7 Best Stroller for Short Moms In 7 Different Types

Best Stroller for Short Moms

Shortcomings of being a short mom are unknown from conceiving till the moment of delivery. This realization comes with picking the tall stroller and after hurting arms and wrist. We know this and so listed the best stroller for short moms.

Out there are thousands of moms just like you suffering from this pain. When we felt their discomfort in real-time, we figured it was time to review strollers with an adjustable handle.

Don’t wonder why adjustable handlebar. 17-18.9 Million men in the U.S are 6 feet and tall. The probability of you having a tall partner is that’s why high, we thought. And, it’s pointless to have one type of two strollers due to the height difference of your spouse.

Basically, we have drafted this article keeping in view both you and your husband. Let’s get going and analyze the different types of best strollers for short moms.

Also Read: 3 Special Needs Jogging Stroller In Which Your Passenger Is Safe

Table of Contents

Comparing the Best Stroller for Short Moms

Stroller Name




Car Seat Compatible

UPPAbaby VISTA V2 Stroller

27 pounds

36 x 25.7 x 39.5 inches

Travel system


BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Jogging Stroller

28.5 pounds

46 x 25 x 45 inches

Jogging stroller


gb Pockit Air Stroller

10.4 pounds

28 x 17.5 x 39.8 inches

Lightweight stroller


Baby Jogger City Select LUX Stroller

35.4 pounds

30.13 x 21.7 x 10.24 inches

Full-size stroller


Chicco Cortina Together Double Stroller

34 pounds

47.3 x 23.5 x 45.5 inches

Double (Tandem) stroller


Delta Children Revolve Reversible Stroller

20.70 pounds

42.5 x 23 x 41 inches

Umbrella stroller


Britax B-Lively Double Stroller

29 pounds

40.75 x 31.5 x 41.4 inches

Double (side-by-side stroller)


1. UPPAbaby VISTA V2 Stroller

Everyone knows the high-end features and Uppababy’s value. It’s one of the best strollers for short moms that pay back the pennies and grow with your family. Not only one, but this stroller carries three children at once without compromising on safety.

Weight and Maximum Weight Capacity

Never mind if the stroller is 27 pounds; your husband is there to carry it. The stroller allows a child of 6 years and less with 50 pounds. That said, you can take multiple trips or go to picnics in the years your baby is growing.

Seat Recline and Padding

Quite great that the stroller reclines flat. It consents your child to have the best sleeping hours of the day with the nice padding added. Just like Delta Children and Baby Jogger City Select Lux, the seat of Uppababy is also reversible, which can be a bridge to make bonding with your baby.

Handlebar Height

To adjust the height of the handlebar, all you have to do is press the gray button located on the handle. Push it up if you are using it, and down if the driver is your husband.

Keep in mind that the minimum height of the handlebar is 39.5 inches from the ground. While 42.5 inches is the maximum height. Makes sense why it is good for the parents under 5 feet 10 inches.

Sun Canopy and Peek-a-Boo Window

Compared to Uppababy Vista 2019, the updated stroller has a much better canopy that you can expand according to your will and weather. It is also featured with a zippered mesh window to maintain airflow for your baby.

Storage Capacity

Along with the canopy, the manufacturer has also upgraded the basket in the 2020 Vista. It has a capacity of 30 pounds and is easy to access with maximum space for carrying a large diaper bag and jacket.

Wheels and Maneuvering

Walk in the neighborhood for long hours or in the cracked sidewalks. The Uppababy Vista V2 has better suspension now that readily tackles curbs, grass, and gravel. Large rare wheels of 11.5 inches and lockable front wheels of 8 inches are sturdier than ever.

Folding and Storage

You cannot fold the stroller with a bassinet or the car seat. Detachment of this stuff is necessary. The unit is self-standing and compact after folding with a dimension of 14 x 25.5 x 33 inches. So, you can store it with ease even if you are short on space.

What’s So Extraordinary?

  • Uppababy doesn’t come only with chassis and the seat but with the bassinet. Include also the rain cover and insect shield, and it turns out the best deal.
  • Unlike the other stroller brakes that are just flip-flop friendly, its brake is even sandal friendly. That permits you to wear the sandal that matches your attire.
  • The fabric used in the seat is removable yet washable. This allowance protects your baby from germs that could harm.
  • Luxurious and comes with a bassinet
  • Includes rain and mosquito cover
  • Offer smooth rides
  • Able to hold up to 3 children
  • The basket is difficult to reach with a bassinet

Blend of ‘Team Parent’ and ‘Our Observation’

No denying that Uppababy costs high, but it’s worth the bucks. It includes a lot, along with being made in the USA, which adds up more value. Keep in view its handle height before buying one, though. It doesn’t offer a lot of adjustment.

2. BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Jogging Stroller

If you love to run, run as much as you want, Bob stroller will be there with you. This stroller is made specifically for the mums that are so much into jogging.

Weight and Maximum Weight Capacity

With 28.5 pounds weight, this stroller does weigh high. However, that’s acceptable with a jogging stroller due to the heavy-duty features and large tires.

Mind that you can stroll it until your baby turns out 75 pounds which is pretty much enough age for your baby to step out of the stroller and walk on his own.

Seat Recline and Padding

The seat has a height of 20 inches while width and depth of 12.5 and 9 inches. Slim, as well as plump babies, fit in it quite well. You can also recline the seat of the stroller infinitely. Good deal if your baby is strict on his sleeping routine.

Handlebar Height

Like every other stroller mentioned here as the best stroller for short moms, this one has to offer an adjustable handlebar. It measures 33.5 inches at the lowest while 50.5 inches at the highest. That indicates it is a good candidate for parents of 4.9 feet to 6.8 feet.

Sun Canopy and Peek-a-Boo Window

No matter what temperature your town hits, the sun will never be able to annoy your newborn. It has a sun canopy along with a magnetic flap over the peek-a-boo window. So, you can talk to your baby and watch his actions while strolling.

Storage Capacity

Bob provides you with an extra-large storage basket so you can store plenty much you want on the go. Also, there are six pockets at the back of the seat. You may not need to take an organizer to keep handy items like keys or phones with this stroller.

Wheels and Maneuvering

Unlock the front wheel to aid swiveling and lock them to make through curbs. As far as the back wheels are concerned, they are giant, with 16.75 inches.

The suspension system of the stroller is equally commendable as other features. It allows you to take the stroller on sand, grass, gravel, and even on the beaches.

Folding and Storage

Neither does the stroller fold with one hand nor does it stand on its own. However, it folds nice and quick, and you can remove the parts like wheels and canopy to store it in a slim fashion. 38 x 25 x 16 inches is the folded dimension of the stroller.

What’s So Extraordinary?

  • On the handlebar is a runaway strap that provides you tight grip on the stroller when you go down the hill.
  • There is a reflective accent on the canopy. It tells your presence on the spot in the nights.
  • Runaway straps for grip
  • Large carriage capacity
  • Multiple pockets for handy items
  • Sturdy and durable built
  • Two hand fold

Blend of ‘Team Parent’ and ‘Our Observation’

Other than lacking a handbrake, the stroller is equipped with pretty much everything an ideal stroller has. Due to its highly extending handlebar, it is a bold option for multiple parents out there. It provides you with smooth rides, and that’s for sure.

3. gb Pockit Air Stroller

‘Heavy strollers are not my thing,’ if that’s what you say, get gb Pockit Air stroller. It is compact enough to fit in the overhead bins of the airplane. You got to have it for nice and smooth travel.

Weight and Maximum Weight Capacity

With 11 pounds of weight, it is one of the lightest strollers in all the strollers here. One advantage of the weight is that you can easily climb it down the stairs. Also, traveling in the city and catching buses turns out way easier with it.

Your baby can sit in it until he’s 50 pounds or 42 inches in height. After hitting this height, it may be uncomfortable for your kiddo to survive with this seat.

Seat Recline and Padding

Padding on the stroller is quite minimal as compared to others. That’s what makes it suitable for babies of more than 6-8 months. Know also that the seat doesn’t recline, neither does it attaches an infant car seat.

Both the canopy and the seat of the stroller are washable. It requires care, though.

Handlebar Height

Apart from other strollers, its handle doesn’t adjust. However, its height is 37.5 inches from the ground, making it suitable for parents under 5.4 feet and no more. It’s ideal in the case if your husband usually stays out of town.

Sun Canopy and Peek-a-Boo Window

The sun canopy of the stroller is quite short. Also, it doesn’t contain a peek-a-boo window. Better keep these pointers in view before picking this stroller to buy.

Storage Capacity

11 pounds is the total basket capacity of this lightweight stroller. If compared, it’s good for this type of stroller. Reaching the basket is also easy.

Wheels and Maneuvering

When it comes to maneuvering, the stroller is a beast. It provides you with smooth rides. It has double wheels that very rare strollers have. To your surprise, it also handles grass and gravel easily.

Folding and Storage

Although both hands are required to collapse the stroller, the process is quite simple. You just need to press the button, lower the handlebar and put a little pressure on the stroller. Unbelievable, but the folded dimension of the stroller is 11.8 x 7 x 13.8 inches, and so it is easy to store.

What’s So Extraordinary?

  • Even though the stroller is quite cool in black, it also comes in blue. So, you have the color choice with it.
  • It’s one of the cheapest yet the best stroller for short moms.
  • Lightweight yet sturdy
  • Excellent maneuvering
  • Smart integrations
  • Compact and easy to store
  • Short sun canopy

Blend of ‘Team Parent’ and ‘Our Observation’

If all you want is a compact, lightweight, easy maneuvering, and smart stroller, ship gb Pockit Air stroller. It stands the test of time while fitting under and over the seat of many planes. Get it for easy traveling.

4. Baby Jogger City Select LUX Stroller

Originally single, but the stroller is transformable into a double stroller. The second seat is the only requirement, and it lives with your family for years. What makes it most appealing is the exquisite color catalog.

Weight and Maximum Weight Capacity

Compared to other strollers listed, Baby Jogger City Select Lux is the heaviest, with 35.24 pounds. But, the features it is equipped with insist on ignoring this factor. Use it for a baby of 5 years as it fits the babies under this age.

Seat Recline and Padding

Along with the high-quality fabric and the tightened seams, the padding on the seat is thick. It keeps your baby at peace for the hours he’s inside. For safe traveling, the seat is installed with a 5 point harness system that’s difficult to access for babies.

You can recline the seat to straight 180 degrees. That means the seat will be flat, and your baby can have the best naps of his newborn life. Twenty configurations of the seat make it stand out from others. With this stroller, you can attach a car seat as well as a bassinet.

Handlebar Height

Expand the handlebar as much as your husband wants; you can readjust it anytime. It addresses the parents between 5 feet 2 inches to 6 feet and a few inches. So, if your couple and your situation are favorable for a Baby Jogger stroller, get it.

Sun Canopy and Peek-a-Boo Window

The sun canopy of the stroller is perfect for protecting your child from direct sunlight. It is long enough and still UV rays proof. No worries, if your town hits the highest temperature, you can meet your chores in the daytime.

Magnetic closure peek-a-boo window allows you to keep your baby in surveillance. Also, it becomes the channel of airflow for your baby.

Storage Capacity

On the back of the seat is two pockets that keep your handy items safe. It also has a large storage basket under the seat where you can stow multiple shopping bags and groceries you buy at the weekend.

Wheels and Maneuvering

Unable to make through the grass and gravel the way all-terrain strollers make, it handles it fine. It is an amazing stroller with an all-wheel suspension and front swiveling and locking wheel for contented traveling.

Folding and Storage

Getting the stroller sitting nicely in the car’s trunk requires detachment of the parts. However, that’s for the small cars. The folded dimension is 21.5 x 30.5 x 10 inches. So, choose to have this stroller keeping in view these measurements.

What’s So Extraordinary?

  • The footrest of the stroller is adjustable, preventing your baby’s leg from dangling.
  • A handbrake is present on the handlebar. This provides you with maximum control when you are navigating the stroller fast.
  • Multiple configurations and converts to double
  • Adapts a lot of brand’s car seat
  • Easy to maneuver
  • Simple and straightforward brakes
  • Heavy and bulky

Blend of ‘Team Parent’ and ‘Our Observation’

Investing in a worthy deal payback for long years, if you think you can’t go wrong buying this Baby Jogger City Select Lux. It is a dream come true stroller with multiple seat configurations, plenty of storage, a comfy seat, and compelling looks everyone’s after.

5. Chicco Cortina Together Double Stroller

More than a side-by-side double stroller for short moms, if you prioritize a tandem stroller, look no further. Chicco Cortina is the best stroller with an adjustable handlebar. It’s a great option for strolling two babies.

Weight and Maximum Weight Capacity

With 34 pounds weight, the stroller is quite heavy. For a tandem stroller, however, it’s quite fair. Note that the seats of the stroller allow 40 pounds for each child. And, so you might have to give up on it early.

Seat Recline and Padding

The front seat of the stroller reclines flat, but the unfortunate part is that the back seat doesn’t. That means your little newborn will be more comfortable at the front. Sufficient padding on the seats is strong pointer parents appreciate it.

Both the seats are car seat adaptable. However, it permits only KeyFit and KeyFit 2 while attaching them without the adaptor.

Handlebar Height

Unlike the other adjustable handlebars that provide step-less elongation, it does. It expands in three positions, and the height turns out to be 39 inches, 41.5 inches, and 44 inches from the floor. It comes to the lower chest of parents with 5.5 feet.

Sun Canopy and Peek-a-Boo Window

The sun canopies are short in height and don’t cover the entire bodies of the babies. Fine for the cold days, but they might not satisfy you on the hot days. A peek-a-boo window is integrated on the back seat, while the front seat has a mesh panel on the sides.

Storage Capacity

Two cup holders are attached to the frame of the Cortina Together. It also has a roomy storage basket with an access type different than others. Zippers are installed in the basket at the back so you can get the stuff in and out with ease.

Wheels and Maneuvering

Chicco Cortina is so far so good on grass, gravel, dirt, and sand. It handles different terrain very well, and credit goes to all-wheel suspension. You can also access the front swivel locking to maneuver quite easily.

Folding and Storage

Putting this stroller together is an easy job. You can do it quickly, within 10 minutes. After folding, the stroller turns out pretty big with a dimension of 47.75 x 23.5 x 16.75 inches. Know here that it doesn’t fit inside Honda Pilot.

What’s So Extraordinary?

Chicco stroller has quite fine finishes with fabric removable. You can machine wash its seat.

  • Easy access storage basket
  • Car seat compatible
  • Padded handlebar
  • Comfy and reclining seats
  • Short canopies
  • Allow only Chicco car seats

Blend of ‘Team Parent’ and ‘Our Observation’

Chicco Cortina Together is the perfect fit for parents with twins. It provides nice plush to the babies and is known for its secure harnesses. Fitting in the bill, it is one of the best strollers for short moms.

6. Delta Children Revolve Reversible Stroller

Choices of color are fair with Delta Children. It has red and black from which you can pick to fit your style the best. The price of this stroller makes it ready to get from most of the strollers here.

Weight and Maximum Weight Capacity

The umbrella stroller for short moms is a lightweight option of 20.7 pounds. So, if you are petite along with short, this is the best combination to avail yourself of.

It’s great to know that the stroller allows your child to sit in till 50 pounds or 6 years of his life. And, do you know that the baby strollers don’t expire? That’s the best reason for having this cheap stroller if you are running low on pennies.

Seat Recline and Padding

Know that the seat of the stroller doesn’t recline to flat. That’s why it’s suggested to use it for babies of 8 months and more. The bright side comes here, though. You can change the configuration of the seat and face your baby toward you or the world.

It has got a nice layer of padding. Children desire to sit in it due to that.

Handlebar Height

Now comes the part that we are here to discuss: the handlebar. Oh yes, the handlebar of the stroller is adjustable with the button in the middle of the bar.

Sun Canopy and Peek-a-boo Window

On sunny days, the canopy of this stroller is just no less than a blessing. It’s large enough to cover your sleeping baby from head to toe. UV rays-proof knit fabric makes it a safe option.

Integrated zippers on this canopy pop out a peek-a-boo window on expansion. Having control of the peek-a-boo window provides you with peace of mind about your child’s activity.

Storage Capacity

You won’t get this much space with many strollers out there. With the dimension of 13.4 x 11.8 inches basket is enough to keep a few baby gears, toys, and a large diaper bag. Also, the stroller comes with a cup holder attached to the frame.

Wheels and Maneuvering

Along with the even, you can also stroll it on uneven terrains, and all thanks to the all-wheel suspension. Large diameter rubber wheels of 6 inches front and 10 inches back are also credited for this.

Folding and Storage

The good news is that the stroller is folded with the baby seat facing the parent. While the bad news may be the tricky fold of the stroller. The folded dimensions of the 16 x 23 x 35 inches are quite compact and easy to store.

What’s So Extraordinary?

  • Revolve has looks that are found rare. It’s so luxurious and appeals to the eyes of onlookers.
  • With its reflective shoulder pads and piping, now you can take a walk in the dark hours too.
  • Besides being compatible with a car seat, the stroller also fits in the bassinet. That means you can use the stroller right from the next day of your baby’s birth.
  • Sleek and stylish
  • Plenty of storage
  • Compatible with car seat and bassinet
  • Reversible seat
  • Expanding and UV rays proof canopy
  • Not as lightweight
  • Tricky assembly

Blend of ‘Team Parent’ and ‘Our Observation’

Revolve stroller is best to have to look and feel luxurious. It’s so reliable in price when compared with features. Thanks to the adjustable height, it is easy to maneuver by short moms and tall dads. Have it to make your life easier and commute smoother.

7. Britax B-Lively Double Stroller

While tandem and side-by-side are both double strollers, a few parents prefer side-by-side over tandem. And, if you are one of them, Britax B-lively will satisfy you the utmost.

Weight and Maximum Weight Capacity

With 29 pounds, Britax is equivalent in weight to most of the side-by-side strollers available in the market. On lifting, it is even lighter than it looks, and that’s a big game-changer. Each seat of the stroller holds 50 pounds.

Seat Recline and Padding

Consider that the stroller can only snap in one car seat at a time. Whether you can use it after the 6 months of your twin’s birth or with siblings of the age gap. The seat of the stroller has thick padding and heavy-duty fabric.

Even though a side-by-side stroller, both the seats recline independently. This permits both of the kids to decide their sleep, eat, and fun time. Worry not; it offers a flat recline to accommodate the newborn.

Handlebar Height

Since the handlebar of the stroller is adjustable, both you and your husband can manage chores with it. It is a good fit for parents within the height range of 5.4 feet to 6 feet.

Sun Canopy and Peek-a-Boo Window

Just like the recline, the canopies also work independently. This is a good addition as far as it doesn’t bound the baby’s activities sitting next to each other. Fortunately, the canopies are UV rays proof and consist of a peek-a-boo window.

Storage Capacity

Sure, you can throw a lot into the storage basket like a jacket, gears, and diaper bag, and so on. Accessing them would be challenging with the seats reclined. Otherwise, there is a plethora of storage with 6 zippered pockets complementary at the back.

Wheels and Maneuvering

Keep in mind that it’s not an all-terrain stroller. So, it cannot handle the dirty and sandy roads that well. However, it glides pretty smooth on even terrain while absorbing all the shocks with the suspension on its wheels.

Folding and Storage

If you are lazy enough (like most parents) and want a stroller that folds along with the car seat, Britax B-lively is the perfect unit for you. It does fold up well with the car seat; however, that’s not compact.

The folded dimension is 13 x 31.5 x 27 inches which are fortunately small. Small cars, as well as small apartment owners, can make the most out of it.

What’s So Extraordinary?

  • It’s made in such a way that it crosses every door and aisle without making you panic for a moment.
  • Back wheels are featured with parking brakes. This keeps your stroller from moving while you are standing.
  • Passes through every door
  • Large storage pockets and basket
  • Lightweight and easy steering
  • Quick fold
  • A bit expensive

Blend of ‘Team Parent’ and ‘Our Observation’

Britax B lively crosses the door smoothly and is great to ride in heavy crowds. It’s the best stroller for short moms, but it undoubtedly serves equally well to tall parents. Multiple features of it appeal to the parents and make it unbeatable.

Guide to Buy the Best Stroller for Short Moms

You can make the deal of your time if you pay attention to this guide to buy the best stroller for short moms. Must say, this section has always been a game-changer for parents.

Height of the Handlebar

The height of the handlebar keeps the foremost importance when it comes to having the best stroller for short moms. Always analyze the height of one from the ground. After analysis, do compare it with your height and make the final verdict.

Weight of the Stroller

Short parents are, most of the time, petite. So, if you are slim enough, watch the total weight of the stroller. One should be lightweight, under 25-27 pounds, so carrying it stays easy for you.

Type of the Stroller

Go for a tandem or side-by-side stroller if you are held with twins. Look forward to a lightweight and umbrella stroller in case you wander different cities. As the name implies, a jogging stroller will be perfect for you if you’re a running enthusiast.

Prices and Comparison

One tip is to compare the prices of one stroller to others along with the features offered. This way, you’d be better able to judge the option just right for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should you and your husband buy a separate stroller if you have a height difference?

There’s no need to buy a separate stroller even if you don’t share a similar height with your husband. Most of us don’t, and the solution to this is the stroller with an adjustable handlebar.

What should you look for in the stroller for short mom?

There is a lot you keep a strict eye on while buying a stroller for a short mom. That includes the height and weight of the stroller along with its type.

Can a tall parent also find a stroller with an adjustable handlebar the best?

A tall parent will find a stroller with an adjustable handlebar good if he pays attention to the height from the ground. Always check that out and compare it with your height to know if you can easily stroll it.


These were the best stroller for short moms that we found out appropriate and with fewer cons. Each of these strollers has satisfied parents of different heights. Most of them carry your baby till 5-6 years from the newborn stage, which is a good deal.

If you want to keep yourself from daily wrist and arm pains, trade any of these strollers. And, forget not to let us know if there’s a query you’re being tickled with about these strollers.

Also check: 9 Best Beach Strollers

About Author

I've done bachelor and landed straight in this writing field. Every day, I'm trying to explore more and provide my readers more. Besides being a writer, I've also worked as an Editor and Proofreader.

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