Do Baby Strollers Expire? If Not, Can You Buy Second-Hand?

Do Baby Strollers Expire

Do baby strollers expire? That’s the most wanted answer for parents. Why not, it’s about your little bundle of joy, and he should be safe. Keeping in view your concern, today we’ll discuss this topic under facts.

Do Strollers Have An Expiration Date? Proving through Facts

The straightforward answer to ‘do strollers have expiration dates’ is NO. Strollers don’t expire like the car seat, baby lotions, or food. You might have heard this reply many times, but it doesn’t sound convincing.

Here we’ll prove to you through facts that strollers don’t follow an expiration date.

Seat Bottom

Generally, when we buy a product, the manufacturing date is written just above the expiration date. But, have you ever seen that on the stroller’s seat bottom where the manufacturing date is embossed? This indicates it doesn’t have an expiration date.

Comparison with the Car Seat

The car seat’s expiration is acceptable. It is exposed to elements of the hot and cold temperature while being installed in your car for a long time. Over time, its plastic changes due to the environment, and so it expires. Strollers don’t really have that issue.

Manufacturer’s Call

Think logically, if the manufacturers can state the expiration date of car seats and other baby products, wouldn’t they give a verdict on stroller expiration? There is no official statement present of any stroller manufacturer about the stroller expiration.

If a Stroller Doesn’t Expire, Can You Use it After Long Years?

If your first baby has outgrown a stroller, don’t just throw it away. Your quality stroller can come in handy for baby two, even if you plan the next one with a four-year gap.

The age of the stroller doesn’t matter for usage; its condition does. As far as you are keeping your stroller in good condition and maintaining it, you can use it after a few years.

Parents do use it after five years and so. Definitely, they recondition it, but one stroller of hundreds of dollars is in use again at the end of the day. The price difference is also a role player here. A brand new stroller would cost more bucks than reconditioning.

Until When Can You Use Your Stroller if it doesn’t expire?

The scenario needs consideration of a few pointers for how much time you can use a stroller. Those are:

  • Until your baby is unfit to walk on his two feet, you can manage errands with a stroller.
  • When your baby’s head combats with the stroller canopy, it’s time for you to give up on a stroller.
  • After worse wear and tear, a stroller is no more able to be used in the routine. It turns out threat this way.

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1. Get Mold Out Of Fabric In Stroller | 8 Tried Ways

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How to Get Rid of Your Old Stroller?

You can decide the destiny of your stroller if you don’t want to keep it for several reasons. There’s a lot you can do for your and others’ welfares with a stroller. Here are a few ideas from which you can take your next step to get rid of your stroller:


Don’t just throw it away. You can call the disposal team to take away your stroller and dispose of it for you. This way, you are away from hassles while the environment is still safe.


If you are running tight on your budget, your spare stroller in the storeroom can be sold for a few pennies. It’ll also help someone unable to bet hundreds of bucks on a stroller but in-dire need of one.


Put your two cents in the helping basket and donate your stroller. This can be one of your best deeds. Out there are multiple donation centers like Local Charities, Goodwill, and Donation Town that are happy to take donations you make.

Trade-in Events

Trade-in events are the two in one shot. Where you donate your stroller or baby gear in good shape in these events, they provide you with a discount or a few dollars gift. Like BuyBuyBABY Tuesday trade-in events that get you gift card with cash.

Should I Buy A Second-Hand Stroller?

While we are with the parents who want to sell, donate, or trade-in their stroller, we are also here for those who can’t afford a stroller or a hundred dollars. Buying a second-hand stroller is in no way an issue. You can definitely purchase it and save your bucks.

If you’ve made up your mind to do so, just follow the buying guide below. This will help you get a top-notch second-hand stroller.

What should you look at before buying a Second-Hand Stroller?

With bills, and taxes, and a new baby expected, expenses are hard to manage. One way you can balance your income a bit is through getting a second-hand stroller. So, here we’ll tell you the pointers through which you can get the most out of it.

Check Different Platforms

Mind that strollers are of different kinds. From lightweight to jogging, umbrella to a travel system, the market has a variety of fruitful strollers. While buying a second-hand stroller, you shouldn’t settle with the first cheap option that crosses your eye.

Skim through different platforms available online. Facebook can be the biggest source here. There are a lot of Facebook groups promoting donations for baby gear. Join them and pick the type of stroller you think can bring you the utmost advantage.


Before buying a second-hand stroller, keep a clear watch on the model of the stroller. Not because one should have been bought a couple of years ago but for the replacements parts. So, for instance, if one part of a stroller needs replacement, you can do that.

Specs Inspection

Check the fabric of the stroller; there must be no holes. The wheels of the stroller should be easy gliding. Collectively, we mean to prevent you here from the scams that you can come across if paid no attention to specs inspection.


A few strollers are called off for one reason or another. Before directly making a purchase for a second-hand stroller, probe if it’s recalled or not. In 2021, Baby Jogger City Select Lux Prime Kit and Ergobaby Metrous Stroller are recalled.


You’ll find a second-hand stroller at the best price, must say. We’ve seen a used stroller of $800 selling in $250 in good shape. A vast difference in the price tag is there. For calculation, know that the price of the second-hand stroller should be at least 60% less than that of a brand new one.

How Many Strollers Do You Really Need?

The number of strollers you purchase depends on your vigilance and lifestyle. There are many cases where parents settle with one stroller while the other buy two or three. Let’s discuss here in detail the number of strollers you should have.

Types of Stroller You Need Against Number of Strollers

Parents with One Stroller

  • Parents with one stroller generally can’t afford a second. That’s the reason behind they manage their errands with what type of stroller they have.
  • Keeping parenting simple and newness to the field also let parents have one stroller. Parents in this category usually upgrade stroller numbers after some time.

What’s the Best Type of Stroller if you want Only One?

Let’s say you want to have only one stroller. A travel system would be the best option you can opt for – specifically a jogging travel system if you have an active lifestyle. It allows you to take walks and jog, at the same time, carries your baby from day one and travels down the road.

Parents with Two Strollers

  • Most parents with two strollers believe in sharing responsibilities. Like, the dad strolls the toddler, the mum pushes the newborn.
  • Staying in style is also one of the reasons parents acquire two strollers.
  • Two strollers in one family prevail because parents first buy the wrong type of stroller and regret it afterward.

What’s the Best Type of Stroller if you want Two Strollers?

Two strollers are ideal for a family. It is good to have two options so you can manage chores easily. In this category, parents should have one umbrella strollers so that it collapses easily. Jogging travel system should be hands down the second option.

Parents with Three Strollers

  • One reason for having three strollers is the same as the two: buying the wrong stroller type. In many cases, this leads to excess strollers.
  • You can also buy three strollers if you want to stick to the trends and enjoy the latest featured stroller.
  • Parents with an active lifestyle often prefer three strollers.

What’s the Best Type of Stroller if you want Three Strollers?

If you are buying three strollers by choice, get jogging, an umbrella stroller, and a travel system. These three types of strollers are the perfect fit for several reasons.

For instance, you can walk and jog with a jogging stroller, while a travel system will be there right after your child’s birth. Forget not that an umbrella stroller has quick fold and unfold and so you can effortlessly manage errands with it being there.


Do baby strollers expire? This is the most craved answer from parents for different reasons. Some ask it out of curiosity, and others due to the safety purposes of their babies. Today, we proved with the help of facts that strollers don’t really expire and are safe to use after long years of gap.

Now, you can also buy a second-hand stroller. Keeping the buying guide in view, we have shared above is the prerequisite, though. After all, if you still have any queries on do strollers expire or something relevant, comment below.


About Author

I've done bachelor and landed straight in this writing field. Every day, I'm trying to explore more and provide my readers more. Besides being a writer, I've also worked as an Editor and Proofreader.

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