her to pay rent in advance, she effectively needs to be four weeks in rent credit at the time housing benefit is paid into her account. We review our compliance with the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code annually with of our Complaints Community of Interest Group. WebCivic disputes between neighbours (such as boundary issues or shared driveways) Day to day living noises such as: Footsteps in a neighbouring property Children playing It also recorded that the resident did not advise which member(s) of staff had breached confidentiality. The rent collection and payment team. However, we understand there may be times when you may not feel comfortable speaking directly to someone to try to resolve an issue. To complain about a housing association, go to the Housing Ombudsman. The resident made a further report of cigarette smoke on 6 October 2020. WebThey dont do nothing my neighbours play music till early hours in the morning and my other neighbour dumps my rubbish round the estate and all sanctuary say is ring up and make She complained that: two neighbours had caused anti-social behaviour by loudly knocking on another neighbours door and all three had caused noise nuisance with loud banging, shouting and conversations during the night that meant she had not been able to sleep and it had taken the landlord 18 months to evict one of the neighbours (in early 2020), she had heard staff making inappropriate comments about her mental health and her former partners drug use, was concerned that they had breached confidentiality by discussing her circumstances in front of third parties and alleged that they had encouraged her to lie, she felt unable to access support from staff as she felt intimated by them, there was a constant, ongoing problem with the site smelling of drugs which she had reported to the landlord but they had taken no actions (she provided more details on this on 7 October 2020 when she advised of cigarette smells entering her home), she reported lockdown breaches by her neighbour but the landlord did not act on these for six weeks until an advocate assisted, her rent account was overpaid by around 400 but the landlord was unwilling to refund this credit, the landlord had pressured her into leaving the accommodation by submitting a housing application for her and accessing her housing account without permission. Sanctuary is a trading name of Sanctuary Housing Association, an exempt charity. Contact you to discuss the outcome of our investigations. In response, the landlord has noted the following actions up to the point the resident made a complaint in September 2020: put up posters during 5-6 February 2020 for residents to take care with communal doors, , re-erected this on 30 May 2020 and installed new signage on 27 July 2020, wrote to all residents on 31 March 2020 with lockdown guidance, , followed by issuing of further pandemic-related guidance, consultation on 8 June 2020, 15 June 2020, 22 July 2020, 20 August, gave advice to individual neighbours in May 2020, July 2020 and September 2020 about opening of windows and smoking in different locations to reduce the potential impact on the resident, discussed further support with the resident on 16 June 2020 and 29 June 2020 but, provided the resident with an ASB diary sheet on 26 June 2020 which it noted she had rejected, noise and lockdown breaches on 25 June 2020, 25 September 2020 as well as signing an acceptable behaviour agreement with a neighbour (about noise) on 21 September 2020, conducted block walkabouts on 10 July 2020, 3 August 2020, 17 August 2020, 14 September 2020 and 26 September 2020 when no evidence of cigarette or cannabis use was established, investigated social distancing breaches on 23 July 2020, noting that this had been due to three residents receiving simultaneous deliveries to the block, sent letters to all residents on 6 August 2020 and 11 September 2020, reminding them of its drug policy, noted it would discuss use of communal doors with two residents in their next key worker meetings following a CCTV review, detected a faint odour of cannabis on 16 August 202, a police referral which did not establish a potential perpetrator, noted on 15 September 2020 that all communal door closers had been adjusted. They could provide them with activities that are more appropriate for indoor play. Labeled Verified, theyre about genuine experiences.Learn more about other kinds of reviews. This procedure adds that. If your neighbour's behaviour is classed as 'anti social' there are steps you can take to stop it happening. Draughts coming through windows, mould everywhere and damp which ruins The landlords internal records show that the resident advised it on 8 November 2019 that she did not like to feel pressured into key worker meetings. Sanctuary Housing Independent Complaints Group - Countrywide The worst company to, actually ring to speak to a person. If we find that your complaint is justified and upheld, then we will explain to you any actions we propose to take to resolve your complaint. Simple! Registered charity number 279057 VAT number 726 0202 76 Company limited by guarantee. This website uses cookies to enable essential site functionality, as well as marketing, personalised ads, and analytics. Open an antisocial behaviour case and start an investigation if the noise is unreasonable. complaints within 10 working days at stage one and within 20 working days at stage two. She advised that she had been placed in supported accommodation following a period of mental ill health and that she was aware this was supposed to be the last step before independent living in the community. WebHow to File a Complaint Against Sanctuary Housing In 4 Steps. We offer a variety of ways for you to be able to make a payment. In some cases, the gangs take over the homes of vulnerable residents as a base for their illegal activity which can include drug dealing, prostitution and people trafficking. The only number that picks up the phone. When we investigate a complaint at this stage, the officer will contact you to acknowledge the complaint and explain when they aim to respond to you with their findings. It concluded that: past anti-social behaviour reports had been considered and responded to in October 2019 (a copy of the response was attached) so this would not be reviewed again, the staff behaviour and comments allegations were over six months old so could not be considered through the complaints process, an apology was offered for any past lack of staff support but weekly support sessions had been available to the resident which she had often not attended; it noted that support is available informally during staffing hours and more structured support is a requirement of staying in service, the resident was thanked for reporting substance misuse at the block and actions were taken where appropriate (details of which could not be shared due to confidentiality), residents had largely complied with lockdown guidance but an incident had occurred around visitors that had led to a warning being issued in June 2020, residents are asked to be one weeks rent in advance plus four weeks personal charge; it said this amounted to 370.23 credit but the residents balance was 300.45 so she was 69.78 in arrears and any credit would be refunded once the rent account was closed. The landlord should confirm its intentions in regard to these recommendations to this Service within four weeks of the date of this report. weekly meetings in line with the support agreement. Investigations are often complicated and it is important that the officer looks into these very carefully. There is no evidence that the resident raised this matter again, prior to the complaint she made in late September 2020. WebDont waste your time. The landlords records note that the resident made new ASB reports about her neighbours each month between February 2020 and December 2020, sometimes making reports several times per month. It advised that any matters that occurred more than six months ago would not be considered through the complaints policy and apologised for the delay in providing a response. If that doesnt work there are other ways you can ask them to stop, for example by reporting them to the council. The landlord noted that it spoke to the alleged perpetrator the same day and that he moved into new accommodation on 5 December 2019. 520 a month to live with no heating for months on end and living with half a roof literally. Normally, Id work at the cafe down the street for a few hours, but thats not an option. This report is not an exhaustive description of all the events that have occurred in relation to this case, but an outline of the key issues as a background to the investigations findings. If you want to make a complaint about Sanctuary Housing Association using Resolver, then the process could not be simpler. If you want to complain about a neighbour or about anti-social behaviour, please see our anti-social behaviour page. One block of sheltered housing in Newcastle-under-Lyme is often inaccessible to visitors because of intermittent faults in the door entry system. Antisocial behaviour (ASB) comes in many forms and can cause alarm or distress to others. If the alleged perpetrator is a Sanctuary resident, we will carry out a full investigation, this investigation may be held pending police involvement. Ombudsman considers complaints about how a landlord has responded to reports of a problem. The landlord has described the property as a one-bedroom flat on the third and fourth floor of a converted building. More information on the cookies we set can be found in our cookie policy. We automatically connect you to contacts at thousands of household names, ombudsmen and regulators to find a resolution. Unreasonable noise could violate your warranty of habitability, a state law. Please be aware that untaxed or SORN vehicles are not allowed to be parked in communal areas such as car parks or access ways. I know they must have cabin fever, but so do I. The resident made initial reports during September-October 2019 that she suspected she had overpaid her rental liability and so was owed a refund. Its FREE for Tenants. since July 2019 to ensure that members of staff treat resident information confidentially. Check their website for how to complain about anti social behaviour. To help you get the best response from your Sanctuary Housing Association complaint, Resolver can put you in touch directly with the best person or department you need to speak to. Theyll look at your complaint and decide if the council or housing association should put things right. You can contact the Housing Ombudsman in any of the following ways: Telephone:0300 111 3000 Call us on 0333 050 8887 or fill in the form for immediate help & assistance with your housing association disrepair claim. resident in order to check the account was still active. The housing association in charge of the properties, Sanctuary Housing, was told last year by an external reviewer that racial discrimination could not be ruled out as being behind a similar case in which a Black tenant paid more than a white neighbour. are outside the remit of the complaints process its decision not to investigate breach of confidentiality allegations that occurred more than 12 months previously was therefore appropriate as was its offer to investigate any more recent instances. The parents or caregivers could put thick pads down in one room, giving the children a designated area to romp. You should explain what it is you are unhappy about and what outcome you are seeking in resolution to the complaint. This could include being recharged for the costs of removal, being given an antisocial behaviour contract or, in severe cases, an injunction or eviction. Webthis is a private group and strictly not for members of sanctuary housing association/group staff their frends, family or anyone connected directly or indirectly to them. They are scared he may expose them. sign posting to special services , they all come in on average as the same price ,we get charged for the same thing in some cases but under a different title, if you ask for a p.o.m statement you will see for your selves not that they will give you one. This fact sheet is aimed primarily at people having problems getting the council to deal with anti-social behaviour near their homes and who may be considering making a complaint to the Ombudsman. We would not normally consider behaviour around different cultures or lifestyles, or which may not be considered unreasonable by most people, as antisocial behaviour. Follow us on Twitter: @nytrealestate. If, after we have investigated and responded to your complaint at Stage 1 you remain dissatisfied, you have the right to request that your case is escalated to Stage 2 (the final stage) of our process where it will be reviewed and further investigated. WebSanctuary housing association Oxfordshire is a joke moved into our property 22 October 2022 its now been three months and no repair have been completed with 2 young Take 3 minutes to tell us if you found what you needed on our website. Application was suspended because they missed my viewing time I have no time to argue from whats stated online it was a blessing in disguise. Verification can help ensure real people write reviews about real companies. That leaves it up to them, Ms. Gottsman said. Look fairly and honestly at the concerns that you have raised. There were six occasions during 2020 where the landlords records show it was able to corroborate ASB in the form of noise nuisance or drug use and the landlord recorded that verbal, the signing of an acceptable behaviour agreement. Write as much detail as possible. If there is a delay in responding to your complaint, we will let you know why this is and explain when you can expect a response from us. Plus a couple of residents are waiting for heating repairs to radiators now it's cold. You can find this on our website here: https://www.sanctuary-housing.co.uk/complaints-or-concerns#complaint-concern-form.Thank you - Becky. A mediator is someone who doesnt know either of you and whos trained to help people resolve disagreements. Companies can ask for reviews via automatic invitations. So my full experience with this company is them kicking out our nextdoor neighbour because his wife had passed, leaving the house essentially abandoned for 4 years and letting it become an eyesore. WebReport a Complaint. Suggested companies. WebWe will assist you in making a NO WIN, NO FEE disrepair compensation claim against Sanctuary Affordable Housing Limited. In response, the landlord recorded that it: spoke regularly to the resident, making offers to meet and visit her, signposted her to adult social care for support with carrying shopping and other potential care needs, offered further support at key worker meetings on two occasions in June 2020. recommended in October 2020 that the resident take advantage of weekly support meetings it had offered to her. Covid case rate ceiling the worst in Scotland following the outbreak. These are: You can find more information about antisocial behaviour viaCitizens Advice. sent a block reminder letter to all residents on 5 December 2020 to advise them on the potential for noise travel within the block. Fly-tipping is a criminal offence and carries a fine of up to 50,000 or 12 months in prison. Most of these attempts were unsuccessful although it has noted that it managed to identify a faint smell on a couple of occasions (that could not be linked to any specific flat) and that it provided the resident with a new air freshener. Most councils will arrange to collect large items like sofas, fridges or washing machines. For example, 22 June - dogs barking from 10:15am to 12:35pm. If it's a social landlord, such as Beyond Housing, or Sanctuary Housing they should be able to help. The landlord issued a final complaint response to the resident on 11 December 2020. The procedure requires the landlord to: contact and interview victims within five working days, agree an action plan to investigate ASB by interviewing the alleged perpetrator (within 10 working days), asking the victim to complete diary sheets and liaising with other investigators such as the Police, consider the positive effects that support might have on perpetrators, particularly in cases that involve drug abuse, use informal measures such as mediation, tenancy support, verbal/written warnings and acceptable behaviour contracts with formal legal action a last resort. Thank you. Worse thing we ever did was to part buy a flat from Sanctuary. Listen to your neighbour and see if you can reach a compromise together. Voice your opinion today and hear what 321 customers have already said. If you still think they havent acted as they should, you can go to an ombudsman. Make sure that you are kept updated throughout the case, and explain if we are unable to share specific details. Furthermore, Resolver sends you notifications when it's time to escalate your case to help keep things on track. We willoffer a range of relevant support and advice to try to resolve your complaint. However, when it comes to their part of the bargain, their responsibilities in repairs and maintenance, they are very sadly lacking, putting it politely. Learn more about Resolver Pro and how to claim your business. I used Resolver to force the hand of a Housing Association who were ignoring an official complaint of 4 months standing. WebJoin the 321 people who've already reviewed Sanctuary. a scheme that offers short-term accommodation for adults with support needs. Read and understand your consumer rights then answer a few simple questions to help Resolver prepare your email (which you can review and edit) that clarifies the issue, and gets the best from your complaint. In summary, the landlords response to the residents rent refund request in late 2019 was reasonable. Young and vulnerable people can feel threatened and indebted to the gang often living in fear and feeling trapped in a situation. To find out more, you canvisit the Housing Ombudsman website. Many thanks. Keep any messages your neighbour sends you and collect evidence if you feel safe to. She wrote to the landlord on 26 October 2019 and asked for a refund of the overpayment she said she had made to her rent account she asked for 434.72 to be refunded. I've popped you over a message (via TrustPilot) to ask for more info. These actions were all appropriate responses to the residents reports and in line with the landlords procedures. 1000 we pay yearly already. If you still need help, you can look for a mediator on GOV.UK. For any emergency enquiries pleasecall us on: For customer enquiries, pleasecontact us here, Sanctuary House They dont do nothing my neighbours play music till early hours in the morning and my other neighbour dumps my rubbish round the estate and all sanctuary say is ring up and make a noise complaint and then they do bugger all about it and. You may change your settings at any time or accept the default settings. You can find out more or opt-out from some cookies. This could include warning letters and acceptable behaviour contracts. You can find out more or opt-out from some cookies, Benefit calculators: what benefits can you get, Check how much redundancy pay you can get, Template letter to raise a grievance at work, Grants and benefits to help you pay your energy bills, You can't afford to top up your prepayment meter, Check if you can get your money back after a scam, Renting from the council or a housing association, Living together, marriage and civil partnership. To help you get the best response from your Sanctuary Housing Association complaint Resolver guides you through every step of the process. We'll then contact you within five working days to explain how it will be taken forward.We have a complaints policy and procedure that ensures you are fully aware of the way that we will handle complaints. The landlord sent a holding response on 9 October 2020 before it issued a stage one complaint response to the resident on 14 October 2020. The resident has continued to make new reports of noise nuisance and smells several times each month between December 2020 (when her complaint was closed) and March 2021. the residents reports of anti-social behaviour (ASB); the residents request for a rent account refund; the residents allegations that staff members breached confidentiality. These early intervention actions were all reasonable measures for the landlord to take and demonstrated that it attempted to reduce the impact of neighbours behaviour on the resident even where ASB remained unproven or where it was not obliged to take enforcement action. Had overpaid her rental liability and so was owed a refund if you feel safe to carries. To a person webhow to File a complaint about Sanctuary Housing Association, go to the complaint she made late... Tend not to be strong advocates for tenants with noise complaints directed at neighbors appropriate. Keep any messages your neighbour 's behaviour is classed as 'anti social there. Fibres which can damage the lungs of anyone breathing it in the experience you 've.... Reports from the resident made initial reports during September-October 2019 that she suspected she had her. 321 people who 've already reviewed Sanctuary noted that it would consider appropriate measures to reports. 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