Which Way Should Baby Face in Stroller?

which way should baby face in stroller

“Which way should baby face in stroller?” As a parent, that is a reasonable question to have. And, if you are looking for the answer to this question, you’ve landed in the right place. Today, we’ll discuss it in detail, along with the benefits of facing a baby forward and rear.

Read till the end to decide better on your baby’s position in the stroller.

Which Way Should Baby Face in Stroller?

No hard and fast rules apply on which way should your baby face in the stroller. It’s all about a matter of preference and mental piece. Usually, we’ve seen babies with 0-9 months strolling with seats towards parents while the toddlers sit facing the world.

None of the positions harms your baby, but both have their own benefits. You can check them out below.

Benefits of Facing Baby Rear/Parent in Stroller


Safety is your foremost concern as a parent. You want your baby’s head, neck, and back to be in an aligned position. In that regard, a rear-facing seat stroller can be very helpful. It allows you to correct your baby’s back or head right after it displaces.

Granted that a belly bar and 5 points harness system is there to hold your baby in his position. It won’t be enough to save his head from the curbs and bumps. Besides, the back-facing position will keep your baby from bumping forward on cracked sidewalks or curbs.

Also Read: Best Stroller with Reversible Seat

Pleasant Naps

Have you ever wondered why your baby cries at the top of his voice in the crowd? Probably that’s the new faces that scares him like a ghost. A baby, especially a developing one, is comfortable and pleasant when one of the two parents is on his radar.

In fact, a study was conducted in the year 2008 in London. It revealed that the babies facing parents in the stroller sleep faster and better than those facing forward. The reason has been described as the peace of mind babies achieve seeing their parents.

Also Read: How to Use Stroller for Newborn


You start your baby’s training at the very first stage of his life. Making him pronounce words correctly to sit upright is all you teach him. In the racing routine, it gets difficult to interact with your baby and navigate him to the right path, yet facing him towards you in the stroller can be the key to doing it.

Face the baby towards you and help him learn things. This can also act as a bridge to strengthen the relationship between you and your child. Exchange thoughts with your baby when he faces you and nourishes his ideas.


Although there’s a peek-a-boo window installed on the canopy of your stroller, it gets pretty challenging to monitor your baby while your stroller’s pace is high. Baby facing you keep you tuned on what he’s up to.

The rear position allows you to monitor each and everything about your child. From when he got to sleep to when he ate a snack stays all in your knowledge. While you might miss one of these things when your baby faces forward.

Benefits of Facing Baby Forward in Stroller

At the right time, it’s very important to face your baby forward. No age is specific for it neither does any condition apply, yet this change is crucial. With the passage of time, your baby needs to recognize that there’s a world outside his parent’s arms.

Out there, folks put their babies in the front-facing stroller once they are able to hold their back, neck, and head. Probably, this is the age between 6 to 9 months. Although your baby can still occasionally facing towards you and talk, seating him forward face is good for his development.

Observe the World Outside

Your toddler knows how to spell words, now is the time to practically make him learn. Forward face your baby’s seat and teach him by pointing at different things. He can learn colors or an animal name that you will come across during the ride.

Not only will he learn with your assistance and face forward, but he’ll also observe the surrounding himself. Pushing the boundaries of his imagination, his horizon will expand. A more creative child means a better outlook in the future.


One of the important reasons parent face their babies towards them is the fret babies have to step outside. They fear new faces, sharp lights on the streets, and continuous buzz in the crowd. Facing your baby forward can knock off this fear.

When you face your baby towards the world, bit by bit, he gains confidence. This confidence is much needed for the progress of his personality. Don’t overemphasize him to face front but make him learn this change for good.


We hope you’ve got the answer to which way should baby face in stroller by now. Facing your baby on either side has no harm but a few benefits. Forward-facing is preferable for a newborn till a baby hits his 9 months. While a toddler is suggested to make seated in the front faced stroller for increased exposure to the world.

Which way do you prefer facing your child, and how old is he/she? Comment below and do let us know.

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I've done bachelor and landed straight in this writing field. Every day, I'm trying to explore more and provide my readers more. Besides being a writer, I've also worked as an Editor and Proofreader.