5 Best Strollers for First Time Moms and Dads

best strollers for first time moms

Finding the stroller that meets your needs is challenging as a first-time mom. But who told you, you have to do it all on your own? Today, we are here with the 5 best strollers for first-time moms and dads that first-time parents find worthy enough.

Aside from that, there’s a detailed guide that will prove helpful in picking the best stroller. So, let’s get started with the reviewing.

5 Best Strollers for First Time Moms and Dads

GB Pockit+ All-Terrain StrollerGB Pockit+ All-Terrain Stroller

If you are a busy mom, get a GB Pockit+ all-terrain stroller. It has a small footprint and is compact, so it’ll help you cross busy streets and make it through packed aisles. Along with that, it’s a worth it option for traveling.

Thanks to the easy and quick collapsible design with a dimension of 28 x 19.1 x 39.8 inches, you can stow it easily in the overhead compartments of the plane. You can also store it in a small cupboard or packed area of your home.

It has front swiveling and locking wheels, making it easier to take a quick turn in the crowded street. Not made for uneven terrains, the stroller is very easy to push with one hand on even terrains.

The weight of the strollers is 12.3 pounds, while it carries a baby of 6 months and more. What’s apparent here is that you should use it once your baby is capable enough to hold his back and head.

Although the stroller’s seat reclines, it’s not completely flat. That is another reason a newborn should not be sitting inside. However, its weight limit is 55 pounds which means you’ll be using it for long years to come.

Since the stroller’s canopy is short, you need to make sure to attach a stroller sunshade along if your town is hot.

  • Front swiveling wheel
  • Lightweight and compact
  • Quick and easy folding
  • Reclines to a decent level
  • Smooth ride
  • Short canopy
  • Small storage basket

UPPAbaby VISTA V2 StrollerUPPAbaby VISTA V2 Stroller

Not every stroller provides you with what it promises, even if you pay quite handsome. However, Uppababy Vista V2 does stand tall on its features. First of all, the stroller looks gorgeous and has a catalog of colors you can choose from.

Made in the USA, the stroller has full-grain leather with washable fabric. Its seat reclines flat, which proves it a fine option for the three months baby to a toddler who prefers taking naps when he wills.

Included in the package are a stroller frame, rumble seat, bassinet, Mesa car seat, rain shield, and bug cover. Buying it means you have the entire package for multiple years and seasons to come.

As a first-time mom, you’d be having more kids in the time ahead. In that case, it’s the best option to put your bucks on it since the stroller carries three children at a time. You just need to attach a second seat and a glider board to push all of them together.

You can face the baby forward or backward when they are inside it. There are multiple configurations of the stroller from which you can decide the perfect one for your family’s needs.

Aside from that, the stroller has an all-wheel suspension for a smooth ride and a reclining seat to an infinite level. The extra-large basket of 30 pounds is a bonus to keep a large diaper bag, gears, and almost everything you want on commutes.

It has an extendable canopy with the zip along. This canopy is UV rays proof and protects your baby from head to toe. The peek-a-boo window on this canopy helps the baby breathe without a fuss. Alone the drawback is that the strollers weigh 27 pounds which is a bit heavyweight.

  • Looks gorgeous
  • Stands after folding
  • Reclines flat
  • Easy to access, large storage basket
  • Includes rain cover, bug shield, bassinet, and car seat
  • Large canopy with peek a boo window
  • Less weight limit
  • Heavyweight

Thule Urban Glide 2 Jogging StrollerThule Urban Glide 2 Jogging Stroller

Active parents need not give up on their routine after the baby’s arrival. Thanks to Thule Urban Glide 2 jogging stroller, which is one of the best jogging strollers out there.

It has all the features a jogging stroller consists of. The wheels are made out of EVA and large enough. While the back wheels are 16 inches, the front is 12 inches, along with suspension on all of them for smooth rides despite the type of terrain.

One of its best-selling points is the weight limit of 75 pounds. If you invest in this stroller, it’ll pay back for numerous years in a row, offering a seat to your growing child.

Not only can you, but your husband can also easily stroll it even if he’s tall. The handle of the stroller is padded and adjustable, with 35.5 inches at the lowest and 44 inches at the highest setting.

Along with being large, the basket has a top zip cover. Due to this zip, your baby’s gear will never fall out when you run fast. The one-hand recline makes it convenient for times when your baby demands to sleep and is impatient.

Compared to other strollers, it’s a bit heavyweight at ‎32.6 pounds and bulky. However, you can pull its tires off to store a compact version. In the column of safety, it has 5 points harness system and a hand twist brake for full control.

  • Adjustable handlebar
  • All wheels suspension
  • Good weight limit
  • Reclines flat and large canopy
  • Zippered basket
  • Seat is a bit tilted in the most upright position
  • Heavyweight and bulky

Graco Modes Pramette StrollerGraco Modes Pramette Stroller

In budget-friendly full-size strollers, Graco is one of the best strollers for first-time moms. It’s a no-hassle stroller being smooth on almost every terrain, from grass and gravel to sidewalks.

Although it’s made for babies of 6 months, you can also use it right after the birth of your baby. The stroller is convertible and allows you to attach a car seat or bassinet. Buying one falls on your part, though.

Besides that, the seat is also reversible. That means you can face it towards you when the baby is scared of stepping out and snap it forward when he wants to enjoy the ride seeing the world.

As a full-size stroller, it includes a snack tray for children and a cup holder for parents to station your travel mug. The storage basket under the seat is large and wide, fitting inside a large size diaper bag, blankets, and a few toys.

It weighs no more than 20.8 pounds which is fair enough compared to other strollers out there. The weight limit of the stroller is 50 pounds.

Over the head is the large and adjustable canopy. This canopy protects your baby from sun rays when you step out in the afternoon. As a one-hand fold design, it’s really easy to collapse even with the baby armed.

  • Reasonable price
  • Fits in the trunk of the car
  • Snack tray and cup holder
  • Transition to a travel system
  • Adjustable canopy
  • Large basket
  • Accepts Graco car seats only

Peg Perego Booklet 50 Travel SystemPeg Perego Booklet 50 Travel System

Like Uppababy Vista V2, the Peg Perego Booklet 50 travel system has high-end finishes and appeals to onlookers. It has nice thick plush to make sure your baby sitting inside eats, sleep, and enjoys riding the most.

It comes with Primo Viaggio 4/35 car seat, which fits into the stroller without the need for adaptors. Not only the toddler seat but the car seat is also cushioned. Due to this double-layer cushion, the head, neck, and back of your baby rest free of pain and jerks.

Equipped with a bumper bar, the manufacturer has ensured your child’s safety even after plugging 5 points harness system. This bar is a swing away, so you can pull it out when your baby urgently wants to run to pee.

The weight of the stroller is 20.6 pounds which is equivalent to a Graco Paramette stroller. You can recline its seat with just one hand and allow your baby to sleep while traveling. In that regard, the large extendable and UV rays’ proof canopy also helps.

Attention to detail has made it worth it. Unlike numerous strollers, it folds inward, keeping the stroller’s seat far apart from dirt, dust, and germs. However, its unfolding might appear a bit challenging to you as a new mom, but you’ll get used to it after a while.

While it lacks a snack tray, the large storage basket underneath the seat holds more than expected. It’s good enough for a large diaper bag, gears, and blanket with easy access. The suspension system makes it easier to stroll on multiple terrains.

  • Comes with a car seat
  • Fair enough weight
  • Appear luxurious
  • Plush and reclining seat
  • Extendable canopy and the large basket
  • Swing away bumper bar
  • Tricky to unfold

Guide to Buy the Best Stroller for First Time Moms

To a first time mom, stroller features appear challenging to skim through. That’s why here we have the must-see pointers below to have you one of the best strollers for first-time moms.

Stroller Type

Start by checking the stroller type because not every stroller will suit your needs and routine. If you are a runner mom, a jogging stroller is what you need. While a traveling and busy mom should have lightweight or umbrella strollers.

Since it’s your first baby, you can have a transitional stroller. So, you can use it even for the second baby. On the contrary, a full-size stroller is a package of all amenities. So, if you are not in the mood to find stroller accessories, you can have a full-size stroller.


Remember that you’ll be lifting the stroller up and down stairs every time stepping out. That’s why it’s very important that your stroller weighs less.

Weight Limit

Look at the weight limit of the stroller you are most interested in. It allows you to make an estimation of for how much tenure you will be able to use a stroller. Mostly, the strollers have 50 pounds weight limit, and that’s fair enough.

Height of the Stroller

You’d be hitting your legs at the back of the stroller and hurting your wrists if you didn’t pay attention to the height. Make sure you check the height of the stroller from the ground. In this case, an adjustable handlebar is the best solution so you can align the height of the stroller with yours.

Storage Basket

There is a storage basket under the seat of the stroller. Keep an eye on the capacity of this basket. It’s really unpredictable what and how much to carry on the first rides to a new mom, and you always need space to stow in elements.


If your town has hot temperatures, it’s crucial that you check the canopy size of the stroller. It should cover your baby from head to toe. So, you can easily step out for groceries and walks even when the sun is over the head.

Folding and Folded Dimension

At last, check out if the stroller is easy to fold or not. Read reviews on what other parents has to say on this specific feature. Folded dimensions also keep value since you must have enough space in your home or the trunk of the car to travel with the stroller.


These were the best strollers for first-time moms. When you buy one, you need to be careful of the stroller type, weight, weight limit, height, canopy size, basket capacity, and folded dimensions.

By the way, which one of these do you find the most appropriate stroller as a first time mom?


About Author

I've done bachelor and landed straight in this writing field. Every day, I'm trying to explore more and provide my readers more. Besides being a writer, I've also worked as an Editor and Proofreader.