How to Grocery Shop with a Baby Stroller?

how to grocery shop with a baby stroller.

Calming your baby in the grocery store is challenging when you wear him.

In fact, getting your hands on the items is pretty difficult with a sling worn.

That’s why mums usually ask how to grocery shop with a baby stroller to make shopping easier.

Now, if you don’t know, a household in America has 1.6 visits to grocery shops every week. And this makes insane visits of 83.2 times per year.

Apparently, you cannot manage shopping with a sling for 83.2 times.

Let us say, today we are here to tell you the 5 easiest ways to grocery shop with a baby stroller.

Using these tips, you can smoothly get your hands on the store racks, calm your baby every time he cries, let him nap when he wants, and keep your shoulder from hurting, which is common with a sling.

Not to mention, these tips come from the real-time experience of mums in the grocery store.

Ready to know them? Let’s get started.

How to Grocery Shop with a Baby Stroller?

Ride Cart and Stroller at Once

Pulling the cart and pushing the stroller is the first suggestion we give mums shopping for groceries.

Hold the stroller handlebar with one hand and the cart handle with the other. It will give you a tight grip on both.

Now, the reason we ask you to push the stroller is that the baby stays under your surveillance.

It’s probably not the easiest way to skim through store aisles – especially in a small store – many single mums have managed their grocery shopping this way.

Big Items Goes in the Basket

Every parent is not a pro at multi-tasking, like pushing and pulling the units in the grocery shop.

If you are one of them, you can take advantage of your stroller basket.

Will they think you are stealing? You’ll cry now. Let us mention in advance that they won’t.

Stuffing your stroller basket with groceries is a common practice in the USA. No one will say a word and people usually at the grocery shop are helpful when they see you with a little bunny.

They will aid you in grabbing items from the top rack or taking the additional basket to the front door.

Stay organized while you shop, keeping the big items in the stroller basket under the seat. Fit small things into the cup holder of your stroller.

Hang a Bag on the Handlebar

How to grocery shop with a baby stroller

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Hanging a bag or basket at the stroller handlebar is the easiest way to grocery shop with a newborn.

Although hanging anything on the handlebar is not advisable, you can snap a small basket.

Remember not to overload the handlebar. Otherwise, your stroller might tip – especially if it’s lightweight.

Now, walk through the aisles and stash the items in your basket.

To your surprise, some strollers come with a carry bag for shopping.

Baby Trend sit and stand stroller, for instance. It comes with a tote bag you can keep in the back seat. Altogether, this stroller holds a whopping 50 pounds worth of weight.

And, we can’t explain the relief it has given to parents shopping with a little one.

Pro-Tip: Tighten your stroller’s handlebar (if it’s adjustable); before you hang a bag or basket to keep the stroller from tipping.

Make a List Handy

While making a list before you go grocery shopping is a prep you do at home, we believe it’s worth mentioning here.

Draft a list of items you need to buy from the grocery store for the week. Mention the quantity as well so you are not puzzled standing right in front of an item seizing huge traffic behind.

A list will give you a clear direction of what departments you need to enter.

Not only this, but it will also save you some time and help you get home back quicker. And, it’s really necessary to return home before your little one cries.

Pro-Tip: Write in proper rows and columns, and in writing, you can recognize. (Just kidding).

Ideal Stroller for Grocery Shopping

We have seen mums struggling in the grocery shop with their baby strollers.

In their opinion, shopping with a stroller and baby is not their thing, but that’s not the real reason.

You need the best stroller for grocery shopping for taking a baby to the store.

An ideal stroller for shopping always has wheels that lock on the position. Unlike the rolling carts, they allow you to maneuver through the aisles smoothly.

Additionally, these strollers have a big and deep basket to hold groceries worth a week.

Strollers having baskets of more than 10 pounds of weight limit are perfect.

Next time you see a mum stressed dealing with a stroller at a grocery store, tell them to bring the right type of stroller.

Pro Tips to Grocery Shop with a Baby Stroller

Knowing how to grocery shop with a baby stroller might ease your challenge of shopping for the week, but there’s more to it.

We asked mums about the tips they would give for smooth visits to the grocery store with a baby stroller, and here’s what they told us:

Pro Tips to Grocery Shop with a Baby Stroller

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Use Stroller for Small Shops

A stroller isn’t an ideal option for every grocery store. You can maneuver it easily through small shops but better not bring it into big shops with heavy traffic. Instead, wear a sling when shopping at big stores.

Pick the Low Traffic Time

As we said, don’t bring a baby stroller to a big shop. But, if you do that, make sure to pick up the low-traffic time. Go to your grocery shop around 8 to 9 pm since it is less crowded and pushing a stroller is a breeze.

Stash Out the Bags First

When you get back home, first stash out the bags from the handlebar of the stroller and then the car seat. Mums reported that the stroller tips if you detach the car seat first, resulting in a spill of your groceries.

Cross Check the Stroller

Always check the canopy and the cup holders of your baby stroller when billing to avoid embarrassment. An accident stealing is what every next mum mentioned in their grocery shopping experience with a baby stroller.

Go with Your Husband for Tons of Shopping

You’d know if you’d buy tons of items from the grocery store. Go with your husband if you have a lot to trade home. This way, one can drive the stroller, and the other can push the cart.


Many mums asked us how to grocery shop with a baby stroller.

Here’s what we tell: push the stroller and pull the cart. Put the items in the storage basket of a stroller if you think you cannot manage a stroller and a cart simultaneously.

You can also hang a carry basket or bag on the stroller handlebar. Remember, you shouldn’t overstuff it as it might tip.

One of the smartest things to ease your shopping at the grocery store is to make a list handy and shop accordingly.

Lastly, we suggest you buy the best stroller for grocery shopping. The ideal shopping strollers have locking wheels and big and deep baskets to help you easily trade the items from the store.

Head out confidently next time you go grocery shopping with your baby stroller and use these real-life hacks.


Also Read: Best Stroller for Canadian Winter and Snow

Also Read: Best Stroller Caddy for Uppababy Vista




About Author

I've done bachelor and landed straight in this writing field. Every day, I'm trying to explore more and provide my readers more. Besides being a writer, I've also worked as an Editor and Proofreader.