Best Stroller for 3 Kids in 2022

best stroller for 3 kids

Kids are moody – especially in toddlerhood. They want a seat in the stroller like their twin baby sisters. In the scenario, thinking about having the best stroller for 3 kids is the right decision.

Here we have listed the double to triple and triplet strollers. So, if your family is growing and you need one stroller to push all three kids, check all the options here to pick the best for your needs.

Best Stroller for 3 Kids

UPPAbaby VISTA V2 Stroller 

The first buzzword in the stroller market you get to hear is “Uppababy Vista V2”. No wonder parents buy it keeping in view long-term use. After all, it provides your three children with a comfy and enjoyable ride.

Originally, the stroller came with a MESA car seat, bassinet, a rain cover, and a mosquito net made out of premium materials. For riding three kids along, however, you’ll need to buy a Rumble Seat and a Piggyback Ride Along the Board.

If you are due with twins and have a toddler, this stroller is a nice addition to your family. Vista V2 attaches two car seats or bassinets at a time. So, the newborns can ride in the two-car seats while the toddler will stand on the board at the back.

Unlike other tandem strollers that turn out longer and harder to stroll, it is easy to maneuver. There are all wheels suspension and large tires to cater to the sidewalks in the city and gravel driveways.

Additionally, it provides you with a large storage basket to stow your baby’s food, toys, and essentials. The bumper bar on the seat adds a safety layer, while the large zippered canopy protects them from the sun in the hottest degrees.

Although a little expensive, the stroller is a bang for the bucks. Check out its accessories and stroller price now to know if it fits your bill.

  • Comes with a rain cover, mosquito net, and car seat
  • Doesn’t require adaptors
  • Large zippered canopies
  • Smooth maneuver with all-wheel suspension
  • Leather padded and tall handlebar
  • Low weight limit of the rumble seat
  • Expensive

Joovy Qool Customizable Modular Stroller 

Let’s not overlook Joovy Qool Customizable Modular stroller that appears absolutely classy along with being versatile. There are 56 seat configurations when you transition it to a triplet stroller.

The stroller itself is a single stroller and attaches a car seat without an adaptor. Snap-in of the car seat and bassinet into the second seat (55 pounds weight limit) does require adaptors, though.

When it comes to the third seat, there is a bench seat available. It provides your toddler a sitting space of his own if he’s done walking. And, if you sum up the price of the car seat, adaptor, second seat, and bench seat, it still costs you less than Uppababy Vista V2.

As an updated version, the stroller consists of an adjustable footrest to make your baby feel like home when sleeping and an adjustable handlebar. The handle goes as low as 39 inches and as high as 42 inches, being a nice fit for 5.4-6.3 feet tall parents.

The four-wheeler has large rubber wheels with 8 inches at the front and 12 inches at the back. Backing the wheels is the suspension system that halts the bumps to reach your baby’s head, neck, and back.

No doubt, Joovy is a reliable option for twins and elder siblings, or three kids of more than 6 months and less than 6 years. Want to know what further upgrades are there in this stroller? Press the yellow button.

  • Swing away the tray and parent organizer
  • 56 seat configurations
  • Easy push and holds bumps and jolts
  • Adjustable handlebar and footrest
  • Storage baskets hold 25 pounds
  • Top seat has two height levels
  • Bulky for transportation

Baby Jogger City Select LUX Stroller

Not everyone wants to have a second seat buying part on them. If you are one of those parents, get Baby Jogger City Select Lux for your growing family. However, you’d need a Glider riding board to transport the third child.

It is the best stroller for twins and toddlers or three kids of different ages. One of three kiddos must be able to hold his back and head since he needs to ride on the board. With the board attached, the back seat passenger doesn’t get to sleep as it doesn’t have enough space to recline.

There are 20+ seat configurations of the seat, thanks to which your kids can face you, towards the world, or each other. You can also attach a car seat using the adaptors in both seats of the strollers.

You can load the front and back seats of the stroller with 45 pounds each. While it comes with an all-wheel suspension, a large cargo basket for the baby’s traveling supplies, and locking and swiveling front wheels for handling every terrain pretty well.

As compared to other triplet tandem strollers, it folds 30% small. The process to collapse is a bit challenging, though. Auto-locking feature and adjustable handlebar 39.5 inches to 42.3 inches from the floor adds convenience.

  • Folds smaller and auto locks
  • Attaches car seats of multiple brands
  • Telescopic handle and hand brake
  • Roomy storage basket for three children
  • Sturdy and modular design
  • Heavy enough
  • Folding is difficult with two seats

Foundations Triple Sport Tandem Stroller

If all of your 3 kids have passed their 6 months and weighs under 40 pounds, give the Foundations Triple Sport Tandem stroller a shot. Since it’s compact, you can make groceries with the three children or take a walk in the neighborhood.

On its downsides is the seat style as it’s not stadium style. The back two passengers compromise their view for the front one. None of the seats reclines flat for napping, neither do they have large canopies.

Contrary to this is that it holds 3 kids at a time. So, you don’t have to drag your toddler when outside. The foot brake at the back helps you take a break when you stop by a café or comes across a friend on the street.

The handlebar of the stroller is completely padded so that you can push the stroller with ease. It is 41.5 inches from the ground, appearing a good fit for tall parents.

For allowing you to store handy items, it comes with a zippered pocket sideways of the storage basket. While the storage basket holds a large diaper bag, toys, blankets with easy access from the back.

  • Budget-friendly
  • Large storage basket and pocket
  • UV Rays proof sun canopies
  • Padded and tall handlebar
  • Takes the entire trunk of the car
  • Not easy to push

Joovy Big Caboose Graphite Triple Stroller

Here’s another Joovy Triple stroller: Joovy Big Caboose Graphite Triple stroller. The best part of having this stroller is that you need not have a bench seat or riding board to get your third child on board like Uppababy Vista V2 or Baby Jogger City Select Lux stroller.

A standing platform at the back of the stroller allows your toddler to stand and enjoy the ride. Not only can he stand but sit when his legs are tired. That said, it is a triplet stroller for newborns and toddler under 45 pounds.

Count in here its two snack trays for the two little passengers. So, they can have snacks or juices while you steer. The storage basket under the seat holds up to 10 pounds weight, and that’s how it’s small for your three children’s stuff.

Already have a car seat from Uppababy, Baby Trend, Chicco, Britax, or other brands? Great, since the stroller comes with universal car seat adaptors saving your bucks and still being versatile. Check out how much you save buying it through the yellow button.

Measure the trunk of your car before buying it. It folds very big and has a folded dimension of 63 x 21.5 x 14 inches. Although pushing it is a little hassle, its suspension helps you easily cross gravel, grass, and dirt.

  • Reasonable priced
  • Removable snack trays
  • Fit through all doors and all-wheel suspension
  • Comes with a universal car seat adaptor
  • Built-in bench seat and standing platform
  • Back seat doesn’t recline
  • Very big after the fold

Guide to Buy the Best Stroller for 3 Kids

Where an ordinary stroller costs hundreds of dollars, a stroller for 3 kids is even more expensive. So, it’s very important that you peek at a few pointers to know if one is made to fit your family’s needs or not.

Ages of Kids

First of all, consider the ages of all your three kids. Do you have the three with 18-40 pounds or twins are expected in the family with a toddler aged 4? Your child’s age plays an important role in deciding what type of stroller you should have.

Type of Stroller

Some are single strollers that need a second seat and riding board or bench seat, while the others are already triplet strollers. Mostly, you’ll find triplet strollers in a tandem style that cross every standard doorway but are usually difficult to push due to the extensive weight.

A double stroller that attaches a riding board or bench seat is better than these 3 kids’ tandem strollers. They allow you to push the stroller easily but are made for twins and toddlers or all three kids capable of holding their head, neck, and back.

Suspension System

It’s very crucial to have a suspension system in a stroller for 3 kids. The suspension system prevents the jerks and bumps and provides you with a peaceful ride. Look also if a stroller consists of locking or swiveling front wheels.

Folded Dimension

Unable to fit the triplet stroller in the car’s trunk is the most reported complaint in the market. This happens when you neglect the folded dimension of the stroller. When checking the dimensions, keep in view if the wheels, trays, or the second seat is removable for compact storage.


Lastly, check out the prices of all triplet strollers. Sum up the price of the accessories like the second seat, bench seat, or riding board, along with the stroller. Compare them since some strollers come with a very high price tag.


These were the best stroller for 3 kids. When you buy them, make sure to keep in view the age of your kids, types of strollers, folded dimensions, and do a price comparison. Having a suspension system would be a plus.

We vote for Joovy Qool Customizable Modular Stroller. Although it comes as a single stroller, its second seat and bench seat cost less than Uppababy Vista V2. It takes the jolts very well and is easy to push twins and toddlers.

About Author

I've done bachelor and landed straight in this writing field. Every day, I'm trying to explore more and provide my readers more. Besides being a writer, I've also worked as an Editor and Proofreader.