How Many Strollers Do I Need For My Baby?

How Many Strollers Do I Need

How many strollers do I need?

If you have ever posted this question on a forum or searched for it, the comments might have puzzled you.

Absorbing tons of opinions is challenging when you are a first-time mother.

We get your concern. We really do.

Here’s the thing: the stroller market in the US was 468.2 million dollars in 2018, and reports suggest that it will elevate to 692.2 million dollars by 2025.

Granted that this number will increase with population.

Another reason we assume is that every parent will opt for two or three strollers shortly, resulting in the rise of strollers selling.

In fact, we suggest you buy two or three strollers, and below are the reasons for it.

Also, there’s a roadmap to tell you when to buy the second and third stroller.

So, you spend hard-earned money on the right time and model without wasting a single penny. We are sure you, too, want that for yourself.

How Many Strollers Do I Need?

We’d like to admit that parents told us they simultaneously have 5 to 9 strollers. Like you, we marveled at the number of strollers, but detailed analysis told us that they picked the wrong stroller and ended up buying multiples.

One reason they had multiple strollers was their family size, and we get it. But we still believe 2 to 3 strollers are more than enough for a family if you pick the right type.

One Stroller

  • Having one stroller is common among first-time parents. They are novices and take time to figure out that their needs cannot be pleased with a single stroller.
  • Parents running short on bucks will usually have one stroller at home. Buying two strollers at a time will seem a challenge to them. So, what they do is buy and sell a unit at the same time.
  • You’ll also find parents having one stroller when they buy a luxurious one like Uppababy Vista V2 or Peg Perego YPSI. Little did they know that they’ll need a backup stroller shortly for visiting parks or traveling by plane.
  • There are parents living in a two room small apartment. Managing baby gears along with two strollers appears a big deal to them. They buy a travel system stroller at first and give it away in exchange for a cheap umbrella stroller.

Perfect Type of Stroller When Buying” One” Stroller

If you are one of the parents listed above, we suggest you have a travel system. Going for a jogging travel system will keep you from buying the second stroller – especially if you are a runner.

Keep in mind that jogging strollers are bulky and hefty, and they’d be a pain to deal with in public transport or if you have a small car. That’s why switching to two strollers can bring convenience to your life easier.

Two Strollers

  • For first-time parents, judging the right type of stroller is a challenge. No matter how hard they try, a good percentage of parents get the wrong stroller. For instance, they’d miss checking the handlebar’s height and end up hurting their back and wrists and ultimately buying a second stroller.
  • Since both parents push baby strollers, each has a difference of opinion. One would like a jogging stroller, while the other would want something lightweight that he/she can stroll in the neighborhood. And, it’s totally okay if they keep their comforts parallel with the baby.
  • Weather is one of the most important factors that insist parents buy a second stroller. Most strollers out there come with plastic wheels that cannot stand the snowy weather. So, parents have to go for a rubber-wheeled stroller for easy maneuvering in inches of snow.
  • One of the two strollers parents buy is to keep one in their parent’s home. Children usually visit their grandparents on weekends. So, buying two strollers and storing one on grandparents’ is a nice backup, a few parents believe.
  • Let’s face it – cheap strollers don’t have nice esthetics. So, staying in line with the trend and having an attractive stroller is also why parents buy two strollers. They ride one on crowded streets and take the exclusive one to events.

Perfect Type of Stroller When Buying” Two” Strollers

A travel system (jogging or full size) and a lightweight or umbrella stroller are the best bet if you want two strollers. You can easily catch up bus, train, or plane with a lightweight stroller.

While a jogging stroller will keep your pace on hikes, trails, and jogs. While the car seat in the travel system will allow you to use the stroller from day one of your baby’s birth. Keep in mind that you cannot run with a baby until he hits 6 months.

Also Read: Best Affordable Umbrella Stroller in 2022

Three Strollers

  • A majority of American parents will have three strollers to have ultimate convenience. They don’t want to sacrifice the safety of their baby by jogging with a four-wheeler, nor do they want to make their commute challenging.
  • As we said earlier, parents buy the wrong stroller in a few instances. That’s how they have multiplied the number of strollers. Once they dare take their jogging stroller to the bus or train, it’s when they understand that they need an umbrella stroller for swift traveling.
  • An unplanned baby is a case we commonly hear about in society. Parent give away their travel system and keep a double stroller with an umbrella stroller. The unexpected news of a baby’s arrival suggests parents buy a stroller travel system for newborns and make the total number of strollers three.
  • Another practical reason parents have three strollers is that they a special needs children. Strollers are a different type for special children. So, they spend bucks on two regular strollers while trading one special needs stroller.

Perfect Type of Stroller When Buying” Three” Strollers

Buying three strollers is the best plan. However, we’d suggest picking a double stroller (if you have two babies), a travel system stroller, and a cheap umbrella or lightweight stroller.

Replace a double stroller with a jogging stroller if you are an avid runner. It will help you stay fit and maintain the lifestyle you desire for.

Also Read: Best Stroller for 3 Kids in 2022

Should You Buy Two Strollers at Once?

How Many Strollers Do I Need

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We don’t suggest buying two strollers at once. Buy a full-size or jogging travel system to ride with your baby from the day he births. Give yourself 3 to 6 months to analyze the type of the second stroller you need.

Another reason to buy a second stroller after a while is that you won’t need two strollers in the early stage. Until your baby can hold his head, neck, and back, it is suggested to keep him in a bassinet or car seat stroller.

Pick a stroller that fits your lifestyle by the time your baby crosses his 6 months. Consider your car, the type of house you live in, and where you travel the most to make a vigilant decision on the type of stroller.

Also Read: 5 Best Umbrella Strollers for Tall Parents


Here we will sum up today’s topic of how many strollers do I need.

The number of strollers you need is directly proportional to your lifestyle, the number of kids, and your preference.

Parents have one stroller with a newborn baby. Ultimately, they shift on two or three strollers.

It’s a nice move to have a travel system stroller and an umbrella or lightweight stroller if you are buying two. So, one will help you make groceries while you can jog and hike with the other.

We recommend a lightweight, travel system, and a double stroller (for two siblings) if you buy three strollers.

No need to buy two or three strollers together. Just start your journey with one stroller and pick the second after 6 months to better add convenience to your life.




About Author

I've done bachelor and landed straight in this writing field. Every day, I'm trying to explore more and provide my readers more. Besides being a writer, I've also worked as an Editor and Proofreader.