Why are Bob Strollers so Expensive?

Why are Bob Strollers so Expensive

First-time mums with an active lifestyle try to figure out why are BOB strollers so expensive.

We have seen them in multiple forums searching for a justified reason to put their bucks on an expensive model from Bob.

If you are one of them, good to see you here.

Today we will clear your query and tell you what makes them twice the price as other brands.

Let us say first that over 3000+ positive reviews are recorded for Bob strollers to this date.

Mums buy and recommend Bob strollers for the value they get from this brand’s stroller.

Why are Bob Strollers so Expensive?


Besides jogging, BOB strollers are helpful for multiple terrains. You can push them by the shore on the beach. Or use its large basket underneath to shop at a grocery store in the neighborhood, saving bucks you would otherwise have invested in a traditional stroller.

In other words, BOB is one of the best strollers for jogging and everyday use. The majority of parents have been using BOB stroller for visiting parks.

Large Weight Limit

Most jogging strollers would accommodate your child until 50 pounds. On the contrary, BOB provides you with an extended 25 pounds limit. You get 75 pounds weight limit with the BOB strollers so that you can use them for a long time.

Take Baby Trend jogging strollers, for instance. Its strollers are sold for a cheaper price, but they allow a maximum weight limit of 50 pounds. By comparing it, we can say that BOB costs you more for the promise to serve you for long years.

Easy to Push

Equipped with air-filled tires and a top-notch suspension system, the BOB stroller keeps your baby’s head and neck safe despite the terrain you have in your neighborhood. Its safe rides make it stand out at twice the price of its counterparts.

Parents having Baby Jogger, Britax, and Chicco stroller put BOB above them. They believe the easier push makes it worth every penny and a little expensive. One of the parents said, “BOB is like an ice skater gliding on the ice.”


BOB means to solve every parent’s issue. That’s why its models are featured with an adjustable handlebar. It allows both parents to stroll the unit without hurting their wrists and spending extra on an additional stroller.

Ask in your circle, and most parents will tell you that their wrist or back hurts while pushing a stroller. We have heard parents crying this – seriously. However, BOB, make sure the ride is as peaceful for you as for your baby.

Not only this, the front wheel in its stroller locks. So, you can walk in the neighborhood on a casual day by locking it and stay fit running with it by unlocking it.

Resell Value

Believe it or not, the resell value of BOB strollers is high. You get half the amount you paid when reselling its unit (Of course, the stroller needs to be in good shape) for the high demand and reputation.

For instance, if you have bought a BOB stroller for $500 and used it for a couple of years, you can resell it for $250. We have seen parents buying and selling BOB strollers at a good bargain. Safe to say, the price of BOB Strollers has increased with their demand and praise in the market.


Why are Bob strollers so expensive is something we hear from every first-time mum.

You’d agree that BOB provides multiplied features than its cheaper counterparts but having doubts about the worth of an expensive stroller is normal.

BOB strollers are expensive for their extended weight limit, premium fabrics, multi-purpose use, easy-to-push design, and versatility.

One of the reasons BOB strollers’ prices have elevated is its high demand and parents’ positive experience with the brand’s strollers.

If you are about to buy a jogging stroller, we’d highly recommend BOB strollers. It promises your baby’s safety, gives you smooth rides, and makes you confident about your decision.


Also Read: Best Bob Stroller for Gravel





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I've done bachelor and landed straight in this writing field. Every day, I'm trying to explore more and provide my readers more. Besides being a writer, I've also worked as an Editor and Proofreader.