If you choose to enhance your home, garden or yoga studio with Tibetan prayer flags, its important to know the story behind them. Ajahn Brahmavamso, a well-known British Theravada monk based in Perth, illustrates the importance of mindfulness being accompanied by the Buddhist Triple-Gem foundations of Sila (morality), Samadhi (concentration/peace of mind) and Panna (wisdom), as similar to a cat that stalks with the intention to kill. Like a tie-dye t-shirt or a Bob Marley tattoo, the Tibet prayer flags signified membership in certain segment of society. 8. What if in the process of hanging the prayer flags, they accidentally touched the ground, should I respectably burn them and get new ones? Color fading from the flags is considered auspicious. How can I hang them? I was given a beautiful strand of prayer flags, but when I opened them today to hang (Tibetan New Year) I discovered they are too long for my deck! At the same time, he managed to bring Tibetan Buddhism, or at least some version of it, into the forefront of popular Western culture. For the prayer flags, the combination of earth and earth is said to be the most auspicious. My friends husband, a Tibetan ex-monk, then said it was best to bury them as burning was not advisable. Required fields are marked *. Where can I send them? Butter holds a sacred place in Tibetan Buddhist culture and is used for butter lamps, butter sculptures, and in making tormas. I assume they are building their nests with them. In the end, whether youre praying, meditating or interior decorating, its the intention that matters most. The flags contain sacred texts and symbols and should be treated respectfully. I got it to hang in our car but its too long, and want to put in my home but our home is in such a way that there is no wind coming either from patio or from window. Normally they are hung outdoors so the prayers can be carried by the wind, but people do hang them inside too. Yes, it is fine for non-Buddhists to display Tibetan prayer flags. Prayer flags are renewed every year as a symbol of good fortune. Photo courtesy of Olivier Adam. White for air. The commercial use of Buddhist beliefs for advertising points to a broader society that doesn't respect or acknowledge them as genuine religions. They are used to bless the surrounding countryside and for other purposes. I have painted prayer flags in my work, but have never actually added a physical one to the canvas. His Holiness the Dalai Lama says that our motivation, to end the suffering of sentient beings, is the most important thing. The Dalai Lama, along with other Buddhist teachers, have actively sought to engage Westerners in Buddhism through the lens of Western philosophy and there is a direct comparison that can be draw here to the Buddha's own life. The main contents of the scriptures are the Indian Dharani mantra, the six-character Mantra (Om Mani Padme Hum), Sanskrit mantras, auspicious words, proverbs, and prayer scriptures, etc. For horizontal" THEY ARE ALL PLASTIC NOWADAYS. The five colors represent the elements: blue symbolizes the sky and space, white symbolizes the air and wind, red symbolizes fire, green symbolizes water, and yellow symbolizes earth. Many Tibetan prayer flags have mantras written on them and can be placed in and outside of your home. Perhaps you can give the prayer flags to someone who would like them. Free shipping on u.s. orders over $75 | canada over $150. Lha gyal lo, They are also used to carry prayers and mantras through the wind. Tibetan prayer flags long 5 meters 20 flags from Nepal handmade frayed flags with prayers and blessings for peace Karmandala (1,551) $22.13 Healing Tibetan Prayer Flags Rolls - 2 Sizes (Small 7" & Large 10") meditation art, Buddhist wall art - Tibetan Prayer Flags Spiritual Flags HPvillage (2,134) $9.31 You can order Tara prayer flags in three sizes here. Bon(Bonismo), originated from the "Gangdise Mountains" and "Manasarovar Lake" in ancient Xiangxiong, Tibet. 4 Days Lhasa City Essential Group Tour from USD450, 8 Days Lhasa to Everest Base Camp Group Tour from USD930, 9 Days Lhasa Shigatse Mt.Everest Namtso Tour from USD1200, 15 Days Mt.Everest & Mt Kailash Group Tour from USD1840, 7 Days Lhasa Mt. A Tibetan Buddhist nun at Dolma Ling Nunnery hangs new prayer flags at Losar, Tibetan New Year. Tibetan marriage customs have distinctive local characteristics. Cut a length of thread long enough for your desired length. Each hue signifies an element and the flags are always arranged in a specific order, from left to right: blue, white, red, green, yellow. In the morning, all the family people would put on festive costumes, gather on the roof, and hold a solemn and joyful ceremony of inserting prayer flags. A bit like the American flag, there are certain norms regarding how, when and where the flags are displayed. Perhaps there is a Buddhist temple or meditation center near you that you can give them to. Buddhism in Western Society What is your suggestion to do with them? Your wish to honor her in this special way sounds full of love and compassion, including for her friends who are unable to attend her memorial. Tibetan tradition considers prayer flags to be holy. I was not sure if that was disrespectful. First came the Free Tibet t-shirts and bumper stickers, iconic symbols of grassroots organizing and international awareness, even before the era of MySpace and TedTalks. Made of cotton cloth, yarn of ramie, silk and so on, those oblong-shaped prayer flags are combined with five different colors, blue, white, red, green and yellow. According to Tibetan Buddhism, where there is the prayer flag, there are God and wishes. Blessings to you. Dear Leslie, Its not a bad thing to hang prayer flags indoors. Tashi Delek! A Tibetan prayer flag is a colorful rectangular cloth, often found strung along trails and peaks high in the Himalayas. I love that we can see the images from his clothing (mostly natural-world images as he loved nature and animals) and that we can also see the prayer text/images. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has said, The quality or purity of any spiritual practice is determined by the individuals intention and motivation. As this blog post says, When raising prayer flags it is important to have a good motivation. Blue represents the sky, white represents the air, red symbolizes fire, green symbolizes water, and yellow symbolizes earth. This has always pleased me as it is benefitting them. SAME OF COURSE APPLIES TO As you hang them, wish that all beings will be free of suffering and the causes of suffering. It is most respectful to burn them. Tibetan Buddhism Prostration - How and Why to Make Prostrations Therefore, they should be hung at a height. The concept itself is fantastic, as many people find meditation beneficial for their lives. If you dont hang prayer flags on the new year how do you determine the most auspicious days to hang them? I have a large patio awning with wide support poles along its perimeter where I would like to hang my prayer flags. Everest Kathmandu Overland Group Tour from USD980, 12 Days Lhasa Mt Everest & Mt Kailash Kathmandu Group Tour from USD1860, 13 Days Classic Tibet Nepal Bhutan Tour from USD2706, 13 Days Tibet Nepal Nature Scenery Tour from USD2810, 6 Days Xining Lhasa Train Tour from USD880, 6 Days Chengdu Lhasa Train Tour from USD785, 7 Days Beijing Lhasa Train Tour from USD1040, 8 Days Shanghai Tibet Train Tour from USD1235, How to Sutras - or mantras from three pillars of the great Buddhist Bodhisattvas, conveying things like peace, wisdom, and strength - are written on them. At that time the country was ruled by war lords who carried their banners into battles. Janet, thanks for your question. In terms of their external forms, prayer flags can be roughly classified into three types. I found a set of Tibetan prayer flags at my grandmothers house on the floor in her kitchen and don't know if I can still fly them or if I should just Dear Simone, You can unravel them so that they hang down properly. We hope to share a blog post soon about the mantra OM MANI PADME HUM. Tibetan tradition considers prayer flags to be holy. The key is, as you clearly know, to try to dispose of prayer flags with the greatest respect possible. These times include Tibetan New Year and the two weeks that follow it and Saga Dawa (the fourth month of the Tibetan Lunar calendar), particularly Saga Dawa Duchen, the most holy day (the 15th day of the 4th lunar month) which marks the Buddhas birth, enlightenment, and paranirvana. Dear Liz, This is what often happens to prayer flags that are hung in remote areas like mountain passes. The wind horse is a symbol of the human soul in the shamanistic tradition of East Asia and Central Asia.In Tibetan Buddhism, it was included as the pivotal element in the center of the four animals symbolizing the cardinal directions and a symbol of the idea of well-being or good fortune.It has also given the name to a type of prayer flag that has the five animals printed on it. The five colors are: blue, white, red, green and yellow. What do you think of this way of disposing of prayer flags? While the square-shaped, horizontally strung prayer flags are arguably the most common, they aren't the only variety of Tibetan prayer flag you'll see being used at sacred sites and on significant calendar dates. According to Tibetan Buddhism, those five colors are related to the five Buddhas and five kinds of wisdom, which increases the mystery of Tibetan prayer flags. According to legend, the practice is said to originate with the Buddha himself, whose prayers were written on flags to protect the Devas in their cosmic battle against the mythological forces of evil. What was left of them, in the tree, I brought inside. The key is to try to dispose of your prayer flags with the greatest respect possible. The video advertisement also featured people receiving the type of halo Gotama is often depicted post-enlightenment, the minute they sit down to meditate. The Tibetan prayer flags are used as a means to spread. Luckily he agreed to do that in their back yard. However, they are really meant to be hung outside where the winds can carry their prayers to all sentient beings. Many in the West often try to understand Buddhism through the eyes of European science and philosophy. Tibetan Clothing and Diverse Tibetan Dress Culture Dear Divya, Hanging prayer flags is respectful within itself. Dear Wendy, The prayer flags could be doubled back or looped if need be. And therefore, Tibetan prayer flags are believed to promote prosperity, compassion, peace, and wisdom. Sending you our very best wishes and thanks for your care and attention. Devas, which in Buddhism are a type of god-like, non-human entity, would carry flags with Gautama Buddha's prayers written on them into battle with asuras, which are a type of demi-god. If removed without this acknowledgement, Buddhism simply joins the long line of things taken by white-people from people of their former colonial empires and claimed as their own. Tibetan prayer flags are bright and beautiful, but their colours aren't just for show. Jarni Blakkarly is a Melbourne-based free-lance journalist and a journalism student at RMIT. If you have all of them, you can perhaps restring and rehang them, with a wish to free all beings from suffering and the causes of suffering. It had been advised to make a wooden enclosure or something to protect the damaged holy objects and this could be placed in the forest as a sort of shrine house. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Should I unravel them or leave them be.? Prayers vary, but typically they invoke a series of blessings, including longevity, prosperity, health and peace. Those flags are called lung dar prayer flags. I am interested in your thoughts on this. Are Tibetan prayer flags appropriation? White color symbolizes cloud, red is fire, green is water, yellow is earth, and blue is the sky. Now, it's widely used in the northern part of India, Nepal, and Bhutan. But even before that, Indians were printing these banners and displaying them as a symbol of their commitment to the tenets of Ahisma and non-violence. Red for fire. If so, how should I take them down and put them back up? Blue symbolizes the sky and space, white symbolizes the air and wind, red symbolizes fire, green symbolizes water, and yellow symbolizes earth. Two: there are powerful beings around who will be utterly provoked and create all sorts of calamities. It's an incredibly important part of Buddhism to be present and intentional with your thoughts and actions. Instead of getting Buddhist monks to promote the project, they got an array of Western scientists and academics to testify that the benefits of meditation have been proven "real" according to Western science (in case you thought monks have been practicing it for 2500 years for no reason). Balancing the elements internally brings health to the body and the mind. Your information is being handled in accordance with the. These are merely recommendations for the best results, however, and not deeply held religious laws whose violation will bring eternal punishment. Meditation is one part of Buddhist practice and there are distinct and specific teachings that are intended to accompany it at various different stages. They're so sacred, they shouldn't touch the ground and must eventually be burned as they age. Thank you, Maggie. Were putting together our 2019 Tibetan Nuns Project calendar which will have the important Tibetan Buddhist days marked. Buddha statues are cute totems for middle-class "progressives." I recently had vandalism to my prayer flags. Green is water, yellow is earth, and blue is wind. You can say a simple and powerful prayer such as the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra. The colorful prayer flag decorates the holy snow-covered plateau, like rainbows, and it has become a unique landscape. Thank you so much for supporting the nuns! However, prayer flags hung at the nunneries are taken down each year, burned, and replaced with new prayer flags at Tibetan New Year. Purchase Guru Rinpoche prayer flags in three sizes here. When hanging prayer flags one should wish that all beings everywhere will benefit and find happiness. You have written that, when hanging and taking down the prayer flags, you are handling them with respect and good intentions. Would this be disrespectful? Fortunately, mine are all cotton, because Ive ordered them from the Tibetan Nuns Project store. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. We are looking for an environmentally sensitive answer as the issue of burning old prayer flags is going to become more of an issue as the climate changes. It is always important to treat prayer flags with respect and the intention to end the suffering of all sentient beings. ; Prayer Flags Size:13 X 11 Inches,The String Is 23 Feet Long With 20 Clear Block Prints On High Quality 100% Polyester. live, learn and work. Vipassana meditation is re-named "insight or mindful meditation" and Anapana meditation is renamed "breathing meditation." Tibetan language is referred to as Bodic or Tibetic language. I saw it is important in which direction do you hang the prayer flags. In May this year, an organisation called Mindful in May sprung up as a sort of 40-hour famine of meditation. Traditionally, the squares were printed with wooden blocks, and to this day that same method is often still used. Tibetan clothing is worn with an inner garment and a pair of wide and long sleeves, with rich connotation and diversity dressing culture in tradition. The festival is celebrated to commemorate when Sakyamuni (Buddha) attained enlightenment, and is typically observed by visiting temples, lighting lanterns and practising kindness and generosity. I would prefer something on the smaller end. Dear Mariusz, Thank you for your questions. These flags can be seen dotted throughout the mountainous regions of China, Nepal, Bhutan, and northern India. Your second question was about mantras to be said while hanging up prayer flags. Thank you very much for suggestions. I sometimes receive paper prayer flags in the mail from organizations that want donations. Here, five important facts about those important flags: According to Buddhist legend, the first prayer flags were used by Gautama Buddha, on whose teachings Buddhism is founded. [1] Tibetan prayer flags are religious. So, if you want to hang them somewhere, make sure that theyre on a height. When disposing of old prayer flags one should burn them so that the smoke may carry their blessings to the heavens. One should not have selfish or limiting thoughts. They hang in the garden where they gently fade and fray and beautifully demonstrate impermanence. I had an idea but was not sure if it was appropriate. The bright cloth flags are printed with auspicious symbols, invocations, prayers, and mantras. In the highlands of the Himalayas, devotees hang their prayer flags far and wide. Since the ancient Zhangzhung period of the Tibetan Plateau, prayer flags have become popular here. That way we will not have a problem if disposal. Ideally, people hang their flags on sunny, windy days. As you pointed out, this is a very unique way of disposing of them. The Tibetan people have a long history and relationship with spirituality in their cultureso much so, that almost any thought of Tibet conjures up images of monks and temples in our minds. My idea is that all of the materials that go to make up the prayer flags come from the ground Eventually they will go back to the ground, one way or another.through fire to ash or natural decomposition in the air to be carried by the natural processes, recycled to earth again. Therefore, the prayer flag has become a link between Gods and men. Then place a small line of hot glue on the back of the flag on fold created by the flap. Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), How to hang and dispose of Tibetan prayer flags respectfully. When talking to educated rulers he would use intellectual language; when speaking to farmers he would often use simple similes to everyday agricultural practices. backyard chickens. 9. Flags that fly vertically, which are less common, are known as dar Cho or dar Chen flags. I wanted to present a set of prayer flags with the name of those who could not be there on it. While the cat is poised with mindfulness, it is without right intention. Photo courtesy of Olivier Adam. They Should Never be Put on the Ground or Keep Still. We hope your move is smooth and happy. The second type of prayer flag is a three to five meters long strip of cloth with a single color, either white or red, printed with the Buddha's teachings. When these places are covered with prayer flags, they will be seen by the inspecting gods, and these places will also be blessed by the gods and resist the invasion of evil spirits. Beijing [China], February 28 (ANI): China once again came under UN scrutiny over human rights violations in Tibet, reported Pardafas. Tibetan marriage customs have distinctive local characteristics. What prayers or mantras should I do before hanging prayer flags.Im told they should be blessed before hanging blessed rice et cetera!? Hello Myrna, Thank you for sharing the story about the malas. Tibetan Handicrafts Thank you for your time and consideration, I really appreciate all the information in this blog post. These are the most often seen kind of . Ive read through some of the comments on here, and I also dont want to bury them or tie them in nature as that would also allow for the plastic components to be free in the environment and not degrade over time (and possibly harm wildlife as a result). Very interesting and also challenging. I would like to know, since other bereaved parents have inquired how we did it, and if it would be better to use blank flags made in a different way (ie not blessed prayer flags) we would tell them that in future. Our cotton linen prayer flags are handmade and blessed by Tibetan Buddhist nuns living in India. Note: If you only want to remove this post from public view, you can choose to unpublish it instead. Dear Michelle, You can double back your prayer flags or tie it to something else. As an alternative I was considering purchasing a traditional wooden block stamp of the windhorse or the medicine buddha (created by artists in nepal) and using that on the artwork instead. 1. Tibetan prayer flags are flown without any understanding or consideration of their religious meaning. Bon(Bonismo), originated from the "Gangdise Mountains" and "Manasarovar Lake" in ancient Xiangxiong, Tibet. Get to Tibet, Tibetan Clothing and Diverse Tibetan Dress Culture, Tibetan Buddhism Prostration - How and Why to Make Prostrations, Dava Private House, No. Tibetan Prayer Flags: The Real Meaning. I hope this is understandable . Its also best if it can flap in the breeze. The old-style marriage is that the man and the woman are married under the arrangement of their parents. This was a blog post written by the Tibetan Nuns Project, does that answer your question? The horse (Ta)is a symbol of speed and the transformation of bad fortune to good fortune. 4. And some of the text on the prayer flags are purely selected from Buddhist tantra mantras, such as the White Parasol Mantra on the Great Prayer Flag. How is the best way to use it? Tibetan prayer flags are used to promote peace, compassion, strength, and wisdom. If that is not possible, then you can bury them underground in a clean place. When talking about Tibetan handicrafts, people would think of Thangka, Tibetan incense, Tibetan medicine, Tibetan knife, Tibetan ornaments, etc. As Buddhism grows in the West, it is natural that the initial points of contact will be through the pre-socialised systems of reasoning. You may also choose to let your old Tibetan prayer flags fade and disintegrate naturally, hanging new prayer flags up with old ones. Well post updates on our Facebook page as soon as we hear more. First used in the Bon religion, an early form of Tibetan Buddhism, they symbolized natural elements through association with primary . Yes, that would be fine Vidhya. Tibetans believe the prayers and mantras will be spread by the wind and bring goodwill and compassion to benefit all beings. The reason why those streamers are known as prayer flags is that there are numerous Buddhism sutras printed on them. The order of colours is facing which way or does it not matter. If that is not possible, then you can bury them underground in a clean place as you did with the blessed cords from the mala. This was finally done today after pondering the best way to do that, eliminating the options of discarding them in the sea or the river. Miss Jennifer, Here's a brief introduction to its beginning, development, and schools. Buddhists added their own texts to increase the power of the flags. Dear Anne, Tibetan prayer flags are religious. Old prayer flags should be burned in order to show traditional Tibetan respect and carry prayers to the heavens. Songtsen Gampo Tibetans do not wash prayer flags. Either is fine. You might enjoy this blog post about Tibetan butter sculptures made by the nuns: https://tnp.org/about-tibetan-butter-sculptures/, Pingback: Trip 08 The flags New Human Touch. Despite the many deep complexities of Buddhism there is a tendency for people to think they have an understanding of the religion from a single meme or a Dalai Lama coffee-table book. First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we However, there is a concerted effort to remove meditation from its religious context as a Buddhist practice and ignore the teachings that are intended to accompany it. All of those activities are prohibited by the virus and the lockdown. It is said that they emit positive spiritual vibrations andthe wind like silent prayers carries the prayers. This cannot be undone. Being careful not to let the old prayer flags touch the ground, a Tibetan Buddhist nun burns the flags while wishing to end the suffering of all sentient beings. Around the frame of the doorway is regarded as the right place to put the flags. Each set of prayer flags has five colors representing the different elements: blue for sky, white for clouds, red for space, green for water . These jewels represent the Buddha, the Dharma (Buddhist teachings), and the Sangha (Buddhist community) which are the three cornerstones of Tibetan philosophical tradition. Mindful in May is symbolic of the broader appropriation of meditation and only giving it validation through Western science. Top 10 Tibetan Monasteries In Buddhist believers' eyes, the prayer flag waves for one time in the wind means reciting the sutra once, which is a way to show pilgrims' wishes and seek blessings from Gods. Fading of the colors on these flags means that the prayers were carried by the breeze. Moreover, the arrangement order of each color is strictly stipulated. They should not touch the ground. Therefore, burying it in the ground ensures that its components cannot be released into these vital global systems. is this not adding pollution to our planet? Hi! If you are hanging the prayer flags to make yourself happy, then you can have the prayers facing in toward you or you can face the prayers outwards to spread out to the world. Do you also burn old khatas in a similar fashion? This is because Buddhism, the country's major religion, has played a huge role in the development and history of . Dear Lynne, you can hang prayer flags any time. Sutras or mantras from three pillars of the great Buddhist Bodhisattvas, conveying things like peace, wisdom, and strength are written on them. How should I dispose of them? It includes a budget status summary table with . Any symbolism to pray upon? Our artisans combine vintage style Tibetan beads hand-sourced in Nepal with authentic and ethically sourced mala beads. Earth is said that they emit positive spiritual vibrations andthe wind like silent prayers the... Here 's a brief introduction to its beginning, development, and in making tormas them so that man! 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